Why VS2017 folders are named 15 and 15.0_e7be0fe2? - visual-studio-2017

this doesnt make any sense.
Why VS2017 folders are named 15 and 15.0_e7be0fe2 ??
They couldnt come up with a better more descriptive name than "15.0_e7be0fe2"?
And why does it start with 15? I have only installed VS2017.
What is "15" folder for?
Why have these 2 folders with such weird names?
Doesnt make any sense.


How to properly delete projects in PlatformIO?

I use PlatformIO with Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.
Now whenever I:
create a Project with a name X
close Visual Studio Code
delete the Project folder X
open Visual Studio Code
create a new Project with the same name X
I get an empty project with a main.cpp file as expected, but the IDE shows an error for the line:
#include <Arduino.h>
The Error says: "Include Error recognised. Update your includePath." (Translated)
However, if I try to build, it compiles just fine. Even uploading and running works.
This include error appears not only with Arduino.h but with all includes, even if the file is in the exact same location. And it appears in other files than just main.cpp as well.
Can you tell me why this happens? How can I reuse the project names of deleted projects? Or If I should not delete projects like this (delete the project folder), how else would I delete a project?
I tried this with multiple project names and different boards, always with the same result.
Things I tried so far:
I found a Folder .cache in the PIO directory. But unfortunately renaming it (after step 3) did not help: after restarting PIO it recreated the folder as expected but the error message is still here.
In the same location there is a file homestate.json that among other things contains the path to recently opened projects. I removed those entries without luck.
I am just starting out with VSCoode and PlatformIO so i can't tell you why all of what you are seeing is happening is happening.
I use VSCode v1.63.0 on Windows 10.
If you want to delete the old project name, reuse it or not, you can bring up the Command Palette under the View menu (Shift-Control-P for me) and search for Workspace: Remove Folder from Workspace...., it will only be listed if you have projects in the workspace. A list of projects will be displayed, selected which one to delete and click on it. There will not be a confirmation prompt.

cannot seem to get boost and quantlib directories to align

I have tried a number of different methods to try and get QuantLib to work on my windows machine. I would prefer to have QuantLib running in eclipse (so if anybody has any help in this direction I would be much appreciated!).
However, most online tutorials give their instructions using Visual Studio so I decided to try and get it working using this. I have followed this tutorial to a T and I still cannot get it working.
I have a folder looking like the following:
(My computer >> Documents >> cplusplus)
Next I enter the "QuantLib" folder and open the file "QuantLib.sln" where I enter visual studio.
I highlight the two projects in the solutions folder and select the wrench / properties tab
Which brings me to this tab:
Note that Todas las config = all config and Todas las plataformas = all platforms from minute 5.55 of the Youtube video.
I then go to "Directorios de VC++" - "VC Directories" and apply the following settings:
I then click "build /Compilar" -> build solution
I get the following error:
So how can I match Boostup with Quantlib and C++ - I like eclipe but at this stage I just want to understand the quantlib package
In the video the screen shot is the following:
Where I have in the intermediate directory the following: .\build\$(qlCompilerTag)/\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ which is different to the video. Additionally they have the following which includes an (includePath) addition to the include directoies tab:
Just some additional observations I noticed...
EDIT 2: I have also modified the directorios intermedio line to match the Youtube videos results. It was set at some default value beforehand. (i.e. qlCompilerTag)/ was something differnet.
I changed the directories:
and get this ouput:
(removed the underscore)
With the following output:
##### EDIT (Following the official documentation)
I think I managed to solve the main issue I was having but now I am getting a new issue.
When I build the solution I get the following error:
When I go to the folder C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cplusplus\boost_1_73_0\lib64-msvc-14.1 I locate the following files.
So Visual Studio is looking for the wrong files. What have I done wrong here? I downloaded the 64 bit version of boost? Is there a 32 bit version?

"Samples Environments for Microsoft Chart Controls" failing to compile

I wish to view the samples in the "Samples Environments for Microsoft Chart Controls" code available on the Microsoft website. However when I try to build the project in order to create an exe that I can open, I get the following error:
Cannot write to the output file "obj\Release\System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Utilities.SampleMain.VerticalTabPageButton.resources". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
Am I missing something here? How am I supposed to navigate this set of samples?
Oh, and I manually edited the .sln file so it opens in VS2008. But I don't think that has anything to do with my problem.
I encountered the same problem when trying to unzip the "Samples Environments for Microsoft Chart Controls.zip" file.
I was attempting to unzip to my "Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Project" folder. Obviously this folder is quite far down a directory structure on the PC, so I received the same error.
So here's the solution: unzip the file to somewhere quite high up your PC's directory structure - for example, the root of your c drive, i.e. "c:\".
You'll then find you don't receive the "Path Too Long" error message.
Best wishes,

Eclipse CDT MinGW path variables

My Eclipse didn't show any console outputs.
I tested the ".exe" in the debug file of my C++ project, with wich i received an error that "libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll" was missing.
I read abit on this and i found that i could simply copy/paste that file from my c:/MinGW/bin folder to the ".exe" in the "/debug" folder of my project.
That helped me with that error but i then received the message that "libstdc++-6.dll" was missing, so i did the same again.
Now The ".exe" works fine and I get an output in my eclipse.
But now i'm afraid that i will get simillar erro's at my next build if i use some what more complex programming.
I also think that it would be very timeconsuming if i have to add those files too all of my future projects.
So my question now isn't there a way to tell eclpise that those .dll files are at "c:/MinGW/bin"?
I suspect that a similar question already exists but I wouldn't have a clue on what tags I'd have to search for.
Speacial thanks to #Deniz !
right click on "my computer" => properties .
on the right select "Advanced system settings".
open "Enviormentvariables"
search for "path"
select Edit
you'll have a list of paths, hit "end" on your keyboard to make sure you are at the end of this list.
then add ";" to close the previous path and add the path to your MinGW/bin location. (by default C:\MinGW\bin).
result in adding ";C:\MinGW\bin"

Environment variables in Visual Studio 2013

I'm trying to set my project include to the path %OPENCV_246%\..\..\include
This resolves to the path F:\dev\opencv_246\build\include
However, when setting the project includes, that path will not resolve and as a result the included headers break.
I've tried both %OPENCV_246%\..\..\include and $(OPENCV_246)\..\..\include with no luck.
Using the path directly fixes my includes, but I'd like to have a better way of managing the path through environment variables.
In the screenshot I've added both for clarity, If anyone could point out the step I'm missing here I'd appreciate it.
EDIT: Variable OPENCV_246 contains value F:\dev\opencv_246\build\x86\vc11
Dev studio won't recognize any environment variables that have been changed since it was started, so if you change one, a restart is required (of Dev studio, not the computer).
This sounded similar to my problem, which was getting VS2013 to acknowledge a change I made to my environment variable (in my case QTDIR). Even after a restart and a shutdown, it obstinately hung on to the old value !! (you can see the value if you go to edit a project setting, hit the "Macros" button, and scroll down the list to find e.g. "$(QTDIR)" )
Here it suggest VS2010 cahed values heavily, but 2013 seems even more keen !
After some FindInFiles for the old path, it seems that VS2013 caches environment variables in your .vcxproj.user file. I have no idea how it got in there in the first place.
So I deleted the entry, closed the solution, checked the file again in WordPad to make sure the entry hadn't been put back in. Then I re-opened the solution, but the old value was still there in the Macros list !
Closing VS seems to have done the trick. Now it seems to have the right path - although I'm sure I checked after I first opened the solution and QTDIR wasn't in the Macros list at all - maybe I'm confused...
Well, it all seems to be working now, and my project builds and links to my Qt libs without complaints :-)
And, the entry in the vcxproj.user file hasn't come back. So I still don't know how it got in there. Maybe I did something to cause it a while back in a previous version of VS...