build a console application file explorer c++ - c++

I need to make a windows console application file explorer using c++ , but I couldn't figure out how to use functions to display files nor how am I going to make it look like knowing that console application doesn't support buttons or displaying lists , specially that the project must be based on windows.h library. any tip, advice or suggestion may be helpful , thank you !

Have a look at and scroll down to method 4. There you can see a possible implementation of a read-directory function. You should store a default start path, implement some console arguments as commands, then, whenever the user writes a command (for example goUp) ,change the path accordingly (in this case, remove the last foldername), call the function, which reads the directory, again and output all files in that folder.


How to call an .exe (C++) from windows console to create a folder in a different directory (or any directory)?

I have been researching a topic unsuccessfully for a couple of days. I'm a C ++ rookie, and as a practice i decided to make a basic (very very basic) copy of a version control system.
I have separated the project into steps. The first step (splited in activities) is:
The user searches, in the windows console, for the directory where the files he wants to track are located. Let's say he reached the desired path: C:\MyProjectFolder\ProjectToTrack>
Once inside ProjectToTrack folder the user applies this command: C:\MyProjectFolder\ProjectToTrack> emi track. "emi" is the name of the .EXE that i created in C ++ and the track parameter tells to the executable to create a hidden folder inside the ProjectToTrack folder.
Note: Obviously emi.exe is not in the path C:\MyProjectFolder\ProjectToTrack, let's say that emi.exe is in C:\ProgramFiles\emi\emi.exe
That's it, once this is done I will pass the second step, but I will take care of that problem later.
For now, after practicing and reviewing documentation i have achieved:
The .exe that creates a hidden folder in the path that was sent to it as a parameter, having said that ...
I also know how to send parameters to an .exe through windows console.
But, what I still can't get is:
Calling to emi.exe (C:\ProgramFiles\emi\emi.exe) through the console from any directory (necessary to track any file in any folder).
When C:\MyProjectFolder\ProjectToTrack> emi track is applied, I know how to send the parameter track to emi.exe, however, it is evident that I must also capture the current path (path i accessed from the console), so that emi.exe knows where to create the hidden trace folder; well, i still don't figure out how to capture and send this path to the main function of the .exe.
I have not found something related to what i need, english is not my default language so maybe i'm not using the correct terms, I hope that what i have said here is understandable.
PS.1. I'm currently trying to build this project using "windows.h", i would appreciate it if your comments were related to this library. Once i have understood this, I will start practicing with portability.
PS.2. I don't want a detailed solution, I just want an opinion or recommendation and maybe some links where to find what I need, I can do the rest.
Thank you!
Calling to emi.exe (C:\ProgramFiles\emi\emi.exe) through the console from any directory (necessary to track any file in any folder).
For this you need to add the folder of your executable (i.e. C:\ProgramFiles\emi) to the system global variable called PATH (both Windows and Linux work this way, and must be MAC OS as well but I never used it).
When C:\MyProjectFolder\ProjectToTrack> emi track is applied, I know how to send the parameter track to emi.exe, however, it is evident that I must also capture the current path (path i accessed from the console), so that emi.exe knows where to create the hidden trace folder; well, i still don't figure out how to capture and send this path to the main function of the .exe.
For this take a look at this STD function here: (personally I've never used it but must be what's you're looking for).
Good luck with your endeavor!
If the user does not pass in a target path explicitly as a parameter, the EXE can use the Win32 GetCurrentDirectory() function, or in C++17 and later the standard std::filesystem::current_path() function, to retrieve its current "working directory".
If the user navigates a console window to C:\MyProjectFolder\ProjectToTrack and then executes C:\ProgramFiles\emi\emi.exe, the current working directory will initially be C:\MyProjectFolder\ProjectToTrack.

How do I launch an exe that's in the same subfolder as the main one? (C++)

I'm working on a program download manager with options to open the app you've downloaded.
You can download an app and it would be here:
And the main program would be in
I need to find a way to start the app. As seen below, i've tried many ways of doing it (system, ect).
(also system() only opens apps in the same directory so i could do something there).
I can do a separate application, but if someone knows how to implement it into a .NET gui, that would be helpful
I tried:
ShellExecute, System, Create Process
(help me on this one im confused)
I need it so that it makes the full directory.
I try something like :
and it wont work
and i tried to merge strings with getmaindirectory and it says not found
To get a new path that is relative to the EXE of the current process, you can do the following:
Retrieve the calling process's full EXE path via GetModuleFileName() or .NET equivilent.
Strip off the filename portion (MAINFILE.EXE) using System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName().
Append the desired relative path segment (apps/APPHERE.exe) using System.IO.Path.Combine().
Then you can use the new path with whatever API you need.

c++ console in a non-console application project

I'm working on a windows application in C++, and I'd like to use cout for debugging purposes.
It seems that the effects of cout are hidden, is there a configuration option that will allow a console window to open with my debug information?
You have a couple of reasonable options. One is to rename your entrypoint from WinMain to main, so it'll be built as a console application. That can still use things like RegisterClass and CreateWindow just fine.
The obvious alternative would be to use OutputDebugString instead of cout. The output from that will show up in a debugger, or any number of programs built specifically to display what it produces (basically mini-debuggers that just don't provide other debugging capabilities).
A third solution I'd consider less reasonable is to call AllocConsole to allocate a console, then write to it. If you don't mind doing all your writing with Windows-native console functions (WriteFile, WriteConsoleOutput, etc.) that's fine. Unfortunately, it won't initialize the C++ streams to work with the console, so you'll need to either open file streams pointing the console, or else find and use the (undocumented) function that initializes the streams library for the console. While this can be made to work, you end up doing extra work to write non-portable code, and little (if any) advantage to make up for it (and in this case, "non-portable" can include not even working with other versions of the same compiler, at least if you invoke the library's initialization function).
To add a console window to a GUI application, you can use the AllocConsole API.
Then you just need to open the special file name "CONOUT$" and attach your streams to it (cout, cerr, etc)
See this explanation on MSDN.
I believe the accepted answers are actually not what you are looking for. You say you need it only for debugging, not for release. Your best options are:
a) redirect stdout and stderr to a file and then inspect the file. This you can set in the VS project Properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging > Command Arguments: you should enter >out.txt 2>&1. This will output both stdout and stderr to out.txt
b) set your debug (you say you need it only for debugging) configuration Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > System > SubSystem to Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE). Then you can run the project with F5, but it will hide the console window when your application finishes. If you run it with Ctrl+F5 (but then you will not have debugger attached), then it will not be hidden.
The simplest way to do this is to start a Console application from scratch:
In VisualStudio, File > New Project. Select Win32 Console Application. Select various options and create the new project.
Note that although it says Win32 Console Application, you can create x64 builds without restriction.
At this point you have an application shell. If you already have code and you want to bring it in to this new project, simply do Project > Add Existing Item... and select the files to include in the project.
Managing a console from a GUI program is horribly messy, and I suggest you do it another way. For instance, if you need to see the messages in real time, display them in a window; if not, write them to a file.
just use OutputDebugString() but remember to either set your character set to multibyte, or if you don't want to do that, you could write your code like this:
// with multibyte character set:
OutputDebugString("Failed to do something");
// without multibyte character set:
OutputDebugString(L"Failed to do something");

Windows Edit Start Up Applications C/C++

I was looking at a project that someone wanted done and in order to do it I need to edit Windows' Start Up Programs. I am unsure of where to begin looking. What I really need is just a reference to some Windows API functions that will let me do this.
Startup programs is just a directory, I don't think there are any specific functions for it. You should be able to create shortcuts inside and that should be it.
c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
As Nikola Smiljanić says the Startup area is just a directory with file shortcuts in it. However it is dangerous to use a hardcoded path because this changes with different versions of Windows.
You can get the path to the startup folder with the SHGetFolderPath function and CSIDL_STARTUP as a parameter.

Executing command prompt's functionality using Win32

What Windows API functions are available to execute command prompt's functionality? For example, I like to execute dir command and want to show the output in GUI without using cmd.exe in Windows.
You can start cmd /c dir S:\ome\Path from your process and grab the output. Otherwise it's not possible. But if you're not interested in particular formatting details of dir then you're probably better off just enumerating files/directories and display them.
The dir command is built into the cmd.exe, it's not a separate executable. There's no way of executing it short of running cmd.exe.
EDIT: As for the displaying of results, you need to fill in the STARTUPINFO.hStdXXX members, probably using an anonymous pipe. See this example.
For a console app you can use popen(), but things are by no means so easy from a GUI app. See for one approach.
If you want a listing of files in a given folder see this question which describes how to achieve it, using windows api or a more generic boost approach.
Everything the Windows command line does is done through the Win32 APIs.
For example, with regard to "dir", FindFirstFile() and FindNextFile() will give you the contents of a directory.
For any given command, you will need to figure out which APIs/function calls are in use and then learn how to use them yourself in your own code.