Dockerize a Visual Studio C++ project on Windows home - c++

I am new to Docker, using windows 10 home edition, and want to create a docker image for my C++ project developed with visual studio. As far as I understand, the image I need to create is going to be a windows image, and therefore I need to install “Docker for windows” and enable the Hyper-V feature. This is not possible with my windows home edition, as Hyper-V is available for windows 10 pro only. The other alternative, using “Docker toolbox” and a virtualbox linux VM, does not support creating or pulling windows containers. Did I miss something? Is there a workaround?

You could use the Windows Linux Subsystem:
EDIT: On second read of your question you probably want to have a windows-container for visual studio. This solutions makes Linux-containers possible, but doesn't help with windows images...

As you know, you are unable to install Docker for Windows Home edition, as it requires Hyper V virtualization.
So these are your options:
You will need to install Docker Toolbox which uses VirtualBox instead.
Docs and setup info available here:
Release downloads available here:
Toolbox will install everything you need including VirtualBox.
You may also need to enable virtualization in your computer's BIOS settings. This will be different for each manufacturer, please refer to their documentation on which keys to use to access these settings on reboot.
After Toolbox is finished installing, open the Docker Quickstart Terminal. This will complete the setup and provision your VirtualBox machine.
Check your install:
Launch the Docker QuickStart terminal and type the command:
docker run hello-world
This should pull down the test container and print hello-world to your screen.


How to write native C++ in VS 2022, using Linux for build and test

I need a native C++ app to make from scratch. It has to run on linux (CentOS). I want to use VS2022 to write and test. I have Hyper-V VM with CentOS.
I tried to google a solution but there are only posts for using WSL.
Can someone please describe steps to connect VS to Linux VM instead of WSL so I can build and run the app on the VM.
This article describes the process:
add workload to the VS using VS Installer (Linux and embedded..)
create project of correct type
add SSH credentials in the project Properties (also can be added/removed/edited in Tools-Options-Cross Platform)

Is it possible to run an oracle container image in local machine without docker desktop?

I have oracle container images in Oracle Container Registry in OCI cloud. The image can be from anywhere.
I need to execute/run those images in my local machine but my requirement is I cannot use Docker Desktop currently.
I see there are a few alternatives are there like podman, rocket where I can run these images in the local machine.
I need to know from the experts the best way to run the images in the local machine without the Docker Desktop.
Advance Thanks.
Docker containers run natively in Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10. These labs are based on the latest releases of Windows and Docker which provide the best experience for containerized Windows applications.
The minimum requirements are:
Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise, with Windows update 1809 or
Windows Server 2019
You can install a native Windows binary which allows you to develop and run Windows containers without Docker Desktop. For more information about running Windows containers on Windows Server in Getting Started with Windows Containers.
To answer this question it really depends on what sort of instances you're running within your tenancy to interact with Oracle Cloud Container Registry. (You mention Oracle Container Registry in your question but that's actually the Oracle publishing platform for Oracle container images, but I think you mean the registry as a service in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure which is Oracle Cloud Container Registry.)
Most people that I know use Oracle Linux within OCI as it's the preferred OS for deploying instances. As such, my answer is based on that.
If you're using Oracle Linux 7, then the native docker that you would install on your instances would not be Docker Desktop, but instead a version of the docker ecosystem built for Oracle Linux systems. It's completely free to use (vs Docker Desktop).
If you're using Oracle Linux 8, then the native container client is podman which functions very much similarly to docker client, but some subtle differences.
In either case, you could choose to run other container runtimes, none of which would be Docker Desktop.

deploying to ubuntu instance on aws from windows

I want to deploy a python project to ubuntu instance on aws from a windows operating system, but all tutorials I have encountered either use ubuntu or mac as their development/local machine.
Is the deployment from windows the same i.e. after createing the instance all I would then be doing from the local windows system would be running inside the ubuntu instance?
is there any tutorial which can help me achieve my objective?
Note i am deploying directly without git.
ANy help would be appreciated
To transfer files to an ubuntu instance you could use SSH, from windows you could download an SSH client such as Mobaxterm (! or download Windows Subsystem for Linux (! then use SCP to copy files (!. Both options require that you have the .pem security file for your instance
Your best bet is going to be installing WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux) and using that to run bash commands. This will make your life a whole lot easier as you won't have to look for Windows specific tutorials and you can now follow Ubuntu/Linux tutorials.
What is WSL? It is essentially a Linux VM built into Windows. It will provide you with a terminal running Ubuntu or pretty much any other Linux distro you could want.
How to install WSL

Is there a way (in Vmware) to open a Host-file with a Guest App from the Host computer?

I'm planning to install Visual Studio (for editing .aspx files) in a guest VM.
If I'm working in the Host computer, is there a way to open a file on that Host with a program in the Guest VM?
You could use the Shared folder feature for access to files on a host machine from Guest VM. To use this feature you should install the VMware tools on Guest VM. After setting up the Shared folder, you can access files on the host in a path like “\.host\Shared Folders\Test files”.
To send a command to open file on Guest OS from the host you could use vmrun utility, which helps you manage virtual machines from command line (for more detail see this official manual and examples in “Running Guest Applications”). On the other hand, you could just open a VM console and run script manually :)
In addition, I don't recommend to install Visual Studio on Guest VM. The Visual Studio will always execute faster on the host. Moreover, you will be more convenient to work with snapshots and few VMs. In this case, you could use remote debugging tools for debug and automatically deploy your application on Guest VM after build.

Can you install vmware server 2 on the Windows 8 preview?

Apologies if this has been asked already, searching the web reveals lots and lots of threads about installing the Win8 beta on VMware but not the other way around.
I am trying to install VMware Server 2.0.2 on a Windows 8 Preview machine. It appears to install correctly but I cannot then reach the web based homepage to configure virtual machines, i.e.
gives the error that the "connection attempt to localhost was rejected. The website may be down or your network may not be properly configured".
Has anyone had any success running VMware Server 2.0.2 on Windows 8 Preview? If so were there any gotchas you needed to avoid?
I don't think it will ever be resolved. VMware Server was declared End Of Availability in January 2010; There will be no support for Windows 8.
Your best try would be trying launching the services in compatibility mode, but why would you do that? Why not use the much more advanced VMware Player or VMware Workstation products?
I've found a way to run it on Windows 8.
On my PC with a x64 version of Windows 8, when I installed VMware Server 2, I found there was a service called VMware Host Agent that cannot be run. When I opened the system Service Manager and clicked to launch this service, it gave me the error.
My solution is to create a service with the same command string and set it to start automatically by using the "sc create" command in cmd.exe. And it worked for me!