Visual Studio scripting error when debugging - visual-studio-2017

When I try to debug with Visual Studio 2017 I see scripting errors like the following:
"An error has occurred in the script on this page."
There are various errors in various scripts that I have to click though.
I tried clearing Internet Explorer out completely, cookies, temp files, everything. This only started after a recent update to VS2017.

Just upgrade Internet Explorer to 11

WebBrowser>> Properties ScriptErrorsSuppressed set it True


Visual Studio 2017: A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated

When executing unit tests in debugging mode, I get the following error message:
A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated. For more
details please see the Microsoft Help and Support web site.
HRESULT=0x8000ffff. ErrorCode=0x0.
So my steps to fix the issue,
1- [Preventive action]
Update the Visual studio 2017 , from the yellow flag notification or from
Tools >> Extensions & Updates >> Updates >> visual studio marketplace.
2- Search in your test solution for launchsettings.json file and remove it.
3- Clean the test solution .
4- Rebuild the project .
5- Make a cup of coffee ;).
Restarting Visual Studio solved this issue for me.
Cleaning the solution didn't work for me, and I couldn't find a launchsettings.json.
What eliminated the error for me: Changing the Startup project to a project other than the test project, as mentioned in this MSDN forum post.
Clean the solution and try again. See Visual Studio Forum for details. It helped in my case.
Try to check your depencency packages and references and try to ensure that all is ok. I fix this problem delete unnecessary and broke dependencies.
I had a similar issue and was because of the .Net Framework Target settings were wrong. It was set to .NET 5.0 which was not supported by VS2017. Opening the project in VS2019 solved the issue.

How to fix the error "Windows SDK version 8.1" was not found?

I recently updated visual studio 2015 and now, when i try to build any project it always fails and i get the error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error MSB8036 The Windows SDK version 8.1 was not found. Install the required version of Windows SDK or change the SDK version in the
project property pages or by right-clicking the solution and selecting
"Retarget solution". Proj D:\Program Files (x86)\visual studio
2017\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Platforms\Win32\PlatformToolsets\v141\Toolset.targets 34
I retargeted the solution as it said, and the problem persisted, even though the retargetting was completed.I decided to install visual studio 2017 because of this, and, lo and behold, it did the exact same thing.I'm also using windows 7.
What is the problem and how can i fix it?
I faced this problem too. Re-ran the Visual Studio 2017 Installer, go to 'Individual Components' and select Windows 8.1 SDK. Go back to to the project > Right click and Re-target to match the SDK required as shown below:
I installed the 8.1 SDK's version:
It used 1GB (a little more) in the installation.
Update October, 9 (2020). There's a https error: the sdksetup link is
"Save link as" should help.
Another way (worked for 2015) is open "Install/remove programs" (Apps & features), find Visual Studio, select Modify. In opened window, press Modify, check
Languages -> Visual C++ -> Common tools for Visual C++
Windows and web development -> Tools for universal windows apps -> Tools (1.4.1)
and Windows 10 SDK ([version])
Windows and web development -> Tools for universal windows apps -> Windows 10 SDK ([version])
and install. Then right click on solution -> Re-target and it will compile
I had win10 SDK and I only had to do retarget and then I stopped getting this error. The idea was that the project needs to upgrade its target Windows SDK.
I realize this post is a few years old, but I just wanted to extend this to anyone still struggling through this issue.
The company I work for still uses VS2015 so in turn I still use VS2015. I recently started working on a RPC application using C++ and found the need to download the Win32 Templates. Like many others I was having this "SDK 8.1 was not found" issue. i took the following corrective actions with no luck.
I found the SDK through Micrsoft at the following link as referenced
above and downloaded it.
I located my VS2015 install in Apps & Features and ran the repair.
I completely uninstalled my VS2015 and reinstalled it.
I attempted to manually point my console app "Executable" and "Include" directories to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Kits\8.1 and C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1A\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools.
None of the attempts above corrected the issue for me...
I then found this article on social MSDN
Finally what resolved the issue for me was:
Uninstalling and reinstalling VS2015.
Locating my installed "Windows Software Development Kit for Windows 8.1" and running the repair.
Checked my "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Kits\8.1" to verify the "DesignTime" folder was in fact there.
Opened VS created a Win32 Console application and comiled with no errors or issues
I hope this saves anyone else from almost 3 full days of frustration and loss of productivity.
Grep the folder tree's *.vcxproj files. Replace <WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>8.1</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion> with <WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>10.0</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion> or whatever SDK version you get when you update one of the projects.
For me in the Project Properties Settings General->Target Platform -> Change Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 solved the issue
Install the required version of Windows SDK or change the SDK version
in the project property pages
by right-clicking the solution and selecting "Retarget solution"
If you do visual studio guide, you will resolve the problem.
I encountered this issue while trying to build an npm project. It was failing to install a node-sass package and this was the error it was printing. I solved it by setting my npm proxy correctly so that it could reach the npm repo
PROBLEM: I ONLY get this compile-time "Windows SDK version 8.1 not found" error ( and a few other very-hard-to-resolve-nuisance errors -- cannot list them all ) when I export a project from an old version of MS Visual Studio (VS) to the new MS VS (2017), using the new MS VS export/"One-way Upgrade" feature.
SOLUTION: I have since learned to not use this export/upgrade feature and instead just create the new project from scratch -- using all my old source files, of course. Only my project settings have to be rebuilt, to be clear.
This is a bit of a pain, and a shame the export/upgrade feature won't work properly like it used to, but this is is actually easier and faster in the long run. MUCH better than working through a list of spurious errors that really should not have arisen in the first place.
Hope this helps...

Missing vc_runtimeminimum_x86.msi and installation won't work

I'm currently going through the installation process for Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition to use with C++. Halfway through installation, I get an error stating
"The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi' in the box below."
If I hit cancel, the procedure continues and at the end tells me that the setup has failed. It gives me the error logs attached at the bottom of this post.
Also, I have uploaded the complete logs on the Microsoft Visual Studio developer help forum here.
I'd like to be able to solve this problem without having to do a re-installation of the OS. So far, I've tried /sfc scannow, repairing through the Visual Studio Installer, and reinstalling the C++ redistributables, but all too no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
The product failed to install the listed workloads and components due to one or more package failures. Incomplete workloads Desktop development with C++
Universal Windows Platform development
Visual Studio extension development
Incomplete components C# and Visual Basic
C++ profiling tools
Graphics debugger and GPU profiler for DirectX
JavaScript and TypeScript language support
Profiling tools
Static analysis tools
Universal Windows Platform tools
Universal Windows Platform tools for Cordova
Universal Windows Platform tools for Xamarin
VC++ 2017 v141 toolset (x86,x64)
Visual Studio extension development prerequisites
Visual Studio SDK
(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VSSDK,version=15.0.26208.0) You can search for solutions using the information below, modify your selections for the above workloads and components and retry the installation, or remove the product from your machine. Following is a collection of individual package failures that led to the incomplete workloads and components above. To search for existing reports of these specific problems, please copy and paste the URL from each package failure into a web browser. If the issue has already been reported, you can find solutions or workarounds there. If the issue has not been reported, you can create a new issue where other people will be able to find solutions or workarounds. Package
'Microsoft.VisualCpp.Redist.14,version=14.10.25008,chip=x86' failed to install. Search URL:;PackageAction=Install;ReturnCode=1603 Impacted workloads Desktop development with C++
Universal Windows Platform development
Visual Studio extension development
Impacted components C# and Visual Basic
C++ profiling tools
Graphics debugger and GPU profiler for DirectX
JavaScript and TypeScript language support
Profiling tools
Static analysis tools
Universal Windows Platform tools
Universal Windows Platform tools for Cordova
Universal Windows Platform tools for Xamarin
VC++ 2017 v141 toolset (x86,x64)
Visual Studio extension development prerequisites
Visual Studio SDK
(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VSSDK,version=15.0.26208.0) Log
Details Command executed:
"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualCpp.Redist.14,version=14.10.25008,chip=x86\VC_redist.x86.exe" /q /norestart /log "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_setup_20170412231725_117_Microsoft.VisualCpp.Redist.14.log"
Return code: 1603 Return code details: Fatal error during installation.
I ran into this problem as well on a recent build of Win 10 + trying to install latest VS Community. When I entered this state, things appeared to be super broken. Here's the sequence of events that I took which finally worked:
In the installed, select to "download all packages and then install"
Attempt installation
See the popup
With the popup still up, go here: and download the tool
Open the tool and then select "Uninstall" on the page it says "do you need help installing or uninstalling"
On the next page with the list, select Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (whatever) and hit next to "Try Uninstall"
Repeat steps 5 - 6 until I didn't see any "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015" left in the list. Note that the popup is still showing.
Close the popup
Pause the install and Resume it.
I didn't see the pop up again and it appears to have installed correctly.
If you're coming here a year after the solution was marked without any resolution, try that and see if it works around the issue for you.
Here are some other things I tried which didn't work for me. If the above didn't work for you, maybe try some of the following which I collected through some searching:
Going to C:\Program Data\Package Cache, searching for the msi package, giving the installer the literal path to what I found. Installer complains "wrong version"
Using after the install failed and then repairing (same error).
Uninstalling VS 2015 packages after install failed and repairing (same error).
Ignoring the error. When I did this, VS didn't have any templates installed and devenv /installvstemplates didn't solve this.
Go to Control Panel--Programs and Features, uninstall the Visual C++ 2015 Redistribute items.
After that, run the tool: Re-run the VS 2017 installer as administrator, then click the icon besides 'Launch' and choose 'Repair' to repair the VS 2017.
This tool from Microsoft (which was mentioned by others here) worked for me, after I had been searching for an answer for days:
You have to choose the "I have problems uninstalling" and search for your "C++"-components (in your case the 2017 ones).
There are usually the "Minimum runtime" and the "Additional runtime"-components. After I've uninstalled both of them with this tool, I could just install a programm that uses these runtimes (for example Visual Studio) and it would download and install the missing features, after that, everything workes perfect for me.
Try installing all the things from here:
Not sure if you just have to install the x86 version or all of them. recommend that you install all of them but remember to uninstall the ones which you already have.
for me was simple to fix this problem.
Uninstall all visual c++ with Revo Uninstaller Pro
Use MPVCI tool. link(
enjoy it. for me it works.

VS 2012 debugging Unexpected symbol reader error while processing <file.exe>

I have a problem with debugging my program in Visual Studio 2012 -
when I try to debug the code by inserting some breakpoints, they seem not to work - when I hover on them a message pops up
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. Unexpected symbol reader error while processing <file.exe>
I tried searching for similar problems in the internet but I haven't found any solutions
I'd appreciate any help, thanks!
[VS 2012] Ok I got the answer that fixed this problem, so I'll post this here so that people have no such problem in the future.
A solution is to change
Debug -> (app) Properties-> Configuration Properties -> Debugging
from Auto to Mixed.
The breakpoints will automatically work.
[VS 2015] Closing all instances of VS 2015 and restarting fixes the problem for a while at least. The 2012 fix does not work.
For Visual Studio 2017, closing all open instances and restarting worked for me.
I might have gotten away with closing fewer, for example instances with unrelated solutions open, but I have not tested that.
I had a VS 2017 C++ DLL called from VS 2013 C# application. Upgrading the application to VS 2017 solved the problem.
Just a side note to the answer accepted, you should checkout /DEBUG:FULL in Linker->Debugging in Visual Studio 2017 upwards
Beginning in Visual Studio 2017, the build system in the IDE defaults to /DEBUG:FASTLINK.
This limited PDB can't be used for debugging when the required build products are not available, such as when the executable is deployed on another computer.
In VS2017, I have to clean up and close the whole solution, then delete the .vs folder from the solution folder, then recompile to fix it.

Intellisense auto-complete is causing VC++ in Visual Studio 2005 SP1 to crash

UPDATE1: I have reinstalled Visual Studio and I am still having this problem. My guess is there is a problem with my environment.
Update2: Diving in.
I attached windbg to devenv and set a breakpoint in windbg for msenv!_tailMerge_WINMM_dll and traced through.
This is trying to load winmm.dll using the LoadLibrary API. I can see that LoadLibrary is failing and GetLastError is returning 5 which is "access denied".
now, why would vs be denied access to winmm.dll?
---Begin Original---
I am currently having a serious issue with Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Intellisense in C++. I have an all native solution with on project. Whenever I, or the editor, attempt to invoke intellisense auto-complete pow, Visual Studio crashes. I even tried this with a brand new console app. Ctrl + Space in the empty main and Visual Studio crashes.
I googled for help on this but to no avail. I have tried deleting the ncb file but no luck on that front either.
I am currently working with Intellisense turned off as shown in this article:
Visual Studio 2005 - 'Updating IntelliSense' hang-up
And I have no crashes, but it sure would be nice to have intellisense back
Call stack from a crash dump.
7c812a6b kernel32!RaiseException+0x53
502717a6 msenv!__delayLoadHelper2+0x139
50675186 msenv!_tailMerge_WINMM_dll+0xd
505ac3c3 msenv!CTextViewIntellisenseHost::UpdateCompletionStatus+0x1a7
505acb50 msenv!CEditView::UpdateCompletionStatus+0x30
505dcfad msenv!CEditView::CViewInterfaceWrapper::UpdateCompletionStatus+0x2a
02ae47fc vcpkg!CCompletionList::DoCompletion+0x444
02ade2ce vcpkg!CAutoComplete::PostProcess+0x240
02ade07f vcpkg!CAutoComplete::OnACParseDone+0x3e
02adac2d vcpkg!CMemberListWorkItem::OnCompleted+0x9d
029eb4e3 vcpkg!CWorkItem::ProcessPendingWorkItemCompletedCalls+0x117
029f8b4f vcpkg!CParserManager::OnIdle+0x183
0299961a vcpkg!CVCPackage::OnIdle+0x48
5014b288 msenv!ATL::CComAggObject<CTextBuffer>::QueryInterface+0x43
5a9d2394 VCProject!ATL::CComPtr<IOleInPlaceFrame>::~CComPtr<IOleInPlaceFrame>+0x24
5a9d2880 VCProject!ATL::CComObject<CVCArchy>::Release+0x10
774fd420 ole32!CRetailMalloc_GetSize+0x21
5009422b msenv!CMsoCMHandler::FContinueIdle+0x23
5009422b msenv!CMsoCMHandler::FContinueIdle+0x23
I would try the following set of steps to try and fix the problem
Reset All Settings: Tools -> Import / Export Settings -> Reset All Settings
Delete HKCU:\Software\Micosoft\VisualStudio\9.0 and then restart VS
Repair the VS installation through Add Remove Programs
Disable all 3rd party plugins
Did you try repairing the Visual C++ installation?
Do you have any plugins installed? Try disabling them.
It might be worth it to delete the .ncb file in the project directory, in case it was corrupted (.ncb is the intellisense database file).
If you're doing C++ development for a living (or at least doing serious development), there's no reason not to use Visual Assist.
What a bizarre problem.
I finally figured it out using procmon from sysinternals:
My sounds were somehow changed to windows default sounds after a recent trip to IT. This caused visual studio to play a clicking sound when intellisense happens. In order to play this sound winmm.dll must be loaded up, which is located c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll.
I suppose through debugging foray winmm.dll symbols were downloaded to a FOLDER called C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\winmm.dll. Of course this folder looked mighty tasty to Visual Studio, so when it tried to load the winmm.dll folder as a dll file POW!!!
I deleted the folder, and some other .dll folders :) and all is well.
Thanks for your help.
Make sure you are up on your service packs, I think VS 2005 is at SP1.
Try "cleaning" the solution, i.e. delete (rename) all temporary files like *.ncb, *.suo etc that have been created by Visual Studio. One of these files might have got corrupted (Your problem sounds like the IntelliSense database is broken).