fortran averaging columns frame by frame in specific format - fortran

I would like to average first column and last column shown here(that is my output). My code does several things such as compare specific atoms with the name "CA" for each frame (I have 1000 frames), exclude the nearest neighbours and depending on the cutoff value, and count those contacts and print them separately according to my wish (input file looks like this). I would like to print a file where it gives me the output something like following as an example:
1 0
2 12
3 12
100 16
Need guidance to achieve that by helping me form a loop or a condition.
open(unit=11,file="0-1000.gro", status="old", action="read")
do f=1,frames,10
25 format (F10.5,F10.5,F10.5)
do h=1,natoms_frames
end do
do h=1, natoms_frames
if (atmtype(h).eq.' CA') then
end if
end do
do h=1, count
do hh=h+3, count
if ( then
! finding distance formula from the gro file
distance = sqrt((CAx(hh)-CAx(h))**2 + (CAy(hh)-CAy(h))**2 + (CAz(hh)-CAz(h))**2)
if (distance.le.cutoff) then
cal = cal+1
set = set+1
end if
end if
end do
end do
end do ! end of frames
end program num_contacts

Writing in a file (in ASCII) is the same as printing on screen, except that you need to specify the file's unit.
So first, open your file:
open(unit = 10, file = "filename.dat", access = "sequential", form = "formatted", status = "new", iostat = ierr)
where 'unit' is a unique integer that will be associated to your file (as an ID). Note that the 'form' is 'formatted' as you want to output something readable by a human. Then you can start your loop:
do h = 1, natoms_frames
write(10, *) h, cal, final_set
end do
Finally, close your file:


Does not display anything after data entry

Does not display anything after data entry
program g
implicit none
write(*,100)"pls insert discharge Q ="
write(*,100)"please insert Manning coefficient n ="
write(*,*)"please insert slope of the hydraulic channel ="
write(*,*)"please inset Z ="
write(*,*)"how much of b/y do you want?"
write(*,*)"if it not important right 2.5"
end if
if( abs(h-q)<0.01) then
end if
end do
write(*,100)"free board="
write(*,*) free_board
100 format(A)
end program g
this not work and not show anything after enter data
For sure the line write(*,100)t will give you a wrong output, since "t" it is a real, not a string. Please change it to write(*,*).
With all inputs equal to 1.0 and by putting e=2.5, I see these output (at screen):
free board = 3.7200041E-02
y = 0.1860002
b = 0.4650005
T = 0.8370009
If you don't see outputs, maybe you are choosing wrong "e" values (less than 2 or more than 5).

Removing data from loop and saving to a file

I have two loops which have two variables each.
cutoff1 and cutoff2 contain measured data, and BxTime and ByTimecontain time data from 0 to 300 s (It was used to set up scale in matplotlib). I have used this loop:
Loop = zip(BxTime,cutoff1)
for tup in Loop:
print (tup[0], tup[1])
Loop2 = zip(ByTime,cutoff2)
for tup in Loop2:
print (tup[0], tup[1])
It prints in my PyCharm enviroment a vertical list of measurements and time of their occurence, first from Loop, then from Loop2. My question here is a bit complex, because I need to:
Save this loops to a file which will write my data vertically. First column cutoff1 second column BxTime, third column cutoff2 forth column ByTime.
Second, after or before step 1, I need to erase concrete measurements. Any ideas?
def writeData(fileName, tups):
'''takes a filename, creates the file blank (and deletes existing one)
and a list of 2-tuples of numbers. writes any tuple to the file where
the second value is > 100'''
with open(fileName,"w") as f:
for (BxTime,cutoff1) in tups:
if cutoff1 <= 100:
continue # goes to the nex tuple
f.write(str(BxTime) + '\t' + str(cutoff1) + "\n" )`
Loop = zip(BxTime,cutoff1)
# for tup in Loop:
# print (tup[0], tup[1])
Loop2 = zip(ByTime,cutoff2)
# for tup in Loop2:
# print (tup[0], tup[1])
writeData('filename1.csv', Loop)
writeData('filename2.csv', Loop2)
I have used that code, but:
There are still measurements which contain 100.0
Before saving to a file I have to wait till the whole loop is printed, how to avoid that?
Is there any other way to save it to a text file instead of csv, which later open as Excel?
def writeData(fileName, tups):
'''takes a filename, creates the file blank (and deletes existing one)
and a list of 2-tuples of numbers. writes any tuple to the file where
the second value is >= 100'''
with open(fileName,"w") as f:
for (tim,dat) in tups:
if dat < 100:
continue # goes to the nex tuple
f.write(str(tim) + '\t' + str(dat) + "\n" ) # adapt to '\r\n' for windows
Use it like this:
writeData("kk.csv", [(1,101),(2,99),(3,200),(4,99.999)])
1 101
3 200
Should work with your zipped Loop and Loop2 of (time, data).
You might need to change the line-end from '\n' to '\r\n' on windows.

Program to create spatial grid, average values that fall within grid, write to table

So I'm trying to come up with a clever way to make this program read a catalog and take anything falling within specific spatial "grid" boxes and average the data in that box together. I'll paste my horrid attempt below and hopefully you'll see what I'm trying to do. I can't get the program to work correctly (it gets stuck in a loop somewhere that I haven't debugged), and before I bang my head against it anymore I want to know if this looks like a logical set of operations for what I'm looking to do, or if there is a better way to accomplish this.
Edit: To clarify, the argument section is for the trimming parameters---"lmin lmax bmin bmax" set the overall frame, and "deg" sets the square-degree increments.
program redgrid
implicit none
! Variable declarations and settings:
integer :: ncrt, c, i, j, k, count, n, iarg, D, db, cn
real :: dsun, pma, pmd, epma, epmd, ra, dec, degbin
real :: V, Per, Amp, FeH, EBV, Dm, Fi, FeHav, EBVav
real :: lmin, lmax, bmin, bmax, l, b, deg, lbin, bbin
real :: bbinmax, bbinmin, lbinmax, lbinmin
character(len=60) :: infile, outfile, word, name
dimension :: EBV(D), FeH(D), lbinmax(D), bbinmax(D)
dimension :: bbinmin(D), lbinmin(D)
103 format(1x,i6,4x,f6.2,4x,f6.2,4x,f7.2,3x,f6.2,4x,f5.2,4x,f5.2,4x,f5.2,4x,f6.4)
3 continue
if( then
print*, 'Usage: redgrid infile outfile lmin lmax bmin bmax square_deg'
call getarg(1, infile)
call getarg(2, outfile)
call getarg(3, word)
read(word,*) lmin
call getarg(4, word)
read(word,*) lmax
call getarg(5, word)
read(word,*) bmin
call getarg(6, word)
read(word,*) bmax
call getarg(7, word)
read(word,*) deg
write(2,*)"| l center | b center | [Fe/H] avg | E(B-V) avg | "
FeHav = 0.0
EBVav = 0.0
lbinmin(1) = lmin
bbinmin(1) = bmin
degbin = (bmax-bmin)/deg
db = NINT(degbin)
do j = 1, db
bbinmax(j) = bbinmin(j) + deg
lbinmax(j) = lbinmin(j)*cos(bbinmax(j))
print*, lbinmin(j), bbinmin(j), db
cn = 1
7 continue
read(1,*,err=7,end=8) ncrt, ra, dec, l, b,&
V, dsun, FeH(cn), EBV(cn)
if( then
if( then
FeHav = FeHav + FeH(cn)
EBVav = EBVav + EBV(cn)
cn = cn + 1
end if
end if
goto 7
8 continue
FeHav = FeHav/cn
EBVav = EBVav/cn
write(2,*) lbinmax(j), bbinmax(j), FeHav, EBVav
bbinmin(j+1) = bbinmin(j) + deg
lbinmin(j+1) = lbinmin(j) + deg
end do
end program redgrid
Below is a small section of the table I'm working with. "l" and "b" are the two coordinates I am working with---they are angular, hence the need to make the grid components "b" and "l*cos(b)." For each 0.5 x 0.5 degree section, I need to have averages of E(B-V) and [Fe/H] within that block. When I write the file all I need are four columns: the two coordinates where the box is located, and the two averages for that box.
| Ncrt | ra | dec | l | b | V | dkpc | [Fe/H] | E(B-V) |
7888 216.53 -43.85 -39.56 15.78 15.68 8.90 -1.19 0.1420
7889 217.49 -43.13 -38.61 16.18 16.15 10.67 -1.15 0.1750
7893 219.16 -43.26 -37.50 15.58 15.38 7.79 -1.40 0.1580
Right now, the program gets stuck somewhere in the loop cycle. I've pasted the terminal output that happens when I run it, along with the command line I'm running it with. Please let me know if I can help clarify. This is a pretty complex problem for a Fortran rookie such as myself---perhaps I'm missing some fundamental knowledge that would make it much easier. Anyways, thanks in advance.
./redgrid table2.above redtest.trim -40 0 15 30 0.5
-40.0000000 15.0000000 30 0.00000000 0.00000000
-39.5000000 15.5000000 30 -1.18592596 0.353437036
^it gets stuck after two lines.
I assume that the program does what you want it to do, but you are looking for a few things to tidy the code up.
Well first up, I'd fix up the indentation.
Secondly, I'd not use unit numbers below 10.
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: in_unit = 100
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: out_unit = 101
OPEN(unit=in_unit, file=infile, status='OLD")
READ(in_unit, *) ...
Thirdly, I'd not use GOTOs and labels. You can do that in a loop far easier:
INTEGER :: read_status
DO j = 1, db
read_loop : DO
READ(in_unit, *, IOSTAT=read_status) ...
IF (read_status == -1) THEN ! EOF
EXIT read_loop
ELSEIF (read_status /= 0) THEN
CYCLE read_loop
END DO read_loop
There are a few dangers in your code, and even in this one above: It can lead to infinite loops. For example, if the opening of infile fails (e.g. the file doesn't exist), it loops back to label 3, but nothing changes, so it will eventually again try to open the same file, and probably have the same error.
Same above: If READ repeatedly fails without advancing, and without the error being an EOF, then the read loop will not terminate.
You have to think about what you want your program to do when something like this happens, and code it in. (For example: Print an error message and STOP if it can't open the file.)
You have a very long FORMAT statement. You can leave it like that, though I'd probably try to shorten it a bit:
103 FORMAT(I7, 2F10.2, F11.2, 4F9.2, F10.4)
This should be the same line, as numbers are usually right-aligned. You can also use strings as a format, so you could also do something like this:
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: data_out_form = &
'(I7, 2F10.2, F11.2, 4F9.2, F10.4)'
WRITE(*, data_out_form) var1, var2, var3, ...
and again, that's one less label.

Adapting a Fortran Code to write a file, run an executable and read in arrays from a file

I am new to Fortran but I am trying to adapt a Fortran code and I am having trouble doing something which I think is probably quite simple.
I want to adapt a Fortran file called original.f so that it makes an input file called input.inp and populates it with 4 integers calculated earlier in original.f so that input.inp looks like, for example:
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
I know how to write this format:
WRITE (10,00001) 1,2,3,4
00001 Format (/2x,'&input',
& /2x,'A = ',i4,
& /2x,'B = ',i4,
& /2x,'C = ',i4,
& /2x,'D = ',i4,
& /2x,'&end')
(or something like this that I can fiddle with when I get it working) but I am not sure how to create the input.inp file write this into it and then use this input file.
The input file needs to be used to run an executable called "exec". I would run this in bash as:
./exec < input.inp > output.out
Where output.out contains two arrays called eg(11) and ai(11,6,2) (with dimensions given) like:
eg(1)= 1
eg(2)= 2
eg(11)= 11
ai(1,1,1)= 111
ai(1,2,1)= 121
Finally I need to read these inputs back into original.f so that they can be used further down in file. I have defined these arrays at the beginning of original.f as:
COMMON /DATA / eg(11),ai(11,6,2)
But I am not sure of the Fortran to read data line by linw from output.out to populate these arrays.
Any help for any of the stages in this process would be hugely appreciated.
Thank you very much
Since you have shown how you create the input file, I assume the question is how to read it. The code shows how "a" and "b" can be read from successive lines after skipping the first line. On Windows, if the resulting executable is a.exe, the commands a.exe < data.txt or type data.txt | a.exe will read from data.txt.
program xread
implicit none
character (len=10) :: words(3)
integer, parameter :: iu = 5 ! assuming unit 5 is standard input
integer :: a,b
read (iu,*) ! skip line with &input
read (iu,*) words ! read "a", "=", and "1" into 3 strings
read (words(3),*) a ! read integer from 3rd string
read (iu,*) words ! read "b", "=", and "1" into 3 strings
read (words(3),*) b ! read integer from 3rd string
print*,"a =",a," b =",b
end program xread
If I understand the expanded question correctly, you have to work with an output file, produced by some other code you did not write, with lines like eg(1) = ....
For the simplest case where you know the number of elements and their ordering beforehand, you can simply search each line for the equals sign from behind:
program readme
implicit none
character(100) :: buffer
integer :: i, j, k, pos, eg(11), ai(11,6,2)
do i = 1,11
read*, buffer
pos = index(buffer, '=', back = .true.)
read(buffer(pos+1:), *) eg(i)
! I have assumed an arbitrary ordering here
do k = 1,2
do i = 1,11
do j = 1,6
read*, buffer
pos = index(buffer, '=', back = .true.)
read(buffer(pos+1:), *) ai(i,j,k)
end program
Assuming here for simplicity that the data are provided to standard input.

Fortran: Add column per column to file

The code consists of a do-loop and creates arrays of data as long as running. I need these arrays added to a file as new columns.
The first column is fixed (wavelengths) and the second is generated within the first run:
OPEN (unit=11,file=filename // '.csv')
WRITE(11,'(i4,A1,f10.6)') (lambda(ii),tab,resv(ii), ii=1,nw)
lambda are the wavelengths (4 digits), tab is declared as char(9) and resv are my data (floating). The array consists of nw=2000 items.
First time running the script gives me a nice output which I can load into MS Excel as .csv
However, the script is to return to the beginning of the loop, calculate new data and store the changed "resv" items into a new column.
But when I go like
WRITE(11,'(T17,i4,A1,f10.6)') (lambda(ii),tab,resv(ii), ii=1,nw)
the new data is indeed stored into column 17, but all the data before is being removed!
So how can I tell Fortran to "add" a new column?
Try a variant of this. Have a look at the code in addcolumn. The restriction is that your line can't be more than 1024 characters long. You can increase the size of the array to suit your needs.
module mod_helper
integer, parameter:: AMAX = 10
integer, dimension(AMAX):: coldata
integer:: revision
subroutine init
revision = 0
do ii = 1, AMAX
coldata(ii) = ii
end do
end subroutine init
subroutine increment(howmuch)
integer, intent(in):: howmuch
coldata = coldata + howmuch
end subroutine
subroutine addcolumn(csvname)
character*(*), intent(in) csvname
integer(kind=2):: status
integer:: prevlen
character(1024):: prev, oldname, newname
integer, parameter:: oldfile = 20, newfile = 30
write(oldname, "(A,I3.3,'.csv')") csvname, revision
revision = revision + 1
write(newname, "(A,I3.3,'.csv')") csvname, revision
if (revision .gt. 1) then
! Open the old file
open(oldfile, file=oldname, access="sequential", status="old")
end if
open(newfile, file=newname, access="sequential", status="new", action="write")
prev = ' '
do ii = 1, AMAX
if (revision .gt. 1) then
! read previous contents as a string
read(oldfile, "(A)") prev
prevlen = len(trim(prev))
prevlen = 1
end if
! write previous and new contents
write(newfile, "(A, I4, ',')") prev(1:prevlen), coldata(ii)
end do
! delete the previous file
if (revision .gt. 1) close(oldfile, status='delete')
end subroutine
end module
program main
use mod_helper
call init
call addcolumn('col')
call increment(1)
call addcolumn('col')
call increment(20)
call addcolumn('col')
end program