Decompressing gz SQL file - compression

So I want to decompress my something.gz file. Whenever I try to do this by using gunzip it ends after a little while saying there was an unexpected end of the file. The file itself is about 4gb.
Would appreciate any help regarding this problem.
Command: gunzip < db-20180518060048.sql.gz > db-20180518060048.sql
Response: gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
Ends at: ('250

You have to use -d to decompress:
Your command would be:
gunzip -d db-20180518060048.sql.gz
Edit due to comment:
To test validity of your archive you can run
gunzip -t db-20180518060048.sql.gz
-t --test test compressed file integrity
The correct is only no output. Any other means that your archive is damaged.

As your file is quite big, it might be worth writing it to standard output and piping it directly into the database. You can do this with the following command:
gzip -c db-20180518060048.sql.gz | mysql (args..)
This can be done with gunzip also, I just use gzip as a personal preference. Use man gzip to get more detail on this command.

Or else you may use 7zip manager to extract.


Access files generated in the backend

I'm a beginner. I started exploring Pythran and Transonic a few days back. I learned that Pythran generates a C++ file from the Python input file. I want to read those C++ generated files in the backend.
Do anyone of you have any idea about accessing files generated in the backend?
I'm implementing Pythran using Transonic's support.
Have you tried running pythran with the --help option?
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_FILE path to generated file. Honors %{ext}.
-P only run the high-level optimizer, do not compile
-E only run the translator, do not compile
So, the answer is: use the -E option
pythran -E

proper syntax for splitting large mp3 files into several

I can split one large mp3 file into several files based on silence using the mp3split command / program below
mp3splt -f -t 4.0 -a -d split audio_file.mp3
and I get
but how can I get
or increment by one in the front
I looked at the syntax but couldn't figure out what needs to change in my syntax.
I'm using ubuntu 16.04 64bit linux
You need to set the -o (output format) option.
Try something like:
mp3splt -o #N3_#f -f -t 4.0 -a -d split audio_file.mp3
Giving you:
The man page is a little messy, but it's all there.
I used
mp3splt -o #N3_#mm_#ss_#f -f -t 4.0 -a -d split audio_file.mp3
which gives me

youtube-dl command saves as flv and not mp3

So below is my command that I am running. It should be converting it to mp3 but it still exports as a video in flv. What am I doing wrong?
$cmd = '/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" -x --audio-format mp3 -- '.escapeshellarg($url).'';
youtube-dl will download the video before converting it. Most likely, you don't have ffprobe or ffmpeg installed. Make sure both programs are available (i.e. you get a sensible output for ffprobe --help and ffmpeg --help).
You can directly download the .mp3 file from the youtube site.
For e.g in ubuntu terminal youtube-dl -f 141 .Most probably 141 is the .mp3 file format code for better quality.

Dos create a batch file and run with multiple C++ programs

Respected sirs,
My name is #nimit. I want to create a batch file and run it in a DOS prompt. The batch file will execute a C++ program I've written. The output should be stored in a single text-file. How can I do this?
The C++ program output should be stored in a particular text file.
Thanks in advance,
You can do this:
programname > outputgoeshere.txt
To collect outputs:
programname1 >> outputgoeshere.txt
programname2 >> outputgoeshere.txt
programname3 >> outputgoeshere.txt
Shell scripting (Batch files are a form of that) is something that every programmer should know how to do. I found a really great book on it a few years ago: Unix Shell Programming by Stephen Kochan and Patrick Wood. Granted, it's Unix -- and bash is far more powerful than DOS, but the principles are the same. Windows is picking up a lot of the tools that bash offers with powershell.
For a great website that lists out all of the CMD programs, visit http:// . That site also lists comparable bash and powershell commands. I also like how he shows you how to implement pseudo-functions, command line parameters, and all manner of cool things in batch files:
Good luck!
The following will redirect program output (stdout) to a file (overwrite file or create it if it does not exist)
$ command-name > output.log
The following will redirect program output (stdout) to a file (append file or create it if it does not exist)
$ command-name >> output.log
$ command-name >> output.log
The following will redirect program error message to a file called error.log:
$ command-name 2> error.log
Redirecting the standard error (stderr) and stdout to file, Use the following syntax:
$ command-name &> output_error.log

Crop MP3 to first 30 seconds

Original Question
I want to be able to generate a new (fully valid) MP3 file from an existing MP3 file to be used as a preview -- try-before-you-buy style. The new file should only contain the first n seconds of the track.
Now, I know I could just "chop the stream" at n seconds (calculating from the bitrate and header size) when delivering the file, but this is a bit dirty and a real PITA on a VBR track. I'd like to be able to generate a proper MP3 file.
Anyone any ideas?
Both mp3split and ffmpeg are both good solutions. I chose ffmpeg as it is commonly installed on linux servers and is also easily available for windows. Here's some more good command line parameters for generating previews with ffmpeg
-t <seconds> chop after specified number of seconds
-y force file overwrite
-ab <bitrate> set bitrate e.g. -ab 96k
-ar <rate Hz> set sampling rate e.g. -ar 22050 for 22.05kHz
-map_meta_data <outfile>:<infile> copy track metadata from infile to outfile
instead of setting -ab and -ar, you can copy the original track settings, as Tim Farley suggests, with:
-acodec copy
I also recommend ffmpeg, but the command line suggested by John Boker has an unintended side effect: it re-encodes the file to the default bitrate (which is 64 kb/s in the version I have here at least). This might give your customers a false impression of the quality of your sound files, and it also takes longer to do.
Here's a command line that will slice to 30 seconds without transcoding:
ffmpeg -t 30 -i inputfile.mp3 -acodec copy outputfile.mp3
The -acodec switch tells ffmpeg to use the special "copy" codec which does not transcode. It is lightning fast.
NOTE: the command was updated based on comment from Oben Sonne
If you wish to REMOVE the first 30 seconds (and keep the remainder) then use this:
ffmpeg -ss 30 -i inputfile.mp3 -acodec copy outputfile.mp3
ffmpeg -t 30 -i inputfile.mp3 outputfile.mp3
This command also works perfectly.
I cropped my music files from 20 to 40 seconds.
-y : force output file to overwrite.
ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -ss 00:00:20 -to 00:00:40 -c copy -y temp.mp3
you can use mp3cut:
cutmp3 -i foo.mp3 -O 30s.mp3 -a 0:00.0 -b 0:30.0
It's in ubuntu repo, so just: sudo apt-get install cutmp3.
You might want to try Mp3Splt.
I've used it before in a C# service that simply wrapped the mp3splt.exe win32 process. I assume something similar could be done in your Linux/PHP scenario.
I have got an error while doing the same
Invalid audio stream. Exactly one MP3 audio stream is required.
Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argumentStream mapping:
Fix for me was:
ffmpeg -ss 00:02:43.00 -t 00:00:10 -i input.mp3 -codec:a libmp3lame out.mp3
My package medipack is a very simple command-line app as a wrapper over ffmpeg.
you can achieve trimming your video using these commands:
medipack trim input.mp3 -s 00:00 -e 00:30 -o output.mp3
medipack trim input.mp3 -s 00:00 -t 00:30 -o output.mp3
you can view options of trim subcommand as:
srb#srb-pc:$ medipack trim -h
usage: medipack trim [-h] [-s START] [-e END | -t TIME] [-o OUTPUT] [inp]
positional arguments:
inp input video file ex: input.mp4
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s START, --start START
start time for cuting in format hh:mm:ss or mm:ss
-e END, --end END end time for cuting in format hh:mm:ss or mm:ss
-t TIME, --time TIME clip duration in format hh:mm:ss or mm:ss
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
you could also explore other options using medipack -h
srb#srb-pc:$ medipack --help
usage: [-h] [-v] {trim,crop,resize,extract} ...
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Display version number
you may visit my repo and checkout examples in README.