How to set a value to an application item in oracle apex 5 - oracle-apex

I have several tabs. There is a date picker on each tab. I need that date to be the same on all tabs no matter what. So, if the user changes the date on Tab 1, then goes to tab 2, the date on tab 2 will have changed also. I have never created an application level item before and I thought that might be the most efficient way to accomplish what I need (by setting that item's value to the date the user selected). My problem is that I don't know how to set the value of the application item and also how to retrieve that value on another tab.

You didn't describe what exactly you're trying to do, but - if each tab represents its own table, why do you keep the same date value in all of them? Doesn't look like a normalized data model. Consider using a single date column (in one - master - table) and use (i.e. reference) it in others (i.e. details).
As of your question: How about creating a global page (i.e. page 0) and having a date picker item on it? You can display it on any other page you want. For example, if you set its value while on tab 1 and then move on to tab 3, you can again modify that value which will be visible on all other pages. Basically, you'd maintain just one item instead of as many as number of tabs involved. (BTW, doesn't that remind you of what I described in the first paragraph?).
Alternatively, create a date picker item on tab 1 page; on all other pages, create a "lookup" (display) item which would simply display what's been selected on tab 1. That's easy to do, just make its source to be an "Item", such as P1_DATE_ITEM.

In Shared Components > Application Items create new Item called G_DATE.
Then for every datepicker add Dynamic Action on Event Change.
In True action Set Value select Type PL/SQL Expression with code
and Items to Submit :P1_DATEPICKER1
Next in every datepicker Source set Type PL/SQL Expression with code
used Always (...)


How to add a new record into an interactive grid using IG methods then set column's value using $s() api?

I am using Oracle Apex 18.2.
I have an interactive grid and a custom button to add a new row to the IG using,
apex.region("myRegionStaticId").widget().interactiveGrid('getActions').invoke('row-add-row'); then set a column's value using, $s("myColumnStaticId","2");. When I try it, it adds the first row without setting any columns' values and starts setting the value from the second row on. Even using selection-add-row or insert-record, there is always something with the first row. Here is a sample,
user = forhelp
pwd = forhelppwd
app = TEST
page = Add Row on top of an IG.
After a lot of talking and testing, I've found that $s with setTimeout isn't very reliable. I've set up page 7 again to demonstrate.
If you click the Rowaddrow button twice in rapid succession (the second time before the first setValue returns), the second row will not be initialized. I'll show you a workaround for this below, but you'll
If you lower the setTimeout to, say, 10 ms, and try focusing in the Expiry Date column before clicking the Rowaddrow button, you'll find it doesn't work. This means that, while the setTimeout of 100 ms works now, it could break in the future if the IGs internal logic changed. Unlikely but who knows.
For the moment, I would say that $s can only be reliably used to set a column value in an IG for the active row. When the row-add-row action adds a new record, it does make it active, but that is done asynchronously via setTimeout. This is because the IG is based on the flyweight pattern and there are a number of async (setTimeout based) heuristics that are built in to handle focus and blur events to correctly enable and disable rows and cells as needed.
I've found the following to be the most reliable solution. Unfortunately, it's more complex than what you had before - but it was the only way I could wrangle it all together. Feel free to use it or not. See page 8 for an example.
Right-click the custom Rowaddrow button and select Create Dynamic Action. Set the Name of the DA to rowAddRow button clicked. The When settings will automatically be configured for the click event on the button.
Select the action for the new DA. Set Action to Execute JavaScript and enter the following JavaScript in the Code attribute.
addRowClicked = true; // Global used to distinguish custom button click
this.triggeringElement.disabled = true; // Disable button to serialize access
Create a new Dynamic Action and set the Name to New row initialized. In the When section, set Event to Row Initialization [Interactive Grid], Section Type to Region, and Region to KITCHEN_SHARE_DTL.
Under Client-Side Condition, set Type to JavaScript expression and enter the following code in JavaScript Expression (which ensures the DA only fires for the click of the Rowaddrow button):
addRowClicked === true
Select the action for the new DA. Set Action to Set Value, Set Type to Static Assignment, and Value to 2. In Affected Elements, set Section Type to Column(s) and Column(s) to INGREDIENT_ID. This will replace the static assignment that was being done with $s. Ensure that Fire on Initialization is disabled.
Right-click the True branch for the DA and select Create TRUE Action. Set the Action to Set Value, Set Type to SQL Statement, and enter the following code in SQL Statement:
select MIN(EXPIRY_DATE) from stock
where ingredient_id = TO_NUMBER(:INGREDIENT_ID);
Set Items to Submit to INGREDIENT_ID and disable Escape Special Characters. In Affected Elements, set Selection Type to Column(s) and Column(s) to EXPIRY_DATE. Ensure that Fire on Initialization is disabled.
Right-click the True branch for the DA and select Create TRUE Action. Set Action to Execute JavaScript Code and enter the following JavaScript in the Code attribute.
addRowClicked = false; // Unset the global
$x('ADD').disabled = false; // Enable the button
Change the following code:
with the following one:
setTimeout(function(){ $s("INGREDIENT_ID","2"); }, 100);
It seems that the IG needs a little time to render the new row before you are able to change any value.

Formula help on IF ELSE on Smartsheet

I want to have a condition where IF Delivered column checkbox is checked, then that whole row will be deleted. Is that feasible?
How can I start with it?
Formulas can't change the condition of an item (like a row), only the value in a cell. So, in other words, you can't delete a row with a formula.
You "could" do this with an external script using the Smartsheet API, but you'll want to take situations that #Ken White mentioned in the comments into account. Your script should make sure that there is a way for users to recover the deleted row if the box is checked by mistake.
There are a couple of ways this might be possible. If you set up a default filter on a sheet to always load rows where complete box is unchecked, then, if you checked off a task or two and reloaded the sheet those tasks would not be visible the next time it loads.
To do this:
Create a new filter.
Title it and check the Share Filter checkbox
Set the criteria to the checkbox is unchecked
Then click okay
Save the sheet to save the shared filter.
Click on SHARE
Scroll down and click edit next to the default view
Set the filter to new filter you saved
Check off some boxes and save the sheet.
Reload the sheet and the completed items will not be visible.

Sales list force change of column in lines

I'm using the page below a POS sales list. Here the user can use the barcode pistol and pass the article and the code is translated into the item no.
The problem is when they use the pistol and end to pick a item and want to pass to next one the line go automatically to the first column (Item type) and my goal was to force to go into the second column (Item no), because the Item type is by default the type "product".
Only change the order of columns of Item no to Item product is not enough in this case.
Since ACTIVATE is not supported for controls in RTC.
Not many good options here.
Try using QuickEntry Property. Set it to false for all controls on subpage except No..
Create custom page with as less fields as possible, use it as buffer to scan all items and create sales lines upon closing of this new page. You can implement desired behavior on this page and keep original page almost unmodified
Create add-in that will intercept scanner output somehow.

Copy Records in Oracle Apex

I need to copy selected row values and store as a new record.
I am using Oracle Apex 4.2 and Tabular Form.
I need to use checkbox to select the rows and button copy. When i select multiple rows followed by click copy button to copy all the selected row values as new rows and save.
Can anyone Help
Copying Records Through an APEX Tabular Form Input
The idea of cloning existing records from a single table through an Oracle APEX Tabular Form works without much interference with the default design that you can set up through the APEX wizard for page region content.
Build a table with an independent primary key.
Suggested to include two auxiliary columns: COPY_REQUEST and COPIED_FROM for running copy operations. Specific form elements will map to these columns on the tabular form that will be set up.
Build an Oracle stored procedure that can read which records need to be copied. This procedure will be invoked each time the SUBMIT button is pressed.
(optional) Consider including a suppression of step (3) in the event that there is nothing to process (i.e., no records marked for copying).
The Working Table for Receiving Input: COPY_ME
TIP: You will have an easier time if you use the standard TABLE creation wizard. Designate CUSTOMER_ID as the PRIMARY_KEY and have APEX create its standard auto-incrementing functionality on top. (sequence plus trigger set up.)
Here's the sample data I used... though it doesn't matter. You can put in your own values and be able to verify what happened easily.
The Heavy Lifting: The Stored Procedure for Cloning Records in COPY_ME
This procedure works with 1 or more records at a time with a special identifier in the COPY_REQUEST table. After the task is done, the procedure cleans up and resets the request value again.
create or replace procedure proc_copy_me_request is
c_request_code CONSTANT char(1):= 'Y';
cursor copy_cursor is
FROM copy_me cme
WHERE cme.COPY_REQUEST = c_request_code
FOR i in copy_cursor LOOP
INSERT INTO copy_me (customer_name, city, country, copied_from)
VALUES (i.customer_name,,, i.customer_id);
UPDATE copy_me
SET copy_request = null
WHERE CURRENT OF copy_cursor;
END proc_copy_me_request;
There is also a column that can be hidden. It tracks where the record was originally copied from.
Note that the cursor is using the FOR UPDATE OF and WHERE CURRENT OF notation. This is important because the procedure is changing the records that are referenced by it.
APEX Page Setup Instructions
Set up a standard FORM type page and choose the TABULAR FORM style. Follow the set up instructions, taking care to map the correct primary key, and also to the PK sequence object created with the table in the previous steps above.
This is what your page set up will look like after these steps are completed:
Under the column attributes section, change the Display As option to "simple checkbox"
Under the list of values section, put a single value under the LOV Definition: Y (case sensitive in either way... just be consistent)
Under the column attributes section, change the Display As option to "Display as Text(Saves State)". This is just to prevent users from stepping on this read-only field. You could also suppress it if it isn't important to know.
CREATE a New Process: Execute Copy Procedure
This is the bottom of the same configuration page, there are very few things to change or add:
Demonstration: Screenshot of COPY_ME Tabular Form Page in Action
The first screenshot below is before the page is tidied up and the checkbox control is put into place.
Plug in some test data and give it at try. The Page Process created in the step above conditionally invokes the stored procedure that processes all copy requests made at the same time when the SUBMIT form button is selected.
COMMENTS: If you spend enough time tinkering around with the built-in wizards in Oracle APEX, there are opportunities to learn new design patterns and process flows compatible within the tool. Adapting your approach can reduce the amount of additional work and frustration.

Making an Oracle Apex report table element read-only

Is there anyway to make an apex report table cell (or even the entire report itself) conditionally read-only in Apex 3.2? I don't see the "read-only" box anywhere in the options; tried searching everywhere.
Thanks in advance!
Since the whole tabform is to be made read-only for particular users, you can do this at rendering time rather than using Javascript. However, you would need 2 copies of each column:
Column to be displayed for an authorised user, not readonly
Identical column to be displayed for a non-authorised user, with Element Attributes set to readonly=readonly
Authorisation schemes can be used to control which columns are displayed to the user.
I was hoping to find a way to do this with a single column and a dynamic value for Element Attributes, but I couldn't get it to work.
OK, I had an error in concept. I wanted to make a tabular form read-only. That's why I couldn't see the "read-only" box. If you open the source for the generated page, each column has given an id with the following naming convention:
This table cell is in column 2, row 1. So, you can use JavaScript to loop through a column and modify it's properties. In this example, I use jQuery:
var payments = $("[id^='f08_']"); // get all cells for column 8
// loop through items
$.each(payments, function(){
// make whatever changes you want to, such as make read-only