C++ std::out dont print in debug window - c++

this is a quick question.
I am building a program in C++ and have this weird problem when it comes to print some data in the output window. I don't get any data in the output window but when I set a breakpoint I can see that data is in the variable that I am trying to print. So I am going a bit loco here.
This is the line I use to print my data:
std::cout << midiNoteNumber << std::endl;
Why does nothing appear in the debugging output window?

OutputDebugString is nothing that I could get working so I solved it by doing this:
_RPT1(0, "%d\n", midiNoteNumber);


C++: How to return output at the cursor position?

If we take the standard "Hello world" example, I want to send the output to the current cursor position, NOT to the console window. In fact, I would like the console window to disappear.
What I want to do is basically an autocorrect function: cin >> ae; cout << รค;
Grabbing the first part works, but sending the output to the right location proves surprisingly difficult, even after reviewing countless youtube videos...

Why is my C++ code outputting NSString literals rather than plaintext?

I know this question seems odd, as NSString doesn't exist in C++. Yet, for some reason, when I run the following code:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
return 0;
I see the following output:
#"Hello, World!\r\n"
The C functions printf and puts show similar behavior. I also see the same output if I store the text as a std::string and then display that.
I have no idea how to even start troubleshooting this. What is going on?
I figured it out a while ago but I forgot about my own question.
In the debug window, it just displays output like that. It only gets formatted like that in debug mode; if I compile it and run the executable from the command line, then it works as expected.

Xcode debugger not showing C++ cout output

I am currently trying to get the hang of the debugger in Xcode while I am trying to learn C++. I'm coming across a problem where the debugger is not showing any cout output to the console. It just says (lldb)
I've set breakpoints to make sure I don't miss anything:
4 variable outputs
As you can see this piece of code has already been run:
int x = 1;
std::cout << x << " ";
However, the console is still only showing me the following:
console output
I can step over each statement and it still won't show anyting but (lldb)
To my knowlegde the debugger should be showing 1 2 4 8 sequentially as I step over/step into each statement. However, the results are only output the console after I finish debugging.
My question essentially, why am I not seeing anything being displayed?
For the record this is my first question, if I've not searched well enough or broken any rules please feel free to let me know, thanks in advance.
You need to terminate your output line, e.g.:
std::cout << x << "\n";
std::cout << x << std::endl;
Your output should show up after your have written a line terminator character as in either of the statements above.

Simple D program Output order is wrong

I am learning a new language called "D" but i have a problem when trying to write a simple program
import std.stdio;
void main()
double gradeOne;
writeln("Please enter the First Test Grade: ");
readf(" s", &gradeOne);
Why does my program ask me for the input first before the output message?
I think its just the DDT problem, when i run the program in command prompt its working fine
Output to Eclipse buffers output by larger data blocks rather than lines. To force output to appear, insert calls to stdout.flush(); before asking for input to ensure it shows up when you want it.
See also: Eclipse console writes output only after the program has finished

Xcode not showing console output; How do you flush the console?

I have a simple C++ program that uses cout and printf to log stuff and it is only showing at the end when the program is closed but if I'm stepping through the program using debug nothing is shown. Did anybody have this problem?
If you're practicing c try fflush, if c++ try cout << endl; each time you want to print.