Zurb Foundation Accordion Closing by Itself on Mobile - zurb-foundation

On phones, my "Section Menu" closes by itself after the user opens and starts scrolling. I'm using a Zurb Foundation Accordion for the menu. Does anyone know why this is happening on mobile?
UPDATE: I'm also trying a simple Zurb Foundation Toggler. I'm toggling the ".hide" class. The menus still vanish when the user tries to scroll.
My site:
picture of the menu

I was using the following script to listen for widow size changes. This helped me show/hide my menu when troubleshooting on a desktop browser. For some reason, mobile was reporting a screen width change on scroll. When I removed this script, my accordion stopped closing by itself.
$(window).width() not the same as media query


Website menu doesn't scroll on phones

I have Problem with Scrolling with my website on my phone
Here have i link of my website
If you opened website with phone then can you not scrolling in Menu.
For more info about my problem I added this text:
I made a screenshot on my phone the menu scroll work not that is my problem. Screenshot Link under Tarih is more links but i can not scroll to down.
is there no one can help me with fixing ? i needed mobile friendly menu and website... www.ekizceliler.com
if you read website with phone than can you see that menu doesn't scroll on phones
but website scrolled good.
Please help me.. I needed finished this website?

Foundation Joyride issue in IE9

I am using foundation's joyride plugin, everything is working fine in Chrome and FF, but in ie9
the highlighted element is clickable.
Ex. I am highlighting a form's submit button like "When you are done, Click this Button to Register" when I click the highlighted button the submit action takes place in IE9 browser.
But it is working fine in Chrome and FF, when in click the highlighted Submit button nothing happens.
Is there any way to fix this.
Thank you

Facebook window not showing correctly & cancel button is invisible in iphone

I am integrating facebook login functionality in my iphone application. When I click on "Login with Facebook" button then facebook window opens which is shown below
As you see , "Facebook" is partially visible. Also I can not see any "Cancel" button on the screen. I can not figure out what is wrong with this. By the way I am using official facebook ios sdk from GitHub. My ios sdk is 4.3 & xcode 4. I want "Cancel" buuton on this scrren so that user can navigate back to application & also facebook Title on the view should be displayed correctly. Please guide me. Thanks.

Appcelerator. Button on row is not registered when clicked

Titanium SDK version: 1.7.0.RC1
iPhone SDK version: 4.2
I am developing a very simple iOS app in Appcelerator that fetches tweets from Twitter and displays them in a table. Each row/tweet got a button that, if clicked, will add the selected tweet to the database. I also want the user to be able to click the tweet itself too.
What is wrong with this code? It is not responding to clicks on the button. I also need the row to disappear when the button is clicked.
I got this problem solved using the solution found here.

fblike api of facebook

hi i am using fblike api of facebook. this is working fine. i am using this script
when i open this page a text "fblike"and facebook icon are showing.but when i click on this a popup window opens and asking for login on facebook.
my question is that when user like this page the text which is display previously "fblike" change to "1 person".
can i stop this. i just want when user like this the texe should not be change.
I can do this or not?
Short Answer: You cant do that... :)
But you can achieve this by adjusting height and width of STANDARD LIKE BUTTON which will hide other part of that plugin (users, counter, etc) :)