Pass dynamic value to url in Postman - postman

I have 2 requests
1st Request
After did my first request, I get the response where I can parse for a taskId
In my test tab, I will then parse and store it like this
let taskId = pm.response.json().body.result[0].data.task
I can see taskId printing in my console as 938
2nd Request
I require making a GET with this dynamic URL with the taskId that I got from the first one
So I set the above URL , set the HTTP verb to GET
in my Pre-request Script tab, I did this
let taskId = pm.globals.get("taskId")
ReferenceError: taskId is not defined
Image Result
How can I debug this further?

The most suggested way is to use :key as in
See the colon before taskId. The reason being, URI values sometimes many not be environment dependent. So, based on the usecase, you can use like I said or {{taskId}}

You have to set variable, but you are doing it wrong.
try this:
pm.globals.set("taskID", pm.response.json().body.result[0].data.task)
more you can read here:

Please note, that URL which ends with resource identified like or will not work.
You can go with with Accept: application/json header.

For passing dynamic value, first you have to set it in environment or global variable in Tests tab because tests runs after request and you will get response value after request sent, but because you get response in json you have to first parse it, so what you can write in Tests tab is as follows:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("taskId", jsonData.token); // OR
postman.setGlobalVariable("taskId", jsonData.token);
Then you can use taskId as {{taskId}} wherever you want in url parameters or in request body or form data wherever.
If you want to know in detail how to extract data from response and chain it to request then you can go to this postman's official blog post which is written by Abhinav Asthana CEO and Co Founder of Postman Company.


Postman send multiple requests

I've got a PATCH request that looks like this:
host is a variable determining the environment.
For this request I need to add a unique authorization token.
The problem is I need to send dozens of such requests. Two things change for each request:
id of invoice (for this case is '12345678')
auth token (herebetoken1).
How can I automate it?
You can use Postman Runner for your problem. In Runner, you can send specified requests in specified iterations and delay with data (json or csv file).
For more info, I suggest you take a look at the links below.
Importing Data Files in Postman
Using CSV and JSON Data Files
Data: (You can choose one of them)
Json Data: (data.json)
csv Data: (data.csv)
Preview Data in Runner:
use the below pre-request script , and call replace id in url and auth in authorization with {{id}} and {{token}} variables . Use collection runner to execute it .
Replace the hashmap with what you requires
hashmap = {
"1234": "authtoken1",
"2222": "authtoken2"
pm.variables.get("count") === undefined ? pm.variables.set("count", 0) : null
let keyval = Object.entries(hashmap)
let count = pm.variables.get("count")
if (count < keyval.length) {
pm.variables.set("id", keyval[pm.variables.get("count")][0])
pm.variables.set("token", keyval[pm.variables.get("count")][1])
pm.variables.set("count", ++count)
keyval.length===count? null:postman.setNextRequest(
Example collection: , click inport and import by link

How to make post request with params and body in Postman

I have endpoint which takes few parameters and body as input, and I want to test it in Postman. But, when I input data into 'form-data' section in Postman backend throws error that I am missing body. If I try input data into 'raw' (Text) it complains that I forgot about parameters. How can I combine params and body?
'form-data' section
'raw' section
Parameters for that endpoint are following:
#RequestParam("to") String to,
#RequestParam("subject") String subject,
#RequestBody String content,
#RequestParam("isMultipart") Boolean isMultipart,
#RequestParam("isHtml") Boolean isHtml
For the request params you would add them to the end of the URL rather than in the request body, like you have done in the image.
? mailing feature&isMultipart=false&isHTML=true
This can be seen in the Postman UI when you select the Params button, this can be found next to the Send button.
I'm unsure about the string that you need in the request body and in what format the endpoint requires this data.
If it's in a JSON format you could add {"content": "Some new content"} to the raw body and select JSON (application/json) from the dropdown, this will also set the correct request header.
The UI has changed slightly since this answer was given. The Paramstab is now placed in a less confusing place.

Postman: Is it possible to update url of postman request in the pre-requisite script

Is it possible to update url of postman request in the pre-requisite script.
I want to edit the url based on dynamic environment input.
For example:
if (environment.someValue) {
request.url = request.url + "\" + environment.someValue
if (environment.anotherValue) {
request.url = request.url + "\" + environment.anotherValue
The above code gives me prefect console log:
e.g. if url is https://someServer/someRequest, environment.someVar is x and environment.anotherVar is y the console.log(request.url) above prints:
But the problem is (say if i am requesting a Get), even after logging the overridden request url, it only calls https://someServer/someRequest and does not override to https://someServer/someRequest/x/y.
Any ideas how to modify the url as asked above.
if your url in your request is set as a global, it should work.
ie. I have a get request :
GET http://{{myurl}}/etc. with myurl set as a global variable
In my prerequest script I do pm.globals.set("myurl", <new url>);
when I launch my request, it tries to do the GET request on my new url.
So it is possible to do it but you have to use global or environment variables to dynamically update your request:
set your 'someRequest' as a global that you can update in your prescript (instead of request.url), then it will be interpreted when you launch your request
pm.request.url= "dynamic value"
you and update url using the above single line in postman prerequisite step
pm.request.url returns a object with fields host,path and params . But you can replace it with string.
Thanks for the tips: I used these lines of code to manipulate two values that appear in a RESTful API route:
// Ensure Payroll ID and Employee ID in request URL are correctly padded with zeros
pm.request.url.path[pm.request.url.path.indexOf("{{PayrollID}}")] = data.PayrollID.toString().padStart(6, '0');
pm.request.url.path[pm.request.url.path.indexOf("{{EmployeeID}}")] = data.EmployeeID.toString().padStart(7, '0');

How To fire POST Request with params and token

I am new to API testing with jayway RestAssured.
my jmeter url : http://ip:8080/servelet?token=toekntext&methodname={jsontext}
above url is POST Request, i need to fire request in jayway RestAsseured.
url = http://ip:8080/servelet
Response r = given().contentType(CONTENT_TYPE).accept(CONTENT_ACCEPT).headers("user-agent", web).queryParam("token", tokentext).queryParam("methodname", jsonttext).expect().statusCode(200).when().post(url);
Is the above code correct to fire POST Request Here i am getting 500 internal server error, plz help me.
Yes that looks right given that it truly are query parameters that JMeter is sending. I suspect that it might not be since it's very unusual in my experience that include JSON (I assume jsontext is JSON) in the request path. Try switching from queryParam to formParam to see if it makes any difference.
Try restructuring your code,
FULL-URL - url/account?token=TOKEN&sync=TRUE, then you can try post request as below
queryParam("token", "TOKEN").
queryParam("sync", "TRUE").

How can I send a request to a view from an admin command without hard coding the url

I am trying to create an admin command that will simulate some api calls associated with a view but I don't want to hard code the url, for example like that url='', in order to send the request.
If I use the reverse option I can obtain half the url /api/viewname.
If I try to post the request that way
url = reverse('name-of-view'), data=some_data)
I get
requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL '/api/viewname/': No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http:///api/viewname/?
Do I have to look whether the server is running on the localhost or is there a more generic way?
requests module needs the absolute url to post to. you need
url = 'http://%s%s' % (request.META['HTTP_HOST'], reverse('name-of-view')), data=some_data)