regex search window size - regex

I have a large document that I am running a regex on. Below is an example of a similar expression:
(?=( aExample| bExample)(?=.*(XX))(?=.*(P1)))
This works a lot of times, but sometimes due to other text within the document the condition is met by looking in the entire document, e.g., there might be 10 characters between "aExample" and "XX, but 1,000 characters between "XX" and "P1". I would like to contain the expression to N characters (lets say 50 for the sake of the example) so that the regex is a little more conservative. Any help is appreciated. How can I go about reducing the size of the window of the regex to N characters instead of the entire string/document? Thanks!

(?=( aExample| bExample)(?=.{1,50}(XX))(?=.{1,50}(P1)))
You want to limit the number of .s to look at so you can just use braces.


How to get a string before the last occurrence of a specific character before a maximum character count?

I have some long but variable-length texts that are divided into sections marked by ********************. I need to post those texts into a field that only accepts 2048 characters, so I will need to divide that text into groups of no more than 2048 characters but which do not contain an incomplete section.
My regex so far is ^([\s\S]{1,2048})([\s\S]{1,2048})([\s\S]{1,2048})
However, this has two problems:
1) It divides the text into groups that can include an incomplete section. What I want is a complete section, even if it is not a full 2048 characters. Assume the example below is at the end of 2048 characters.
Here's my actual result. Notice that the "7 Minute Workout" section is cut off mid-section
Maybe Baby™ Period & Fertility (📱)
Popular app for tracking your periods and predicting times of fertility; recommended; avg 4.5/5 stars (3,500+ ratings); 50% off, $3.99 ↘️ $1.99!
7 Minute Workout: Lose Weight (📱)
Scientifically-proven and featured by the New York Times, a 7-minute high intensity workout proven to lose weig
Here's my desired result. Notice that the "7 Minute Workout" section is entirely omitted because it could not be included in its entirety while staying under the 2048 character limit.
Maybe Baby™ Period & Fertility (📱)
Popular app for tracking your periods and predicting times of fertility; recommended; avg 4.5/5 stars (3,500+ ratings); 50% off, $3.99 ↘️ $1.99!
2) The second problem with this regex is that the text I need to input varies greatly in length; it may be less than 2048 or it could be 10,000+ characters. My regex obviously only works for texts up to 6,144 characters long. Do I just keep duplicating the regex a crazy number of times to get longer than the longest text I could enter, or is there a way to get it to repeat?
Addendum: Several asked about the use case/environment for this question. No, it’s not a spambot 🙂. Rather, I’m trying to use Apple’s Shortcuts app to cross-post items from my website to followers on Kik. Unfortunately, Kik has a 2048 character limit, so I can’t post it all at once. I’m trying to use regex to split the text into appropriate sections so I can copy them from Shortcuts and paste them one at a time into Kik.
Couple Notes:
No need to use groups at all, just use match results directly as each match represent one section.
Use lazy quantifier instead of greedy by adding ? after {1,2048} to make the match cut in the right place.
In my regex, I used only Global g without the multiline m.
The code below will work only with sections that have 2048 characters or less. If the section has more than 2048 characters, it will be skipped.
The regex below uses Positive Lookahead to signal the end of the section without matching.
Here is the regex:
==== Update ====
To make the results greedy, to match as many sections as possible without splitting the last section, use this regex:

Remove all lines after an 4 digit number from a large number of .txt files

I have files that are split in two blocks, the first half contains the information I need, the second half always starts with a 4 digit number (between 1400 and 1900). I need to delete the second block, hence my question:
How do I delete all lines in a file after (and including) the first 4 digit number?
I believe that should be doable using notepad++ and regular expressions, but I'm new to regex and have no idea how...
I know it's a noob-ish question but nonetheless, help would be greatly appreciated.
The Regex 1(?:[4-8]\d\d|900)(?:.|[\r\n])+\z will select a text starting with 1400-1900 till the end of a file.

Using RegEx to Find a Block of Text

I'm attempting to block a long string of unnecessary text that's on every page of a document.
Ex: "36075 This is another page and this is the date March 4 2013"
I know this must be very simple, but I'm hoping there is a way to block text verbatim. Is the only way to block this text by using a lot of /d/s/w+/+ etc or is there is a way to say, "match 36075 This is another page and this is the date March 4 2013".
This would be SO HELPFUL to know. Thank you for helping!
From what you wrote I assume you need to get leading numbers from string, to do it you just need to use this pattern: ^\d+ which from this input:
36075 This is another page and this is the date March 4 2013
will return this:
For future, in case of such questions please provide example string and expected output. As well as what you have tried.
I realized the issue I was having. I didn't need to use RegEx. The program I was using has the functionality to match specific words or groups of words and pronounce them differently. What I discovered is that it will not match the words unless the word groups are input exactly the way the program typically reads them.
Ergo --> The channel saw
the end of the British hold over
Would have to be listed as one group for, "The channel saw" and a second group for "the end of the British hold over"
In addition, there were some numbers --> 11960_30_o_ho_
and if the program naturally read 119 and then 60_3 and then _o_ho_ then three strings would need to be input for each section.
A few frustrating hours later, problem solved :) Thank you for your assistance.

Is boost:regex block size limited?

I have quite big text file to parse by boost:regex. To make process easier, first I decide to split big file to blocks, for future parsing each block.
I use next regex string for that:
It allows me to receive everything I want between "FIRST1 FIRST2 FIRST3" and "LAST1 LAST2 LAST3".
Between them there exists many lines with many text (more then 20 000 bytes). And it don't works. If I split text by 2 parts (part1 ~ 10 000 bytes and part2 ~10 000 bytes), and try this regular expression with:
FIRSTS part1 LASTS - everything parsing well
FIRSTS part2 LASTS - everything parsing well
FIRSTS part1part2 LASTS - breaks.
I thought it may be boost:regex limitation, and tried it here: online regex, it still same.
It looks like part1part2 is too big for regex block to return, is it true? Is there size limit for regex, or I just mess something up?
I also found max size. It founds substring if it is characters [106-12131], but if I add any one character to any place of substring, it can't find it. So, it is 12025.
You probably should not be using regex here.
I'd show you the Spirit way to do this efficiently, but you don't show relevant code, so I'll wait.
That said, at least make the groups non-capturing groups (e.g. here ((.*?\r*\n*)*)) and consider using cmatch instead of smatch (docs)
Oh, this might be a case of catastrophic backtracking [¹]:
Try something like this:
Make it non-capturing too:

Automatically finding numbering patterns in filenames

I work in a facility where we have microscopes. These guys can be asked to generate 4D movies of a sample: they take e.g. 10 pictures at different Z position, then wait a certain amount of time (next timepoint) and take 10 slices again.
They can be asked to save a file for each slice, and they use an explicit naming pattern, something like 2009-11-03-experiment1-Z07-T42.tif. The file names are numbered to reflect the Z position and the time point
Once you have all these file names, you can use a regex pattern to extract the Z and T value, if you know the backbone pattern of the file name. This I know how to do.
The question I have is: do you know a way to automatically generate regex pattern from the file name list? For instance, there is an awesome tool on the net that does similar thing: txt2re.
What algorithm would you use to parse all the file name list and generate a most likely regex pattern?
There is a Perl module called String::Diff which has the ability to generate a regular expression for two different strings. The example it gives is
my $diff = String::Diff::diff_regexp('this is Perl', 'this is Ruby');
print "$diff\n";
this\ is\ (?:Perl|Ruby)
Maybe you could feed pairs of filenames into this kind of thing to get an initial regex. However, this wouldn't give you capturing of numbers etc. so it wouldn't be completely automatic. After getting the diff you would have to hand-edit or do some kind of substitution to get a working final regex.
First of all, you are trying to do this the hard way. I suspect that this may not be impossible but you would have to apply some artificial intelligence techniques and it would be far more complicated than it is worth. Either neural networks or a genetic algorithm system could be trained to recognize the Z numbers and T numbers, assuming that the format of Z[0-9]+ and T[0-9]+ is always used somewhere in the regex.
What I would do with this problem is to write a Python script to process all of the filenames. In this script, I would match twice against the filename, one time looking for Z[0-9]+ and one time looking for T[0-9]+. Each time I would count the matches for Z-numbers and T-numbers.
I would keep four other counters with running totals, two for Z-numbers and two for T-numbers. Each pair would represent the count of filenames with 1 match, and the ones with multiple matches. And I would count the total number of filenames processed.
At the end, I would report as follows:
nnnnnnnnnn filenames processed
Z-numbers matched only once in nnnnnnnnnn filenames.
Z-numbers matched multiple times in nnnnnn filenames.
T-numbers matched only once in nnnnnnnnnn filenames.
T-numbers matched multiple times in nnnnnn filenames.
If you are lucky, there will be no multiple matches at all, and you could use the regexes above to extract your numbers. However, if there are any significant number of multiple matches, you can run the script again with some print statements to show you example filenames that provoke a multiple match. This would tell you whether or not a simple adjustment to the regex might work.
For instance, if you have 23,768 multiple matches on T-numbers, then make the script print every 500th filename with multiple matches, which would give you 47 samples to examine.
Probably something like [ -/.=]T[0-9]+[ -/.=] would be enough to get the multiple matches down to zero, while also giving a one-time match for every filename. Or at worst, [0-9][ -/.=]T[0-9]+[ -/.=]
For Python, see this question about TemplateMaker.