Py ILM Base not compiling on windows - c++

I've downloaded the latest copy from Latest Open EXR repo and compiled most everything without any problems. However, when I get to PyILMBase it fails.
There are two distinct issues with my attempts:
Error C2491 'PyImath::FixedArray::name': definition of dllimport function not allowed PyImath (...)\src\pyilmbase-2.2.1\PyImath\PyImath.cpp 41
and an import to unistd.h that kind of gets addressed Here
my question being, has anybody successfully compiled this for windows? It seems odd that I can't find any specific info about that compiling error. Am I missing something in the way that C++ works?
This project makes extensive use of whatever it is that causes the error C2491, so going in and changing it would be a little complicated

IlmBase is compiled as a shared library. A shared library must provide their function declarations in order your program can find them.
It's perform by declaring them as dllimport or dllexport depending on the situation.
__declspec(dllimport): imports the implementation from a DLL so your application can use it.
__declspec(dllexport): tells the linker that you want this object to be made available for other DLL's to import. It is used when creating a DLL that others can link to.
These keywords are generally handled by a single macro. In your case PYIMATH_EXPORT.
These lines are from PyImathTask.h
#if defined(PYIMATH_EXPORTS) // create library
#define PYIMATH_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#else // use library
#define PYIMATH_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
So, because you want to make these functions available from your application, you must add PYIMATH_EXPORTS as a preprocessor definition.
Actually, PyIMath's properties mispells it - they've write it as PyImath_EXPORTS - ...
To fix that, in vs2015, go to the PyImath's properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor > Replace PyImath_EXPORTS by PYIMATH_EXPORTS.
It's probably the same thing for PyIex...


How to use a provided DLL file with HPP header?

I’m currently having some problems trying to implement an integration with a Verifone PoS.
The bank we are working with provided us with one .dll file, one .h file and one .hpp file.
I’m usually a Java or PHP developer, so for the last days I consumed everything I found on the web about DLL files and how to use them, but none seemed to work so far. I got a lot of errors, many of them being something like “invalid dll”.
I found on the web that alongside a dll file there should have been a .lib file. I asked the third party about this, but apparently
There is no .lib file. The .dll file contains all the required info for an integration
From their documentation of library I found this:
The form of the supplied binary is a dynamic library. By its nature, a dynamic library allows for easier updates and corrections, not requiring recompilation or relinking of the client (calling) code, as long as the procedures prototypes (function parameters and return types) remain the same.
The language used for the library implementation is C++.
To access the functionalities implemented in the library binary, a C-style header interface is provided. This is comprised of the function prototypes available to be called as well as the types of the result-structures through which the returned data needs to be interpreted to make sense for the previously accessed functionality (the specific requested transaction).
So yeah, the .h file includes only the data types, and the .hpp file contains some declarations that looks like this:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool doSomething(int param);
Also in their documentation there is an example of how an implemetation should look (and it is fairly simple):
bool someVar = doSomething(1);
It looks like those functions can be called as simple as that, but they cannot. If I try to do that I get an “undefined function” (or similar) error.
At this point the only thing that seemed to have somehow worked (maybe) is loading the DLL with the LoadLibrary function. But besides the fact that whatever function I try to call, with whatever parameters, it returns false, it seems kind of wrong that I do not use the .hpp file at all.
So here we are. How I should aproach this? Is there a way to load the DLL and use the provided HPP file as function definitions? If not, is there another way beside LoadLibrary + GetProcAddress combo to do this?
Thank you!
I'm assuming the dll is a native dll, not a managed assembly (.net dll).
Usually, the dll author adds a preprocessor definition to the build system, like DLL_EXPORT. So if the author compiles the dll, the import library (a small .lib file) will contain all functions that used the DLL_API macro. Then the author can ship the very same header to a user. Because that user won't have the DLL_EXPORT macro defined, DLL_API will resolve to a dllimport, which basically says that the annotated function is defined in the import library.
Such a header might look like this (the whole #if condition is usually in its own header file which is then included in all headers that export functions):
# define DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
# define DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
extern "C"
void DLL_API SomeFunction(int x);
void DLL_API AnotherFunction(int x);
If the author builds the project (in msvc) the compiler will generate the dll file and a small .lib file, which is the import library. This lib will essentially do what you have to do now: calling LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to resolve all the functions that have been annotated with __declspec(dllexport).
The following part is a bit speculative and I'm guessing a bit here.
All __declspec(dllimport) does, is tell consumers that this dll contains those functions. But the linker has to link a declaration to its definition (implementation) so the function must be defined somewhere at compiletime. And that place is the import library (.lib). If you don't link with the import library, you will get a linker error when you build your project.
This means simply changing the dllexport to a dllimport won't solve your problems. Without an import library your only option is to load the dll manually with LoadLibrary and search for each function.
If I were you, I'd ask the author for an example project that uses the dll. AFAIK, the only ways to use a native dll is either by linking to an import library or by loading everything manually.
Manually generating the import library from the dll
I've tested this to make sure it works.
First of all, fix the header file to either use the macros like I did in the example above, or just use dllimport directly.
Second, open the developer command prompt for VS and follow the steps from this answer. Make sure to use the correct file names and target architecture (x64 or x86). Now you should have a .lib file.
Thrid, add the lib to your project.
Add the directory of the lib (place it somewhere close to the project so you can use relative paths). Open the project properties and follow the steps in this image:
Make sure that Configuration and Platform are correct (you probably want it like in the image). You can also use relative paths. Click on the Macros button to see all predefined paths available to you.
Add the lib to the linker dependencies:
Put the header somewhere in your project where you can access it.
Now you can simply include the header anywhere in your project and use the functions declared inside it. But note that the dll file has to be placed somewhere where LoadLibrary can find it. Preferably this is the same directory where your project's executable is located.
Bonus facts
The definition file (.def) is actually very simple. The def file for my sample code above is:
If I remove the extern "C" block around my declarations, my function names will be mangled and the def file looks like this:
If you put those functions inside a namespace (for example FooSpace), that namespace name will also be part of the function name:
Note that all extern "C" entities will ignore namespaces, meaning all extern "C" functions, variables, types, ... will be put into the global namespace, no matter if you define them inside a namespace or not.
These are also the names that you'd have to pass to GetProcAddress if you did it manually.

BOOL redefinition after including minwindef.h

I am a newbie in C/C++, just in case :)
I have cloned an older protocol stack solution written in C with one main class in C++ imported it into VS
(Visual C++ 2017 v 15.9.5 targeting Windows SDK 10.0.17134.0) it compiled correctly and working.
Now made a C++ solution (windows console application) created a folder lib copy pasted all those .h and .c files into lib added the path to additional include directories and also in linker additional library directories.
Building the Solution throwing tones of errors. the one I am trying to fix now is:
One of the header files contains type definitions
typedef uint8_t U8;
#ifndef BOOL
typedef U8 BOOL;
but this is conflicting with minwindef.h from windows kit. though I #include types.h getting C2371 'BOOL': redefinition; different basic types
in the whole solution, I want to use this definition of BOOL and all other ones defined in this header.
How should I solve the issue? Or in General in case of using C codes in C++ projects what settings and MACRO (e.g. extern "C" in methods) should I follow
I don't know anything about the library you're trying to work with, because you did not tell us what it is. But I can make some guesses:
The code did not used to interface with Windows code at all;
By creating a Windows C++ application you have added Windows dependencies;
The Windows dependencies (well-known for poisoning the namespace with short names like BOOL) are conflicting with the library's code (which is doing the same thing with its BOOL macro, when defined, and its BOOL type alias, otherwise).
This isn't really to do with C vs C++ or anything like this, and there's no general fix you can make. You can either try to get rid of the Windows dependency (do you need that header for your task?) or you can patch your library not to touch BOOL (after making sure that Windows's BOOL is what you need it to be).
And use this as a good lesson not to pollute namespaces!

How do I fix an Unresolved External Symbol error in my C++ DLL?

I have a dll, which accesses some classes outside of its project (I'm using Visual Studio, so I have two projects). The thing is, in the header that the dll includes, which is outside of the dll's project, there are only bodies of functions, like this:
class x
void myFunc();
And in another cpp file, outside of the dll file:
#include "x.h"
The dll is only getting the bodies of the functions, so when I compile, I get lots of unresolved external symbols (I'm quite sure that this is the issue, because I tested with another class fully built in a .h file, in another project, and no errors). So how can I solve this mystery?
It is normal for the import headers to only have function signatures; the actual function bodies are already compiled into the DLL binary and are resolved at link time by linking into the actual DLL.
The first thing to try is to make sure you are actually linking to the said DLL. It isn't enough to just include the header, you also need to link to the binary. So in your project configuration, you need to add a link to (for example) the .lib file that gets created along-side the DLL when the DLL is compiled (if in MSVC). This lib file lets the linker know how to connect the function signatures you included via the import header to the actual implementations contained in the DLL. If you're on a different platform, the mechanics might be a little different, but the concepts will be similar.
The next step is to make sure the binary is actually exporting the symbols you're trying to link against. Make sure that all interface signatures are being exported via __declspec(dll_export) prefixes. Normally this is wrapped up in an IFDEF so that the header is declared export while the DLL is being compiled, but not when that header is included in a client project. Next, you could use dumpbin to check the mangled export names, and see if there is anything unexpected.
Here's a modified version of your example that illustrates this style of export (note, I haven't tested if this compiles, apologies for any typos):
#define MYDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MYDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
class MYDLL_API x
void myFunc();
You would then set your configuration to define BUILDING_MYDLL when compiling the dll, but not when compiling the executable. This way the functions are only marked export when compiling the library dll. Now you can mark your public API functions with MYDLL_API and they should get exported during build.
Please note that dll_export, dll_import, and declspec are all very MSVC-specific constructs. Other compilers/runtimes handle symbol export in different ways.
There's multiple ways to link DLL into your app on Windows, check out this existing question/answer:


I am developing on an existing C++ COM DLL with VS2008.
the compiler says:
"More than one global threading model defined"
in my StdAfx.h i got this define:
I initialize COM with this:
but i can't find a define for _ATL_FREE_THREADED. the compiler warning indicates that both must be defined somewhere. but i don't know where to find the _ATL_FREE_THREADED.
any ideas why i get the compiler msg?
thanks juergen
Those symbols are defined inside atlbase.h and atldef.h which reside along with other ATL headers - you can look there and see that there's some simple logic for detecting whether one of those symbols has bee set already and setting a default one.
it does sound like you code somewhere defines _ATL_FREE_THREADED. You could sprinkle...
#pragma message ("hi")
... between various include files to see if you can find the one that defines that macro. Before you do that though, have you checked to make sure it's not defined in the project properties (both at project and at cpp file levels)?

About inconsistent dll linkage

How can I remove this link warning? You can see code segment that causes this warning.
//bla bla
// Exported DLL initialization is run in context of running application
extern "C" void WINAPI InitGuiCtrlsDLL()
// create a new CDynLinkLibrary for this app
new CDynLinkLibrary(GuiCtrlsDLL);
// nothing more to do
warning C4273: 'InitGuiCtrlsDLL' : inconsistent dll linkage
I have also export and import definitions, like:
#ifdef _GUICTRLS
#define GUI_CTRLS_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define GUI_CTRLS_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
The purpose of the preprocessor statements:
#ifdef _GUICTRLS
#define GUI_CTRLS_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define GUI_CTRLS_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
is to make sure that the header file declares the class or function as __declspec(dllexport) in the .dll where it is defined, and as __declspec(dllimport) for any other .dll that might want to use it.
For this to work, _GUICTRLS must be defined when compiling the exporting .dll, and not defined for any other .dll. Generally you would expect _GUICTRLS to be defined in the project properties, under C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions.
The compiler error you are seeing usually happens because either _GUICTRLS is not defined for the project that is doing the export, or it is defined for multiple projects, usually resulting from cutting an pasting from one project to another. You will also see this if _GUICTRLS is defined in a header file that is included in multiple projects.
There are multiple possibilities:
You use AFX_EXTENSION_MODULE. This means that you are implementing an MFC extension DLL. For such extension dlls you have to define the preprocessor _AFXEXT. Set this in the C++ compiler settings of your Visual C++ project
How To Use _declspec(dllexport) in an MFC Extension DLL:
TN033: DLL Version of MFC:
2) It is likely that you have a duplicated definiton/declaration.
In addition to reading the warning message, pay attention to where it occurs if you have multiple projects as part of a workspace.
I wasted time looking for a problem in my DLL which was compiling and linking correctly. The workspace was also building the main application and my error was that I had inadvertently included a new (DLL) source file into the build file list of the application itself.
The main program requires the DLL header mynewdll.h to import things but does not require the source file mynewdll.cpp. (The code is brought in at run time with a DLL.) I have a habit of including header and code files into projects as a pair, and this is where I had gone wrong.
I would have detected the error much sooner if I had been alert and noticed that the DLL project linked with no errors and it was the main program that complained!
My DLL source code and project was error free and it was only the way I tried to build my executable that was faulty.
That warning is usually caused by a duplicate definition of a function with different use of dllimport. Are you sure you didn't do this?
[ CMake inconsistent dll linkage ]
I encountered the following issue + solution with the __declspec(dllexport) + __declspec(dllimport) :
# # #CMakeLists.txt
# The above was the solution...
# (MYLIB is used in the standard ifdef + define MYLIB_EXPORT syntax)
# Below: seems to get overruled by other directory's headers:
set_source_files_properties( file1.h file2.h COMPILE_FLAGS "-DMYLIB=1")
This was annoying because a number of sources say to use the 'set source file properties' command to get better granularity but the doc is not clear on what happens to file1.h's declares when included from a different directory... better stick with add_definitions( -DMYLIB=1 ) for now!
To catch this problem: in your Foo.cpp file:
#include "export.h"
#if defined(MYLIB)
#if defined(OTHERLIB)
static_assert(0,"error, check your definitions!");
// OTHER depends on MY; can't have both of these flags being set!
struct OTHER_EXPORT foo
See that you are not defining the exported symbols in a different project. Also clean all the intermediate files by hand and recompile.
To elaborate the answer of damian with an example. I read it but didn't understand at first glance.
You have a shared library with a source file compiled in that contains the function. In a new project you use the library and in addition you compile also the source file to use the function (I forgot that it is already in the library). Within the library the functions label is exported, within the additional compiled source file the functions label is marked to be imported. That's the conflict.
In my case, error C4273 was caused by trying linking to .lib file from a DLL dynamic load tester app in Qt5 by msvc2017_64 toolchain. Removing the reference to .lib file by changing LIBS setting in .pro file have the problem solved.