What is the practical purpose of re-running unit tests throughout development? - unit-testing

I've read over and over that it's important to create unit tests for all (or at least most) of your methods, and run them repeatedly throughout development. This made perfect sense to me at first, but now as I'm beginning to implement these tests myself I'm feeling less sure. From what I can see once you've made a test pass, it will always pass, since all the data it is using is mocked up. I feel like there's something I'm not getting.
Let's say you write a method like this:
/* Verifies email address (just for illustration, not robust code) */
bool VerifyEmail(String email){
return Regex.Match(email, "^\w+#\w+\.com$");
Maybe you would write a unit test like this:
/* Again, not robust, just for illustration */
void TestVerifyEmail(){
Dictionary<String, bool> testCases = new Dictionary<String, bool>(
{"fake#fake.com", true},
{"fake#!!!.com", false},
{"#fake.com", false},
{"fake#fake.cme", false}
forEach(String test in testCases.Keys()){
Test.Assert(VerifyEmail(test) == testCases[test]);
Unless you go and change the test cases, the results of the test function will never ever change, no matter what else happens to the rest of the code, because VerifyEmail() is isolated.
This is an especially simple case, but in most unit test examples I see, even ones that are meant not to operate in a vacuum, they always use totally mocked-up data, and so the test results will never change unless the test itself is changed.
What is the point of running unit tests over and over if, it seems to me, the results will never change? Since all the tests place the chunk of code they're testing into an isolated environment with mocked-up data, the unit tests will pass every time.
I totally get writing unit tests when initially creating the code to ensure it works the way you want, such as in TDD, but once you've done that, what's the point to ever running it again later?

Ideally, unit tests aren't written to verify that the code you wrote works; unit tests are written to ensure that requirements are met. If the unit test suite includes test coverage for every possible requirement (positive and negative) then once you write enough code to pass every test, your project is complete. The benefit to this is that if additional requirements are added later, someone can refactor the project to add in the additional lines and as long as every unit test passes, then the original requirements are still accomplished.

You have a valid point. Theoretically you could use a dependencies to only rerun tests that could have broken with new changes. In practice, though we don't. Why? Mostly because we don't trust that we could write the dependencies correctly. Remember that we are talking about functional dependencies, not just include-headers. I do not know a tool to auto generate those.

It may help to keep in mind that there are two common definitions of "unit test". Both share the constraints that tests should be fast, deterministic, isolated from each other.
There is a school that adds an additional constraint that the system under test should be isolated from all other collaborators in the system. But that definition isn't universal -- it's normal in the "Chicago Style" for the system under test to be a composite made from many different parts.
Martin Fowler:
As xunit testing became more popular in the 2000's the notion of solitary tests came back, at least for some people. We saw the rise of Mock Objects and frameworks to support mocking. Two schools of xunit testing developed, which I call the classic and mockist styles. One of the differences between the two styles is that mockists insist upon solitary unit tests, while classicists prefer sociable tests.
When private implementation details of the system under test can be refactored into separate parts, it becomes less cost effective to track which tests are dependent on which fragments of production code.
Furthermore, you are regularly going to be running some unit tests; at a minimum, after each refactoring you should be checking that you didn't introduce a regression, so you should be running all of the tests that depend on the code you just changed.
BUT, we're talking about tests that are fast and isolated from one another. Given that you are already taking a moment to run some tests, the marginal costs of running "more" tests are pretty small.
Of course, small isn't zero; I believe that in most cases developers use a weighting strategy to determine how often a tests needs to be run; run the tests that are likely to detect a problem more of than those that aren't likely to detect a problem, conditioned on what part of the code base you are actively working on.


When is a Test not a Unit-test?

I am looking for rules like:
A test is not a unit-test if:
it communicates with a database
it cannot run in parallel with other tests
uses the "environment" like registry or file system
What else is there?
See Michael Feathers' definition
A test is not a unit test if:
It talks to the database
It communicates across the network
It touches the file system
It can't run at the same time as any of your other unit tests
You have to do special things to your environment (such as editing
config files) to run it.
A test is not a unit test if it is not testing a unit.
Seriously, that's all there is to it.
The concept of "unit" in unit testing is not well-defined, in fact, the best definition I have found so far, isn't actually a definition because it is circular: a unit in a unit test is the smallest possible thing that can be tested in isolation.
This gives you two checkpoints: is it tested in isolation? And is it the smallest possible thing?
Please note that both of these are context-dependent. What might be the smallest possible thing in one situation (say, an entire object) might in another situation just one small piece of one single method. And what counts as isolation in one situation might be in another (e.g. in a memory-managed language, you never run in isolation from the garbage collector, and most of the time that is irrelevant, but sometimes it might not be).
Difficult one...
For me a unit test verifies one specific piece of logic in isolation. Meaning, I take some logic, extract it from the rest (if necessary by mocking dependencies) and test just that logic - a unit (of the whole) - by exploring different kind of possible control flows.
But on the other side...can we always 100% say correct or incorrect?? Not to become philosophical, but - as also Michael says in his post:
Tests that do these things aren't bad.
Often they are worth writing, and they
can be written in a unit test harness.
However, it is important to be able to
separate them from true unit tests so
that we can keep a set of tests that
we can run fast whenever we make our
So why shouldn't I write a unit test that verifies the logic of parsing for instance an xls file by accessing some dummy file from the file system in my test folder (like MS tests allow with the DeploymentItem)?
Of course - as mentioned - we should separate these kind of tests from the others (maybe in a separate test suite in JUnit). But I think one should also write those tests if he feels comfortable in having them there...clearly then always again remembering that a unit test should just test a piece in isolation.
What is most important in my eyes is that these tests run fast and don't take too long s.t. they can be run repeatedly and very often.
It has no asserts, and is not expecting an exception to be thrown.
A test is not an Unit Test when:
it tests more than one thing at once (i.e. it tests how two things work together) - then it is an integration test
Checklist for good unit tests:
they are automated
they are repeatable
they are easy to implement
they remain for future use, once written
they can be run by anyone
they can be run by the push of a button
they run quickly
Some more best practices (in no particular order of importance):
tests should be separated from integration tests (which are slower), so that they can be run fast as frequently as possible
they should not comprise too much logic (preferably, no control structures)
every test should test only one thing (thus, they should contain only one assert)
the expected values used in assertions should be hard-coded and not computed at test run-time
external dependencies (filesystem, time, memory etc.) should be replaced by stubs
test should recreate the initial state at test shutdown
in assertions, it is better to use a "contains..." policy, rather than "is strictly equal..." policy (i.e. we expect certain values in a collection, certain characters in a string etc.)
This is part of the knowledge I have extracted from Roy Osherove's book - The Art of Unit Testing
Implementing a test across multiple possibly failing units would not be a unit test.
Intricate question.
Say I am to program some business logic and all business logic needs to get to the data via some form of DAL.
Say that for the purposes of testing, I mock the DAL units (by creating "mockingbirds").
But those mockingbirds are of course, additional units in their own right. So even when using mocks, it might seem like I'm still bound to violate the idea of "no other units involved" when I want to unit-test my business logic module.
Of course, it is generally known that "creating mockingbirds for the DAL" can invalidate your very test itself on the count that your mockingbird deviates in some particular aspect from the DAL.
Conclusion : it is outright impossible to do "genuine unit-tests" on business modules that depend in any way on any kind of DAL, question mark ?
Corrolary : the only thing that can possible be ("genuinely" !) unit-tested is the DAL itself, question mark ?
Corrolary of the corrolary : given that the "DAL" is usually either an ORM or the very DML of some DBMS, and given that those products are usually bought as being "proven technology", what is the added value of doing any unit tests what so ever, question mark ?
After whether a test is a unit test or not is settled the next question is, is it a good unit test?

What are the pros and cons of automated Unit Tests vs automated Integration tests?

Recently we have been adding automated tests to our existing java applications.
What we have
The majority of these tests are integration tests, which may cover a stack of calls like:-
HTTP post into a servlet
The servlet validates the request and calls the business layer
The business layer does a bunch of stuff via hibernate etc and updates some database tables
The servlet generates some XML, runs this through XSLT to produce response HTML.
We then verify that the servlet responded with the correct XML and that the correct rows exist in the database (our development Oracle instance). These rows are then deleted.
We also have a few smaller unit tests which check single method calls.
These tests are all run as part of our nightly (or adhoc) builds.
The Question
This seems good because we are checking the boundaries of our system: servlet request/response on one end and database on the other. If these work, then we are free to refactor or mess with anything inbetween and have some confidence that the servlet under test continues to work.
What problems are we likely to run into with this approach?
I can't see how adding a bunch more unit tests on individual classes would help. Wouldn't that make it harder to refactor as it's much more likely we will need to throw away and re-write tests?
Unit tests localize failures more tightly. Integration-level tests more closely correspond to user requirements and so are better predictor of delivery success. Neither of them is much good unless built and maintained, but both of them are very valuable if properly used.
The thing with units tests is that no integration level test can exercise all the code as much as a good set of unit tests can. Yes, that can mean that you have to refactor the tests somewhat, but in general your tests shouldn't depend on the internals so much. So, lets say for example that you have a single function to get a power of two. You describe it (as a formal methods guy, I'd claim you specify it)
long pow2(int p); // returns 2^p for 0 <= p <= 30
Your test and your spec look essentially the same (this is sort of pseudo-xUnit for illustration):
assertEqual(1, pow2(0));
assertException(domainError, pow2(-1));
assertException(domainError, pow2(31));
Now your implementation can be a for loop with a multiple, and you can come along later and change that to a shift.
If you change the implementation so that, say, it's returning 16 bits (remember that sizeof(long) is only guaranteed to be no less than sizeof(short)) then this tests will fail quickly. An integration-level test should probably fail, but not certainly, and it's just as likely as not to fail somewhere far downstream of the computation of pow2(28).
The point is that they really test for diferent situations. If you could build sufficiently details and extensive integration tests, you might be able to get the same level of coverage and degree of fine-grained testing, but it's probably hard to do at best, and the exponential state-space explosion will defeat you. By partitioning the state space using unit tests, the number of tests you need grows much less than exponentially.
You are asking pros and cons of two different things (what are the pros and cons of riding a horse vs riding a motorcycle?)
Of course both are "automated tests" (~riding) but that doesn't mean that they are alternative (you don't ride a horse for hundreds of miles, and you don't ride a motorcycle in closed-to-vehicle muddy places)
Unit Tests test the smallest unit of the code, usually a method. Each unit test is closely tied to the method it is testing, and if it's well written it's tied (almost) only with that.
They are great to guide the design of new code and the refactoring of existing code. They are great to spot problems long before the system is ready for integration tests. Note that I wrote guide and all the Test Driven Development is about this word.
It does not make any sense to have manual Unit Tests.
What about refactoring, which seems to be your main concern? If you are refactoring just the implementation (content) of a method, but not its existence or "external behavior", the Unit Test is still valid and incredibly useful (you cannot imagine how much useful until you try).
If you are refactoring more aggressively, changing methods existence or behavior, then yes, you need to write a new Unit Test for each new method, and possibly throw away the old one. But writing the Unit Test, especially if you write it before the code itself, will help to clarify the design (i.e. what the method should do, and what it shouldn't) without being confused by the implementation details (i.e. how the method should do the thing that it needs to do).
Automated Integration Tests test the biggest unit of the code, usually the entire application.
They are great to test use cases which you don't want to test by hand. But you can also have manual Integration Tests, and they are as effective (only less convenient).
Starting a new project today, it does not make any sense not to have Unit Tests, but I'd say that for an existing project like yours it does not make too much sense to write them for everything you already have and it's working.
In your case, I'd rather use a "middle ground" approach writing:
smaller Integration Tests which only test the sections you are going to refactor. If you are refactoring the whole thing, then you can use your current Integration Tests, but if you are refactoring only -say- the XML generation, it does not make any sense to require the presence of the database, so I'd write a simple and small XML Integration Test.
a bunch of Unit Tests for the new code you are going to write. As I already wrote above, Unit Tests will be ready as soon as you "mess with anything in between", making sure that your "mess" is going somewhere.
In fact your Integration Test will only make sure that your "mess" is not working (because at the beginning it will not work, right?) but it will not give you any clue on
why it is not working
if your debugging of the "mess" is really fixing something
if your debugging of the "mess" is breaking something else
Integration Tests will only give the confirmation at the end if the whole change was successful (and the answer will be "no" for a long time). The Integration Tests will not give you any help during the refactoring itself, which will make it harder and possibly frustrating. You need Unit Tests for that.
I agree with Charlie about Integration-level tests corresponding more to user actions and the correctness of the system as a whole. I do think there is alot more value to Unit Tests than just localizing failures more tightly though. Unit tests provide two main values over integration tests:
1) Writing unit tests is as much an act of design as testing. If you practice Test Driven Development/Behavior Driven Development the act of writing the unit tests helps you design exactly what you code should do. It helps you write higher quality code (since being loosely coupled helps with testing) and it helps you write just enough code to make your tests pass (since your tests are in effect your specification).
2) The second value of unit tests is that if they are properly written they are very very fast. If I make a change to a class in your project can I run all the corresponding tests to see if I broke anything? How do I know which tests to run? And how long will they take? I can guarantee it will be longer than well written unit tests. You should be able to run all of you unit tests in a couple of minutes at the most.
Just a few examples from personal experience:
Unit Tests:
(+) Keeps testing close to the relevant code
(+) Relatively easy to test all code paths
(+) Easy to see if someone inadvertently changes the behavior of a method
(-) Much harder to write for UI components than for non-GUI
Integration Tests:
(+) It's nice to have nuts and bolts in a project, but integration testing makes sure they fit each other
(-) Harder to localize source of errors
(-) Harder to tests all (or even all critical) code paths
Ideally both are necessary.
Unit test: Make sure that input index >= 0 and < length of array. What happens when outside bounds? Should method throw exception or return null?
Integration test: What does the user see when a negative inventory value is input?
The second affects both the UI and the back end. Both sides could work perfectly, and you could still get the wrong answer, because the error condition between the two isn't well-defined.
The best part about Unit testing we've found is that it makes devs go from code->test->think to think->test->code. If a dev has to write the test first, [s]he tends to think more about what could go wrong up front.
To answer your last question, since unit tests live so close to the code and force the dev to think more up front, in practice we've found that we don't tend to refactor the code as much, so less code gets moved around - so tossing and writing new tests constantly doesn't appear to be an issue.
The question has a philisophical part for sure, but also points to pragmatic considerations.
Test driven design used as the means to become a better developer has its merits, but it is not required for that. Many a good programmer exists who never wrote a unit test. The best reason for unit tests is the power they give you when refactoring, especially when many people are changing the source at the same time. Spotting bugs on checkin is also a huge time-saver for a project (consider moving to a CI model and build on checkin instead of nightly). So if you write a unit test, either before or after you written the code it tests, you are sure at that moment about the new code you've written. It is what can happen to that code later that the unit test ensures against - and that can be significant. Unit tests can stop bugs before tehy get to QA, thereby speeding up your projects.
Integration tests stress the interfaces between elements in your stack, if done correctly. In my experience, integration is the most unpredictable part of a project. Getting individual pieces to work tends not to be that hard, but putting everything together can be very difficult because of the types of bugs that can emerge at this step. In many cases, projects are late because of what happens in integration. Some of the errors encountered in this step are found in interfaces that have been broken by some change made on one side that was not communicated to the other side. Another source of integration errors are in configurations discovered in dev but forgotten by the time the app goes to QA. Integration tests can help reduce both types dramatically.
The importance of each test type can be debated, but what will be of most importance to you is the application of either type to your particular situation. Is the app in question being developed by a small group of people or many different groups? Do you have one repository for everything, or many repos each for a particular component of the app? If you have the latter, then you will have challenges with inter compatability of different versions of different components.
Each test type is designed to expose the problems of different levels of integration in the development phase to save time. Unit tests drive the integration of the output many developers operating on one repository. Integration tests (poorly named) drive the integration of components in the stack - components often written by separate teams. The class of problems exposed by integration tests are typically more time-consuming to fix.
So pragmatically, it really boils down to where you most need speed in your own org/process.
The thing that distinguishes Unit tests and Integration tests is the number of parts required for the test to run.
Unit tests (theoretically) require very (or no) other parts to run.
Integration tests (theoretically) require lots (or all) other parts to run.
Integration tests test behaviour AND the infrastructure. Unit tests generally only test behaviour.
So, unit tests are good for testing some stuff, integration tests for other stuff.
So, why unit test?
For instance, it is very hard to test boundary conditions when integration testing. Example: a back end function expects a positive integer or 0, the front end does not allow entry of a negative integer, how do you ensure that the back end function behaves correctly when you pass a negative integer to it? Maybe the correct behaviour is to throw an exception. This is very hard to do with an integration test.
So, for this, you need a unit test (of the function).
Also, unit tests help eliminate problems found during integration tests. In your example above, there are a lot of points of failure for a single HTTP call:
the call from the HTTP client
the servlet validation
the call from the servlet to the business layer
the business layer validation
the database read (hibernate)
the data transformation by the business layer
the database write (hibernate)
the data transformation -> XML
the XSLT transformation -> HTML
the transmission of the HTML -> client
For your integration tests to work, you need ALL of these processes to work correctly. For a Unit test of the servlet validation, you need only one. The servlet validation (which can be independent of everything else). A problem in one layer becomes easier to track down.
You need both Unit tests AND integration tests.
Unit tests execute methods in a class to verify proper input/output without testing the class in the larger context of your application. You might use mocks to simulate dependent classes -- you're doing black box testing of the class as a stand alone entity. Unit tests should be runnable from a developer workstation without any external service or software requirements.
Integration tests will include other components of your application and third party software (your Oracle dev database, for example, or Selenium tests for a webapp). These tests might still be very fast and run as part of a continuous build, but because they inject additional dependencies they also risk injecting new bugs that cause problems for your code but are not caused by your code. Preferably, integration tests are also where you inject real/recorded data and assert that the application stack as a whole is behaving as expected given those inputs.
The question comes down to what kind of bugs you're looking to find and how quickly you hope to find them. Unit tests help to reduce the number of "simple" mistakes while integration tests help you ferret out architectural and integration issues, hopefully simulating the effects of Murphy's Law on your application as a whole.
Joel Spolsky has written very interesting article about unit-testing (it was dialog between Joel and some other guy).
The main idea was that unit tests is very good thing but only if you use them in "limited" quantity. Joel doesn't recommend to achive state when 100% of your code is under testcases.
The problem with unit tests is that when you want to change architecture of your application you'll have to change all corresponding unit tests. And it'll take very much time (maybe even more time than the refactoring itself). And after all that work only few tests will fail.
So, write tests only for code that really can make some troubles.
How I use unit tests: I don't like TDD so I first write code then I test it (using console or browser) just to be sure that this code do nessecary work. And only after that I add "tricky" tests - 50% of them fail after first testing.
It works and it doesn't take much time.
We have 4 different types of tests in our project:
Unit tests with mocking where necessary
DB tests that act similar to unit tests but touch db & clean up afterwards
Our logic is exposed through REST, so we have tests that do HTTP
Webapp tests using WatiN that actually use IE instance and go over major functionality
I like unit tests. They run really fast (100-1000x faster than #4 tests). They are type safe, so refactoring is quite easy (with good IDE).
Main problem is how much work is required to do them properly. You have to mock everything: Db access, network access, other components. You have to decorate unmockable classes, getting a zillion mostly useless classes. You have to use DI so that your components are not tightly coupled and therefore not testable (note that using DI is not actually a downside :)
I like tests #2. They do use the database and will report database errors, constraint violations and invalid columns. I think we get valuable testing using this.
#3 and especially #4 are more problematic. They require some subset of production environment on build server. You have to build, deploy and have the app running. You have to have a clean DB every time. But in the end, it pays off. Watin tests require constant work, but you also get constant testing. We run tests on every commit and it is very easy to see when we break something.
So, back to your question. Unit tests are fast (which is very important, build time should be less than, say, 10 minutes) and the are easy to refactor. Much easier than rewriting whole watin thing if your design changes. If you use a nice editor with good find usages command (e.g. IDEA or VS.NET + Resharper), you can always find where your code is being tested.
With REST/HTTP tests, you get a good a good validation that your system actually works. But tests are slow to run, so it is hard to have a complete validation at this level. I assume your methods accept multiple parametres or possibly XML input. To check each node in XML or each parameter, it would take tens or hundreds of calls. You can do that with unit tests, but you cannot do that with REST calls, when each can take a big fraction of a second.
Our unit tests check special boundary conditions far more often than #3 tests. They (#3) check that main functionality is working and that's it. This seems to work pretty well for us.
As many have mentioned, integration tests will tell you whether your system works, and unit tests will tell you where it doesn't. Strictly from a testing perspective, these two kinds of tests complement each other.
I can't see how adding a bunch more
unit tests on individual classes would
help. Wouldn't that make it harder to
refactor as it's much more likely we
will need to throw away and re-write
No. It will make refactoring easier and better, and make it clearer to see what refactorings are appropriate and relevant. This is why we say that TDD is about design, not about testing. It's quite common for me to write a test for one method and in figuring out how to express what that method's result should be to come up with a very simple implementation in terms of some other method of the class under test. That implementation frequently finds its way into the class under test. Simpler, more solid implementations, cleaner boundaries, smaller methods: TDD - unit tests, specifically - lead you in this direction, and integration tests do not. They're both important, both useful, but they serve different purposes.
Yes, you may find yourself modifying and deleting unit tests on occasion to accommodate refactorings; that's fine, but it's not hard. And having those unit tests - and going through the experience of writing them - gives you better insight into your code, and better design.
Although the setup you described sounds good, unit testing also offers something important. Unit testing offers fine levels of granularity. With loose coupling and dependency injection, you can pretty much test every important case. You can be sure that the units are robust; you can scrutinise individual methods with scores of inputs or interesting things that don't necessarily occur during your integration tests.
E.g. if you want to deterministically see how a class will handle some sort of failure that would require a tricky setup (e.g. network exception when retrieving something from a server) you can easily write your own test double network connection class, inject it and tell it to throw an exception whenever you feel like it. You can then make sure that the class under test gracefully handles the exception and carries on in a valid state.
You might be interested in this question and the related answers too. There you can find my addition to the answers that were already given here.

What attribute should a good Unit-Test have?

A Unit-Test should
produce deterministic result
be independent
be valid
What other characteristics should a test also have?
Ah. My favorite subject :-) Where to start...
According to xUnit test patterns by Gerard Meszaros (THE book to read about unit testing)
Tests should reduce risk, not
introduce it.
Tests should be easy to run.
Tests should be easy to maintain as
the system evolves around them
Some things to make this easier:
Tests should only fail because of one
reason. (Tests should only test one thing, avoid multiple asserts for example.)
There should only be one test that fails for that reason. (this keeps your testbase maintainable)
Minimize test dependencies (no
dependencies on databases, files, ui
Other things to look at:
Have a descriptive name. Tests-names should read like specifications. If your names get too long you're probably testing too much.
Use AAA structure. This is the new fad for mocking frameworks, But I think it's a good way to structure all your tests like this.
Arrange your context
Act, do the things that need to be tested
Assert, assert what you want to check
I usually divide my tests in three blocks of code. Knowing this pattern makes tests more readable.
Mocks vs. Stubs
When using a mocking framework always try to use stubs and state based testing before resorting to mocking.
Stubs are objects that stand in for dependencies of the object you're trying to test. You can program behaviour into them and they can get called in your tests. Mocks expand on that by letting you assert if they were called and how. Mocking is very powerfull but it lets you test implementation instead of pre and post-conditions of your code. This tends to make tests more brittle.
The Pragmatic Programmers' answer : good tests shall be A-TRIP
not access external resources
be readable
Automatable: no manual intervention should be required to run the tests (CI).
Complete: they must cover as much code they can (Code Coverage).
Reusable: no need to create tests that will only be executed once.
Independent: Independent execution of a test should not affect the performance of another.
Professional: tests should be considered with the same value as the code, the same professionalism, documentation, etc.
One that I haven't seen anyone else mention is small. A unit test should test for one particular thing and that's all. I try to aim to have only one assert and minimize the amount of setup code by refactoring them out into their own methods. I'll also create my own custom asserts. A nice small unit test IMO is about 10 lines or less. When a test is small it is easy to get a quick understanding of what the test is trying to do. Large tests end up being unmaintainable in the long run.
Of course, small isn't the only thing I aim for...its just one of the things I value in a unit test. :-)
An other factors to keep in mind is the running time. If a test runs too long it is likely to be skipped.
Must be fully automatic.
Must not assume any preconditions
(product X be installed, file and Y
location etc).
Must be person independent as far as
running the scripts are concerned. Result can, however, be analysed by
subject experts only.
Must run on every beta build.
Must produce a verifiable report.
A unit test should be fast: hundreds of test should be able to run in a few seconds.
A test is not a unit test if:
It talks to the database
It communicates across the network
It touches the file system
It can't run at the same time as any of your other unit tests
You have to do special things to your environment (such as editing config files) to run it.
Tests that do these things aren't bad. Often they are worth writing, and they can be written in a unit test harness. However, it is important to be able to separate them from true unit tests so that we can keep a set of tests that we can run fast whenever we make our changes.
source: A Set of Unit Testing Rules

Testing a test?

I primarily spend my time working on automated tests of win32 and .NET applications, which take about 30% of our time to write and 70% to maintain. We have been looking into methods of reducing the maintenance times, and have already moved to a reusable test library that covers most of the key components of our software. In addition we have some work in progress to get our library to a state where we can use keyword based testing.
I have been considering unit testing our test library, but I'm wondering if it would be worth the time. I'm a strong proponent of unit testing of software, but I'm not sure how to handle test code.
Do you think automated Gui testing libraries should be unit tested? Or is it just a waste of time?
First of all I've found it very useful to look at unit-test as "executable specifications" instead of tests. I write down what I want my code to do and then implement it. Most of the benefits I get from writing unit tests is that they drive the implementation process and focus my thinking. The fact that they're reusable to test my code is almost a happy coincidence.
Testing tests seems just a way to move the problem instead of solving it. Who is going to test the tests that test the tests? The 'trick' that TDD uses to make sure tests are actually useful is by making them fail first. This might be something you can use here too. Write the test, see it fail, then fix the code.
I dont think you should unit test your unit tests.
But, if you have written your own testing library, with custom assertions, keyboard controllers, button testers or what ever, then yes. You should write unit tests to verify that they all work as intented.
The NUnit library is unit tested for example.
In theory, it is software and thus should be unit-tested. If you are rolling your own Unit Testing library, especially, you'll want to unit test it as you go.
However, the actual unit tests for your primary software system should never grow large enough to need unit testing. If they are so complex that they need unit testing, you need some serious refactoring of your software and some attention to simplifying your unit tests.
You might want to take a look at Who tests the tests.
The short answer is that the code tests the tests, and the tests test the code.
Testing Atomic Clocks
Let me start with an analogy. Suppose you are
travelling with an atomic clock. How would you know that the clock is
calibrated correctly?
One way is to ask your neighbor with an atomic clock (because everyone
carries one around) and compare the two. If they both report the same
time, then you have a high degree of confidence they are both correct.
If they are different, then you know one or the other is wrong.
So in this situation, if the only question you are asking is, "Is my
clock giving the correct time?", then do you really need a third clock
to test the second clock and a fourth clock to test the third? Not if
all. Stack Overflow avoided!
IMPO: it's a tradeoff between how much time you have and how much quality you'd like to have.
If I would be using a home made test harnas, I'd test it if time permits.
If it's a third party tool I'm using, I'd expect the supplier to have tested it.
There really isn't a reason why you could/shouldn't unit test your library. Some parts might be too hard to unit test properly, but most of it probably can be unit tested with no particular problem.
It's actually probably particularly beneficial to unit test this kind of code, since you expect it to be both reliable and reusable.
The tests test the code, and the code tests the tests. When you say the same intention in two different ways (once in tests and once in code), the probability of both of them being wrong is very low (unless already the requirements were wrong). This can be compared to the dual entry bookkeeping used by accountants. See http://butunclebob.com/ArticleS.UncleBob.TheSensitivityProblem
Recently there has been discussion about this same issue in the comments of http://blog.objectmentor.com/articles/2009/01/31/quality-doesnt-matter-that-much-jeff-and-joel
About your question, that should GUI testing libraries be tested... If I understood right, you are making your own testing library, and you want to know if you should test your testing library. Yes. To be able to rely on the library to report tests correctly, you should have tests which make sure that library does not report any false positives or false negatives. Regardless of whether the tests are unit tests, integration tests or acceptance tests, there should be at least some tests.
Usually writing unit tests after the code has been written is too late, because then the code tends to be more coupled. The unit tests force the code to be more decoupled, because otherwise small units (a class or a closely related group of classes) can not be tested in isolation.
When the code has already been written, then usually you can add only integration tests and acceptance tests. They will be run with the whole system running, so you can make sure that the features work right, but covering every corner case and execution path is harder than with unit tests.
We generally use these rules of thumb:
1) All product code has both unit tests (arranged to correspond closely with product code classes and functions), and separate functional tests (arranged by user-visible features)
2) Do not write tests for 3rd party code, such as .NET controls, or third party libraries. The exception to this is if you know they contain a bug which you are working around. A regression test for this (which fails when the 3rd party bug disappears) will alert you when upgrades to your 3rd party libraries fix the bug, meaning you can then remove your workarounds.
3) Unit tests and functional tests are not, themselves, ever directly tested - APART from using the TDD procedure of writing the test before the product code, then running the test to watch it fail. If you don't do this, you will be amazed by how easy it is to accidentally write tests which always pass. Ideally, you would then implement your product code one step at a time, and run the tests after each change, in order to see every single assertion in your test fail, then get implemented and start passing. Then you will see the next assertion fail. In this way, your tests DO get tested, but only while the product code is being written.
4) If we factor out code from our unit or functional tests - creating a testing library which is used in many tests, then we do unit test all of this.
This has served us very well. We seem to have always stuck to these rules 100%, and we are very happy with our arrangement.
Kent Beck's book "Test-Driven Development: By Example" has an example of test-driven development of a unit test framework, so it's certainly possible to test your tests.
I haven't worked with GUIs or .NET, but what concerns do you have about your unit tests?
Are you worried that it may describe the target code as incorrect when it is functioning properly? I suppose this is a possibility, but you'd probably be able to detect that if this was happening.
Or are you concerned that it may describe the target code as functioning properly even if it isn't? If you're worried about that, then mutation testing may be what you're after. Mutation testing changes parts of code being tested, to see if those changes cause any tests to fail. If it doesn't, then either the code isn't being run, or the results of that code isn't being tested.
If mutation testing software isn't available on your system, then you could do the mutation manually, by sabotaging the target code yourself and seeing if it causes the unit tests to fail.
If you're building a suite of unit testing products that aren't tied to a particular application, then maybe you should build a trivial application that you can run your test software on and ensure it gets the failures and successes expected.
One problem with mutation testing is that it doesn't ensure that the tests cover all potential scenarios a program may encounter. Instead, it only ensures that the scenarios anticipated by the target code are all tested.
Yes, your GUI testing libraries should be tested.
For example, if your library provides a Check method to verify the contents of a grid against a 2-dimensional array, you want to be sure that it works as intended.
Otherwise, your more complex test cases that test business processes in which a grid must receive particular data may be unreliable. If an error in your Check method produces false negatives, you'll quickly find the problem. However, if it produces false positives, you're in for major headaches down the line.
To test your CheckGrid method:
Populate a grid with known values
Call the CheckGrid method with the values populated
If this case passes, at least one aspect of CheckGrid works.
For the second case, you're expecting the CheckGrid method to report a test failure.
The particulars of how you indicate the expectation will depend on your xUnit framework (see an example later). But basically, if the Test Failure is not reported by CheckGrid, then the test case itself must fail.
Finally, you may want a few more test case for special conditions, such as: empty grids, grid size mismatching array size.
You should be able to modify the following dunit example for most frameworks in order to test that CheckGrid correctly detects errors:
//Populate TheGrid
CheckGrid(<incorrect values>, TheGrid);
LFlagTestFailure := False;
on E: ETestFailure do
LFlagTestFailure := True;
Check(LFlagTestFailure, 'CheckGrid method did not detect errors in grid content');
Let me reiterate: your GUI testing libraries should be tested; and the trick is - how do you do so effectively?
The TDD process recommends that you first figure out how you intend testing a new piece of functionality before you actually implement it. The reason is, that if you don't, you often find yourself scratching your head as to how you're going to verify it works. It is extremely difficult to retrofit test cases onto existing implementations.
Side Note
One thing you said bothers me a little... you said it takes "70% (of your time) to maintain (your tests)"
This sounds a little wrong to me, because ideally your tests should be simple, and should themselves only need to change if your interfaces or rules change.
I may have misunderstood you, but I got the impression that you don't write "production" code. Otherwise you should have more control over the cycle of switching between test code and production code so as to reduce your problem.
Some suggestions:
Watch out for non-deterministic values. For example, dates and artificial keys can play havoc with certain tests. You need a clear strategy of how you'll resolve this. (Another answer on its own.)
You'll need to work closely with the "production developers" to ensure that aspects of the interfaces you're testing can stabilise. I.e. They need to be cognisant of how your tests identify and interact with GUI components so they don't arbitrarily break your tests with changes that "don't affect them".
On the previous point, it would help if automated tests are run whenever they make changes.
You should also be wary of too many tests that simply boil down to arbitrary permutations. For example, if each customer has a category A, B, C, or D; then 4 "New Customer" tests (1 for each category) gives you 3 extra tests that don't really tell you much more than the first one, and are 'hard' to maintain.
Personally, I don't unit test my automation libraries, I run them against a modified version of the baseline to ensure all the checkpoints work. The principal here is that my automation is primarily for regression testing, e.g. that the results for the current run are the same as the expect results (typically this equates to the results of the last run). By running the tests against a suitably modified set of expected results, all the tests shoud fail. If they don't you have a bug in your test suite. This is a concept borrowed from mutation testing that I find works well for checking GUI automation suites.
From your question, I can understand that you are building a Keyword Driven Framework for performing automation testing. In this case, it is always recommended to do some white box testing on the common and GUI utility functions. Since you are interested in Unit testing each GUI testing functionality in your libraries, please go for it. Testing is always good. It is not a waste of time, I would see it as a 'value-add' to your framework.
You have also mentioned about handling test code, if you mean the test approach, please group up different functions/modules performing similar work eg: GUI element validation (presence), GUI element input, GUI element read. Group for different element types and perform a type unit test approach for each group. It would be easier for you to track the testing. Cheers!
I would suggest test the test is a good idea and something that must be done. Just make sure that what you're building to test your app is not more complex that the app itself. As it was said before, TDD is a good approach even when building automated functional tests (I personally wouldn't do it like that, but it is a good approach anyway). Unit testing you test code is a good approach as well. IMHO, if you're automating GUI testing, just go ahead with whatever manual tests are available (you should have steps, raw scenarios, expected results and so on), make sure they pass. Then, for other test that you might create and that are not already manually scripted, unit test them and follow a TDD approach. (then if you have time you could unit test the other ones).
Finally, keyword driven, is, IMO, the best approach you could follow because it gives you the most flexible approach.
You may want to explore a mutation testing framework ( if you work with Java : check out PIT Mutation Testing ). Another way to assess the quality of your unit testing is to look at reports provided by tools such as SonarQube ; the reports include various coverage metrics;

Why are functional tests not enough? What do unit tests offer?

I just had a conversation with my lead developer who disagreed that unit tests are all that necessary or important. In his view, functional tests with a high enough code coverage should be enough since any inner refactorings (interface changes, etc.) will not lead to the tests being needed to be rewritten or looked over again.
I tried explaining but didn't get very far, and thought you guys could do better. ;-) So...
What are some good reasons to unit test code that functional tests don't offer? What dangers are there if all you have are functional tests?
Edit #1 Thanks for all the great answers. I wanted to add that by functional tests I don't mean only tests on the entire product, but rather also tests on modules within the product, just not on the low level of a unit test with mocking if necessary, etc. Note also that our functional tests are automatic, and are continuously running, but they just take longer than unit tests (which is one of the big advantages of unit tests).
I like the brick vs. house example. I guess what my lead developer is saying is testing the walls of the house is enough, you don't need to test the individual bricks... :-)
Off the top of my head
Unit tests are repeatable without effort. Write once, run thousands of times, no human effort required, and much faster feedback than you get from a functional test
Unit tests test small units, so immediately point to the correct "sector" in which the error occurs. Functional tests point out errors, but they can be caused by plenty of modules, even in co-operation.
I'd hardly call an interface change "an inner refactoring". Interface changes tend to break a lot of code, and (in my opinion) force a new test loop rather than none.
unit tests are for devs to see where the code failed
functional tests are for the business to see if the code does what they asked for
unit tests are for devs to see where the code failed
functional tests are for the business to see if the code does what they asked for
unit tests are checking that you've manufactured your bricks correctly
functional tests are checking that the house meets the customer's needs.
They're different things, but the latter will be much easier, if the former has been carried out.
It can be a lot more difficult to find the source of problems if a functional test fails, because you're effectively testing the entire codebase every time. By contrast, unit tests compartmentalize the potential problem areas. If all the other unit tests succeed but this one, you have an assurance that the problem is in the code you're testing and not elsewhere.
Bugs should be caught as soon as possible in the development cycle - having bugs move from design to code, or code to test, or (hopefully not) test to production increases the cost and time required to fix it.
Our shop enforces unit testing for that reason alone (I'm sure there are other reasons but that's enough for us).
If you use a pure Extreme Programing / Agile Development methodology the Unit tests are always required as they are the requirements for development.
In pure XP/Agile one makes all requirements based on the tests which are going to be performed to the application
Functional tests - Generate functional requirements.
Unit tests - Generate functions or object requirements.
Other than that Unit testing can be used to keep a persistent track of function requirements.
i.e. If you need to change the working way of a function but the input fields and output keep untouched. Then unit testing is the best way to keep tracking of possible problems as you only need to run the tests.
In TDD/BDD, unit tests are necessary to write the program. The process goes
failing test -> code -> passing test -> refactor -> repeat
The article linked also mentions the benefits of TDD/BDD. In summary:
Comes very close to eliminating the use of a debugger (I only use it in tests now and very rarely for those)
Code can't stay messy for longer than a few minutes
Documentation examples for an API built-in
Forces loose coupling
The link also has a (silly) walk-through example of TDD/BDD, but it's in PowerPoint (ew), so here's an html version.
Assume for a second that you already have a thorough set of functional tests that check every possible use case available and you are considering adding unit tests. Since the functional tests will catch all possible bugs, the unit tests will not help catch bugs. There are however, some tradeoffs to using functional tests exclusively compared to a combination of unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests.
Unit tests run faster. If you've ever worked on a big project where the test suite takes hours to run, you can understand why fast tests are important.
In my experience, practically speaking, functional tests are more likely to be flaky. For example, sometimes the headless capybara-webkit browser just can't reach your test server for some reason, but you re-run it and it works fine.
Unit tests are easier to debug. Assuming that the unit test has caught a bug, it's easier and faster to pinpoint exactly where the problem is.
On the other hand, assuming you decide to just keep your functional tests and not add any unit tests
If you ever need to re-architect the entire system, you may not have to rewrite any tests. If you had unit tests, a lot of them will probably be deleted or rewritten.
If you ever need to re-architect the entire system, you won't have to worry about regressions. If you had relied on unit tests to cover corner cases, but you were forced to delete or rewrite those unit tests, your new unit tests are more likely to have mistakes in them than the old unit tests.
Once you already have the functional test environment set up and you have gotten over the learning curve, writing additional functional tests is often easier to write and often easier to write correctly than a combination of unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests.