RingCentral RingOut trouble - phone-call

I’m having some RingOut API trouble. Everything was working out just fine but suddenly about a week ago one of the users claimed that the RingOut functionality was broken and from what I see she is correct. For the life of me I can’t figure out what the problem is. Below is what my request looks like. After polling the call the api errors out claiming that one or two lines is busy when I know for a fact they are not. Any ideas or direction on this would be greatly appreciated
Request URI:
Post Variables:
"uri" : "https://platform.ringcentral.com/restapi/v1.0/account/279578017/extension/279580017/ring-out/Y3MxNjg2OTU1NTIyNzE2MzY4NDQyQDEwLjE0LjIzLjA",
"id" : "Y3MxNjg2OTU1NTIyNzE2MzY4NDQyQDEwLjE0LjIzLjA",
"status" : {
"callStatus" : "InProgress",
"callerStatus" : "InProgress",
"calleeStatus" : "InProgress"
Result from polling the call:
"uri" : "https://platform.ringcentral.com/restapi/v1.0/account/279578017/extension/279580017/ring-out/Y3MxNjg2OTU1OTgxNjMyMzY1NjYwQDEwLjE0LjIzLjQ2",
"id" : "Y3MxNjg2OTU1OTgxNjMyMzY1NjYwQDEwLjE0LjIzLjQ2",
"status" : {
"callStatus" : "CannotReach",
"callerStatus" : "Busy",
"calleeStatus" : "InProgress"

I know it sound strange but i had the same error on my app, Removing the +1 from the number fixed the issue for me.
Hope that helps!


ElasticSearch 7.10 AWS Reindexing error es_rejected_execution_exception 429

Both my indices are on the same node. The source has about 200k documents, I'm using AWS and the instance type is "t3.small.search" so 2 vCPUs. I tried slicing already but it just gives me the same error. Any ideas on what I can do to make this process finish successfully?
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "es_rejected_execution_exception",
"reason" : "rejected execution of coordinating operation [shard_detail=[fulltext][0][C], shard_coordinating_and_primary_bytes=0, shard_operation_bytes=98296362, shard_max_coordinating_and_primary_bytes=105630] OR [node_coordinating_and_primary_bytes=0, node_replica_bytes=0, node_all_bytes=0, node_operation_bytes=98296362, node_max_coordinating_and_primary_bytes=105630924]"
"type" : "es_rejected_execution_exception",
"reason" : "rejected execution of coordinating operation [shard_detail=[fulltext][0][C], shard_coordinating_and_primary_bytes=0, shard_operation_bytes=98296362, shard_max_coordinating_and_primary_bytes=105630] OR [node_coordinating_and_primary_bytes=0, node_replica_bytes=0, node_all_bytes=0, node_operation_bytes=98296362, node_max_coordinating_and_primary_bytes=105630924]"
"status" : 429
I ran into a similar problem. I was trying to reindex a couple of indices that had a lot of documents in them. I raised the JVM HeapSize from 512mb to 2gb and it fixed the problem.
Check current JVM HeapSize:
GET {ES_URL}/_cat/nodes?h=heap*&v
Here's how you can change the settings: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/advanced-configuration.html
Hope this helps.

Adding pages to a multi-column notion database works flawlessly sometimes and gives a validation error sometimes for the same input

Basically, I'm using Postman to send POST requests to
It works for 70% of the times and rest of the times it gives the following error sometimes. That is, for the same input.
"object": "error",
"status": 400,
"code": "validation_error",
"message": "body failed validation. Fix one: body.parent.type should be not present, instead was `\"database_id\"`. body.parent.page_id should be defined, instead was `undefined`."
Here's how my body starts
"parent": {
"type": "database_id",
"database_id": "a94c42320ef04b6a9c1a7e5e73455557"
"properties": {
"Title": {
I'm not posting the entire body because it works flawlessly sometimes.
Please help me out. Is there a way to check logs of the requests that come to my page?
First, I found out that type: database_id is not necessary in parent.
I also found out that syntax errors in the payload returns a 400 error:
body failed validation. Fix one: body.parent.type should be not present, instead was `\"database_id\"`. body.parent.page_id should be defined, instead was `undefined`.
In my case, I wrongly added a value in the same level as parent, properties. Like this:
"parent": {
"database_id": "<database_id>"
"properties": {
"wrong_value": {}
Since the errors are not that specific, check if you made the same misktake like me, and please also double check if the parent you are trying to post to is actually a database, not a page.
The issue was with having "type: database_id" inside "parent" in the request data.
"parent": {
"type": "database_id",(REMOVE THIS LINE)
"database_id": "a94c42320ef04b6a9c1a7e5e73455557"
"properties": {
"Title": {
After removing "type" it worked fine. Notion needs to update their docs.

Fn If in cf template and executing a command

I would greatly appreciate your help on this.
I am trying inside a AWS CF template to run a command when the env=QA
This is what I'm trying to achieve but there is no way
"Conditions" : {
"CreateQaResources" : {"Fn::Equals" : [{"Ref" : "Env"}, "AwsQaUs"]}
and then
"Fn::If": [
"echo \" DOMAIN.COMPANY.com \" >>/etc/hosts \n",
"Ref" : "Env::AwsQaUs"
Can you please tell me where is my mistake?
Thank you
Everything seems to be okay, but it would be nice to see more of your template to make sure it looks right. Are you getting some sort of error or is the end result just not what you're hoping? I realize this isn't an answer. Apparently I don't have permission to add comments, yet. Sorry!

Hybris REST API - How to get customers modified after a specific date-time

I need to create a Hybris customer sync application with an external system.
I'm trying to pull only customers that have been modified after a specific date-time but not having any luck.
Looking at the Hybris documentation it indicates that something like this should work but it doesn't work:
It just returns all of the customers.
I've tried all kinds of variations of date format, etc.
Anyone have an example of how to create the query using the HYBRIS REST API?
Found it.
Had the wrong resource (customers - not customer) and had to do a conversion on the date (or at least that works).
Here is by date only:
"#uri" : "http://tphybris-vm:9001/ws410/rest/customers?customers_size=50&customer_attributes=modifiedtime&customers_query=%7Bmodifiedtime%7D%20%3E%20TO_TIMESTAMP('2016-10-21'%2C%20'YYYY-MM-DD')",
"customer" : {
"#uri" : "http://tphybris-vm:9001/ws410/rest/customers/anonymous",
"modifiedtime" : "2016-10-21T10:30:01.099-07:00",
"authorizedToUnlockPages" : "false",
"loginDisabled" : "false"
Here is by date time:
"#uri" : "http://tphybris-vm:9001/ws410/rest/customers?customers_size=50&customer_attributes=modifiedtime&customers_query=%7Bmodifiedtime%7D%20%3E%20TO_TIMESTAMP('2016-10-21%2010%3A30%3A00'%2C%20'YYYY-MM-DD%20HH%3AMI%3ASS')",
"customer" : {
"#uri" : "http://tphybris-vm:9001/ws410/rest/customers/anonymous",
"modifiedtime" : "2016-10-21T10:30:01.099-07:00",
"authorizedToUnlockPages" : "false",
"loginDisabled" : "false"

Can you connect a SqlActivity to a JdbcDatabase in Amazon Data Pipeline?

Using Amazon Data Pipeline, I'm trying to use a SqlActivity to execute some SQL on a non-Redshift data store (SnowflakeDB, for the curious). It seems like it should be possible to do that with a SqlActivity that uses a JdbcDatabase. My first warning was when the wysiwyg editor on Amazon didn't even let me try to create a JdbcDatabase, but I plowed on anyway and just wrote and uploaded a Json definition by hand, myself (here's the relevant bit):
"id" : "ExportToSnowflake",
"name" : "ExportToSnowflake",
"type" : "SqlActivity",
"schedule" : { "ref" : "DefaultSchedule" },
"database" : { "ref" : "SnowflakeDatabase" },
"dependsOn" : { "ref" : "ImportTickets" },
"id" : "SnowflakeDatabase",
"name" : "SnowflakeDatabase",
"type" : "JdbcDatabase",
"jdbcDriverClass" : "com.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver",
"username" : "redacted",
"connectionString" : "jdbc:snowflake://redacted.snowflakecomputing.com:8080/?account=redacted&db=redacted&schema=PUBLIC&ssl=on",
"*password" : "redacted"
When I upload this into the designer, it refuses to activate, giving me this error message:
ERROR: 'database' values must be of type 'RedshiftDatabase'. Found values of type 'JdbcDatabase'
The rest of the pipeline definition works fine without any errors. I've confirmed that it activates and runs to success if I simply leave this step out.
I am unable to find a single mention on the entire Internet of someone actually using a JdbcDatabase from Data Pipeline. Does it just plain not work? Why is it even mentioned in the documentation if there's no way to actually use it? Or am I missing something? I'd love to know if this is a futile exercise before I blow more of the client's money trying to figure out what's going on.
In your JdbcDatabase you need to have the following property:
jdbcDriverJarUri: "[S3 path to the driver jar file]"