Pass variable to awk pattern - regex

I am writing a shell script which calls an awk script and then I take some user input in the BEGIN using getline, and I save the input to some variables.
BEGIN {printf "What's the word?"
getline word < "-"
Now, one of these variables is called "word" and I want to use it in another pattern in the script to print all lines containing the word given. I tried something like this:
/(^| )word( |$)/
which will print all lines containing the word "word", and I know that it's not gonna work because it's not recognized as being a variable. I'd searched a lot and found patterns starting with
but it's not working either in my case. Is there a way I could pass a variable to this pattern and print all lines containing the word stored in the variable?

If you use a BEGIN section to build a variable with your full pattern, you can refer to it later:
awk -v word="hello" '
pattern = "(^|[[:space:]])" word "([[:space:]]|$)"
$0 ~ pattern { print $0 }
...that said, you don't even need to do that, if you don't mind the overhead of reconstructing the pattern for every line:
awk -v word="hello" '$0 ~ ("(^|[[:space:]])" word "([[:space:]]|$)") { print $0 }'
(Why [[:space:]] instead of ? That way tabs and other whitespace characters other than hex-20 vanilla spaces can also act as word separators).

another alternative is using the word boundary, which you can apply in the variable with some backslash escaping
awk -v v="\\\y$word\\\y" '$0~v' file
not sure all awks support this though. Alternatively you can use \< and \> for the left and right boundaries.


can sed replace words in pattern substring match in one line?

original line in file sed.txt:
only need to replace PATTERN to pattern which in brackets, not lowercase, it could replace to other word.
expect result:
I could use ([^)]*) pattern to find the substring which would be replace some worlds in. But I can't use this pattern to index the substring's position, and it will replace the whole line's PATTERN to pattern.
:/tmp$ sed 's/([^)]*)/---/g' sed.txt
:/tmp$ sed '/([^)]*)/s/PATTERN/pattern/g' sed.txt
I also tried to use the regex group in sed to capture and replace the words, but I can't figure out the command.
Can sed implement that? And how to achieve that? THX.
Can sed implement that?
It can be done using GNU sed and basic regular expressions
sed '
' < file
1st s inserts a newline after each )
2nd s replaces the last (* is greedy) PATTERN inside ()s with pattern
t loops back if a substitution was made
3rd s strips all inserted newlines
2nd substitute command edited according to OP's suggestion
since there is no need to match \n inside ().
Can sed implement that?
Yes. But you do not want to do it in sed. Use other programming language, like Python, Perl, or awk.
how to achieve that?
Implementing non-greedy regex is not simple in sed. Basically, generally, it consists of:
taking chunk of the input
process the chunk
put it in hold space
shuffle hold with pattern space - extract what been already processed, what's not
shuffle with hold space
Anyway, the following script:
sed <<<'outer_string_PATTERN_string(PATTERN_i_PATTERN_PATTERN_i)PATTERN_outer_string(i_PATTERN_inner)_outer_string' '
# Lowercase the second part.
# Mix with hold space.
# Put processed stuff into hold spcae
h; s/\n.*//; x;
# Process the other stuff again.
# Is hold space empty?
x; /^$/!{
# Pattern space has trailing stuff - add it.
G; s/\n//;
# We will print it.
# Clear hold space
As an alternative, it is easier to do this in gnu awk with RS that matches (...) substring:
awk -v RS='\\([^)]+)' '{gsub(/PATTERN/, "pattern", RT); ORS=RT} 1' file
RS='\\([^)]+)' captures a (...) string as record separator
gsub function then replaces PATTERN with pattern in matched text i.e. RT
ORS=RT sets ORS as the new modified RT
1 prints each record to stdout
Another alternative solution using lookahead assertion in a perl regex:
perl -pe 's/PATTERN(?=[^()]*\))/pattern/g' file
Solved by this:
:/tmp$ sed 's/(/\n(/g' sed.txt | sed 's/)/)\n/g' | sed '/([^)]*)/s/PATTERN/pattern/g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g'
make pattern () in a new line
find the () lines and replace the PATTERN to pattern
merge multiple lines in one line
thanks for How can I replace a newline (\n) using sed?

Bash Script for Concatenating Broken Dashed Words

I've scraped a large amount (10GB) of PDFs and converted them to text files, but due to the format of the original PDFs, there is an issue:
Many of the words which break across lines have a dash in them that artificially breaks up the word, like this:
You can see that this happened because the original PDFs files have breaks:
What would be the cleanest and fastest way to "join" every word instance that matches this pattern inside of a .txt file?
Perhaps some sort of Regex search, like for a [a-z]\-\s \w of some kind (word character followed by dash followed by space) would work?
Or would some sort of sed replacement work better?
Currently, I'm trying to get a sed regex to work, but I'm not sure how to translate this to use capture groups to replace the selected text:
sed -n '\%\w\- [a-z]%p' Filename.txt
My input text would look like this:
The dog rolled down the st- eep hill and pl- ayed outside.
And the output would be:
The dog rolled down the steep hill and played outside.
Ideally, the expression would also work for words split up by a newline, like this:
The rule which provided for the consid-
eration of the resolution, was agreed to earlier by a
To this:
The rule which provided for the consideration
of the resolution, was agreed to earlier by a
It's straightforward in sed:
sed -e ':a' -e '/-$/{N;s/-\n//;ba
}' -e 's/- //g' filename
This translates roughly as "if the line ends with a dash, read in the next line as well (so that you have a line with a carriage return in the middle) then excise the dash and carriage return, and loop back the beginning just in case this new line also ends with a dash. Then remove any instances of - ".
You may use this gnu-awk code:
cat file
The dog rolled down the st- eep hill and pl- ayed outside.
The rule which provided for the consid-
eration of the resolution, was agreed to earlier by a
Then use awk like this:
awk 'p != "" {
w = $1
$1 = ""
sub(/^[[:blank:]]+/, ORS)
$0 = p w $0
p = ""
$0 = gensub(/([_[:alnum:]])-[[:blank:]]+([_[:alnum:]])/, "\\1\\2", "g")
/-$/ {
p = $0
sub(/-$/, "", p)
p == ""' file
The dog rolled down the steep hill and played outside.
The rule which provided for the consideration
of the resolution, was agreed to earlier by a
If you can consider perl then this may also work for you:
Then use:
perl -0777 -pe 's/(\w)-\h+(\w)/$1$2/g; s/(\w)-\R(\w+)\s+/$1$2\n/g' file
You simply add backslash-parentheses (or use the -r or -E option if available to do away with the requirement to put backslashes before capturing parentheses) and recall the matched text with \1 for the first capturing parenthesis, \2 for the second, etc.
sed 's/\(\w\)\- \([a-z]\)/\1\2/g' Filename.txt
The \w escape is not standard sed but if it works for you, feel free to use it. Otherwise, it is easy to replace with [A-Za-z0-9_#] or whatever else you want to call "word characters".
I'm guessing not all of the matches will be hyphenated words so perhaps run the result through a spelling checker or something to verify whether the result is an English word. (I would probably switch to a more capable scripting language like Python for that, though.)

Is there a way to use sed to remove only the exact string match?

I have recently started learning bash and I ran into a problem doing an assignment, So I have a txt file and in it contains something like
where the first column is the title of the book followed by the author name followed by price,quantity available and qty sold all seperated with the delimiter ":"
the goal here is to remove a book base on the name and author the user types in.
I have searched around and found that sed might possibly be able to help me with this problem, I have tried to test sed by deleting base on the title alone with
sed /"foo"/d Book.txt
I expected the output to be
however the output was
which tells me that any line in the txt file containing "foo" will get deleted
Hence I would like to ask
Is there any way to use sed so it deletes the exact match only instead of lines containing foo?
is there any way to use delimiters with sed so I can use both title and author?
Should I be using something other than sed?
Using sed it is better to use:
sed -E '/(^|:)foo(:|$)/d' file
Which makes sure foo is preceded by start or : and followed by end or :.
However this job is more suitable for awk as data is delimited by colon:
awk -F: '$1 != "foo"' file
Is there any way to use sed so it deletes the exact match only instead of lines containing foo?
Yes you can for the given example, if you mark your search pattern to match exactly foo: you can have luck deleting it. For e.g. if you do below
sed '/^foo:/d' file
The pattern ^ marks that the string starting with foo followed by a colon mark : which matches your use-case. This is assuming foo can be part of the fist column only
Is there any way to use delimiters with sed so I can use both title and author?
Should I be using something other than sed?
If you are dealing with a input file has a fixed de-limiter like : which will never form a part of your valid column content, then using awk/perl are better suited as they read text easily once a de-limiter is set.
As an example, consider an e.g. if you want to change the quantity name from fourth column for one particular book named foobar, with awk you can just do
awk -F: 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } $1 == "foobar" { $4 = 6 }1' input-file
To decode above line, the content within '..' are left untouched by the shell and passed literally to the command, that's why we wrap the content in single quotes. Also the statements inside it are not meaningful in the context of the shell.
So the -F: sets the input field-separator to : which is when the command reads the file line by line, the first line is broken down into tokens separated by :. The first column is labelled $1, which is extended up to $NF, meaning the last column of the line. The part BEGIN { OFS = FS } assigns the output field separator as the same as input i.e. retain the : de-limitation when awk writes the output also.
The part $1 == "foobar" { $4 = 6 } is almost self-explanatory in a sense, that if the first column contains the string within quotes do the action inside {..}, which is set the fourth column value as 6. The {..}1 is a short-hand notation for {...; print} which is to re-construct the line based on the output field/record separators defined.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/\<foo\>/d' file
sed '/\bfoo\b/d' file
The first solution uses \< start word and \> end word. The second solution uses the \b word boundary.
P.S. The dual of \b is \B so to delete lines that contain foobar or foobaz but not foo only, use:
sed '/\bfoo\B/d' file

AWK to match strings beginning with a number

I want to print all the lines of a file where the first element of each line begins with a number using awk. Below are the details on the data contained in the file and command used:
filename contents:
12.44.4444goad ABCDEF/END
98.0 kites
command used:
awk '{ $1 ~ /^\d[a-zA-Z0-9]*/ }' filename
After running the above command, no results are displayed on the prompt.
Please let me know if there is any correction that needs to be made to the above command.
To print the lines starting with a digit, you can try the following:
awk '/^[[:digit:]]+/' file
as pointed out by #HenkLangeveld your syntax is incorrect. Also the regex \d is not available in awk.
If you only need to match at least one digit at the start of the line, all you need is ^ to match the start of a line and [0-9] to match a digit.
You can use curly brackets with an if statement:
awk '{if($1 ~ /^[0-9]/) print $0}' filename
But that would just be longhand for this:
awk '$1 ~ /^[0-9]/' filename
From your attempted solution, it looks like you want:
awk 'NF>1 && $1 ~ /^[0-9.]*$/' filename
You need to explicitly match the . if you want to include the decimal point, and you need the $ anchor to make the * meaningful. This will miss lines in which the first column looks like 5e39 or -2.3. You can try to catch those cases with:
awk 'NF>1 && $1 ~ /^-?[0-9.]*(e[0-9*])?$/' filename
but at this point I would tell you to use perl and stop trying to be more robust with awk.
Perhaps (this will print blank lines...not sure which behavior you want):
perl -lane 'use POSIX qw(strtod); my ($num, $end) = strtod($F[0]);
print unless $end;' filename
This uses strtod to parse the number and tells you the number of characters at the end of the string that are not part of it.
Drop the braces and the \d, like this:
awk ' $1 ~ /^[0-9]/ ' filename
Awk programs come in chunks. A chunk is a pattern block pair, where the block
defaults to { print }. (An empty pattern defaults to true.)
The /\d/ is a perl-ism and might work in some versions awk - not in those that I tried*. You need either the traditional /^[0-9]/ or the POSIX /^[[:digit:]]/ notation.
gnu and ast

Substitute words not in double quotes

$cat file0
" /""?basic""/strong/bold"
I want unix sed command such that only basic that is not in quotes should be changed.[change basic to ring]
Expected output:
$cat file0
" /""?basic""/strong/bold"
If we disallow escaping quotes, then any basic that is not within " is preceded by an even number of ". So this should do the trick:
sed -r 's/^([^"]*("[^"]*){2}*)basic/\1ring/' file
And as ДМИТРИЙ МАЛИКОВ mentioned, adding the --in-place option will immediately edit the file, instead of returning the new contents.
How does this work?
We anchor the regular expression to the beginning of each line with ". Then we allow an arbitrary number of non-" characters (with [^"]*). Then we start a new subpattern "[^"]* that consists of one " and arbitrarily many non-" characters. We repeat that an even number of times (with {2}*). And then we match basic. Because we matched all of that stuff in the line before basic we would replace that as well. That's why this part is wrapped in another pair of parentheses, thus capturing the line and writing it back in the replacement with \1 followed by ring.
One caveat: if you have multiple basic occurrences in one line, this will only replace the last one that is not enclosed in double quotes, because regex matches cannot overlap. A solution would be a lookbehind, but since this would be a variable-length lookbehind, which is only supported by the .NET regex engine. So if that is the case in your actual input, run the command multiple times until all occurrences are replaced.
$> sed -r 's/^([^\"]*)(basic)([^\"]*)$/\1ring\3/' file0
" /""?basic""/strong/bold"
If you wanna edit file in place use --in-place option.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/^/\n/;ta;:a;s/\n$//;t;s/\n("[^"]*")/\1\n/;ta;s/\nbasic/ring\n/;ta;s/\n([^"]*)/\1\n/;ta' file
Not a sed solution, but it substitutes words not in quotes
Assuming that there is no escaped quotes in strings, i.e. "This is a trap \" hehe", awk might be able to solve this problem
awk -F\" 'BEGIN {OFS=FS}
for(i=1; i<=NF; i++){
}' inputFile
Basically the words that are not in quotes are in odd-numbered fields, and the word "basic" is replaced by "ring" in these fields.
This can be written as a one-liner, but for clarity's sake I've written it in multiple lines.
If basic is at the beginning of line:
sed -e 's/^basic/ring/' file0