SFML Can't Start Application - c++

I am running a project which use SFML and who works perfectly fine on Linux.
I am now Compiling my project on Window and it works.
I am Using Cmake actually.
The thing is when I start my SFML APPLICATION it just doesn't run.
I mean when I start it, The main's first line of code isn't executed.
The error seems to be due to Shared Libraries Linking but I can't figure Why ?
I've Included the SFML dlls in the binary directory, so I didn't got (explicitly at least) errors about shared libraries. (When running Through a terminal)
I do not Compile my program with static SFML Linking otherwise I wouldn't have this question
I've also compiled SFML myself (and installed it ofc) and use the same Compiler ("-G"MinGW Makefiles") to build my SFML Application.
I've seen someone who got a driver's update problem, but I've already tried the solution
The error code is:
when running through a Git-bash terminal. (No explicit Error)
echo $? -> 127
(so -1 at runtime)
And when Running through CLion:
Process finished with exit code -1073741792 (0xC0000020)
If someone can help me it would be great!
When using dependency walker (and select SFML dlls)
I got an error too This files is not a valid 32-bit or 64-bit Windows Module
But I do not understand why since I've compile SFML myself


MXE and QT deployment gives Runtime Error

I'm building a QT application on Ubuntu that works pretty good. Now I have to deploy it on Windows, so I installed MXE in order to cross compile my sources.
MXE build
git clone https://github.com/mxe/mxe.git
cd mxe
# I need posix threads, that why I build static.posix target
make MXE_TARGETS='i686-w64-mingw32.static.posix' qtbase libxml2
I use a personal library (that uses cmake) and a client/server code for my QT code, that I compiled with MXE and it did not give any error (I worked hard to fix them...). Then, the compilation for the QT reaches the end without any error.
Whenever I try to execute the program (with wine on Ubuntu or on Windows) it does not work. wine freezes and Windows shows me a Runtime Error.
I also tried to use the windeployqt.exe using wine on my executable, hopping it will give me the missing dlls, but it tells me :
Z:\path\release\Executable.exe 32 bit, release executable
Z:\path\release\Executable.exe does not seem to be a Qt executable.
I really have no idea on what is broken. Am I forgetting to put dlls, or is my compilation failing silently ? Does anyone knows or have ideas on how to deal with that case ?
Apparently I compile correctly my program, the error seems to come from GetAdapterAdresse when using Windows. The problem is not coming from MXE at all (I'm glad I made it work though).
I'll have to have a look on this function, but anyone knows how to make gdb work with MXE ? When I ran make gdb, it has built something, but I can't figure out where is the program.

Cannot run Qt C++ release build. 'The procedure entry point could not be located'

I am trying to deploy my Qt application and have run into a fatal error. The program works fine in the Qt editor, I can build and run it. After building my project in release mode and using windeployqt.exe to get the correct .dll's in the folder, I am treated to this error message. I get one for 5 different Qt .dll's. I found a way to remove this error by using the .dll's from Qt tools instead of the ones found in the compiler's bin directory. But, I am left with a remaining error like this. Unlike the previous errors', there is no dll being cited, only my program's directory.
I've tried this with 2 compilers by now. That which is provided by Qt, and my own installation. Both you can tell, have failed.
I had a similar problem few years ago when I was just learning QT. What I tried which did worked is that to move the .exe generated file to the location from where you copy paste the dlls and it worked like charm. You are getting the wrong dlls copied (perhaps). Try searching for correct ones on google!!

SFML - Applications has stopped Responding

So, I'm using CodeLite on Windows, building with Mingw64 on 64 bit system. Everything builds, but when i run the application, it crashes with "Client.exe" has stopped responding. Client.exe being my application. I'm literally running the default example code off the SFML website. When I've googled around for quite some time now and I honestly have no idea as what to even look at for this error.
Sometimes my console will output
Application has exited with error code: 255
But most of the time it outputs:
Program exited with return code: -1073740940
Using help from the comments on my question.
As stated by Satus, The issue was, first, my libraries were statically linked, using the Dynamic libraries, instead, seemed to have fixed my issue. My second issue was that my SFML libraries were built using the wrong version of MingW. Recompiling this was simple enough. I downloaded the SFML source code. Used CMake to set everything up as displayed on the official SFML compiling and building tutorials, and built it using my version of MinGW. After copying the newly compiled DLL's and Debug DLL's, everything worked perfectly.
Be sure if you're using two different version of MingW (64bit and 32bit) to compile each version in CMake accordingly, otherwise you may get issues.

Cross compile linker LTHUNK0 error

I'm having a problem trying to cross-compile a wxWidgets sample program.
The host is a PC running Debian (a VM if it matters), and the target is a BeagleBone Black (BBB) also running Debian.
As a background note, I'm a C/C++ programmer, but strictly in the embedded and Windows world. I know just enough about Linux to be able to break it.
I've successfully cross-compiled a simple C++ program, and it runs fine on the BBB. I used the tutorial from Derek Molloy to get Eclipse installed and cross-compiling:
Next, I downloaded wxWidgets and compiled it on the BBB (not on the PC) into static libraries. Here's the config I used:
../configure --enable-debug --enable-debug_info --disable-shared --enable-stl --enable-sockets --enable-gif --enable-pcx --with-libpng --with-libjpeg
It compiled fine. I then built a bunch of the demos and samples and they all compiled and ran fine on the BBB.
Next I wanted to be able to cross-compile so I could use some decent development tools.
I copied all the wxWidgets libraries over to the PC, then I also copied all the include directories I would need (GTK, cairo, pango, glib...) and their libraries (from the BBB to the PC).
After a lot of trial and error, I finally got it all to compile and link. Almost.
The linker is giving the following errors (5 of them, all very similar):
`.LTHUNK0' referenced in section
defined in discarded section
I see it's referencing libwx_gtk2u_core-3.0.a, which is one of the wxWidgets libraries I built on the BBB.
Can anyone tell me how to fix this? I sure hope I don't have to rebuild all the dependencies with the cross compiler, there's a LOT of them, and I wouldn't even know where to start.

Error while trying to run a release build of a Qt application on Windows

I'm trying to build the Windows version of my app. The program compiles and runs fine on Qt Creator but when I try to run it standalone it throws the following error:
The procedure entry point _Z17qt_message_output9QtMsgTypePKc could not be located in the dynamic link library QtCore4.dll
I have all the necessary dlls in my application folder and they are the same ones that came with the binaries I've downloaded from the Qt's website. This error is driving me crazy for I can't seem to find any reason for it. The application runs fine on Linux and MAC OS X.
Ok I found the problem. I was copying the wrosng dll (not sure why Qt ships with 2 different versions).
The right ones are in:C:\Qt\2010.05\qt\bin and NOT in C:\Qt\2010.05\bin
I hope this helps anyone who might stumble upon this issue.