I am trying to use Django (django 1.11.4) to read data from a SQL-Server view (sql server 2012 - I use sql_server.pyodbc [aka django-pyodbc] for this), and nothing seems to work.
Here's my model:
class NumUsersAddedPerWeek(models.Model):
id = models.BigIntegerField(primary_key=True)
year = models.IntegerField('Year')
week = models.IntegerField('Week')
num_added = models.IntegerField('Number of Users Added')
if not settings.RUNNING_UNITTESTS:
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'num_users_added_per_week'
and here's how the database view is created:
create view num_users_added_per_week
select row_number() over(order by datepart(year, created_at), datepart(week, created_at)) as 'id',
datepart(year, created_at) as 'year', datepart(week, created_at) as 'week', count(*) as 'num_added'
from [<database name>].[dbo].[<table name>]
where status = 'active' and created_at is not null
group by datepart(year, created_at), datepart(week, created_at)
The view works just fine by itself (e.g., running 'select * from num_users_added_per_week' runs just fine (and very quickly)...
I used the following django command (i.e., 'action') to try 3 different ways of attempting to pull data via the model, and none of them worked (although, judging from other posts, these approaches seemed to work with previous versions of django) :(:
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
from <project name>.models import NumUsersAddedPerWeek
from django.db import connection
class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
# attempt # 1 ...
num_users_info = NumUsersAddedPerWeek.objects.all()
info = num_users_info.first()
for info in num_users_info:
# attempt # 2 ...
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('select * from num_users_added_per_week')
result = cursor.fetchall()
# attempt # 3 ...
num_users_info = NumUsersAddedPerWeek.objects.raw('select * from num_users_added_per_week')
for info in num_users_info:
Each of the 3 different approaches gives me the same error: "('42S02', "[42S02] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'num_users_added_per_week'. (208) (SQLExecDirectW)")"
Please note: my migrations are running just fine - adding class Meta: managed = False is crucial with latest versions of Django in situations where you do not want migrations to create / update / delete your sql table structure...
I figured it out - I have a custom Database Router (in settings.DATABASE_ROUTERS) that I had not properly added this to (I am doing this because the project has multiple databases - see Multi-DB to see why and how to do this). (So boneheaded bug on my part)
But here's what I found out: It turns out all three of the methods I used should work, if you have 1 database in your project. If you have multiple databases then you can query the database through your model object (e.g., <Model Name>.objects.all()) or through raw sql, but you have to specify the raw sql via your model (e.g., <Model Name>.objects.raw(<select * from <view name>)) - otherwise your Database Router will not know which database to use.
I'm dealing with a legacy data source and a driver not supported by Django orm. I can only submit queries using their proprietary odbc driver via pyodbc. My workaround is to submit custom sql via pyodbc from the model manager. This techniqe (inspired by Django documentation) returns a list and not a queryset. This works great until I use packages that expect querysets.
How do I convert the result list to a queryset? Is there a way to inject the results into a queryset?
class MyManager(models.Manager):
def getdata(self):
con_string = 'DSN=myOdbcDsn;UID=id;PWD=pass'
result_list = []
sql = "select distinct coalesce(WORKCENTER_GROUP, 'na') workcenterGroup, WORKCENTER_CODE workcenterCode FROM Workcenter"
for row in cursor.fetchall():
p = self.model(workcenterGroup=row[0], workcenterCode=row[1])
except pyodbc.Error as ex:
print("----------------ERROR %s: %s" % (ex.args[0], ex.args[1]))
return result_list
class ProdTrends2(models.Model):
workcenterGroup=models.CharField("Group", max_length=100)
workcenterCode=models.CharField("Code", max_length=100)
Calling set(result_list) should be enough to satisfy packages the need a Queryset.
I have Users who take Surveys periodically. The system has multiple surveys which it issues at set intervals from the submitted date of the last issued survey of that particular type.
class Survey(Model):
name = CharField()
description = TextField()
interval = DurationField()
users = ManyToManyField(User, related_name='registered_surveys')
class SurveyRun(Model):
''' A users answers for 1 taken survey '''
user = ForeignKey(User, related_name='runs')
survey = ForeignKey(Survey, related_name='runs')
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
submitted = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
# answers = ReverseForeignKey...
So with the models above a user should be alerted to take survey A next on this date:
A.interval + SurveyRun.objects.filter(
I want to run a daily periodic task which queries all users and creates new runs for all users who have a survey due according to this criteria:
For each survey the user is registered:
if no runs exist for that user-survey combo then create the first run for that user-survey combination and alert the user
if there are runs for that survey and none are open (an open run has been created but not submitted so submitted=None) and the latest one's submitted date plus the survey's interval is <= today, create a new run for that user-survey combo and alert the user
Ideally I could create a manager method which would annotate with a surveys_due field like:
users_with_surveys_due = User.objects.with_surveys_due().filter(surveys_due__isnull=False)
Where the annotated field would be a queryset of Survey objects for which the user needs to submit a new round of answers.
And I could issue alerts like this:
for user in users_with_surveys_due.all():
for survey in user.surveys_due:
new_run = SurveyRun.objects.create(
alert_user(user, run)
However I would settle for a boolean flag annotation on the User object indicating one of the registered_surveys needs to create a new run.
How would I go about implementing something like this with_surveys_due() manager method so Postgres does all the heavy lifting? Is it possible to annotate with a collection objects, like a reverse FK?
For clarity here is my current task in python:
def make_new_runs_and_alert_users():
runs = []
Srun = apps.get_model('surveys', 'SurveyRun')
for user in get_user_model().objects.prefetch_related('registered_surveys', 'runs').all():
for srvy in user.registered_surveys.all():
runs_for_srvy = user.runs.filter(survey=srvy)
# no runs exist for this registered survey, create first run
if not runs_for_srvy.exists():
runs.append(Srun(user=user, survey=srvy))
# check this survey has no open runs
elif not runs_for_srvy.filter(submitted=None).exists():
latest = runs_for_srvy.latest('submitted')
if (latest.submitted + qnr.interval) <= timezone.now():
runs.append(Srun(user=user, survey=srvy))
In attempting to use Dirk's solution I have this simple example:
In [1]: test_user.runs.values_list('survey__name', 'submitted')
Out[1]: <SurveyRunQuerySet [('Test', None)]>
In [2]: test_user.registered_surveys.values_list('name', flat=True)
Out[2]: <SurveyQuerySet ['Test']>
The user has one open run (submitted=None) for the Test survey and is registered to one survey (Test). He/She should not be flagged for a new run seeing as there is an un-submitted run outstanding for the only survey he/she is registered for. So I create a function encapsulating the Dirk's solution called get_users_with_runs_due:
In [10]: get_users_with_runs_due()
Out[10]: <UserQuerySet [<User: test#gmail.com>]> . # <-- should be an empty queryset
In [107]: for user in _:
print(user.email, i.has_survey_due)
test#gmail.com True # <-- should be false
In my previous update I had made some changes to the logic to properly match what I wanted but neglected to mention or show the changes. Here is the query function below with comments by the changes:
def get_users_with_runs_due():
today = timezone.now()
survey_runs = SurveyRun.objects.filter(
pending_survey_runs = survey_runs.filter(submitted__isnull=True)
surveys = Survey.objects.filter(
Q(has_survey_runs=False) | # either has no runs for this survey or
( # has no pending runs and submission date meets criteria
Q(has_pending_runs=False, latest_submission_date__lte=today - F('interval'))
return User.objects.annotate(has_survey_due=Exists(surveys)).filter(has_survey_due=True)
I tried to isolate the issue by creating a function which would make most of the annotations on the Surveys by user in an attempt to check the annotation on that level prior to querying the User model with it.
def annotate_surveys_for_user(user):
today = timezone.now()
survey_runs = SurveyRun.objects.filter(
pending_survey_runs = survey_runs.filter(submitted=None)
return Survey.objects.filter(
This worked as expected. Where the annotations were accurate and filtering with:
Q(has_survey_runs=False) |
Q(has_pending_runs=False) &
Q(latest_submission_date__lte=today - F('interval'))
produced the desired results: An empty queryset where the user should not have any runs due and vice-versa. Why is this not working when making it the subquery and querying from the User model?
To annotate users with whether or not they have a survey due, I'd suggest to use a Subquery expression:
from django.db.models import Q, F, OuterRef, Subquery, Exists
from django.utils import timezone
today = timezone.now()
survey_runs = SurveyRun.objects.filter(survey=OuterRef('pk'), user=OuterRef(OuterRef('pk'))).order_by('-submitted')
pending_survey_runs = survey_runs.filter(submitted__isnull=True)
surveys = Survey.objects.filter(users=OuterRef('pk'))
.filter(Q(has_survey_runs=False) | Q(latest_submission_date__lte=today - F('interval')) & Q(has_pending_runs=False))
I'm still trying to figure out how to do the other one. You cannot annotate a queryset with another queryset, values must be field equivalents. Also you cannot use a Subquery as queryset parameter to Prefetch, unfortunately. But since you're using PostgreSQL you could use ArrayField to list the ids of the surveys in a wrapped value, but I haven't found a way to do that, as you can't use aggregate inside a Subquery.
I'm working on a project with Flask, SQLAlchemy, Alembic and their wrappers for Flask (Flask-SQLAlchemy and Flask-Migrate). I have four migrations:
1c5f54d4aa34 -> 4250dfa822a4 (head), Feed: Countries
312c1d408043 -> 1c5f54d4aa34, Feed: Continents
41984a51dbb2 -> 312c1d408043, Basic Structure
<base> -> 41984a51dbb2, Init Alembic
When I start a new and clean database and try to run the migrations I get an error:
vagrant#precise32:/vagrant$ python manage.py db upgrade
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) relation "continent" does not exist
If I ask Flask-Migrate to run all migrations but the last, it works. If after that I run the upgrade command again, it works – that is, it fully upgrades my database without a single change in code:
vagrant#precise32:/vagrant$ python manage.py db upgrade 312c1d408043
INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 41984a51dbb2, Init Alembic
INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 41984a51dbb2 -> 312c1d408043, Basic Structure
vagrant#precise32:/vagrant$ python manage.py db upgrade
INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 312c1d408043 -> 1c5f54d4aa34, Feed: Continents
INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1c5f54d4aa34 -> 4250dfa822a4, Feed: Countries
The last migration (Feed: Countries) run queries on the table fed by the previous one (Feed: Continents). If I have the continents table create and fed, the scripts should work. But it doesn't.
Why do I have to stop the migration process between then to re-start it in another command? I really don't get this. Is it some command Alembic executes after a serie of migrations? Any ideas?
Just in case
My models are defined as follows:
class Country(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'country'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
alpha2 = db.Column(db.String(2), index=True, unique=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(140))
continent_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('continent.id'))
continent = db.relationship('Continent', backref='countries')
def __repr__(self):
return '<Country #{}: {}>'.format(self.id, self.title)
class Continent(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'continent'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
alpha2 = db.Column(db.String(2), index=True, unique=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(140))
def __repr__(self):
return '<Continent #{}: {}>'.format(self.id, self.title)
Many thanks,
UPDATE 1: The upgrade method of the last two migrations
As #Miguel asked in a comment, here there are the upgrade methods of the last two migrations:
Feed: Continents
def upgrade():
csv_path = app.config['BASEDIR'].child('migrations', 'csv', 'en')
csv_file = csv_path.child('continents.csv')
with open(csv_file) as file_handler:
csv = list(reader(file_handler))
data = [{'alpha2': c[0].lower(), 'title': c[1]} for c in csv]
op.bulk_insert(Continent.__table__, data)
Feed: Countries (which depends on the table fed on the last migration)
def upgrade():
# load countries iso3166.csv and build a dictionary
csv_path = app.config['BASEDIR'].child('migrations', 'csv', 'en')
csv_file = csv_path.child('iso3166.csv')
countries = dict()
with open(csv_file) as file_handler:
csv = list(reader(file_handler))
for c in csv:
countries[c[0]] = c[1]
# load countries-continents from country_continent.csv
csv_file = csv_path.child('country_continent.csv')
with open(csv_file) as file_handler:
csv = list(reader(file_handler))
country_continent = [{'country': c[0], 'continent': c[1]} for c in csv]
# loop
data = list()
for item in country_continent:
# get continent id
continent_guess = item['continent'].lower()
continent = Continent.query.filter_by(alpha2=continent_guess).first()
# include country
if continent is not None:
country_name = countries.get(item['country'], False)
if country_name:
data.append({'alpha2': item['country'].lower(),
'title': country_name,
'continent_id': continent.id})
The CSV I'm using are basically following this patterns:
AS, "Asia"
EU, "Europe"
NA, "North America"
So Feed: Continents feeds the continent table, and Feed: Countries feeds the country table. But it has to query the continents table in order to make the proper link between the country and the continent.
UPDATE 2: Some one from Reddit already offered an explanation and a workaround
I asked the same question on Reddit, and themathemagician said:
I've run into this before, and the issue is that the migrations don't
execute individually, but instead alembic batches all of them (or all
of them that need to be run) and then executes the SQL. This means
that by the time the last migration is trying to run, the tables don't
actually exist yet so you can't actually make queries. Doing
from alembic import op
def upgrade():
#migration stuff
#run queries
This isn't the most elegant solution (and that was for Postgres, the
command may be different for other dbs), but it worked for me. Also,
this isn't actually an issue with Flask-Migrate as much as an issue
with alembic, so if you want to Google for more info, search for
alembic. Flask-Migrate is just a wrapper around alembic that works
with Flask-Script easily.
As indicated by #themathemagician on reddit, Alembic by default runs all the migrations in a single transaction, so depending on the database engine and what you do in your migration scripts, some operations that depend on things added in a previous migration may fail.
I haven't tried this myself, but Alembic 0.6.5 introduced a transaction_per_migration option, which might address this. This is an option to the configure() call in env.py. If you are using the default config files as Flask-Migrate creates them, then this is where you fix this in migrations/env.py:
def run_migrations_online():
"""Run migrations in 'online' mode.
# ...
transaction_per_migration=True # <-- add this
# ...
Also note that if you plan to also run offline migrations you need to fix the configure() call in the run_migrations_offline() in the same way.
Give this a try and let me know if it addresses the problem.
Thanks for taking time to read my question.
I have a django app with the following model:
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User)
class Visit(models.Model):
profile = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile)
date = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True)
ip = models.IPAddressField()
class Meta:
unique_together = ('profile', 'date', 'ip')
In a view:
profile = get_object_or_404(Profile, pk = ...)
get, create = Visit.objects.get_or_create(profile=profile, date=now.date(), ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'])
if create: DO SOMETHING
Everything works fine, except that the Postgres Logs are full with duplicate key errors:
2012-02-15 14:13:44 CET ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "table_visit_profile_id_key"
2012-02-15 14:13:44 CET STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "table_visit" ("profile_id", "date", "ip") VALUES (1111, E'2012-02-15', E'xx.xx.xxx.xxx') RETURNING "table_visit"."id"
Tried different solution e.g.
from django.db import transaction
from django.db import IntegrityError
def my_get_or_create(prof, ip):
object = Visit.objects.create(profile=prof, date=datetime.now().date(), ip=ip)
except IntegrityError:
object = Visit.objects.get(profile=prof, date=datetime.now().date(), ip=ip)
return object
created = my_get_or_create(prof, request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'])
if created: DO SOMETHING
This only helps for MySQL? Does anyone know how to avaid the duplicate key value errors for postgres?
Another possible reason for these errors in get_or_create() is data type mismatch in one of the search fields - for example passing False instead of None into a nullable field. The .get() inside .get_or_create() will not find it and Django will continue with new row creation - which will fail due to PostgreSQL constraints.
I had issues with get_or_create when using postgres. In the end I abandoned the boilerplate code for traditional:
jobInvite = Invite.objects.get(sender=employer.user, job=job)
except Invite.DoesNotExist:
jobInvite = Invite(sender=employer.user, job=job)
# end try
Have you at some point had unique=True set on Visit's profile field?
It looks like there's been a unique constraint generated for postgres that's still in effect. "table_visit_profile_id_key" is what it's auto generated name would be, and naturally it would cause those errors if you're recording multiple visits for a user.
If this is the case, are you using South to manage your database changes? If you aren't, grab it!
PostgreSQL behaves somewhat differently in some subtle queries, which results in IntegrityError errors, especially after you switch to Django 1.6. Here's the solution - you need to add select_on_save option to each failing model:
class MyModel(models.Model):
class Meta:
select_on_save = True
It's documented here: Options.select_on_save
I have been working on an application in Django. To begin with, for simplicity, I had been using sqlite3 for the database.
However, once I moved to PostgreSQL, I've run into a bit of a problem: the primary key does not reset once I clear out a table.
This app is a game that is played over a long time period (weeks). As such, every time a new game starts, all of the data is cleared out of the database and then new, randomized data is added.
I'd like to be able to "start over" with primary keys starting at 1 each time I clean/rebuild the game.
The code still works as-is, but integers are a pretty natural way for describing the objects in my game. I'd like to have each new game start at 1 rather than wherever the last game left off.
How can I reset the primary key counter in PostgreSQL? Keep in mind that I don't need to preserve the data in the table since I am wiping it out anyway.
In your app directory try this:
python manage.py help sqlsequencereset
Pipe it into psql like this to actually run the reset:
python manage.py sqlsequencereset myapp1 myapp2 | psql
Edit: here's an example of the output from this command on one of my tables:
SELECT setval('"project_row_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1), max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "project_row";
As suggested by "Van Gale" you can get the commands to solve your problem running sqlsequencereset.
You can execute the SQL query generated by sqlsequencereset from within python in this way (using the default database):
from django.core.management.color import no_style
from django.db import connection
from myapps.models import MyModel1, MyModel2
sequence_sql = connection.ops.sequence_reset_sql(no_style(), [MyModel1, MyModel2])
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
for sql in sequence_sql:
I tested this code with Python3.6, Django 2.0 and PostgreSQL 10.
If you perform a raw sql, can do this:
I view auto-increment primary keys as purely internal identifiers for database records, and I don't like exposing them to users. Granted, it's a common design to use them as part of URLs, but even there slugs or other identifiers feel more appropriate.
If you do not want to have to manually grab the apps you need, or if you have a series of different databases, this command will dynamically gather all connections from settings.py and reset the sequence.
To run use: python manage.py reset_sequences
import psycopg2
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from django.db import connections
def dictfetchall(cursor):
"""Return all rows from a cursor as a dict"""
columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
return [
dict(zip(columns, row))
for row in cursor.fetchall()
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Resets sequencing errors in Postgres which normally occur due to importing/restoring a DB"
def handle(self, *args, **options):
# loop over all databases in system to figure out the tables that need to be reset
for name_to_use_for_connection, connection_settings in settings.DATABASES.items():
db_name = connection_settings['NAME']
host = connection_settings['HOST']
user = connection_settings['USER']
port = connection_settings['PORT']
password = connection_settings['PASSWORD']
# connect to this specific DB
conn_str = f"host={host} port={port} user={user} password={password}"
conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_str)
conn.autocommit = True
select_all_table_statement = f"""SELECT *
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
ORDER BY table_name;
# just a visual representation of where we are
print('-' * 20, db_name)
not_reset_tables = list()
# use the specific name for the DB
with connections[name_to_use_for_connection].cursor() as cursor:
# using the current db as the cursor connection
rows = dictfetchall(cursor)
# will loop over table names in the connected DB
for row in rows:
find_pk_statement = f"""
FROM information_schema.table_constraints t
LEFT JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage k
WHERE t.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY'
AND t.table_name='{row['table_name']}';
pk_column_names = dictfetchall(cursor)
for pk_dict in pk_column_names:
column_name = pk_dict['column_name']
# time to build the reset sequence command for each table
# taken from django: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/django-admin/#sqlsequencereset
# example: SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"[TABLE]"','id'), coalesce(max("id"), 1), max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "[TABLE]";
reset_statement = f"""SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"{row['table_name']}"','{column_name}'),
coalesce(max("{column_name}"), 1), max("{column_name}") IS NOT null) FROM "{row['table_name']}" """
return_values = dictfetchall(cursor)
# will be 1 row
for value in return_values:
print(f"Sequence reset to {value['setval']} for {row['table_name']}")
except Exception as ex:
# will only fail if PK is not an integer...
# currently in my system this is from django.contrib.sessions
not_reset_tables.append(f"{row['table_name']} not reset")
except psycopg2.Error as ex:
raise SystemExit(f'Error: {ex}')
print('-' * 5, ' ALL ERRORS ', '-' * 5)
for item_statement in not_reset_tables:
# shows which tables produced errors, so far I have only
# seen this with PK's that are not integers because of the MAX() method
# just a visual representation of where we are
print('-' * 20, db_name)
You need to truncate the table.
See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/sql-truncate.html