Create points (gl_Points) and show sequentially in modern OpenGL - PyOpenGL - opengl

I have been using OpenGL for a while now and continue to stay positive about making progress. However, I now have an issue that I have been unable to solve and it's taking a while. So, the issue is that I would like to:
Create points on screen sequentially (to appear every second for example)
Move these points independently
So far I have 2 methods on paper and that is to upload all vertices to a VBO and make each point visible (draw). The other method I had in mind was to create an empty VBO (set to NULL) and upload data per point.
Note, I want to transform these points independent of each other - can a uniform still be used? If so how can I set this up to draw point - transform - draw point - transform.
If I'm going about this completely wrong or there is a better, more improved method then please say so.
Many thanks!


Slow transform feedback-based picking?

I'm trying to implement picking routine using transform feedback. Currently it works ok, but the problem is very low speed (slower than GL_SELECT).
How it works now:
Bind TBO using glBindBufferRange() with offset (0 in the beginning).
Reset memory(size of TF varyings structure) using glBufferSubData() (to be sure picking will be correct). The main problem is here.
Draw objects with geometry shader that checks intersection with picking ray. If intersection has been found, shader writes this to TF varying (initially it has no intersection, see step 2).
Increase offset and go to step 1 with the next object.
So, at the end I have an array of picking data for each object.
The question is how to avoid calling glBufferSubData() on each iteration? Possible solutions (but I don't know how to implement them) are:
Write only one TF varying. So it is not necessary to reset others
Reset data with any other way
Any ideas?
If all you want to do is clear a region of a buffer, use glClearBufferSubData. That being said, it's not clear why you need to clear it, instead of just overwriting what's there.
FYI: Picking is best implemented by rendering the scene, assigning objects different "colors", and reading the pixel of interest back. Your method is always going to be slower.

Return to the original openGL origin coordinates

I'm currently trying to solve a problem regarding the display of an arm avatar.
I'm using a 3D tracker that's sending me coordinates and angles through my serial port. It works quite fine as long as I only want to show a "hand" or a block of wood in its place in 3D space.
The problem is: When I want to draw an entire arm (lets say the wrist is "stiff"), so the only degree of freedom is the elbow), I'm using the given coordinates (to which I've gltranslatef'd and glmultmatrix'd), but I want to draw another quad primitive with 2 vertices that are relative to the tracker coordinates (part of the "elbow") and 2 vertices that are always fixed next to the camera (part of the "shoulder"). However, I can't get out of my translated coordinate system.
Is my question clear?
My code is something like
cubeStretch = 0.15;
glTranslatef(handX, handY, handZ);
/*some vertices for the "block of wood"*/
/*then a vertex which is relative to handX-handZ*/
glVertex3f(-cubeStretch, -cubeStretch+0.1, 5+cubeStretch);
/*and here I want to go back to the origin*/
gltranslatef(-handX, -handY, -handZ);
/*so the next vertex should preferably be next to the camera; the shoulder, so to say*/
I already know the last three line don't work, it's just one of the ways I've tried.
I realize it might be hard to understand what I'm trying to do. Anyone got any idea on how to get back to the "un-gltranslatef'd" coordinate origin?
(I'd rather avoid having to implement a whole bone/joint system for this.)
In the picture you can see what I have so far. As you can see, the emphasis so far has not been on beauty, but rather on using the tracker coordinates to correctly display something on the screen.
The white cubes are target points which turn red when the arm avatar "touches" them ("arm avatar" used here as a word for the hideous brown contraption to the right, but I think you know what I mean). I now want to have a connection from the back end of the "lower arm" (the broad end of the avatar is supposed to be the hand) to just the right of the screen. Maybe it's clearer now?
a) The fixed function stack is deprecated and you shouldn't use it. Use a proper matrix math library (like GLM), make copies of the branching nodes in your transformation hierarchy so that you can use those as starting point for different branches.
b) You can reset the matrix state to identity at any time using glLoadIdentity. Using glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix you can create a stack. You know how stacks work, do you? Pushing makes a copy and adds it to the top, all following operations happen on that. Poping removes the element at the top and gives you back the state it was in before the previous push.
Regarding transformation trees you may be interested in the following:
(I'd rather avoid having to implement a whole bone/joint system for this.)
It's actually the most easy way to do this. In terms of fixed function OpenGL a bone-joint is just a combination of glTranslate(…); glRotate(…).

OpenGL Dynamic Object Motion Blur

I've been following the GPU Gems 3 tutorial on how to blur based on camera movement. However I'm wanting to implement a blur based on object movement too. The solution is presented in the article (see quote below), however I'm curious as to how exactly to implement this.
At the moment I'm multiplying the object's matrix by the view-projection, then separately again for the previous-view-projection and then passing them into the pixel shader to calculate the velocity instead of just the view-projections.
If that is in fact the correct method, then why am I not simply able to pass in the model-view-projection? I would have assumed they would be the same value?
GPU Gems 3 Motion Blur
To generate a velocity texture for rigid dynamic objects, transform the object by using the current frame's view-projection matrix and the last frame's view-projection matrix, and then compute the difference in viewport positions the same way as for the post-processing pass. This velocity should be computed per-pixel by passing both transformed positions into the pixel shader and computing the velocity there.
Check out my research I did a few months ago on this topic:
Sadly I did not implement textured objects when producing this material, but do use your imagination. I am working on a game engine so when that finally sees the light of day in the form of a game, you can be sure that I'll come and post breadcrumbs here.
It primarily addresses how to implement this effect in 2D, and in cases where objects do not overlap. There is not really a good way to handle using a fragment shader to "sweep" samples in order to generate "accurate" blur. While the effect approaches pixel-perfection as the sample count is cranked up, the geometry that must be generated to cover the sweep area has to be manually assembled using some "ugly" techniques.
In full 3D it's a rather difficult problem to know which pixels a dynamic object will sweep over during the course of a frame. Even with static geometry and a moving camera the solution proposed by the GPU Gems article is incorrect when moving past things quickly because it is unable to address that issue of requiring blending of the area swept out by something moving...
That said, if this approximation which neglects the sweep is sufficient (and it may be) then what you can do to extend to dynamic objects is to take their motion into account. You'll need to work out the details of course but look at lines 2 and 5 in the second code block on the article you linked: They are the current and previous screen space "positions" of the pixel. You simply have to somehow pass in the matrices that will allow you to compute the previous position of each pixel, taking into account the dynamic motion of your object.
It shouldn't be too bad. In the pass where you render your dynamic object you send in an extra matrix that represents its motion over the last frame.
I found that this paper describes an elegant and performant approach that provides somewhat high quality physically correct blurring for a 3D pipeline. It'll be hard to do much better than this within the constraint of rendering the full scene no more than one time for performance reasons.
I noticed with some of the examples the quality of the velocity buffer could be better. for example a rotating wheel should have some curves in the velocity space. I believe if they can be set properly (may require custom fragment shaders to render the velocity out...) they will look intuitively correct like the spinning cube seen above from my 2D exploration into dynamic motion blurring.

How to project/unproject when in an openGL display list

I have openGL code that renders some objects and displays text labels for some of them. Displaying a label is done by projecting the appropriate vertex to the screen using gluProject, and then adding a small offset so the label is beside the vertex. This way each label is the same distance from its vertex on the screen.
I didn't originally use a display list for this (apart from the display lists for the glyphs), and it worked correctly (if somewhat slowly). Now I build a display list for the entire scene, and find that the labels are placed incorrectly.
It took me a while, but I think I have basically found the problem: gluProject takes as parameters the projection matrix, model-view matrix, and the viewport. I see no way to provide them other than calling glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, ...), etc. But glGet functions are "not allowed" in a display list, which - empirically - seems to mean that they don't cause an error, but rather execute immediately. So the matrix data being compiled into the display list is from list compilation time instead of list execution time (which is a problem because I need to precompile the list, not execute it immediately). At least this is my current theory.
Can anyone confirm or deny that this would cause the problem?
How does one solve this? I just want to do what gluProject does, but using the list's current matrices.
Note: I'm aware that various functions/approaches are deprecated in recent versions of openGL; please spare me answers along the lines of "you shouldn't be doing that" ;-)
Think about it: glGet… places some data in your process memory, possibly on the stack. There is absolutely no way, how a display list could even reproduce the calculations performed on data, that is not even in its reach. Add to this, that GLU (note the U) functions are not part of OpenGL, hence don't make it to the display list. GLU functions also are not GPU accelerated, all the calculations happen on the CPU and due to the API design data transfer is rather inefficient.
Scrunities like those, which as you find out, make display lists rather impractical are among the reasons, why they have been stripped from later versions of OpenGL. Or in other words: Don't use them.
Instead use Vertex Buffer Object and Index Buffers. A labeling system like yours can be implemented using instancing, fed by a list of the target positions. If instancing is not available you need to supply redundant position attributes to the label's vertex attribute vector.
Anyway: In your case making proper use of shaders and VBOs will easily outperform any display list based solution (because you can't display list everything).
Rather odd, but working would be calls to glRasterPos, glBitmap (hence glutBitmap text calls) put in a display list, and the offset applied in the projection matrix before the actual projection mapping, i.e.
glTranslatef(...); /* for the offset */
Though this is how I'd have done it 12 years ago. Definitely not today.

OpenGL - A way to display lot of points dynamically

I am providing a question regarding a subject that I am now working on.
I have an OpenGL view in which I would like to display points.
So far, this is something I can handle ;)
For every point, I have its coordinates (X ; Y ; Z) and a value (unsigned char).
I have a color array giving the link between one value and a color.
For example, 255 is red, 0 is blue, and so on...
I want to display those points in an OpenGL view.
I want to use a threshold value so that depending on it, I can modify the transparency value of a color depending on the value of one point.
I want also that the performance doesn't go bad even if I have a lot of points (5 billions in the worst case but 1~2 millions in a standard case).
I am now looking for the effective way to handle this.
I am interested in the VBO. I have read that it will allow some good performance and also that I can modify the buffer as I want without recalculating it from scratch (as with display list).
So that I can solve the threshold issue.
However, doing this on a million points dynamically will provide some heavy calculations (at least a pretty bad for loop), no ?
I am opened to any suggestions and I would like to discuss about any of your ideas !
Trying to display a billion points or more is generally (forgive the pun) pointless.
Even an extremely high resolution screen has only a few million pixels. Nothing you can do will get it to display more points than that.
As such, your first step is almost undoubtedly to figure out a way to restrict your display to a number of points that's at least halfway reasonable. OpenGL can (and will) oblige if you ask it to display more, but your monitor won't and neither will mine or much or anybody else's.
Not directly related to the OpenGL part of your question, but if you are looking at rendering massive point clouds you might want to read up on space partitioning hierarchies such as octrees to keep performance in check.
Put everything into one VBO. Draw it as an array of points: glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS,0,num). Calculate alpha in a pixel shader (using threshold passed as uniform).
If you want to change a small subset of points - you can map a sub-range of the VBO. If you need to update large parts frequently - you can use Transform Feedback to utilize GPU.
If you need to simulate something for the updates, you should consider using CUDA or OpenCL to run the update completely on the GPU. This will give you the best performance. Otherwise, you can use a single VBO and update it once per frame from the CPU. If this gets too slow, you could try multiple buffers and distribute the updates across several frames.
For the threshold, you should use a shader uniform variable instead of modifying the vertex buffer. This allows you to set a value per-frame which can be then combined with the data from the vertex buffer (for instance, you set a float minVal; and every vertex with some attribute less than minVal gets discarded in the geometry shader.)