Blocking processes to start on startup from a service & continue running service after some processes are down. - c++

I have a C++ windows service running on system privileges and I need to make some changes in some of my DLLs that are loaded to several windows processes (explorer.exe, etc.).
The only time to do so is when these processes are down. I'm trying to make to impact to the UX minimal, so I don't wan't to force quit those or to popup any annoying message boxes and ask the user to do so.
I have tried to start this task on the startup of my service, the issue is several of these processes start before I finished it.
I'm trying to understand if there is a way to delay the start of processes on Windows startup, until I finish my task. Is there any event or anything familiar that I can set that will block those?
The other option is to do the needed task on shutdown. I did not find a way to do so yet, and all the related questions seem a bit old (how to delay shutdown and run a process in window service
), and regard to older version of windows.
This solution needs to be compatible with Windows versions greater than 7.

You can do this by using MoveFileEx and setting MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT which will replace the file at the next reboot.
This should be well before any other processes have started, but without more details on your usecase its hard to tell if this'll work for you. Either way, searching for this flag should give you lots of information about this kind of issue.
According to the documentation, this has been supported since XP.


Closing an application properly: an Alternative to TerminateProcess

I'm facing an issue with TerminateProcess() function.
The application I'm currently writing a JobScheduler app that schedules and launches job at a specific time.
For this purpose, I'm using CreateProcess() to execute my JobLauncher.
The JobLauncher process then launches a console program (using createprocess ) which effectively executes the job executable, waits for its termination and monitors the duration, user and kernel times elapsed etc.
In order to kill the job from the JobScheduler I firstly started using TerminateProcess() but it does not allow me to close the executable itself properly. I mean i found no way to hook any termination event.
Until I find a better way than a brutal TerminateProcess(), I wrote an intermediate solution using the GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent() in the calling program.
In the job application that launches the target job executable, I installed a handler using SetConsoleCtrlHandler().
And in the handler, I can terminate the process of the job and notifies my thirdparties properly.
This is the better solution I found for now.
Is there a better way to programmaticaly and properly close a process ?
Do you this solution is completly absurd ?
I'm not a "system-level" specialist developer though...
This well know Windows console problem and you can find some solutions here.
We used on internal console utility which has name "Kamikaze". It worked as described here and for me it's a best solution cause there is no problem with porting between Windows versions and Windows architectures (x86, x64).

Background process without a window

I need to prepare a program which runs in the background without a window or anything on the taskbar. You may compare this to the idea of a program which runs in the background and sends a signal every once in a while to keep the computer from sleeping.
So here are the two ideas that I have on my mind
1) Creating a windows Service
2) Spawning a thread and exiting main
Please let me know how viable these are, particularly the second one, and what other possibilities do we have at our disposal.
Thanks in advance!!
Just link your application for windows subsystem, not console
If you're looking to run a background process then go with the service approach. You'll be able to configure it to run even when nobody is logged in and it won't be intrusive to the user.

watchdog in vc++ application

I have written a simple vc++ background application. What am trying is like a watchdog service that could monitor if the application is running or not. If the application crashed then the service should start the application
For creating a setup through windows installer am using only the app.exe and app.dll.
Is that possible to create this watchdog - service in the exe itself ?
Unfortunately I have no idea of how to write such a program, does anyone have some example code that would demonstrate this technique please?
if so then how to make the default exe and watchdog exe as a single application to install ?
Your best route would be to create a separate service to act as the watchdog. Technically, it's possible to have the service and the "real application" in the same executable. You can differentiate between the two depending on how the exe has been started, but it will make maintenance quite difficult.
This article might be of interest.
Here - - is my implementation of WatchDog app, working in systray. Do not mind that it's written with Qt - the main functionality is with WinAPI.
This app is watching in processes list for several processes and restarts them if can't find. The second feature is that it monitors all windows in system for suspicious window title (for ex. "'My Great App' causes a system error and will be closed. Send message to developers ?") and, if find, restarts them too
P.S. I didn't i18n it, but I think there will no troubles )
Update: (according to #CodyGray comment)
Here's pastebin's links: WatchDog.cpp and WatchDog.h
Such a watchdog can be set up to, for example, write to a file every minute (or whatever). If the file hasn't been updated in two or more minutes then there is most likely a deadlock in the application and it has to be restarted.

Check if windows shell has finished loading startup programs

How can i programatically check if the windows shell (explorer) has loaded all startup programs & the user login process is over ?
There is a somewhat documented event you can wait for, but it is signaled when explorer has started loading. On XP this event is called "msgina: ShellReadyEvent" and "ShellDesktopSwitchEvent" on Vista. I linked to the sources of some alternative shells in a post related to this event.
Another alternative would be to listen for the Taskbar Creation Notification message. It can fire more than once so you would need to keep track of that.
On Vista+ there is one last alternative that might just work: Programs set to run at startup are part of a job object so they cannot run at high priority. If your program runs at startup you could maybe check for this, either by using IsProcessInJob or SetPriorityClass+GetPriorityClass in a loop. (SetPriorityClass will lie about its return value IIRC)

How to write an unkillable process for Windows?

I'm looking for a way to write an application. I use Visual C++ 6.0.
I need to prevent the user from closing this process via task manager.
You can't do it.
Raymond Chen on why this is a bad idea.
You can make an unkillable process, but it won't be able to accomplish anything useful while it's unkillable. For example, one way to make a process unkillable is to have it make synchronous I/O requests to a driver that can never complete (for example, by deliberately writing a buggy driver). The kernel will not allow a process to terminate until the I/O requests finish.
So it's not quite true that you "can't do it" as some people are saying. But you wouldn't want to anyway.
That all depends on who shouldn't be able to kill that process. You usually have one interactively logged-on user. Running the process in that context will alow the user to kill it. It is her process so she can kill it, no surprise here.
If your user has limited privileges you can always start the process as another user. A user can't kill a process belonging to another user (except for the administrator), no surprise here as well.
You can also try to get your process running with Local System privileges where, I think not even an administrator could kill it (even though he could gain permission to do so, iirc).
In general, though, it's a terribly bad idea. Your process does not own the machine, the user does. The only unkillable process on a computer I know is the operating system and rightly so. You have to make sure that you can't hog resources (which can't be released because you're unkillable) and other malicious side-effects. Usually stuff like this isn't the domain of normal applications and they should stay away from that for a reason.
It's a Win32 FAQ for decades. See Google Groups and Und. boards for well-known methods.(hooking cs and others...)
Noobs who answer "You can't do it" know nothing to Win32 programming : you can do everything with Win32 api...
What I've learned from malware:
Create a process that spawns a dozen of itself
Each time you detect that one is missing (it was killed) spawn a dozen more.
Each one should be a unique process name so that a batch process could not easily kill all of them by name
Sequentially close and restart some of the processes to keep the pids changing which would also prevent a batch kill
Depends on the users permission. If you run the program as administrator a normal user will not have enough permissions to kill your process. If an administrator tries to kill the process he will in most cases succeed. If you really want someone not to kill you process you should take a look at windows system services and driver development. In any case, please be aware that if a user cannot kill a process he is stuck with it, even though it behaves abnormally duo to bugs! You will find a huge wealth of these kind of programs/examples on the legal! site Please respect the user.
I just stumbled upon this post while trying to find a solution to my own (unintentional) unkillable process problem. Maybe my problem will be your solution.
Use jboss Web Native to install a service that will run a batch file (modify service.bat so that it invokes your own batch file)
In your own batch file, invoke a java process that performs whatever task you'd like to persist
Start the service. If you view the process in process explorer, the resulting tree will look like:
jbosssvc.exe -> cmd.exe -> java.exe
use taskkill from an administrative command prompt to kill cmd.exe. Jbosssvc.exe will terminate, and java.exe will be be an orphaned running process that (as far as I can tell) can't be killed. So far, I've tried with Taskmanager, process explorer (running as admin), and taskkill to no avail.
Disclaimer: There are very few instances where doing this is a good idea, as everyone else has said.
There's not a 100% foolproof method, but it should be possible to protect a process this way. Unfortunately, it would require more knowlegde of the Windows security system API than I have right now, but the principle is simple: Let the application run under a different (administrator) account and set the security properties of the process object to the maximum. (Denying all other users the right to close the process, thus only the special administrator account can close it.)
Set up a secondary service and make it run as a process guardian. It should have a lifeline to the protected application and when this lifeline gets cut (the application closes) then it should restart the process again. (This lifeline would be any kind of inter-process communications.)
There are still ways to kill such an unkillable process, though. But that does require knowledge that most users don't really know about, so about 85% of all users won't have a clue to stop your process.
Do keep in mind that there might be legal consequences to creating an application like this. For example, Sony created a rootkit application that installed itself automatically when people inserted a Sony music CD or game CD in their computer. This was part of their DRM solution. Unfortunately, it was quite hard to kill this application and was installed without any warnings to the users. Worse, it had a few weaknesses that would provide hackers with additional ways to get access to those systems and thus to get quite a few of them infected. Sony had to compensate quite a lot of people for damages and had to pay a large fine. (And then I won't even mention the consequences it had on their reputation.)
I would consider such an application to be legal only when you install it on your own computer. If you're planning to sell this application to others, you must tell those buyers how to kill the process, if need be. I know Symantec is doing something similar with their software, which is exactly why I don't use their software anymore. It's my computer, so I should be able to kill any process I like.
The oldest idea in the world, two processes that respawn each other?