Find out who has written a message in a Facebook Conversation - facebook-graph-api

I'm dealing with bots in my app and a costumer ask me to auto detect the bot`s messages in a conversation.
When an app create a post I can see who wrote the post with: me/posts?fields=admin_creator
But when someone wrote a message in a conversation how can I see who wrote this message in the conversation API me/conversations?fields=messages
I need to know who answer the message through my page. It was me, a bot, an app or other person who have the permission to answer by my page.

Solution #1
By reading the docs, I found this information that could help you:
It's not possible to request a message by its individual message ID. Instead you should get the message as part of the thread it's a part of.
Note that the message object has from and to objects, so
Taken from the Graph API Message docs.
Solution #2
If that doesn't help You, I'm sure these two posts from the chatbotsmagazine will:
In the post about a Swell app, the poster asks the question:
How could you identify the user? We have existing users in our
database who signed up with Facebook. There are two different user-ids
though, according to Facebook’s Docs:
(..) Ids are page-scoped. These ids differ from those returned from Facebook Login apps which are app-scoped. You must use ids retrieved from a Messenger integration for this page in order to function properly.
Then, they provided the answer to that question in this post:
FB Messenger Bot 🤖 — How to Identify a User via Page- & App-Scoped User-ID’s
I hope this helps.


Realtime Updates from FB API

I have a working Azure function that receives updates when I use the Graph API Explorer.
All I want to be able to do is submit a UserId to an endpoint and have any Posts they make sent to my WebHooks. We want to do this without the users always having to give permission. Unfortunately, I find the FB docs very confusing as most pages only have partial examples and the majority of the online SO or blog examples are far out of date.
On the FB WebHooks page it says
For example, if you subscribed to the user object's photos field and one of your app's Users posted a Photo, we would send you a POST request that would look something like this
They then say
You can also do this programmatically by using the /{app-id}/subscriptions endpoint for all Webhooks
On the Subscriptions page they have this example
POST /v12.0/{app-id}/subscriptions HTTP/1.1
But then its says this under Permissions
Subscriptions for the object type user will only be valid for users
who have installed the app.
This is not for a mobile I'm confused
The above is to show that I have made all attempts to get this working without first posting here.
Now, I have to ask. Do anyone have experience or a existing code that demonstrates how to Subscribe to a User so that when they Post, I receive Notifications via webhooks?
Or, this this entirely the wrong way to use the Webhooks?

Starting using Instagram oEmbed feature

What is the correct way to start using Instagram oEmbed feature? Documentation ( claims that I have to pass App Review to start using the feature. And application form says Please provide a URL where we can test Oembed Read. Which I don't have because I have no access to the feature.
What I have tried with no success:
I requested instagram_oembed resource with:
app token of application in live mode
app token of application in
development mode
passed URL to a post by official Instagram account
passed URL to a post
of a user who is Admin of the app
In all cases I receive (#10) To use 'Oembed Read', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Oembed Read' feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features:
Example of the request I do
We're also suffering from this issue, but so far, we thought we already figured out how to do that.
Big picture
Facebook had not sorted this thing out correctly. Or at least, we don't know why they put such a restriction to this API.
The official document is not correct. (or at least not accurate for now, for some part)
Which part was not correct?
The access token part is not right. Or at least, it's the most confusion part.
How can we resolve this?
Use the Graph API Explorer
Adjust your token(App token, Client access token, user token) with the official URLs(see below) to see if you can get the result
most of us should be able to get the result with user access token, which means you have to access this API after login!
Integrate into your app for review
The review page is also confusing:
Please provide a URL where we can test Oembed Read. Include the URL of a page, post or video from our official Facebook or Instagram pages, or the pages themselves., it means you can only use links like or
With that in mind, so far, the only way to get approved is integrate your oembed usage into your normal UI with facebook user access token ready
Question to the big picture
So, we have to ask user to login with our facebook app, then we can provide this oembed read API returned embed HTML? I'm afraid that's what we have now.
big companies might be able to apply for App Token, I guess in that scenario, facebook login is not necessary
for small companies, indie developers, hmmm, I don't know any better solutions so far.
I have run into this too. I do not have an answer at this time, I just want to report on the frustrations of their 'app review' process. Which makes it feel like you are unlikely to get it to work any time soon.
We have a custom embed code for our weblog authors to use (a shortcode kind of thing) which does the oEmbed call. We just take the HTML from the resulting JSON, and insert it into the weblog article page, and that is it. It stopped working, presenting this same error - in live mode, and in development mode.
The kicker is, I then tried submitting it for app review. Filled out everything I could to the best of my knowledge. Provided them a test account and post on our weblog to show the shortcode editing and expected placement. We got rejected. Why? Your embedding resulted in an error, we can't see it in action to approve you.
Yes. The error I am getting is that I need my 'app' to be reviewed and approved.
This is an infuriating process. This is the only Facebook / Instagram API feature we use at this point. No user data. No attempt to make an Instagram clone app or anything like that. Just an embed.
And they are making this simple use case as impossible to use as they can. And the documentation also feels like an infinite loop. They say users of the old Instagram embed call have until September 7 2021 to get approved. But the call does not work at all because we are not approved. So we cannot get approved.
Same loop here. I've managed to report it to Facebook team and get answer "Just submit your Instagram post URL"! I can't believe it, its can't be so simple. I've confirmed it few times with Facebook team person and.... get rejected!
Also, second form in App Review process will LOWERCASE all of your links and I've spent few days just to explain it to reviewers and support person. Still rejected after submitting proper url. This is insane.
My another attempt was about to build a test page where I can auth via Facebook account, parse connected Instagram accounts and GET embed endpoint with user access key in hope that reviewer HAS access to oembed feature - REJECTED. I can't even find what permission I need to add to auth URL to obtain oembed thing.
Will update my answer with new information later.
UPDATE: After reporting about the issue with lowercase URL in submission form they just APPROVED my app without APP REVIEW. Well... Facebook style...
I had exactly the same problem recently. Updated the packages with compose, changed the API version from 10 to 11... without any change.
The error was also occurring in development mode, it didn't make sense that Facebook was asking to approve in dev mode.
For me, the problem came from the management of scopes in my application, depending on the version of the Facebook API used.
My advice: check the scopes defined with API version in your code first.
I had the same issue and the solution is very simple. The only thing you need to do is copy paste an instagram url in the input field saying: Please provide a URL where we can test Oembed Read.
I did the this link:
Which is actually the first instagram post :) Got approved. Hope this helps everybody!

How to kick off Facebook Messenger conversation with user

I've seen this use case a few times.
A user goes to a company's web site and places an order with the company.
User logs into Facebook.
Messenger window shows up that says order confirmation # and now there's a chat between you and the business.
I'm trying to figure out how this is done.
Of course, if the user has given the app permissions or there was some Facebook integration on check out, then presumably the company has captured the user id and can send messages.
Is there any possible way that a company can send a message to a user by simply knowing their e-mail address? I think FB ids are scoped to Apps so even if you knew the user's FB Id, the ID on your app would be different. Any ideas?
I did it with ruby on rails.Let me give my articles about messenger bot.
This link show from scratch. and it uses this gem to make it happen. These are so useful articles. if you have additional questions, please let me know.

Django and Post to Facebook (no authentication)

OK, I need some help understanding the process behind Facebook's website integration process and how I can integrate it into my web app....
In its most basic form, my site stores and displays users' comments about products (there's more to it than that, but that's all that's relevant for this question). What I'd like to do is allow them to post that comment, together with the name of the product (and my site), to their Facebook wall by clicking a button.
I do not need the users to log in to my site at all, either with Facebook or any other authentication system and the Post to Facebook part is optional.
Obviously if they decide they do want to post their comment to Facebook, then they'll need to login, but I'd rather temporarily take them away from the page to login, post and then be brought back to my site.
What I need to know is how much of Facebook's APIs, Open Graph and Auth systems do I actually need to integrate?
I had hoped that I might be able to generate a simple link to Facebook with their comment embedded as a POST element...?
I'd be really grateful if someone could point me in the right direction!!
(P.S. I need a similar solution for Twitter, but I think that's easier!?!)
The Feed Dialog doesn’t allow including of a pre-set message any more, so you’d have to make that post via the Graph API if you want to pre-fill the message (and even then, you should only do so, if you’ve given the user the possibility to edit the pre-filled message first).
See here for how to make a post on a user’s behalf via Graph API,
You can do that all client-side, if you embed the JavaScript SDK into your page.
You need to set up an app on FB, then have the user connect to it (using FB.login), ask for the necessary permission (publish_stream) while doing so, and after successful login use FB.api to make the Graph API call.

Get apprequests available to user, sent by other users

BUMP: This is not a dead request. I'm still hoping to get a solid answer from someone at Facebook or anyone else. Thanks.
Revised Inquiry: I don't know if I'm not asking the right question, or if I'm asking a valid question that no one can answer.
New Questions:
Can we use FQL or another means to get all of the requests seen at reqs.php? I'm essentially looking for something like this:
SELECT request_id, app_id FROM apprequest WHERE recipient_uid = me()
Notifications return that data but app requests are often batched into a single record with a link identifying some but not all requests. I want individual records for all app requests currently open. The data to do this must be available, as this is the data used to build notifications! It just seems that this is not being made available to us. :(
Original Inquiry Follows:
I have an app that aggregates various sources of Facebook information for a user. One of the sets of data I'm working on is the collection of apprequests which have been sent to this user by friends. For example, I open GreatApp and click to send a request to you. You may or may not use GreatApp but let's assume you haven't blocked requests from it. You now open my AggregatorApp that shows my request to you, and the included link back to GreatApp. The data you see is the same as at reqs.php but formatted differently, with much more data, and of course simply much better. ;)
I thought that is what we got in apprequests. From this question I'm understanding that apprequests is a collection of requests sent out by the current application.
When using path/me/apprequests, we don't need to specify an app ID. But I believe here we do need to provide an app token rather than a user token. Is that correct? If that's correct then this confirms that the requests are those that this app sent out, not requests generated by other apps.
When using FQL, we need to identify the uid of the app as well as the id of the request in order to query the apprequests table. I get that, but even with a valid request id and app id (and valid permissions) FQL doesn't return request data. (I haven't checked with an app id, maybe that's the key.)
I am hoping people will provide some concrete examples for any of the above, specifically getting inbound requests from other apps, and confirmation about what token or other detail is expected for /apprequests and the apprequests table to return data.
Other threads asking the same question without a good (or any) response:
thread1 thread2
You need to make a graph api request to get the apprequests connection for a user. See the current documentation here:
In the Connections table, the documentation correctly notes that you need an application access token to retrive the requests to that user. There's a bug in the documentation under ( that claims you need a user access token. This is incorrect, and (as you've seen) will return an empty list of requests.
Requests sent by an application are only visible to the application. The user can't see or delete these requests (though they are able to hide the request). The reason for this is that the applications can put data into the requests (255 characters) that's never exposed to the user or other applications.
I don't think there's a way you'll be able to aggregate a user's requests from apps that you don't have an access token for.
What I have found out (before my question was deleted) was that you can't access requests with a user token, and app tokens can only access requests that app has sent (and I found that out myself in the documentation and playing with the graph explorer). Since I know there are iPhone apps and browser plugins for processing requests, I assume they are accessing the page itself and parsing the data (like scraping a site). The downfall to that approach is that on the request page only around 100 requests from each app are shown at one time.
(Unless some people have found a way that they aren't sharing...)
You are right, you need the app_access_token and not the user_access_token.
I think the FB documentation has an error.
The definitive answer was provided by a Facebook developer here in response to my bug report. The resolution is that this is By Design. This relates to the note by #noah-callaway that there's probably some app-specific data in requests that should not be available to other apps.
This is a shame, in my opinion, because as Facebook is all about sharing data among friends, I think it adds a dimension to the ecosystem when apps can share (limited and reasonable) information among one another.
Thanks for the responses!