How to capture photo when a face detected smiles using Ionic? - computer-vision

Using Ionic, is it possible for me to be able to capture an image and the trigger would be whenever the face smiles? I am looking for suggestions, any resource materials that I could get using Ionic.

You need to use some emotion detection api. This problem is not related to ionic itself but to computer vision. So what you likely do is send/upload your photo to online api (for example google cloud vision or any other) to detect emotions in your photo and it will detect emotions for for you. The result will be then utilized by your application.


AWS Rekognition vs AWS visual search

Currently, I need to implement searching products by image on my app. As doing research, I wanna go for aws rekognition. So when the model predicts the image, I can pass the predicted label to query products by my api. This is what I plan to do. However, I also come across aws visual search (using aws sageMaker) which is way beyond my understanding. So, am I on the right way to implement it by using the first option (aws rekognition ) ???
Amazon Rekognition is 'out-of-the-box' image recognition. It can label pictures, find faces, read text, etc. It accepts custom labels, however it is not possible to modify the general recognition process.
Amazon SageMaker is a machine learning platform for building your own models. It is highly flexible, for everything from image recognition through to predictive analytics. However, it is quite complex and is usually used by Data Scientists.
Given your knowledge levels, Amazon Rekognition would be a better choice for you.

Exporting Google cloud video intelligence model

I've trained a video classification model using Google's video intelligence platform, I want to now download the model to predict on-prem for security purpose but I don't see anyway of exporting the model. Is there any way to do so?
I inform you that indeed you are right. As of today the AutoML Video Intelligence is on Beta and there is no way to export your model.
I would advise you to stay alert for the Release Notes to check for updates on the product.

Google Cloud Vision AI how to select similar images from range of provided images

I want to be able to select similar images using Google Cloud Vision AI out of range of images that I provide.
It seems there is Web Detection feature allows to show similar images across the web but I want to search across user provided images or even just within a particular website (not across entire web).
Is this possible to do?
There is no built in feature that allows you to do that on the Google Cloud Vision API, but what you can do is fetch the URL of the matching images detected across the web and filter the ones you are interested in. You can follow this tutorial.
I hope that helps
You could try out Vision API's ProductSearch:
See this answer:

Is it possible for azure custom vision api to detect multiple objects in single image

I am new to Azure Cognitive services. I want to detect multiple objects in a single image. Is it possible with custom vision api.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
You should be able to with the Object Detection part of Custom Vision. Simply give it images of multiples to train on and it should start detecting both items.
For example, I was playing with it a while ago to see if it could detect red and white wines. After sending a few images with both to train on I started getting results like the below.

Google Cloud Vision API, identifying a snake in long grass

When I run the following image through the Google Cloud Vision API it see's the grass but not the snake. What can I do to improve object detection?
We can improve image detection by following the recommended image size guidelines or by using crop hints to make the snake more dominant in the image. Google Cloud Vision API is powered by machine learning and misses like this (snake) is expected on the early stages of the API. Vision API improves over time as new concepts are introduced and accuracy is improved.
Sample use of crop hints:
Result show "60% reptile" when using the Vision API explorer: