Clojure- Remove entries from customized set - clojure

I'm a bit new to Clojure and was wondering if anybody can assist me here.
I'm trying my hands on clojure's persistent data-structures.I have 2 hashset like below example.
(def a #{[1 345] [2 346] [3 347]})
(def b #{1 2})
So,I want to remove 'b' from 'a'.I am expecting output like below:
#{[3 347]}
I've looked for quite a bit to try and get an understanding of how to do this, but so far I'm just puzzled.I've tried playing around with remove/tried to convert 'a' into a map.but couldn't get the expected result

Here's one way: Build a map from a and use dissoc to remove the keys found in b.
> (set (apply dissoc (into {} a) b))
#{[3 347]}

Here is my solution, though I must confess I like the above one more:
(set (filter #(not (contains? b (first %))) a))
#{[3 347]}

Using specter:
(setval [ALL (comp b first)] NONE a)


Reducing a list of maps to a list by in clojure

I've started to get some functional programming some weeks ago and I'm trying to perform a mapping from a list of maps to a list considering a specific key in clojure.
My list of maps looks like: '({:a "a1" :b "b1" :c "c1"} {:a "a2" :b "b2" :c "c2"} {:a "a3" :b "b3" :c "c3"})
And the output I'm trying to get is: '("b1" "b2" "b3").
I've tried the following:
(doseq [m maps]
(println (list (get m :b))))
And my output is a list of lists (what is expected as I'm creating a list for each iteration). So my question is, how can I reduce this to a single list?
Just tried the following:
(let [x '()]
(doseq [m map]
(conj x (get m :b))))
However, it is still not working. I`m not getting the point as I was expecting to be appending the elements into a empty list
This is a very common pattern in production Clojure code so it's a good place to learn. In general check out the docs on sequences at and when faced with similar task, look to see which pattern best fits and explore functions in that group. In this case it's "Process each item of a seq to create a new seq" and the first item listed is map
your example might look like
(map :b my-data)
You have the right idea, but are using the wrong function. doseq is intended only for side effects and always returns nil. The function you are looking for is for, which takes a sequence as input and returns another sequence as output. I generally prefer for over the similar map as for allows you to name the loop variable:
(def data-list
[{:a "a1" :b "b1" :c "c1"}
{:a "a2" :b "b2" :c "c2"}
{:a "a3" :b "b3" :c "c3"}])
(let [result (vec (for [item data-list]
(:b item)))]
(println result) ; print result
result) ; return result from `let` expression
result => ["b1" "b2" "b3"]
If instead you do this:
(doseq [item data-list]
(println (:b item))))
you can see the difference with doseq vs for:
b1 ; loop item #1
b2 ; loop item #2
b3 ; loop item #3
nil ; return value of doseq
Please see for online details, and buy a good book (or 5) like Getting Clojure, etc.
(doseq [m maps]
(println (list (get m :b))))
In two short lines, you break several general rules of functional programming:
Pass data into a function as arguments, not as references to global
Don't print the results of computation. Return them as the value of
the function.
Avoid mechanisms such as doseq that work by side-effects.
Despite this, you were not too far from a solution. doseq is essentially a version of for that throws away its result. If we replace doseq with for, and get rid of the println and the list, we get
=> (for [m maps] (get m :b))
("b1" "b2" "b3")
But Arthur Ulfeldt's simple use of map is better.

update or assoc a list rather than a vector

Updating a vector works fine:
(update [{:idx :a} {:idx :b}] 1 (fn [_] {:idx "Hi"}))
;; => [{:idx :a} {:idx "Hi"}]
However trying to do the same thing with a list does not work:
(update '({:idx :a} {:idx :b}) 1 (fn [_] {:idx "Hi"}))
;; => ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Associative clojure.lang.RT.assoc (
Exactly the same problem exists for assoc.
I would like to do update and overwrite operations on lazy types rather than vectors. What is the underlying issue here, and is there a way I can get around it?
The underlying issue is that the update function works on associative structures, i.e. vectors and maps. Lists can't take a key as a function to look up a value.
user=> (associative? [])
user=> (associative? {})
user=> (associative? `())
update uses get behind the scenes to do its random access work.
I would like to do update and overwrite operations on lazy types
rather than vectors
It's not clear what want to achieve here. You're correct that vectors aren't lazy, but if you wish to do random access operations on a collection then vectors are ideal for this scenario and lists aren't.
and is there a way I can get around it?
Yes, but you still wouldn't be able to use the update function, and it doesn't look like there would be any benefit in doing so, in your case.
With a list you'd have to walk the list in order to access an index somewhere in the list - so in many cases you'd have to realise a great deal of the sequence even if it was lazy.
You can define your own function, using take and drop:
(defn lupdate [list n function]
(let [[head & tail] (drop n list)]
(concat (take n list)
(cons (function head) tail))))
user=> (lupdate '(a b c d e f g h) 4 str)
(a b c d "e" f g h)
With lazy sequences, that means that you will compute the n first values (but not the remaining ones, which after all is an important part of why we use lazy sequences). You have also to take into account space and time complexity (concat, etc.). But if you truly need to operate on lazy sequences, that's the way to go.
Looking behind your question to the problem you are trying to solve:
You can use Clojure's sequence functions to construct a simple solution:
(defn elf [n]
(loop [population (range 1 (inc n))]
(if (<= (count population) 1)
(first population)
(let [survivors (->> population
(take-nth 2)
((if (-> population count odd?) rest identity)))]
(recur survivors)))))
For example,
(map (juxt identity elf) (range 1 8))
;([1 1] [2 1] [3 3] [4 1] [5 3] [6 5] [7 7])
This has complexity O(n). You can speed up count by passing the population count as a redundant argument in the loop, or by dumping the population and survivors into vectors. The sequence functions - take-nth and rest - are quite capable of doing the weeding.
I hope I got it right!

Is there any way to reffer to a struct-map entry previously defined (inline)?

The title is not that great, but it is difficult to find a good one-liner :)
The question is the following. Given the declaration:
(def mystruct (create-struct :a :b :c))
is it possible to build an instance the following way (something similar, obviously):
(struct-map mystruct :a 1 :b 2 :c (inc (:b this)))
I managed to get something like this in the following bizzaro way:
(def mystructinst (struct-map mystruct :a 1 :b 2 :c (inc (:b mystructinst))))
But to be honest, I don't know why that worked. I thought mystructinst is only bound after the evaluation of the contained forms. Is this a clean way of performing this task? Is there any better one?
Thank you for your time.
How about just:
(let [b 2] (struct-map mystruct :a 1 :b b :c (inc b)))
You are correct that the symbol is bound only after the evaluation of the contained forms when using def, which is why your last example throws a NullPointerException. You probably predefined mystructinst somewhere else without realizing it. You can move the variable you want to reference outside the struct-map and put it in a let instead. Then, it'll be accessible anywhere.
Also, note that let does allow you to refer to previous bindings in subsequent ones:
user=> (let [a 1 b (inc a)] b)

what advantage is there to use 'get' instead to access a map

Following up from this question: Idiomatic clojure map lookup by keyword
Map access using clojure can be done in many ways.
(def m {:a 1}
(get m :a) ;; => 1
(:a m) ;; => 1
(m :a) ;; => 1
I know I use mainly the second form, and sometimes the third, rarely the first. what are the advantages (speed/composability) of using each?
get is useful when the map could be nil or not-a-map, and the key could be something non-callable (i.e. not a keyword)
(def m nil)
(def k "some-key")
(m k) => NullPointerException
(k m) => ClassCastException java.lang.String cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
(get m k) => nil
(get m :foo :default) => :default
From the clojure web page we see that
Maps implement IFn, for invoke() of one argument (a key) with an
optional second argument (a default value), i.e. maps are functions of
their keys. nil keys and values are ok.
Sometimes it is rewarding to take a look under the hoods of Clojure. If you look up what invoke looks like in a map, you see this:
It apparently calls the valAt method of a map.
If you look at what the get function does when called with a map, this is a call to clojure.lang.RT.get, and this really boils down to the same call to valAt for a map (maps implement ILookUp because they are Associatives):
The same is true for a map called with a key and a not-found-value. So, what is the advantage? Since both ways boil down to pretty much the same, performance wise I would say nothing. It's just syntactic convenience.
You can pass get to partial etc. to build up HOFs for messing with your data, though it doesn't come up often.
user=> (def data {"a" 1 :b 2})
user=> (map (partial get data) (keys data))
(1 2)
I use the third form a lot when the data has strings as keys
I don't think there is a speed difference, and even if that would be the case, that would be an implementation detail.
Personally I prefer the second option (:a m) because it sometimes makes code a bit easier on the eye. For example, I often have to iterate through a sequence of maps:
(def foo '({:a 1} {:a 2} {:a 3}))
If I want to filter all values of :a I can now use:
(map :a foo)
Instead of
(map #(get % :a) foo)
(map #(% :a) foo)
Of course this is a matter of personal taste.
To add to the list, get is also useful when using the threading macro -> and you need to access via a key that is not a keyword
(let [m {"a" :a}]
(-> m
(get "a")))
One advantage of using the keyword first approach is it is the most concise way of accessing the value with a forgiving behavior in the case the map is nil.

Removing items from a map based on the contents of another map

Still working through Programming Collective Intelligence and using Clojure to write the code. I've got it working, but some parts are really ugly, so I thought I'd ask some of the experts around here to help clean it up.
Let's suppose I have a map that looks like this (bound to "recs"):
{"Superman Returns" 3.902419556891574, "Lady in the Water" 2.8325499182641614,
"Snakes on a Plane" 3.7059737842895792, "The Night Listener" 3.3477895267131017,
"You, Me and Dupree" 2.651006036204627, "Just My Luck" 2.5309807037655645}
and I want to remove those items with keys that are also in the map (bound to "mymovies"):
{"Snakes on a Plane" 4.5, "You, Me and Dupree" 1.0, "Superman Returns" 4.0}
so that I get the map:
{"Lady in the Water" 2.8325499182641614, "The Night Listener" 3.3477895267131017,
"Just My Luck" 2.5309807037655645}
the code that I managed to get to do this looks like:
(apply merge (map #(hash-map (first %) (second %))
(remove #(contains? mymovies (first %))
That seems pretty ugly to me. It doesn't seem like it should be necessary to create a map from the value I get back from "remove". Is there a cleaner way to do this?
UPDATE: Joost's answer below sparked another idea. If I turn the keys of the two maps into sets I can use select-keys like this:
(select-keys recs (difference (set (keys recs))
(set (keys mymovies))))
Joost, thanks for turning me on to select-keys. I didn't know about that function before. Now to go rewrite several other sections with this new found knowledge!
(apply dissoc recs (keys mymovies))
The following first builds a seq of keys to keep, then extracts the "submap" for those keys from recs using select-keys. It also takes advantage of the fact that sets are predicates.
(select-keys recs (remove (apply hash-set (keys mymovies)) (keys recs)))
I think ponzao's answer is best for this case, but I wouldn't have thought to apply dissoc. Here are the two solutions I might have come up with: hopefully looking over them will help with similar future problems.
Note that the second solution will fail if your mymovies map contains nil or false values.
(into {}
(for [[k v] recs
:when (not (contains? mymovies k))]
[k v]))
(into {}
(remove (comp mymovies key) recs))