Cannot use newly installed MPICH mpich-3.2.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 - mpich

I intalled mpich-3.2.1 following the installation guide on MPICH. There were no errors popping up during the installation. I added the bin subdirectory of my installation directory to my path and source it, However, the command which mpicc refers to the commands in openmpi which is the defaut mpi in Ubuntu 14.04.
Could somebody tell me how to make the newly installed mpich3 work?
Thanks a lot.

I figured it out that the path referencing to the new mpich should be exported before /usr/bin where the openmpi-related commands locate in.


Change where I installed Cmake initially to usr/local/bin on mac

I am new to the computer and as I wanted to install Cmake instead of installing it in usr/bin or usr/local/bin I installed it in Users/Admin/Source!
Could you help me to figure out how can I change its directory or do I have to uninstall it completely?!
To install Cmake I followed the steps here, except the first line.
If you successfully went through the steps in the link you provided, cmake is now installed in /usr/local/cmake/bin.
(From what I understand you just did the download in another directory which is fine).
Since the tutorial also tells you to add this directory to your PATH it should be fine. i.e cmake should be accessible from anywhere after sourcing again your .bash_profile or simply opening a new terminal.
If for any other reason you need cmake to be in /usr/local/bin. you can create a symbolic link in this directory:
ln -s /usr/local/cmake/bin/cmake /usr/local/bin/cmake

Cassandra CPP Driver

Really basic issue. I'm trying to install the Datastax Cassandra C++ driver on my Ubuntu 16.0.4 machine. It really shouldn't be that difficult. I've installed all dependencies using dpkg and installed the cassandra driver deb file. But I can't find (or #include) the cassandra.h file.
$ locate cassandra.h
returns nothing and running
$ locate cassandra*
returns a whole mess of files from cqlsh, the casssandra config files, etc, but no header files for the cpp driver.
Additionally, cassandra-cpp-driver doesn't show up in dpkg -l (though apt-get and dpkg -i say it's already installed).
Any help getting this installed would be appreciated.
DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra is currently not available from the Ubuntu official repository.
There are .deb packages for Ubuntu which are available as mentioned in the DataStax project documentation on github datastax/cpp-driver repository from this location:
If you are using Ubuntu 16.04, the last .deb available are under ubuntu/16.04/cassandra/v2.7.0/.
You will find the cassandra.h file in cassandra-cpp-driver-dev_2.7.0-1_amd64.deb, which you need to download and install with dpkg.
The suffix dev in a Debian or Ubuntu package denotes a package meant for developing programs, containing, in particular, header files.
dpkg -i cassandra-cpp-driver-dev_2.7.0-1_amd64.deb
The header will get installed in the usual location under Linux for header files that your compiler should find without a problem: /usr/include/cassandra.h.
it will also install:
which you will need for static linking and for pkgconfig to work properly.
What you may have installed is cassandra-cpp-driver_2.7.0-1_amd64.deb which contains the that is the shared object (dynamic) library binary file,.. although whatever you installed should indeed come in the result of a dkpg -l query such as:
dpkg -l | grep cassandra
If you installed anything from an unofficial source, I would suggest you uninstall these first, and install the provided .deb for your plaform from the official source.
Follow the documentation's instructions for making your first program with this library.

Code Blocks and Gtkmm on Ubuntu 14.04TLA

I downloaded Ubuntu 14.04TLS recently.
I'm very new to the Linux environment as I'm a Windows user. I don't really know how to install application on the Linux environment.
please I need help on how to get code blocks with MinGW for Ubuntu and how to configure it.
Also I need help on how to install gtkmm and configure code block to locate it.
I don't know if the same way we do
Open Project > Build Options…
Select your project.
On the Compiler settings tab, select Other options
and add this to the field:
pkg-config gtkmm-3.0 –cflags
Select the Linker settings tab and type the following
line in the Other linker options text area:
pkg-config gtkmm-3.0 –libs
that we will also do for Ubuntu. Also are we doing anything about environment variable.
also if you can recommend tutorials that I can use to understand the Ubuntu environment properly.
thank you once again
install code blocks on linux ubuntu (mingw is windows version of gcc)
sudo apt-get install codeblocks build-essential
install gtkmm
sudo apt-get install libgtkmm-3.0-dev
This is everything you need to know:

Qt 5.1.1 compiler setup on Ubuntu

First of all, I should point out that I've never used linux before.
I have a clean install of 64bit ubuntu, I downloaded Qt 5.1.1 for linux 64 bit from, ran the .run file, installed it and gcc which is included in that download, opened Qt Creator, made a new project and tried to compile it. It wont compile and I keep getting this error message
:-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.
I added a gcc compiler, but what do I need to put for the compiler path, platform codegen flags, platform linker flags and ABI?
You don't have to input the path of your compiler because gcc and g++ paths are available in the $PATH enovironment variable. So just use "gcc" and "g++" and that should work. Just make sure you restart Qt Creator after the installation of g++.
One more thing. You need a compiled version of Qt installed on your computer. So also install Qt libraries with
sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools
If you want to use the new version of the library you have to add it to $PATH. You can do this in the terminal with
export PATH=/path/to/Qt/qtbase:$PATH
And then run Qt Creator from the same terminal, in which you did the last command.
Good luck!
You will have to install the dependencies as well. I got it working when I followed the steps in the following link.
Try this:

How do I install Eclipse with C++ in Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)?

I just installed Ubuntu 12.10, and I tried to install Eclipse and C++, but I failed miserably.
I started with an installation from the Software Center, Eclipse worked, but only in Java. Then I started googling for installation guides and tutorials, but after hours of downloads and installations, the C++ in Eclipse still doesn't work.
So now I have two questions:
How do I clean up this mess?
Actually, how do I know if there is a mess?
According to the Ubuntu Software Center, Eclipse is installed and has three add-ons.
How do I know if the other installations of other Eclipse versions/packagings overwrote each other or if I have multiple installations?
How do I install the latest version of Eclipse and C++ in Ubuntu 12.10?
There is a package called eclipse-cdt in the Ubuntu 12.10 repositories, this is what you want. If you haven't got g++ already, you need to install that as well, so all you need is:
sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt g++
Whether you messed up your system with your previous installation attempts depends heavily on how you did it. If you did it the safe way for trying out new packages not from repositories (i.e., only installed in your home folder, no sudos blindly copied from installation manuals...) you're definitely fine. Otherwise, you may well have thousands of stray files all over your file system now. In that case, run all uninstall scripts you can find for the things you installed, then install using apt-get and hope for the best.
I used (the suggested answer from above)
sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt g++
but ONLY after then also doing
sudo eclipse -clean
Hope that also helps.
I also tried in Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS and works fine!
First, I downloaded it from, choosing Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers.
I save the file somewhere, let´s say into my home directory. Open a console or terminal, and type:
>>cd ~; tar xvzf eclipse*.tar.gz;
Remember for having Eclipse running in Linux, it is required a JVM, so download a jdk file e.g jdk-7u17-linux-i586.rpm (I cann´t post the link due to my low reputation) ... anyway
Install the .rpm file following
Find the path to the Java installation, by typing:
>>which java
I got /usr/bin/java. To start up Eclipse, type:
>>cd ~/eclipse; ./eclipse -vm /usr/bin/java
Also, once everything is installed, in the home directory, you can double-click the executable icon called eclipse, and then you´ll have it!. In case you like an icon, create a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications:
>>sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
The .desktop file content is as follows:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec="This is the path of the eclipse executable on your machine"
Icon="This is the path of the icon.xpm file on your machine"
Comment=Integrated Development Environment
Best luck!
I was in the same boat. Installed Eclipse, realized need CDT.
sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt g++
This just adds the CDT package on top of existing installation - no un-installation etc. required.
^Give that a try
I have not used the CDT for eclipse but I do use Eclipse Java for Ubuntu 12.04 and it works wonders.