WSO2 analytics confusion - wso2

I would like to generate visualization(charts) on the usage of API accessed via WSO2 API Manager. I see many products and versions and cannot find right one. What is the difference between these products ?
API M Analytics 2.2
API DAS server 3.2
API Streaming processer 4.1
I'm using API manager 2.2 version and need real time analytics so which one is suitable for this purpose and the corresponding documentation to setup ?
Thanks in advance.

With APIM 2.2.0 you should use APIM Analytics 2.2.0. It's a DAS with some custom code specific to APIM.
For statistics, APIM out of the box supports batch analytics only. However, it supports alerts.
You can read this for analytics configurations.


Can use WSO2 4.1 APIM and WSO2 Analytics together

We are using WSO2 APIM 4.1 version and we are looking to configure APIM Analytics, can we use old WSO2 APIM Analytics together with 4.1 version without Choreo which is not available as free.
AFAIK you can't use the old APIM Analytics with the latest APIM version, but instead of Choreo you can use ELK Stack to push your analytics data. Have a look at this. At the same time, you can also write your own event publisher to publish Analytics to any external system.

How To Configure WSO2 API Manager version 4.0.0 with Analytics version 3.2.0?

WSO2 API Manager Version 4.0.0 is Working Fine With Choreo Analytics but Is there Any Way to Configure API Manager Version 4.0.0 with API-M Analytics Version 3.2.0?
No, this is not possible with API Manager 4.0.0.
The API Manager v4.0.0 has gone through a lot of architectural changes and the Handlers and implementations related to publishing Analytics Data to the APIM Analytics server have been removed. Therefore, with my understanding, it is not possible to achieve the same in the v4.0.0 environment.
With the API Manager 4.0 release, the API Analytics was completely revamped and offered as a cloud-based analytics solution to provide users with an unparalleled analytics experience. Therefore, integrating APIM Analytics 3.2.0 with APIM 4.0.0 is not a possible/advisable solution due to architectural constraints.

How to use product of WSO2 correctly?

I have already read many documentations of WSO2, there are some products of WSO2 such as: Enterprise Integration (EI), API Management (APIM), Identity Access Management (IS), Analytics Stream Processing (SP). I can understand the functions of IS and SP.
1. But I dont know what are differences between EI and APIM?
2. When can we use EI? When can we use APIM?
3. Can we merge WSO2 EI and APIM and IS and SP Products to execute all of them on one server?
Sorry for many questions, but I am really confuse in these matters, please give me advice.
WSO2 EI can be used to integrate different systems, orchestrate and then expose as new services/APIs.
WSO2 APIM can be used to manage those services/APIs. You can manage security, rate limiting, CORS, etc. and can see analytics of API usage etc. too. For APIM analytics, there is a customized version of SP which you can download separately.
You can't run all 4 as a single server. Those are 4 runtimes, so you have to start them separately.

How to manage billing with WSO 2 AM (2.0.0)

I would like to combine WSO2 AM and DAS with billing function.
I tried to set it by referring to the following site, but the article did not correspond to WSO2 APIM(2.0.0).
I want to publish WSO 2 APIM(2.0.0) runtime statistics to DAS.
But,WSO2 AM(2.0.0) does not have admin-dashboard like WSO2 AM(1.10.X).
・Should I lower the WSO2 AM version?
・Is there a procedure / article based on WSO 2 AM (2.0.0)?
・Do you have my point should be noted?
Thanks a lot.
From 2.0.0 onwards, it's called admin portal, and the URL is https://localhost:9443/admin. However, analytics configurations are removed from Admin Portal UI. So you have to use api-manager.xml file to configure analytics.
Refer this doc to configure analytics in 2.0.0.
Also, note that online service based on API Manager - WSO2 API Cloud - has API monetization and billing integration available out-of-box - just configure your billing plans and bank account and start collecting money:
There´s a guide on the same blog that you linked
This is for configuring DAS. If you only care about analytics data for apim I would recommend the new wso2am-analytics instead of the DAS. It's made specially for the apim and much easier to configure. See the guide that Bhatiya provided on how to configure wso2am-analytics.
The article is for APIM 1.10.0 and DAS 3.0.x. If you want to try this with APIM 2.0.0 you need to used the sample billing engine in this repo. checkout the tag am-2.0 and check.

WSO2 API Manager - API Usage statistics by each user is missing in latest release 2.0.0

I am using WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0 along with WSO2 DAS 3.0.1
Query : API Usage statistics in PUBLISHER STATISTICS does not have user-wise split in latest version. Based on the documentation and webinars of WSO2, looks like user-wise split for API usage statistics was available in earlier versions. Am i missing any configurations here? Please clarify.
If you are referring to APIM 1.10, then AFAIK there is no major difference in statistic bases in APIM 1.10 and 2.0. The statistics module in both versions is able to show publisher wise user statistics. For that you can use this guide.As in the documentation you can check the user statistics by clicking on the API and referring to its Users tab.
Hope this helps.