I do have a function and I need it to be of void type and to pass and get back its pointers:
void cracking::decompose(char input[][100], int size_S, double* &Atm, int* &ID, int &size_out);
vector<double> AtmD;
vector<int> XsD;
Atm = &AtmD[0];
ID = &XsD[0];
size_out = size(AtmD);
My Idea here is to get the address of the first value of the Vectors and with its size I may be able to get all the values, however when I call it in the main function it builds but the data in this memory adress is deleted and I get only garbage. Is there a way that I Maintain the data associated to these pointers?
here is how the function is called in the main:
int main()
char oi[900][100] = { "1 0.5 C", "2 0.55 N", "3 .5 S" };
double* xAtm = NULL;
int* xXs = NULL;
int tamanho;
cracking calc;
calc.decompose(oi, 3, xAtm, xXs, tamanho);
return 0;
Local variables will disappear after execution leaves the function. You can't return their address because deleted objects don't have an address.
The compiler may use registers for the local variables. Registers don't have useful addresses.
If you want to return the address of a variable, declare it as static:
double * some_function(void)
static double pi = 3.14159264;
return π
Another alternative is to declare the variable in dynamic memory and return the pointer:
double * another_function()
double * p_pi = new double(3.14159264);
return p_pi;
I think I understand your question, but i'm not entirely sure. I am assuming you are asking about returning the pointers to a few local variables inside of another function. I think something that you need to understand here is how the stack works. When you call your decompose function, you create a new frame on the stack, with a return address to main. All the local variables will be pushed onto the stack. Once the decompose function returns, that stack space is free to be reused again.
Is there a way that I Maintain the data associated to these pointers?
Yes! Allocate your variables on the heap. Look up new in C++. Hope this helps point you in the right direction!
Here is my program :
#include <cstring>
const int SIZE =10;
int main()
char aName [SIZE]; // creates an array on the stack
std::strcpy(aName, "Mary");
return 0;
This program is obviously useless, I am just trying to understand the behavior of the strcpy function.
Here is it's signature :
char * strcpy ( char * destination, const char * source )
so when I do :
std::strcpy(aName, "Mary");
I am passing by value the variable aName. I know that the aName (in the main) contains the address of the array.
So is this assertion correct : strcpy creates a local variable called destination that has as value the address of the array aName that I have created on the stack in the main function?
I am asking this because it is very confusing to me. Whenever I have encountered addresses it usually was to point to a memory allocated on the heap...
Whenever you encounter addresses it doesn't mean it will always point to memory allocated to heap.
You can assign the address of a variable to a pointer like this
int a=5;
int *myPtr= &a;
Now, myPtr is a pointer of type integer which points to the memory of variable which is created on stack which is a have value 5.
So, whenever you create a pointer and assign the (address of) memory using new keyword, it will allocate the memory on heap. So, if I assign the value like this it will be on stack
int *myPtr= new int[5];
So is this assertion correct : strcpy creates a local variable called destination that has as value the address of the array aName that I have created on the stack in the main function?
Whenever I have encountered addresses it usually was to point to a memory allocated on the heap...
Yep, usually. But not always.
Pointers to non-dynamically-allocated things are fairly rare in C++, though in C it's more common as that's the only way to have "out arguments" (C does not have references).
strcpy is a function from C's standard library.
Maybe it would help to look at an example implementation of strcpy():
char* strcpy(char* d, const char* s)
char* tmp = d;
while (*tmp++ = *s++)
return d;
That's really all there is to it. Copy characters from the source to the destination until the source character is null (including the null). Return the pointer to the beginning of the destination. Done.
Pointers point to memory. It doesn't matter if that memory is "stack", "heap" or "static".
Function parameters are its local variables.
In this call
std::strcpy(aName, "Mary");
the two arrays (one that is created in main with the automatic storage duration and other is the string literal that has the static storage duration) are implicitly converted to pointers to their first elements.
So you may imagine this call and the function definition the following way
std::strcpy(aName, "Mary");
// …
char * strcpy ( /* char * destination, const char * source */ )
char *destination = aName;
const char *source = "Mary";
// …
return destination;
Or even like
char *p_to_aName = &aName[0];
const char *p_to_literal = &"Mary"[0];
std::strcpy( p_to_aName, p_to_literal );
// …
char * strcpy ( /* char * destination, const char * source */ )
char *destination = p_to_aName;
const char *source = p_to_literal;
// …
return destination;
That is within the function its parameters are local variable of pointer types with the automatic storage duration that are initialized by pointers to first characters of the passed character arrays
So is this assertion correct : strcpy creates a local variable called destination that has as value the address of the array aName that I have created on the stack in the main function?
Yes. That is correct. Though I probably wouldn't call it a local variable. It is a parameter. Local variable usually means something like this:
int localVariable;
The word'parameter" is often associated with things like this:
int myFunction(int parameter) {
// use parameter some where...
The point is roughly the same though: it creates a variable that will go out of scope once the function exits.
I am asking this because it is very confusing to me. Whenever I have encountered addresses it usually was to point to a memory allocated on the heap...
Yes, this is the most common use case for them. But it isn't their only use. Pointers are addresses, and every variable has an address in memory regardless of whether it is allocated on the "heap" or "stack."
The use here probably because pointers to a char are commonly used to store strings, particularly on older compilers. That combined with the fact that arrays "decay" into pointers, it is probably easier to work with pointers. It is also certainly more backwards compatible to do it this way.
The function could have just as easily used an array, like this:
char * strcpy ( char destination[], const char source[ )
But I'm going to assume it is easier to work with pointers here instead (Note: I don't think you can return an array in C++, so I'm still using char *. However, even if you could, I would imagine it is still easier to work with pointers anyway, so I don't think it makes a lot of difference here.).
Another common use of pointers is using them as a way to sort of "pass by reference":
void foo(int * myX) {
*myX = 4;
int main() {
int x = 0;
std::cout << x; // prints "4"
return 0;
However, in modern C++, actually passing by reference is preferred to this:
void foo(int & myX) {
myX = 4;
int main() {
int x = 0;
std::cout << x; // prints "4"
return 0;
But I bring it up as another example to help drive the point home: memory allocated on the heap isn't the only use of pointers, merely the most common one (though actually dynamically allocated memory has been mostly replaced in modern C++ by things like std::vector, but that is beside the point here).
I know that the aName (in the main) contains the address of the array.
You knew wrong. aName is an array. It contains the elements, not an address.
But when you use the name of the array as a value such as when passing it to strcpy, it is implicitly converted to a pointer to first element of the array (the value of a pointer is the memory address of the pointed object). Such implicit conversion is called decaying.
So is this assertion correct : strcpy creates a local variable called destination that has as value the address of the array aName that I have created on the stack in the main function?
This is correct enough. To clarify: It is a function argument rather than a local variable. But the distinction is not important here. Technically, it is the caller who is responsible for pushing the arguments onto the stack or storing them into registers, so it could be considered that main "creates" the variable.
Whenever I have encountered addresses it usually was to point to a memory allocated on the heap
Pointers are not uniquely associated with "heap". Pretty much any object can be pointed at, whether it has dynamic, static or automatic storage or even if it is a subobject.
I just asked a question several hours ago, and I have been utterly confused with something pointed out in the answers (arrays using pointers in c++: segmentation fault when accessing the returned array). Some people have been responding a bit negatively to my newb questions, so I went over my book about pointers, which did not help me much. So, here I go again.
In the previous question, I had a function void builder(int aSize1, int aSize2, int aSize3, int*** frequencies) that I thought would dynamically allocate memory for the 3d array passed in for the int*** frequencies parameter and initialize it. However, I was told that only a copy would be passed into the function and I would be allocating and initializing just for the copy not the original. Hence, they have advised me to use a reference instead, rendering the function prototype as void builder(int aSize1, int aSize2, int aSize3, int***& frequencies).
However, I recalled that just yesterday when I first stumbled upon this concept of pass by reference using pointers, one would be able to manipulate the data of the pointer as well. To wit,
void change_what_this_points_to( int* a )
*a = 42;
this function does change the value of a pointer that is fed into the function.
So, my question is, why does the former pass in a copy while the latter passes the real deal? I do not see much difference between the two functions, aside from the fact that one has more asterisks.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
While the other answer says it perfectly I just thought I'd add my two cents just in case it helps. Think of a pointer as just an address in memory. You pass that address into a function, and the function writes something in there. Then after the function is called you can look in that same location in memory and see what value is there.
So let's assume you have the following code:
void SetValue(int *a){ *a = 10;}
void DoWork()
int a;
The SetValue function takes as a parameter a pointer to an int, or as we'll think of it, an address in memory where an int is stored. The function then simply writes the number 10 to the passed in address.
The method DoWork then creates the memory for an int and passes the address of that memory to the function. So by the time DoWork returns the memory where "a" is stored has the value 10. Sounds like you have this already from your question but wanted to start here just in case.
Now let's pretend you want a function to allocate memory for you. What you are really asking the function to do is to allocate memory and tell me where that memory is. So you could do that with a pointer return value, i.e.
int* AllocateMemoryForMe()
return new int(); //Creates memory for an int, let's pretend it's at location 0x100
void DoWork()
int* a = NULL; // a has a value of 0x00
a = AllocateMemoryForMe(); //a will now have the value of 0x100
*a = 10; //We now write 10 to memory location 0x100
Or you could do this using a pointer. If you do this, what you actually have to do is pass into the function a location in memory to write the address of the allocated memory into, so a pointer to a pointer. So when the function returns you can look into this address and see what the address of newly created memory is. So for example:
void AllocateMemoryForMe(int** x)
*x = new int(); //allocates memory for an int, let's pretend it's at memory location 0x200
void DoWork()
int** a = new int*(); //Creates memory for an int pointer. Let's pretend it allocates memory at location 0x100.
AllocateMemoryForMe(a); //pass memory location 0x100 to the function.
//Right now the address of a is still 0x100 but the data at the memory location is 0x200. This is the address of the int we want to write to.
**a = 10; //This will now write 10 to the memory location allocated by the AllocateMemoryForMe() function.
This function
void change_what_this_points_to( int* a )
*a = 42;
does not change the pointer itself. It changes the integer object pointed to by the pointer.
If you want to change the pointer itself you should write the function either the following way
void change_what_this_points_to( int * &a )
a = new int( 42 );
or the following way
void change_what_this_points_to( int **a )
*a = new int( 42 );
Thus returning to your function you should declare it either like
void builder(int aSize1, int aSize2, int aSize3, int*** &frequencies);
or like
void builder(int aSize1, int aSize2, int aSize3, int**** frequencies);
A very general question: I was wondering why we use pointer to pointer?
A pointer to pointer will hold the address of a pointer which in turn will point to another pointer. But, this could be achieved even by using a single pointer.
Consider the following example:
int number = 10;
int *a = NULL;
a = &number;
int *b = a;
int *pointer1 = NULL;
pointer1 = b; //pointer1 points to the address of number which has value 10
int **pointer2 = NULL;
pointer2 = &b; //pointer2 points to the address of b which in turn points to the address of number which has value 10. Why **pointer2??
return 0;
I think you answered your own question, the code is correct, what you commented isn't.
int number = 10; is the value
int *pointer1 = b; points to the address where int number is kept
int **pointer2 = &b; points to the address where address of int number is kept
Do you see the pattern here??
address = * (single indirection)
address of address = ** (double indirection)
The following expressions are true:
*pointer2 == b
**pointer2 == 10
The following is not!
*pointer2 == 10
Pointer to pointer can be useful when you want to change to what a pointer points to outside of a function. For example
void func(int** ptr)
*ptr = new int;
**ptr = 1337;
int main()
int* p = NULL;
std::cout << *p << std::endl; // writes 1337 to console
delete p;
A stupid example to show what can be achieved :) With just a pointer this can not be done.
First of all, a pointer doesn't point to a value. It point to a memory location (that is it contains a memory address) which in turn contains a value. So when you write
pointer1 = b;
pointer1 points to the same memory location as b which is the variable number. Now after that is you execute
pointer2 = &b;
Then pointer2 point to the memory location of b which doesn't contains 10 but the address of the variable number
Your assumption is incorrect. pointer2 does not point to the value 10, but to the (address of the) pointer b. Dereferencing pointer2 with the * operator produces an int *, not an int.
You need pointers to pointers for the same reasons you need pointers in the first place: to implement pass-by-reference parameters in function calls, to effect sharing of data between data structures, and so on.
In c such construction made sense, with bigger data structures. The OOP in C, because of lack of possibility to implement methods withing structures, the methods had c++ this parameter passed explicitly. Also some structures were defined by a pointer to one specially selected element, which was held in the scope global to the methods.
So when you wanted to pass whole stucture, E.g. a tree, and needed to change the root, or 1st element of a list, you passes a pointer-to-a-pointer to this special root/head element, so you could change it.
Note: This is c-style implementation using c++ syntax for convienience.
void add_element_to_list(List** list, Data element){
Data new_el = new Data(element); // this would be malloc and struct copy
*list = new_el; //move the address of list, so it begins at new element
In c++ there is reference mechanismm and you generally you can implement nearly anything with it. It basically makes usage of pointers at all obsolete it c++, at least in many, many cases. You also design objects and work on them, and everything is hidden under the hood those two.
There was also a nice question lately "Why do we use pointers in c++?" or something like that.
A simple example is an implementation of a matrix (it's an example, it's not the best way to implement matrices in C++).
int nrows = 10;
int ncols = 15;
double** M = new double*[nrows];
for(unsigned long int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
M[i] = new double[ncols];
M[3][7] = 3.1416;
You'll rarely see this construct in normal C++ code, since C++ has references. It's useful in C for "passing by reference:"
int allocate_something(void **p)
*p = malloc(whatever);
if (*p)
return 1;
return 0;
The equivalent C++ code would use void *&p for the parameter.
Still, you could imagine e.g. a resource monitor like this:
struct Resource;
struct Holder
Resource *res;
struct Monitor
Resource **res;
void monitor(const Holder &h) { res = &h.res; }
Resource& getResource() const { return **res; }
Yes, it's contrived, but the idea's there - it will keep a pointer to the pointer stored in a holder, and correctly return that resource even when the holder's res pointer changes.
Of course, it's a dangling dereference waiting to happen - normally, you'd avoid code like this.
[edit] Outside of this get method (see below), i'd like to have a pointer double * result; and then call the get method, i.e.
// Pull results out
int story = 3;
double * data;
int len;
m_Scene->GetSectionStoryGrid_m(story, data, len);
with that said, I want to a get method that simply sets the result (*&data) by reference, and does not dynamically allocate memory.
The results I am looking for already exist in memory, but they are within C-structs and are not in one continuous block of memory. Fyi, &len is just the length of the array. I want one big array that holds all of the results.
Since the actual results that I am looking for are stored within the native C-struct pointer story_ptr->int_hv[i].ab.center.x;. How would I avoid dynamically allocating memory like I am doing above? I’d like to point the data* to the results, but I just don’t know how to do it. It’s probably something simple I am overlooking… The code is below.
Is this even possible? From what I've read, it is not, but as my username implies, I'm not a software developer. Thanks to all who have replied so far by the way!
Here is a snippet of code:
void GetSectionStoryGrid_m( int story_number, double *&data, int &len )
std::stringstream LogMessage;
if (!ValidateStoryNumber(story_number))
data = NULL;
len = -1;
// Check to see if we already retrieved this result
if ( m_dStoryNum_To_GridMap_m.find(story_number) == m_dStoryNum_To_GridMap_m.end() )
data = new double[GetSectionNumInternalHazardVolumes()*3];
len = GetSectionNumInternalHazardVolumes()*3;
Story * story_ptr = m_StoriesInSection.at(story_number-1);
int counter = 0; // counts the current int hv number we are on
for ( int i = 0; i < GetSectionNumInternalHazardVolumes() && story_ptr->int_hv != NULL; i++ )
data[0 + counter] = story_ptr->int_hv[i].ab.center.x;
data[1 + counter] = story_ptr->int_hv[i].ab.center.y;
data[2 + counter] = story_ptr->int_hv[i].ab.center.z;
m_dStoryNum_To_GridMap_m.insert( std::pair<int, double*>(story_number,data));
counter += 3;
data = m_dStoryNum_To_GridMap_m.find(story_number)->second;
len = GetSectionNumInternalHazardVolumes()*3;
Consider returning a custom accessor class instead of the "double *&data". Depending on your needs that class would look something like this:
class StoryGrid {
StoryGrid(int story_index):m_storyIndex(story_index) {
m_storyPtr = m_StoriesInSection.at(story_index-1);
inline int length() { return GetSectionNumInternalHazardVolumes()*3; }
double &operator[](int index) {
int i = index / 3;
int axis = index % 3;
case 0: return m_storyPtr->int_hv[i].ab.center.x;
case 1: return m_storyPtr->int_hv[i].ab.center.y;
case 2: return m_storyPtr->int_hv[i].ab.center.z;
Sorry for any syntax problems, but you get the idea. Return a reference to this and record this in your map. If done correctly the map with then manage all of the dynamic allocation required.
So you want the allocated array to go "down" in the call stack. You can only achieve this allocating it in the heap, using dynamic allocation. Or creating a static variable, since static variables' lifecycle are not controlled by the call stack.
void GetSectionStoryGrid_m( int story_number, double *&data, int &len )
static g_data[DATA_SIZE];
data = g_data;
// continues ...
If you want to "avoid any allocation", the solution by #Speed8ump is your first choice! But then you will not have your double * result; anymore. You will be turning your "offline" solution (calculates the whole array first, then use the array elsewhere) to an "online" solution (calculates values as they are needed). This is a good refactoring to avoid memory allocation.
This answer to this question relies on the lifetime of the doubles you want pointers to. Consider:
// "pointless" because it takes no input and throws away all its work
void pointless_function()
double foo = 3.14159;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
j += i;
foo exists and has a value inside pointless_function, but ceases to exist as soon as the function exits. Even if you could get a pointer to it, that pointer would be useless outside of pointless_function. It would be a dangling pointer, and dereferencing it would trigger undefined behavior.
On the other hand, you are correct that if you have data in memory (and you can guarantee it will live long enough for whatever you want to do with it), it can be a great idea to get pointers to that data instead of paying the cost to copy it. However, the main way for data to outlive the function that creates it is to call new, new[], or malloc. You really can't get out of that.
Looking at the code you posted, I don't see how you can avoid new[]-ing up the doubles when you create story. But you can then get pointers to those doubles later without needing to call new or new[] again.
I should mention that pointers to data can be used to modify the original data. Often that can lead to hard-to-track-down bugs. So there are times that it's better to pay the price of copying the data (which you're then free to muck with however you want), or to get a pointer-to-const (in this case const double* or double const*, they are equivalent; a pointer-to-const will give you a compiler error if you try to change the data being pointed to). In fact, that's so often the case that the advice should be inverted: "there are a few times when you don't want to copy or get a pointer-to-const; in those cases you must be very careful."
I am pretty weak in understanding and working with pointers. So, Please help me here.
My objective is to pass an array pointer's address to a function ,(i.e.) the address the pointer is pointing to, and update the values directly in the address using the '*' operator, in the function, to avoid any return values. Moreover, the length of this array has to be changed dynamically in the function to which it is passed. This is my attempt. If there's a better method to update the value of an variable, without having it returned from a function, please do mention that to help me.
But am getting errors, as I know I am doing it wrong, but still wanted to try with what I know, since I thought the best way to learn is to do and make as many mistakes as possible. Please help me here
This is the main function
int main()
double *trans;
int *rots;
for(int i=0;i<trans.size();i++)
Here, am trying to pass the address of the pointer arrays to the function readctrls. then later, print its values. I haven't mentioned a size, cuz it will be determined later in the function.
The function is just to read numbers from a text file, line by line and store these numbers in these 2 arrays. The readctrls function is as follows.
void readctrls(int*& rots,double*& trans)
fstream inputs;
int nol = 0,i = 0;
string line,temp,subtemptrans,subtemprots;
string *lines = new (nothrow) string[nol];
trans = new double[nol];
rots = new int[nol];
for(int i = 0; i<nol ; i++)
temp = lines[i];
for(int j = 0; j<temp.length() ; j++)
if(temp.at(j) == ' ')
subtemptrans = temp.substr(0,j);
subtemprots = temp.substr(j+1,temp.length()-j);
trans[j] = ::atof(subtemptrans.c_str());
rots[j] = atoi(subtemprots.c_str());
Thanks a lot for your help guys. I was able to understand a bit and changed the code and was able to compile now without errors. however, the value I read from file and load into the array, doesn't seem to get reflected back in the main. Am getting the correct values from the file when I print the array in the function, but am getting zeros, when I print in the main(). Please help me here.
These are the contents of the file
0.2 0
0.2 0
0.2 0
0.2 0
0.2 0
while print 'trans', which takes the first number every line, in the function, am getting the correct values. But while printing in the main function
I changed the pointer to pointer reference while passing to function. Please check edit in the function code. Thanks in advance.
The declaration
void readctrls(int &rots,double &trans)
tells the compiler that rots and trans are references to a single value each. They are not pointers.
To make matters worse, you are actually trying to pass a pointer-to-pointer as arguments when calling this function.
You should change the declaration to actually take pointers:
void readctrls(int* rots, double* trans)
then change your call to not use the address-of operator (as those are already pointers):
readctrls(rots, trans);
Your code has several errors. Here are some of them:
double *trans = new double[];
int *rots = new int[]; //^^You need to give the size
for(int i=0;i<trans.size();i++)
trans and rots are simply array of double and integers, you simply use trans[i] to print the i-th element. Dynamic arrays should be used similarly to static arrays. Take a look at this pointer and arrays for some basic understanding. Meanwhile, look at dynamic memory in C++ for some understanding on this point.
void readctrls(int &rots,double &trans);
//^^expects reference to int and double while you are not passing int and double from main
An array and a pointer can be thought about similarly as a way of referring to a range in memory. If you want to refer to a range of memory via pointers, then just pass the pointer to the function, ie
double pd* = new double[10];
void fun(double* pd, int numDoubles)
do {
double d = magicDoubleGenerator();
*pd = d; // read as "the value that pd points to" or "contents of pd"
} while (++pd < pd + numDoubles);
Pointers are hard until one day you realize "Ahh! they just point at things!"
There are many errors ...
inputs.open("input_coods.txt"); // second argument is missing
check this fstream open
void readctrls(int &rots,double &trans)
change to
void readctrls(int* rots, double* trans) // this creates pointer rots trans
*trans = new double[nol]; // remove *
*rots = new int[nol]; // remove *
double *trans = new double[]; // not specified the size
int *rots = new int[]; // not specified the size
readctrls(&rots,&trans); // this means you passing address of pointer
trans.size() ; // this is c++ double is not a class
I am recommending you to study c++ from this site C++ Tutorial