How do I build a customizable dashboard solution on AWS? - amazon-web-services

Our product requires support for a high level dashboard highlighting metrics pertaining to the business modeled by the product. Its a B2B product with a web application as a front-end.
We use Amazon RDS to store business data. What is the best approach to build a customizable dashboard in AWS?
The traditional approach would be to create metrics, process business data (analysis) and store the metrics/results in output tables. And then use a fancy charts library in the web application to build a support a panel/chart/graphic view per such metric. Support drill downs etc.
However, I believe this approach is outdated and too much work. Are there any readmade solutions available? Ideally, I should just be able to push results data to a third party solution, and the third party solution should allow for creation of custom dashboards (custom implies that the user can choose to select particular metrics/panels he would like to see in the dashboard, and their relative order& position in the dashboard) and embedding them in the products web application, to enable to end user to view as well as customize dashboards.
I'm aware of AWS quicksight, but it does not support embedding output views/dashboards into a web application.
I like Azure Power BI; At least you get to embed the dashboard in the web application, but I do not believe the end user can customize the embedded view. And ofcourse, Azure PowerBI is not on AWS ;).
Is there a mature 3rd party solution that we can evaluate? The scale of the data is very very small. So we are not looking for a high performance enterprise solution (might be too expensive anyway!). However, the need for customizability of dashboards view is high.

Embedded dashboards were added to QuickSight in November 2018, so you can now use that tool if you'd prefer.

Tableau is the first possibility, but it is expensive.
Infogram may also be an option:
If you have small data volumes and you want cusomisation you may unfortunately have to look into writing or at least customising an existing solution.


Automatically Exporting PowerBi Visualisation Data?

I need to automatically extract raw data of a PowerBI visualisation across multiple published reports.
Why not just pull the underlying dataset? Because the visualisations are using anomaly detection features of PowerBI, which include anomaly flags not available in the underlying dataset (basically, the visualisations contain calculated columns that are not included in main PowerBI data model)
Ideally a REST API solution would be best, but dumping CSV files or other more roundabout methods are ok.
So far, the closest functionality I can see is in the Javascript API here -, which allows a website to communicate with an embedded PowerBI report and pass in and out information. But this doesn't seem to match my implementation needs.
I have also seen this which is to manually implement anomaly detection via Azure Services rather than the native PowerBI functionality, however this means abandoning the simplicity of the PowerBI anomaly function that is so attractive in the first place.
I have also seen this StackOverflow question here PowerBI Report Export in csv format via Rest API and it mentions using XMLA endpoints, however it doesn't seem like the client applications have the functionality to connect to visualisations - for example I tried DAX Studio and it doesn't seem to have any ability to query the data on a visualisation level.
I'm afraid all information on PowerBI says this is not possible. The API only supports PDF, PPTX and PNG options, and as such the integration with Power Automate doesn't do any better.
The StackOverflow question you link has some information on retrieving the Dataset but that's before the anomaly detection has processed the data.
I'm afraid your best bet is to, indeed, use the Azure service. I'd suggest ditching PowerBI and going to an ETL tool like DataFactory or even into the AzureML propositions Microsoft offers. You'll be more flexible than in PowerBI as well since you'll have the full power of Python/R notebooks at your disposal.
Sorry I can't give you a better answer.

Application insight for .NET Core apps on AWS

We have several systems that are used by a few hundred users. We would like to collect insights that cannot be collected by Google Analytics.
For example, we want to store data such as Customer X, click on button Y, in system Z, at time YYYY-MM-DD:HH:mm:ss
We would like to:
Show a summary of metrics on a dashboard. e.g. live stats on a Grafana dashboard
Pull detailed reports e.g. Top 5 users that use feature X in system Y (and their usage)
Is there an insight system that I can use and avoid building it from scratch? If I have to build this what is the best way suggested? I am thinking My SQL or SQL Server can be good candidates for the database as Grafana has built-in support for them.

Power BI Embedded

We embedded a report into web application and now a user want to build his
own dashboard from the report but pin a tile to dashboard option is
not available can we embed pin to dashboard option? Can we handle it
in API?
As we have email subscription (scheduled) for reports in power bi
service, how will we handle the same in our embedded application
side, if the user want to see the updated reports on daily basis which
should be scheduled automatically?
Power BI Embedded (PBIE) is PaaS, so you have to write you own code to handle some cases using official and legal SDK. PBIE doesn't work the same way as Power BI Services (PBIS).
As for you questions:
You can't do the same thing with pinning visuals into dashboard. It supported only inside PBIS.
You can't do this neither.
PBIE is more like engine, some core things that draw specific report into you app. There are no any features like report sharing or subscription. This is by design. Those features were implemented as part of PBIS and doesn't fit PBIE. You should implement something similar on your app level.
Play with PBIE and explore SDK playground.

looking for a hosted back-end business data storage for analytics

i want a simple hosted data store for licensed for business applications. i want the following features:
REST-like access for CRUD operations (primarily adding records)
private and authenticated
makes for easy integration with a front end charting client like Google Visualization Apis
easy to use and set up
what about:
* Google Fusion Tables
* Google Cloud Services
* Google BigQuery
* Google Cloud SQL
or other non-google products. but i am imagining a cleaner integration between Google Charts and one of their backend data services.
Pros, Cons, Advice?
First, since this is Stack Overflow, I won't attempt to provide a judgement about how about "easy to use and setup" - that can be done by you reading the documentation for each product.
That being said, overall, the "right" answer really depends on what you are trying to do, and how much data you have. It also depends on what type of application you are building (this is Stack Overflow, so I am assuming you are a developer).
Relational Databases (like Google Cloud SQL) are great for maintaining transactional consistency but once your data grows massive it becomes difficult, expensive, or impossible to run analysis queries in a reasonable timeframe.
Google BigQuery is an analysis tool that allows developers to ask questions about really really big datasets using an SQL like language. It is 100% cloud based and is accessed via RESTful API - but it only allows for appending data, not changing individual records.

Creating Orders in Microsoft Dynamics NAV via web services or an API

I am tasked with creating an API that would allow 3rd party customers the ability to send orders into our Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 SP1.
I want to be able to create a SalesOrder in Dynamics NAV not with the client but via an API so i can allow a seperate process to enter in orders automatically.
Any help is appreciated in leading me in the right direction.
Well, it depends on how complicated you want to make it. Do you need confirmation of the Sales Order creation in "real time"? If so, you'll need to use a Web Service and ensure that there is a network path from wherever customers will create orders (public internet, extranet) to your NAV Web Service - likely using a VPN tunnel, etc.
es th
Alternatively, if you can live with a batch type process then you can have your customers create SOs via a web-based form, etc. and then import these orders into NAV on a regular basis using Dataports or XMLPorts.
For example, you may have a form online that your customer can create an Order on that places the Order in a staging table in SQL or even an XML or CSV file. Then you can run a process on a regular basis that imports these Orders into NAV and creates the appropriate SalesOrders.
Presumably, you also need a way to expose your Item database to the Ordering interface so customers can select which Items to order (and therefore create SalesLines from).
Which type of scenario are you interested in?
Web Services is the way to go; we have several applications that have a similar requirement. I'd recommend building an interface (ASP, to utilise the web service from NAV) and have it talk to NAV that way.
Editing the database directly is not recommended as it will cause locking and may result in deadlocks if not careful. Also NAV can be quite sensitive when it comes to the database, so best not write to it directly if possible :)
I'd recommend creating a codeunit that handles the sales order, in which you can create your functions, 'CreateOrder' and then expose that via Web Services. Even if you're not planning to use a web-based interface, NAV uses the SOAP protocol -- many libraries exist to enable you to connect and interface to Web Services from other languages, like Java.= for instance.