how to install pip remotely using ssh - django

Hi I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I am trying to upload a django project which I have developed locally on my machine and now moved the project files to a server and am trying to install django on the server.
I have Python 2.7.5 installed and accessed the server remotely using ssh (putty) I can confirm Python is installed by running the command python --version
I don't have pip installed as when i run the command pip --version
I get following notification
-bash: pip: command not found
I am new to django and python so not sure what I should do to install both django and pip.
p.s In my requirements file and when working locally I have pip and django installed correctly and all working.

Ok, lets say you are already on your remote server. First thing to do is to install pip for your version of python. You can do this via:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
From now you have pip installed. Next thing to do is to install django globally in your system:
pip install django==1.11
Please note that django 1.11 is the last version that supports
Next thing to do is to create django app:
django-admin startproject test_project
And the last thing is to install virtualenv
To install libraries for each of your django projects and keep them
pip install virtualenv
Also note
If you have requirements.txt file with all libs, you can do something like this on your remote server:
pip install -r requirements.txt
That will automatically install all libraries at once

First you should understand which OS you're running:
uname -a
lsb_release -a
When you find the OS version, you can easily follow this guide:


Failed building wheel for python-ldap (windows) *first stackoverflow ask*

I've installed flask, flask_login, and ldap in the virtualenv for my flask package (to authenticate ldap users with the usernames & passwords of the other users at my company).
When I run my flask app, I get "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'initialize'"
I'm tried "pip install python-ldap"
but I get a red error (sandwiched between other white text) that reads:
"Failed building wheel for python-ldap"
I have thoroughly examined these:
How to install python-ldap on a python 2.7 virtualenv on windows without compiling
Installing python-ldap in a virtualenv on Windows,1
to no avail.
I've had this error for days now...
pip install openldap
Collecting openldap
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement openldap (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for openldap
...(in and outside of my venv) if that information helps)
I had this error last week and after switching work computers, I recreated the virtualenv and installed all of the other packages and dependencies successfully.
my requirements.txt file contains these lines after a line of git stuff:
Has anyone successfully installed python-ldap into a flask virtualenv with windows? If so... how?!
Go to:
download python_ldap-2.4.38-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl in the same directory that your venv folder is listed under
install the .whl file while inside of your venv
pip install python_ldap-2.4.38-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl
The error
ERROR: Failed building wheel for python-ldap
can occur for several reasons. You actually have to look at what happened above this line. In my case, I just had to install missing dependencies to build python-ldap. You can look them up here. For CentOS 8, I had to install:
sudo dnf install openldap-devel python3-devel gcc
to make
python3 -m pip install --user python-ldap -U

Pip installation bug

So I tried to install pip using the file, and when I ran the file, terminal told me I already had pip installed on 2.7. However, when I try to find the version of my pip, terminal tells me pip doesn't exist and points to a version of 3.5 I have installed. Clearly my issue is that I have pip installed on v2.7 but the pip command is linked to v3.5. Any clues on how to fix?
Here's a picture of my terminal output:
To install a package in a particular version of python, use the following commands always:
For python 2.x:
sudo python -m pip install [package]
For python 3.x:
sudo python3 -m pip install [package]
This should resolve the doubt of which python version is the given package getting installed for.
Note: This is assuming you have not created aliases for the python command

Django not installed in venv?

Would anyone know possible reasons why Django is being installed in the global site package and not my venv's site package folder?
Here's my set up and what I did, this is a bit detailed since I'm new to Python/Django and not sure which information is important:
Python 3.3 is installed in c:\python33
I have virtualenv, pip, easy_install installed in C:\Python33\Scripts.
My venv is c:\users\username\projects\projB
This venv was created using pyvenv, not virtualenv.
I activated the venv.
I changed directory to C:\Python33\Scripts to run "pip install django".
Django was created inside C:\Python33\Lib\site-packages and not inside C:\users\username\projects\projB\Lib\site-packages.
Do I need to install pip inside my venv and use that to install Django?
You can specify in your virutalenv wich python version you whant:
$ virtualenv -p <PATH TO PYTHON VERSION> my_virtualenv
$ source my_virtualenv/bin/activate
$ pip install Django==1.5.2
This will install the good version of django in your virtualenv according to your python version.
Thanks to virtualanv, you will be able to save/freeze and install your environement on another machine:
$ pip freeze > requirement.txt
$ pip install -r requirement.txt
You will see in the requirement.txt file the django dependency.
Pip should be installed when you create the virtual environment. Don't change directory into C:\Python33\Scripts before running pip. It looks like that means you use the base install's pip instead of your virtual environment's pip.
You should be able to run pip from any other directory. However I'm not familiar with python on Windows, so I'm not certain that pip is added to the path when you activate the environment. If that doesn't work, you'll have to change directory into the bin directory of your virtual environment, then run pip.
What happened to me was that I was trying to install django from outside the environment directory/folder.
So make sure you are inside the environment directory and then use pip install django

pyvenv & pip not installing into local site-packages

I'm test driving the Django 1.6b, Python 3.3.2 (compiled from source) and pyvenv with Ubuntu 12.04.
Every time I try and install perform a pip install [package] the package attempts to install itself globally rather than into my local environment. A simple workflow is as follows:
$ pyvenv environments/roebk
$ source environments/roebk/bin/activate
$ (roebk) pip install south
error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python3.3/site-packages/south': Permission denied
I've double checked that I'm using the correct version of pip.
$ pip -V
pip 1.4 from /usr/local/lib/python3.3/site-packages/pip-1.4-py3.3.egg (python 3.3)
Am I missing anything obvious?
Did you install setuptools and pip into the environment? virtualenv installs setuptools and pip automatically into a new environment.
$ virtualenv qwerty
New python executable in qwerty/bin/python
Installing setuptools............done.
Installing pip...............done.
According to the pyvenv docs you need to install them into the new environment manually.
Common installation tools such as Distribute and pip work as expected
with venvs - i.e. when a venv is active, they install Python packages
into the venv without needing to be told to do so explicitly. Of
course, you need to install them into the venv first: this could be
done by running with the venv activated, followed
by running easy_install pip. Alternatively, you could download the
source tarballs and run python install after unpacking, with
the venv activated.
Upon the official docs I thought Python 3.4 would install pip automatically, but it seems, it doesn't:
Changed in version 3.4: Installs pip by default, added the --without-pip and --copies options
EDIT: Somehow I managed to use a Python3.3.2 version also installed on that machine. With Python3.4, it works as expected.

Installing django on two existing versions on python

I have both python 2.7 and 3.2 installed on my computer and I wanted to install django. And when I did it automatically installed django 1.4 on python 3. Is there a way I can install it on python 2.7?
You can mention explicitly the python version while installing.
First download the source from django website.
Now extract it to any location and open the terminal and go to the location into the folder. There must be a file named that is the installation file.Now type:
For Python 3.2
python3.2 install
For Python 2.7
python2.7 install
The real answer here is that you should be using virtual environments, as they both solve this particular problem, and are the industry standard because they solve many problems.
Simple process:
install python-virtualenv :
$>sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv # on Ubuntu
create a virtual-env against the Python you want, and activate it
$> virtualenv -p /usr/bin/pythonX ve
$> source ve/bin/activate
install django into this virtual-env
$> pip install django