Create Qml/C++ application as a plugin - c++

I wonder if it is possible to create an application as a plugin so it can be use inside another Gui application. Something like a media player with Qml in front (not widgets) inside a digital instrument cluster so that we can load/unload it whenever we need.
I know about shared objects and routine of making a c++ plugin.but I need GUI/qml apps as a plugin. Please let me know if it is possible and the steps required?

You can create your (almost) whole application as a plugin. But you will at some point need an executable to load your plugin.
But making your whole application as a plugin isn't the best way. Only use plugins for the parts of your application that you will change, so that you only have to update the plugins file that are dynamically loaded, and let the rest stay static.
Now you also need to do some research by yourself, read the documentation, find out how to make and use a Qt plugin... Your question isn't specific and answers are not tutorials...


Qt app with dynamic set of functionalities

Please let me present the idea. I would like to build a Qt app which allows the user to load functionality from a external file (.dll ?) while the app is running. The file could be downloaded from the internet.
I'm planning to build the user interface with QUiLoader and I think the functionality should come from such an external file. Does it make sense?
As an example, to begin with, I'm imagining to provide the user simple functionality like sum and multiplication. And other functionality should be provided afterwards.
Since I have no ideia where to begin (as the question might suggest), I'm here to ask for directions?
Yes, what you need is a plugin mechanism.
For developing a plugin, you should decide how those plugin to be load and to get information from plugin, i.e. you should define a interface first hand, by that interface, your program can communicate with plugins developed by others.

Alter the appearance of NPC player entities to have a specific skin

I'm creating a bukkit plugin that's making a world in Minecraft outside the ordinary and that includes having NPCs (bots) entities that look like actually players and not villagers. I've already got the bots working programming wise but I want to have each bot have a different skin based upon it's name. Can I do this with maybe a resource pack or something? currently they take the names of Minecraft players with the same name but I'd like to override this.
Can I change the appearance of player entities by name with:
a Resourcepack?
a server side command?
This is currently not possible without modifications to the client. If you want to, you can use Spoutcraft, but this requires users of the plugin to have the Spoutcraft launcher for the textures to show correctly.
There's no way to do this with the vanilla client, however, short of buying a bunch of Minecraft accounts and assigning them appropriate skins.
You should try out the DisguiseCraft plugin for a quick fix. DisguiseCraft is currently available on the Bukkit website. Do keep in mind that it also requires ProtocolLib to function properly, and you will need to have both installed on your server. You may find a link for ProtocolLib through the DisguiseCraft page. I currently use the two on my server and have had no issues with functionality.
If you would prefer a more direct approach however, since you are coding your own plugin, consider looking over the Lib's Disguises Developer API. Like DisguiseCraft, it too requires ProtocolLib, but the source for Lib's is publicly available and is intended to target developers. Just like DisguiseCraft, you may find a link for ProtocolLib through the Lib's page.

Can the Joomla jConfig be extended with an administrator plugin?

I'm trying to add some external configuration parameters to a new J2.5 site, and before I resort to hacks, I want to know if it is possible to write a plugin that will actually integrate with, or extend the jConfig object.
I have been googling, and cannot find any discussion or example of such a thing - only component or module configuration, so wanted to know if anyone had attempted this, or knew of a "native" way of accomplishing it.
Note - We'd accomplished this in earlier versions by way of a system plugin that set a global variable to make the information available, but we're hoping to include it in the Joomla Global Configuration to be able to use native Joomla config logic.
The short answer is no, you can't. With a plugin it's only possible to override some minor classes, when the plugins files are first loaded (which would be the first hook for our custom code) JConfig is already loaded along with another 40 classes.
You could however extend it once it's loaded, add your parameters, save, and those should be persisted when the user saves from the backend, and made available in the following requests. Provided you're not saving too many it could work fine.
Otherwise just put your parameters in the component (which would be the standard Joomla way).

Internet Explorer window in Qt?

Is there a way to show an Internet Explorer instance/frame inside a Qt Widget? I need to show a web page in my application (just show, no need for interaction), and while I read about WebKit for Qt, I'd like to know if there is another way without it, since I'm trying to keep the application as small as possible, and it would make me very unhappy to include such a large library (and nobody wants that, right?)
Yes, you need the commercial edition of Qt and then, you can use ActiveQt.
Your windows has 10GiB+ already in windows/system/. I think using WebKit is better investment than making your app depend on such old component as the IE frame... Just my 2c.

Description of datamodule in dll?

I created a costumer's database program. I have a problem in which I create a data module in a DLL and I compile it but then get some error below.
My concept is
The data module created in DLL and I insert ADO components in the data module.
This data module is used in another form. I created a db grid in the form but it doesn't
show the records in db grid. I compile it but get an error below.
I very thanks to solve my problem...
My English is not good but you try to understand........
TDataModule is just like a form but it's purpose is to be sort of a container form and is invisible to the end user. Although you can create a TDataModule in a DLL, it is not meant to be like that. TDataModules are there for the sake of simplifying your interaction with the whole app. Not to complicate it!!
IMHO, Don't create DataModules in a dll.
From your description, I think that you want a central datastore-like-module that is separate from the app that interacts with the user. May be there are more than one user. If that is the case try client-server approach.
The main difference between dll usage and packages is the shared memory model.
You can simply put a dbconnection in a package. a datamodule in another one. and the best of all is you can load & unload them at your convenience. Then you have access to this elements by unit usage.
As far as I know, there isn't any way for a GUI app to use dataset components in a DLL directly.
You might have better lock using packages, which are more Delphi object friendly. I haven't tried this, so I can't give much advice.
Or you could have your DLL pass back the dataset, which you put into a TClientDataset in you GUI application.