Can PowerBI be integrated with Azure Powershell - powerbi

If I have Azure Powershell cmdlets, can their outputs be directly streamed to Power BI for rendering with visuals?

You may have a look at following link:
which may give you a good basic introduction on what you possibly can do with powershell & PowerBI. Range of features and method options may vary depending on cmdlets powershell library package you install. Some options may still run but are listed as deprecated... Also Power BI REST API seems to be the new main driving engine in most scenarios, so you may need to priorly proceed with an AAD App Registration first in order to get any further expected result. Hope this helps.


Python script inside Online PowerBI Pro

I have read some tutorials about the Python integration inside Power BI reports. This tutorials works on Power BI Desktop.
I have only tried on online version of Power BI (power BI pro). The "P" icon is avaiable in visualization tool box but it does not show me python prompt in the bottom of the screen.
I suppose python is supported on Power BI pro because the icon is present ?
Any idea ?
The python editing experience is limited in the Web service, as well as other report creation tools.
You use Power BI Desktop to create your report which has the Python editor and access to the Python installation on your PC. Once created you load it to the service, then it will work. You may need to use a Personal Data Gateway if you are using a Python script in Power Query.
Limitations are outlined here:
Pro doesn't replace desktop, the device is mainly used for collaboration and sharing, as it has limited report editing and creation tools and can only link to a limited number of data sources.

Can I add a Google Trends graph to Google Data Studio?

I would like to add a Google Trends chart for a specific search term to my Google Data Studio report, but Trends is not an option in the Data Source list. I wasn't able to find an option to embed JavaScript either. Is it possible to add a Trends chart to a report in Data Studio? Thanks!
I am posting this workaround as it seems no similar solution has been provided since.
You can actually do this, using a small workaround:
Create the graph you want to embed using Google Trends.
Click the "embed" icon in the upper right corner of the graph, and copy the JS-code (for either desktop or mobile device)
Create a simple empty HTML-file using notepad or similar text editor. (including , , as per common standard). Place it in an empty folder on your hard drive.
Paste the Google Trends-embed code into the section of your HTML-file.
Go to and upload the whole folder (including your .html-file). Copy the direct link provided by Netlify. (note: Any other form of public hosting should work fine, this is just my personal preference)
In Google Data Studio, click "URL embed" and paste your direct link.
(Note: As this is a direct graph link and not a data feed, it, unfortunately, won't let you filter or change settings. but if configured wisely before copying the embed code, should do the trick for any time range, year-on-year or similar needs.)
Hope this helps someone :)
You can use that has a google trends (free) datasource and then import a common sheet into your dashboard, the only problem is that you wont be able to change the date range, meaning its only "one way"
Unfortunately, the Google Trends data connector has stopped working in Supermetrics. They use an unofficial Google API that has been faulty lately.
The connector was removed Dec 2018.

crystal report web service operations

How can I use the Crystal Report web service operations listed by the web service?
I created a visual studio web project and created a webservice for the crystal reports. http://localhost:52567/CrystalReportsWebSite1/CrystalReport1Service.asmx it displays a list of "supported operations"
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
I followed the numerous examples online and they have worked flawlessly to serve and consume a crystal report using a web service. But none have shown how to use these methods and I cannot figure it out.
My main objective is to get the parameter names for the report, and it seems these operations could accomplish that.
I'm still learning about services and such, so I may be way off in my understanding of what these operations are for.

Can we use Google Chart Tools with Google Script HtmlService

I would like to use Google Chart Tools in Google Scripts using the HtmlService.
But I do not know if caja will allow to inject script to show a chart.
My first tests give me blank pages.
Does anyone know if it is at least possible ?
I know Google Script provides 'Charts' service, but the features are limited compared to what allows Google Chart Tools.
If you look at the HtmlService documentation under the Caja section, it says that included libraries are sanitized and so far only JQuery is supported.
Since Chart Tools depend on Google's jsapi, and it appears to do some pretty funky magic, I'd bet it won't pass Caja sanitization right now.
I wonder if there's some way to use the GAS Charts library to produce the charts (albeit statics ones)? But it produces blobs and I'm not sure how to integrate those into the HtmlService's page?!
Charts are not supported just yet.
I had used the Google Chart Tools before the Charts service was introduced. At the fundamental level, Google Chart Tools returns an image of the chart you wish and the data is passed to it via URL parameters.
Using general Javascript, I had developed the logic to build a URL and then get the image using UrlFetchApp and then display it on an Apps Script using UiApp.createImage().
If you can post some code, you could receive more help
This is now possible, sometime over the last 3 months or so.

Automated Testing in Apache Hive

I am about to embark on a project using Apache Hadoop/Hive which will involve a collection of hive query scripts to produce data feeds for various down stream applications. These scripts seem like ideal candidates for some unit testing - they represent the fulfillment of an API contract between my data store and client applications, and as such, it's trivial to write what the expected results should be for a given set of starting data. My issue is how to run these tests.
If I was working with SQL queries, I could use something like SQLlite or Derby to quickly bring up test databases, load test data and run a collection of query tests against them. Unfortunately, I am unaware of any such tools for Hive. At the moment, my best thought is to have the test framework bring up a hadoop local instance and run Hive against that, but I've never done that before and I'm not sure it will work, or be the right path.
Also, I'm not interested in a pedantic discussion about if what I am doing is unit testing or integration testing - I just need to be able to prove my code works.
Hive has special standalone mode, specifically design for the testing purposes. In this case it can run without hadoop. I think it is exactly what you need.
There is a link to the documentation:
I'm working as part of a team to support a big data and analytics platform, and we also have this kind of issue.
We've been searching for a while and we found two pretty promising tools:
HiveRunner is a framework built on top of JUnit to test Hive Queries. It starts a standalone HiveServer with in memory HSQL as the metastore. With it you can stub tables, views, mock samples, etc.
There are some limitations on Hive versions though, but I definitely recommend it
Hope it helps you =)
You may also want to consider the following blog post which describes automating unit testing using a custom utility class and ant:
I know this is an old thread, but just in case someone comes across it. I have followed up on the whole minicluster & hive testing, and found that things have changed with MR2 and YARN, but in a good way. I have put together an article and github repo to give some help in it:
Hope it helps!