Data validation using regular expressions in Google Sheets - regex

I am using the below date/time format in gSheets:
01 Apr at 11:00
I wonder whether it is possible to use Data Validation (or any other function) to report error (add the small red triangle to the corner of the cell) when the format differs in any way.
Possible values in the given format:
01 -> any number between 01-31 (but not "1", there must be the leading zero)
Apr -> 3 letters for month (Jan, Feb, Mar... Dec)
11 -> hours in 24h format (00, 01...23)
00 -> minutes (00, 01,...59)
Is there any way to validate that the cell contains "text/data" exactly in the above mentioned format?

The right way to do this is using Regular Expression and "regexmatch()" function in Google Sheets. For the given example, I made the below regular expression:
[0-3][0-9] (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) at [0-2][0-9]\:[0-5][0-9]
Select range of cells to be validated
Go to Data > Data Validation
Under Criteria select "Own pattern is" (not sure the exact translation used in EN)
Paste: =regexmatch(to_text(K4); "[0-3][0-9] (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) at [0-2][0-9]\:[0-5][0-9]")
Make sure that instead of K4 in "to_text(K4)" there is a upper-left cell from the selected range
Hope it helps someone :)

You may try the formula for data validation:
=not(iserror(SUBSTITUTE(A1," at","")*1))*(len(A1)=15)*(right(A1,2)*1<61)
not(iserror(SUBSTITUTE(A1," at","")*1)) checks all statemant is legal date
(len(A1)=15) checks dates are entered with 2 digits
(right(A1,2)*1<61) cheks too much minutes, for some reason 01 Apr at 11:99 is a legal date..

Select the range of fields, where you need the data validation to occur to.
Press on -> Data -> Data validation
For "Criteria" select "Custom formula is"
Enter the following in the textfield next to "Custom formula is":
=regexmatch(Tablename!B2; "^[a-z_]*$")
Where as "Tablename" should be replaced by the table name and "B2" should be replaced by the first cell of the range.
Inside the "" you enter then your regex-expression. Here this would allow only small letters and underscores.
Using the to_text() function additionally didn't work for me. So you should maybe avoid it in order to make sure, that it works.
Press save


Google sheets IF stops working correctly when wrapped in ARRAYFORMULA

I want this formula to calculate a date based on input from two other dates. I first wrote it for a single cell and it gives the expected results but when I try to use ARRAYFORMULA it returns the wrong results.
I first use two if statements specifycing what should happen if either one of the inputs is missing. Then the final if statement calculates the date if both are present based on two conditions. This seems to work perfectly if I write the formula for one cell and drag it down.
=IF( (LEN(G19)=0);(U19+456);(IF((LEN(U19)=0) ;(G19);(IF((AND((G19<(U19+456));(G19>(U19+273)) ));(G19);(U19+456))))))
However, when I want to use arrayformula to apply it to the entire column, it always returns the value_if_false if neither cell is empty, regardless of whether the conditions in the if statement are actually met or not. I am specifically talking about the last part of the formula that calculates the date if both input values are present, it always returns the result of U19:U+456 even when the result should be G19:G. Here is how I tried to write the ARRAYFORMULA:
={"Date deadline";ARRAYFORMULA(IF((LEN(G19:G400)=0);(U19:U400+456);(IF((LEN(U19:U400)=0);
(G19:G400);(IF((AND((G19:G400<(U19:U400+456));(G19:G400>(U19:U400+273)) ));(G19:G400);(U19:U400+456)))))))}
I am a complete beginner who only learned to write formulas two weeks ago, so any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!
AND and OR are not compatible with ARRAYFORMULA
Replace them by * or +
={"Date deadline";ARRAYFORMULA(
(IF((LEN(U19:U400)=0), (G19:G400),
(IF((((G19:G400<(U19:U400+456))*(G19:G400>(U19:U400+273)) )),(G19:G400),
Keep in mind you cannot use AND, OR operators in an arrayformula, so you must find an alternative method such as multiplying the values together and checking them for 0 or 1 (true*true=1)
I am gathering based on your formula's and work that you want to have the following:
If G19 is blank show U19 + 456
If U19 is blank show G19
If G19 is less than U19 + 456 but greater than U19 + 273 show G19
Otherwise show U19 + 456
I'm not too sure what you want to happen when both columns G and U are empty. Based on your current formula you are returning an empty cell + 456... but with this formula it returns an empty cell rather than Column U + 456
={"Date deadline";ARRAYFORMULA(TO_DATE(ARRAYFORMULA(IFS((($G19:$G400="")*($U19:$U400=""))>0,"",$G19:$G400="",$U19:$U400+456,$U19:$U400="",$G19:$G400,(($G19:$G400<$U19:$U400+456)*($G19:$G400>$U19:$U400+273))>0,$G19:$G400,TRUE,$U19:$U400+456))))}

Importhtml Query Extract Between String

I'm trying to find a formula that fits two tables
=QUERY(IMPORTHTML(A1,"table", 16), "Select Col4")
output is
Page 1/10Page 2/10Page 3/10Page 4/10Page 5/10Page 6/10Page 7/10Page 8/10Page
9/10Page 10/10
=QUERY(IMPORTHTML(A2,"table", 16), "Select Col4")
output is
Page 1/3Page 2/3Page 3/3
I want to extract the digits between "space" and "/" Is there a way to do this in this formula itself?
I then tried this
This also doesn't work since I have to manually change /10 to /3 in the second formula
Is there any way to achieve this for both data?
The sheet is here
REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(A1, "//option[#value='21']"), "\d+$"),
REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(B1, "//option[#value='21']"), "\d+$")}),
ROW(A1:B), ))

Access 2010 Query add text to end of existing text if condition is met

I have a column of data, diagnosis codes to be exact. the problem is that when the data is imported it turns 111.0 into 111 (or any whole number). I am wondering if there is an update query I can run that will add the ".0" to the end of any value that is 3 characters long. I had a problem of it stripping a value from 008.45 to 8.45 but I figured that part out using:
I got that from here on stackoverflow. Is there a variation of this update query I can use to add to the right if it's only 3 digits?
Additional info... formats of the values in this column include xxx.x or xxx.xx with x being a number
When it comes to sql I am very new so please treat me like I'm 3... ;)
SET Master.DIAGNOSIS01 = IIf(Len([Master].[DIAGNOSIS01])=3,[Master].[DIAGNOSIS01] & ".0",[Master].[DIAGNOSIS01]);

Extracting dollar amounts from existing sql data?

I have a field with that contains a mix of descriptions and dollar amounts. With TSQL, I would like to extract those dollar amounts, then insert them into a new field for the record.
-- UPDATE --
Some data samples could be:
Used knife set for sale $200.00 or best offer.
$4,500 Persian rug for sale.
Today only, $100 rebate.
Five items for sale: $20 Motorola phone car charger, $150 PS2, $50.00 3 foot high shelf.
In the set above I was thinking of just grabbing the first occurrence of the dollar figure... that is the simplest.
I'm not trying to remove the amounts from the original text, just get their value, and add them to a new field.
The amounts could/could not contain decimals, and commas.
I'm sure PATINDEX won't cut it and I don't need an extremely RegEx function to accomplish this.
However, looking at The OLE Regex Find (Execute) function here, appears to be the most robust, however when trying to use the function I get the following error message in SSMS:
SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'sys.sp_OACreate' of component
'Ole Automation Procedures' because this component is turned off as
part of the security configuration for this server. A system
administrator can enable the use of 'Ole Automation Procedures' by
using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Ole
Automation Procedures', see "Surface Area Configuration" in SQL Server
Books Online.
I don't want to go and changing my server settings just for this function. I have another regex function that works just fine without changes.
I can't imagine this being that complicated to just extract dollar amounts. Any simpler ways?
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetAmounts(#str nvarchar(max))
-- generate all possible starting positions ( 1 to len(#str))
WITH StartingPositions AS
SELECT 1 AS Position
SELECT Position+1
FROM StartingPositions
WHERE Position <= LEN(#str)
-- generate possible lengths
, Lengths AS
SELECT 1 AS [Length]
SELECT [Length]+1
FROM Lengths
WHERE [Length] <= 15
-- a Cartesian product between StartingPositions and Lengths
-- if the substring is numeric then get it
,PossibleCombinations AS
WHEN ISNUMERIC(substring(#str,sp.Position,l.Length)) = 1
THEN substring(#str,sp.Position,l.Length)
ELSE null END as Number
FROM StartingPositions sp, Lengths l
WHERE sp.Position <= LEN(#str)
-- get only the numbers that start with Dollar Sign,
-- group by starting position and take the maximum value
-- (ie, from $, $2, $20, $200 etc)
SELECT MAX(convert(money, Number)) as Amount
FROM PossibleCombinations
WHERE Number like '$%'
GROUP BY Position
declare #str nvarchar(max) = 'Used knife set for sale $200.00 or best offer.
$4,500 Persian rug for sale.
Today only, $100 rebate.
Five items for sale: $20 Motorola phone car charger, $150 PS2, $50.00 3 foot high shelf.'
FROM dbo.fnGetAmounts(#str)
OPTION(MAXRECURSION 32767) -- max recursion option is required in the select that uses this function
This link should help.
Assuming you are OK with extracting the numeric's, regardless of wether or not there is a $ sign. If that is a strict requirement, some mods will be needed.

Format mask for number field items: trailing and 'leading' zero

I'm having some trouble with displaying numbers in apex, but only when i fill them in through code. When numbers are fetched through an automated row fetch, they're fine!
Leading Zero
For example, i have a report where a user can click a link, which runs a javascript function. There i get detailed values for that record through an application process. The returned values are in JSON. Several fields are number fields.
My response looks as follows (fe):
{"AVAILABLE_STOCK": "15818", "WEIGHT": ".001", "VOLUME": ".00009", "BASIC_PRICE": ".06", "COST_PRICE": ".01"}
Already the numbers here 'not correct': values less than one do not have a zero before the .
I kind of hoped that the format mask on the items would catch this. If i specify FM999G990D000 for the item weight, i'd expect it to show '0.001' .
But okay, i suppose it only works that way when it comes through session state, and not when you set an item value through $("#").val() ?
Where do i go wrong? Is my only option to change my select in the app process?
'"WEIGHT": "' || WEIGHT ||'", '||
'"VOLUME": "' || VOLUME ||'", '||
'"BASIC_PRICE": "' || BASIC_PRICE ||'", '||
Do i need to provide my numberfields a to_char with the format mask here (to_char(available_stock, 'FM999G990D000')) ?
Right now i need to put my numbers between quotes ofcourse, or i get invalid json when i parse it.
Trailing Zero
I have an application process on a page on the after header point, right after an automated row fetch. Several fields are calculated here (totals). The variables used are all specified as number(10, 2). All values are correct and rounded to 2 values after the comma. My format masks on the items are also specified as FM999G999G990D00.
However, when one of the calculated values has only one meaningfull value after the comma, the trailing zeros get dropped. Instead of '987.50', it is displayed as '987.5'.
So, i have a number variable, and assign it like this: :P12_NDB_TOTAL_INCL := v_totI;
Would i need to convert my numbers here too, with format mask?
What am i doing wrong, or what am i missing?
If you aren't doing math on it and are more concerned with formatting, I suggest treating it as a varchar/string instead of as a number wherever you can.