Downgrade to previous version of AWS Lambda - amazon-web-services

Working with Amazon Lambda functions I use versioning feature which is provided by AWS Lambda functionality. Each time when I deployed new version of my artifact to AWS I create new version of function and publish it (using popup from screenshot).
But how can I publish any previous version of my function (for example when I need to rollback my last publication)?

You should provide each new version with an alias.
From the AWS Documentation
In contrast, instead of specifying the function ARN, suppose that you specify an alias ARN in the notification configuration (for example, PROD alias ARN). As you promote new versions of your Lambda function into production, you only need to update the PROD alias to point to the latest stable version. You don't need to update the notification configuration in Amazon S3.
The same applies when you need to roll back to a previous version of
your Lambda function. In this scenario, you just update the PROD alias
to point to a different function version. There is no need to update
event source mappings.

One solution I've found that works if your in a pinch is to go to a previous (working) version of lambda, download the deployment package, redeploy the downloaded zip package using the aws cli. I'm sure there is a more elegant solution but if you're in a pinch and you need something right now this works.
$ aws lambda update-function-code \
--function-name my_lambda_function \
--zip-file fileb://

In order to rollback to a specific version, you need to point the alias that are assigned to the current version to the version you want to rollback to.
For example: My latest version is 20 and has an alias 'Active'. For me to rollback or remove the version 20, I need to remove the alias or reassign it to another version. So if I point my alias to version 17 then lambda will take the version 17 as the default or prod version.
you can update the alias here:
(Update myRegion and functionName with relevant values.)
In the above specified page go to 'Aliases' section, click on 'Version' dropdown (by default it will display the version for which the alias is assigned to). Select the version that your alias want to point to and click on save.
Thats All !!!

There is no such feature in Lambda function.


Aws s3 selectObjectContent by version id

Is there a way we can run select object content (s3 select) on specific version of s3 object using version Id?
I cannot find any references in select object content documentation to specify the version Id like we have version Id field in get Object request.
It does not look like this is possible.
The select_object_content() function takes a Bucket and Key, but not a VersionId.
Finally found a solution based on the request posted to aws sdk git channel.
request.putCustomQueryParameter("versionId", "<Your-version-Id>");
The aws docs should be updated soon since it was missing from there.

AWS: Delete lambda layer still retains layer version history

I am deploying a AWS Lambda layer using aws cli:
aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name my_layer --zip-file fileb://
I delete it using
VERSION=$(aws lambda list-layer-versions --layer-name my_layer | jq '.LayerVersions[0].Version'
aws lambda delete-layer-version --layer-name my_layer --version-number $VERSION
Deletes successfully, ensured no other version of the layer exists.
aws lambda list-layer-versions --layer-name my_layer
"LayerVersions": []
Upon next publishing of the layer, it still retains history of previous version. From what I read if no layer version exists and no reference exists, the version history should be gone, but I don't see that. Anybody have a solution to HARD delete the layer with its version?
I have the same problem. What I'm trying to achieve is to "reset" the version count to 1 in order to match code versioning and tags on my repo. Currently, the only way I found is to publish a new layer with a new name.
I think AWS Lambda product lacks of features that help (semantic) versioning.
Currently there's no way to do this. Layer Versions are immutable, they cannot be updated or modified, you can only delete and publish new layer versions. Once a layer version is 'stamped' -- there is no way (AFAIK) that you can go back and get back that layer version.
It might be that after a while (weeks...months?) AWS delete it's memory of the layer version, but as it stands, the version number assigned to any deleted layer cannot be assumed by any new layer.
I ran into similar problem with layer versions. Do you have suggestions for simple way out instead of writing code to check available versions out there and pick latest one...
I am facing the same issue, As there was no aws-cli command to delete the layer itself,I had delete all versions of my lambda-layer using:
aws lambda delete-layer-version --layer-name test_layer --version-number 1
After deleting all versions of the layer, the layer was not showing in aws lambda layers page,So I thought its successfully deleted.
But to my surprise,AWS stills keeps the data about our deleted layers(at-least the last version for sure), when you try create a lambda layer with your previous deleted lambda name using aws gui or cli, the version will not start from 1, instead it starts from last_version of assumed to be deleted layer.

Lambda aliases and CloudFront: The function ARN must reference a specific function version

I have a Lambda that is working as a CloudFront Origin Request handler when referenced using an ARN that contains the version (e.g. ...:function:MyFunction:123). I've created a PROD alias to version 123 which I would like to use instead.
Using the ...:function:MyFunction:PROD ARN yields the following error
The function ARN must reference a specific function version. (The ARN
must end with the version number.) ARN:
...:function:MyFunction:PROD (Service: AmazonCloudFront; Status Code:
400; Error Code: InvalidLambdaFunctionAssociation; Request ID:
Removing the version entirely (i.e. ...:function:MyFunction) which according to the docs should hit latest, using $LATEST or LATEST for the version all fail with the same error.
The documentation that I've found all suggests that this should just work, so I'm not sure what I could have screwed up here. Might it be a problem with permissions on the IAM role I created?
I have to apologize in advance for writing the answer that you were probably not hoping for, but according to AWS, it is unfortunately not currently possible to have CloudFront point to $LATEST or a specific alias of a function when using Labmda#Edge.
According to the official AWS documentation (found under LambdaFunctionARN on
You must specify the ARN of a function version; you can't specify a Lambda alias or $LATEST.
In case the following is an option for you and can also suit your needs, what we usually do at the company I'm a part of (not only the reason discussed in the context of this question) is having both the CloudFront distribution and the Lambda function defined under the same CloudFormation stack (in our case, managed using the Serverless framework). That way, deploying a change for a stack serving a specific environment (e.g production) creates a new version of the Lambda function and updates the CloudFront distribution to be associated with it, automatically.
Sharing just in case it can hopefully serve as an alternative solution.

Get latest job revision while submitting AWS batch job without specifying the exact revision number

I am using AWSBatch Java client (AWS SDK for Java - 1.11.483) to submit jobs programmatically.
However, our scientists keep updating the job definition.
Every time there is a new job definition, I have to update the environment variable with the revision number to pass it to the client.
AWS documentation states that
This value can be either a name:revision or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the job definition.
Is there any way I can default it to the latest revision and every time I submit a BatchJob, the latest revision will get picked without even knowing the last revision?
This value can be either a name:revision or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the job definition.
Seems like AWS didn't document this properly: revision is optional, you can use simply use name instead of name:revision and it will get the ACTIVE revision of your job definition. It's also optional for Job Definition ARNs.
This also applies for boto3 and for AWS Step Functions integration with AWS Batch, and probably all other interfaces where Job Definition name or ARN are required.
From AWS Batch SubmitJob API reference.
The job definition used by this job. This value can be one of name,
name:revision, or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the job
definition. If name is specified without a revision then the latest
active revision is used.
perhaps the documentation is updated by now.
I could not find any Java SDK function but I ended up using a bash script that fetches the latest* revision number from AWS.
$ aws batch describe-job-definitions --job-definition-name ${full_name} \
--query='jobDefinitions[?status==`ACTIVE`].revision' --output=json \
--region=${region} | jq '.[0]'
(*) The .[0] will pick the first object from a list of active revisions, I used this because, by default, AWS Batch adds the latest revision to the top. You can set it as .[-1] if you want the last one.

How to rollback to previous version in Amazon S3 bucket?

I upload folders/files by:
aws s3 cp files s3://my_bucket/
aws s3 cp folder s3://my_bucket/ --recursive
Is there a way to return/rollback to previous version?
Like git revert or something similar?
Here the is test file that I uploaded 4 times.
How to get to previous version (make it the "Latest version")
For example make this "Jan 17, 2018 12:48:13" or "Jan 17, 2018 12:24:30"
to become the "Latest version" not in gui but by using command line?
Here is how to get that done:
If you are using cli,
Get the object with the version you want.
Then perform a put object for the downloaded object.
Your old S3 object will be the latest object now.
AWS S3 object is immutable and you can only put and delete. Rename is GET and PUT of the same object with a different name.
Hope it helps.
No. However, to protect against this in the future, you can enable versioning on your bucket and even configure the bucket to prevent automatic overwrites and deletes.
To enable versioning on your bucket, visit the Properties tab in the bucket and turn it on. After you have done so, copies or versions of each item within the bucket will contain version meta data and you will be able to retrieve older versions of the objects you have uploaded.
Once you have enabled versioning, you will not be able to turn it off.
EDIT (Updating my answer for your updated question):
You can't version your objects in this fashion. You are providing each object a unique Key, so S3 is treating it as a new object. You are going to need to use the same Key for each object PUTS to use versioning correctly. The only way to get this to work would be to GETS all of the objects from the bucket and find the most current date in the Key programmatically.
To restore previous versions you can:
One of the value propositions of versioning is the ability to retrieve
previous versions of an object. There are two approaches to doing so:
Copy a previous version of the object into the same bucket The copied
object becomes the current version of that object and all object
versions are preserved.
Permanently delete the current version of the object When you delete
the current object version, you, in effect, turn the previous version
into the current version of that object.
I wasn't able to get answer I was looking to get for this question. I figured out myself by going to aws s3 console and would like to share here.
So, the quickest way is to simply navigate to:
--AWS Console -> to s3 console -> the bucket -> the s3 object
You will see the following:
At this point you can simpyl navigate to all your object
versions by clicking at the "Versions" and pick (download or move)
whichever version of the object you are interested in
S3 allows you to enable versioning for your bucket. If you have versioning on, you should be able to find previous versions back. If not, you are out of luck.
See the following page for more information: