Clean and Efficient String concatenation in C++ - c++

I want to join thousands of strings in C++. There is no way that I know from before the size of the possible output string. Currently I join the strings using the '+' operator.
Unfortunately, this process takes a lot of time in my program.
In Java I would use StringJoiner which is much faster. Is there anything similar in C++?
I have read similar things online, and I have also read this question, but it is quite old (9 years old) and I imagine things have changed since.

Consider using std::ostringstream defined in header file sstream.
You add data by using operator <<.
The final string you get by calling str().

You could use a sstringstream (std::sstringstream)
. See the documentation about it on cppref
You could also use boost to concat strings or transform list into strings using boost::algorithm::join but that would be overkill depending on your projet


How can I replicate compile time hex string interpretation at run time!? c++

In my code the following line gives me data that performs the task its meant for:
const char *key = "\xf1`\xf8\a\\\x9cT\x82z\x18\x5\xb9\xbc\x80\xca\x15";
The problem is that it gets converted at compile time according to rules that I don't fully understand. How does "\x" work in a String?
What I'd like to do is to get the same result but from a string exactly like that fed in at run time. I have tried a lot of things and looked for answers but none that match closely enough for me to be able to apply.
I understand that \x denotes a hex number. But I don't know in which form that gets 'baked out' by the compiler (gcc).
What does that ` translate into?
Does the "\a" do something similar to "\x"?
This is indeed provided by the compiler, but this part is not member of the standard library. That means that you are left with 3 ways:
dynamically write a C++ source file containing the string, and writing it on its standard output. Compile it and (providing popen is available) execute it from your main program and read its input. Pretty ugly isn't it...
use the source of an existing compiler, or directly its internal libraries. Clang is probably a good starting point because it has been designed to be modular. But it could require a good amount of work to find where that damned specific point is coded and how to use that...
just mimic what the compiler does, and write your own parser by hand. It is not that hard, and will learn you why tests are useful...
If it was not clear until here, I strongly urge you to use the third way ;-)
If you want to translate "escape" codes in strings that you get as input at run-time then you need to do it yourself, explicitly.
One way is to read the input into one string. Then copy the characters from that source string into a new destination string, one by one. If you see a backslash then you discard it, fetch the next character, and if it's an x you can use e.g. std::stoi to convert the next few characters into its corresponding integer value, and append that number to the destination string (either adding it with std::to_string, or using output string streams and the normal "output" operator <<).

C++ equivalent to Fortran Namelist

My question is nearly-identical to C equivalent to Fortran namelist
The key difference is that I'm using C++/17 and wanted to know if there is a more C++ idiomatic manner of solving the issue.
There is no equivalent to Fortran's Namelist in C++. And there is no portable way of achieving this.
If you want to achieve a similar construct, you'd need some general parsing function working with lines on an istream:
It would read lines and ignore anything following a "!";
It would read the name that follows the first "&" to see if it matches the expected name;
It would stop reading when encountering a sole "/" on a line;
It would parse every line in-between, finding the a string with the name of the variable, the "=", and a string with the value on the right of the equal operator, and store the two strings in a std::map<std::string,std::string>.
For ad hoc reading, you'd call the parsing function to transform istream lines into the map. You would then access the map to initialise the variables. An easy and powerful way would be to use a stringstream sst(my_map["variable name"]); sst>>my_variable;
If the Namelist would correspond more or less to a class or a struct X, the idiom would then be to overload a friend istream& operator>> (istream&, X&);. This overloaded extractor would then work as in the ad-hoc case to initialise the member variables.
Of course, I simplify somewhat the algorithm, since you'd also need to cope with errors in the input file: what do you do if an expected variable is missing ? what do you do if the value read is incompatible with the target variable ?
If you are migrating Fortran code to C++ and you must to use Namelist to avoid disruptions, this could be a portable way to go forward.
But if it's just an habit of yours, and the file format is not mandatory, then you may consider using json, with one of the many libraries existing to read and write this format (22 libraries are listed on the linked page). The advantage is that you don't have to reinvent the wheel, you'd be more interopearble with a lot of other languages, and json seems more future-proof.

Recognize a specific string from a string array without iteration

I'm writing a derivative calculator in C++, and in order to properly perform the derivation operations, I need to parse the input equation at various character indexes along the equation's string.
I'm using isdigit() to parse out the numerical values from the equation and then store them into a separate string array, however now I need to parse out the mathematical symbols from the equation to identify which operation I need to perform.
Is there any way I can modify (overwrite?) isdigit() to recognize custom values from a string array? I'd like to avoid iteration to make my code a little less cluttered, since I'm already going to be using plenty of loops for the rest of this program and I want my code to be easy to follow. Does overwriting and inheritance in C++ work similarly to inheritance in Java (with the exception of multiple inheritance/interfaces)?
Please refrain from posting solutions that are irrelevant to the scope of this question, IE; different approaches to deriving equations in C++, as I've used this approach for some fairly specific reasons.
You can use the new powerful C++11 regular expressions library that does almost what ever parsing you want. This way, you'll avoid iterations and code cluttering.
You can just use strchr. (Not everyone will like the macros here, but they do make combining character classes easy.)
#define OPERATOR "+-*/"
#define DIGIT "0123456789"
// Is c an operator
if (strchr(OPERATOR, c)) {
// Yes it is
// Is c an operator or a digit?
if (strchr(OPERATOR DIGIT, c)) {
// Yup
Overriding and Inheritance works more or less the same as in Java.
You need to define a function as virtual and redefine it in derived class.
I know the "Please refrain from posting...", but I've written a library that does function parsing and derivation.
It is available at
I hope you can find some tips there.

I'm getting contradictory answers, what should I do with my code?

I am making a RPG game in C++ and DirectX.
I store all the data for the game in .txt files and read/write it using `ifstream/ofstream. this has worked well for me so far when talking about creature stats and I have a hack together for creature names but this is becoming a problem.
I can store strings in the txt file and read them but I am having trouble using them. for single words I have a hack but now I am up to the story line where characters are talking to each other it is a real problem.
I asked on gamedevelopment.stackexchange how to put text on screen and was told to use D3Dtext but that only accepts C-style strings and I can only read C++ strings from the text file. This is such a big problem now that I am willing to go back and re-factor what need sit as no progress can be made until this is sorted.
So now I have a bunch of questions and I dont know which to ask first:
I want a way to draw the letters like graphics. I was told this is what D3Dtext does but I want to implement it my self if I can I just need info on how if someone knows?
If I am to use D3Dtext like so called experts advise I have to use C-style strings. so how can I convert C-style strings to C++ strings? I have a method now but that requires the new and delete operator for every string and I can see the being a big problem as it grows in complexity?
Is there a way to read C-style strings? Maybe a replacement for ifstream. I would like to keep the txt files as I really dont want to use xml but I could change the file format if it was a viable solution?
Premature optimisation I know but I plan to use the same function for every piece of text in the game so what would be a good way of doing this in terms of speed (why I dont want new/delete for every string)?
I am happy to provide any information that would be needed to help me, just ask.
std::string mystr = "Hello World.";
mystr.c_str(); // gets a null terminated const char* C-style string
Read your file as you are currently doing then if you need to access the c strings as above.
You can convert freely between C-style strings and C++'s std::string. Just use my_cpp_string.c_str() to get the C-string representation of a C++ string, and std::string my_cpp_string(my_c_string) to initialize a new std::string from a C-style string.
2) Use the c_str() method to pass your C++ strings to D3Dtext
3 and 4 then become non-issues.

Parse URLs using C-Strings in C++

I'm learning C++ for one of my CS classes, and for our first project I need to parse some URLs using c-strings (i.e. I can't use the C++ String class).
The only way I can think of approaching this is just iterating through (since it's a char[]) and using some switch statements. From someone who is more experienced in C++ - is there a better approach? Could you maybe point me to a good online resource? I haven't found one yet.
Weird that you're not allowed to use C++ language features i.e. C++ strings!
There are some C string functions available in the standard C library.
strdup - duplicate a string
strtok - breaking a string into tokens. Beware - this modifies the original string.
strcpy - copying string
strstr - find string in string
strncpy - copy up to n bytes of string
There is a good online reference here with a full list of available c string functions
for searching and finding things.
You can walk through strings by accessing them like an array if you need to.
char* url=""
int len = strlen(url);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){
std::cout << url[i];
std::cout << endl;
As for actually how to do the parsing, you'll have to work that out on your own. It is an assignment after all.
There are a number of C standard library functions that can help you.
First, look at the C standard library function strtok. This allows you to retrieve parts of a C string separated by certain delimiters. For example, you could tokenize with the delimiter / to get the protocol, domain, and then the file path. You could tokenize the domain with delimiter . to get the subdomain(s), second level domain, and top level domain. Etc.
It's not nearly as powerful as a regular expression parser, which is what you would really want for parsing URLs, but it works on C strings, is part of the C standard library and is probably OK to use in your assignment.
Other C standard library functions that may help:
strstr() Extracts substrings just like std::string::substr()
strspn(), strchr() and strpbrk() Find a character or characters in a string, similar to std::string::find_first_of(), etc.
Edit: A reminder that the proper way to use these functions in C++ is to include <cstring> and use them in the std:: namespace, e.g. std::strtok().
You might want to refer to an open source library that can parse URLs (as a reference for how others have done it -- obviously don't copy and paste it!), such as curl or wget (links are directly to their url parsing files).
I don't know what the requirements are for parsing the URLs,
but if this is CS level it would be appropriate to use (very
simple) BNF and a (very simple) recursive descent parser.
This would make for a more robust solution than direct
iteration, e.g. for malformed URLs.
Very few string functions from the standard C library would
be needed.
You can use C functions like strtok, strchr, strstr etc.
Many of the runtime library functions that have been mentioned work quite well, either in conjunction with or apart from the approach of iterating through the string that you mentioned (which I think is time honored).