Arduino Tiny GPS Library - c++

So the problem is TinyGPS++.h keeps saying "no files or Directory". I have added the library manually, did not work. I used Platformio to add the library using there manager, Both of them did not work. TinyGPS.h works but not TinyGPS++ witch is the one I need for my project. Any idea what's going on?

Follow the tutorial Installing an Arduino Library -

So I don't know what fixed it. I came back to the project today and it was not reded out, and the library is magically working. The only thing I did was play video games, and update windows. Eh Go figure. Thanks for the advice.


SDL_AudioStreamFlush could not be located in the dynamic link library SDL2_mixer.dll

I'm just trying to follow along with the c++ graphics tutorial from MakingGamesWithBen about SDL mixer, an audio system. I got the development library from:
SDL_Mixer Development Library Download.
It's the folder under development libraries for Visual C++. I've done all the same steps as what he is showing, though I've been using x64 instead of x86. When I try running the project though, it gives me the error
"SDL_AudioStreamFlush could not be located in the dynamic link library [file path] SDL2_mixer.dll". I'm not using the function SDL_AudioStreamFlush in my code at all, which is what perplexes me about this. I honestly don't have any clue how to fix this, and online documentation doesn't seem to help. Any assistance would be much appreciated, because I have tried looking on sites for other similar questions, but nothing I can use. Below should be a dropbox link to my entire solution.
I have the same problem when using SDL_mixer and SDL_ttf.
When I change the old SDL2.dll in my folder (I put them all: header files, library files, and binary files in one directory) with the newest one (the one that is in the lib/X86/SDL2.dll) it works.

Build error in Geany

I am working on a project using a Raspberry Pi 3, I am trying to control NeoPixel leds and a lcd display with it so I used rpi_281x and wiringPi libraries to do it. My issue is that I dont know how to add the rpi_281x library to the builder of Geany, I did add wiringPi library by writting -lwiringPi but that didnt work for the other library, even using the full path, it keeps saying that it could not be found. THe rpi_281x library came with an scons builder so I dont know if it has something to do with my issue. Here are the links to both libraries.
I would appreciate any suggestion for an alternative method to build this as detailed as possible. The issue is not with WiringPi, basically I need help with adding the rpi_281x to Geany-s builder. The code does get compiled, but not built.

Unity3d iOS c++ native library plugin. How to?

I'm using this c++ particle physics library in my game. So far I have it working in unity on android and windows.
I'm now looking into getting it working on iOS and it seems like quite a daunting task.
The library is a superset of Box2D so it is quite a large complex library.
Here is my idea for tackling this, I'm hoping someone with some experience can say if they think this might work, or if not suggest a better way of doing it.
My idea is to..
Use Unitys 'Automated plugin integration' where you add your .cpp and .h source files to the Assets\Plugins\iOS folder and it sym links them in the xcode project (whatever that means)
The problem here is that subfolders are not supported so I would have to flatten the directory structure of the Box2D project and put everything in one folder. My idea is to do this using a python script that will change all the include statements in the source code so for example..
#include <Box2D/Common/b2Settings.h>
would be changed to..
#include <b2Settings.h>
Is there a reason this would not work?
Ok, So that crazy idea actually worked! The performance was terrible on an iphone 4 but absolutely flawless on a iphone 5. The only other issue I had was I had to turn
#include <Box2D/Common/b2Settings.h>
#include "b2Settings.h"
Xcode didnt like the pointy brackets.
Also this failed to build on the simulator but worked on an actual device

Adding third party libraries to an OpenCV project on Xcode

I am new to the XCode environment so apologies if this sounds trivial.
I am trying to use a third party library using for OpenCV that helps me do some blob analysis, CCL etc. Hosted here
I have searched a lot but there doesn't seem to be much documentation on how to go about adding and using these new libraries. I am using XCode 4.5.2, OpenCV 2.4.2.
When I simply add all the header files to the project folder and #include them in the source code, it fails to compile. I have also tried adding the "Header Paths" but it doesn't help. What am I missing?
I have tried to follow the instructions (compiling it using the terminal but it doesn't compile too) I am not clear on how or when exactly to use CMAKE.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
I would suggest you using CvBlob on google code which is different from the one on willowgarage, I have got recently confused with this so take a look at this question for alternative blob analysis libraries.
Moreover, CvBlob has also a good support community here. (Search on "[cvblobslib]" or on "[blob] [opencv]")
Try this: cvBlob: OSX installation
Once you get it compiled, you need to include the library under Link Binary with Libraries in Build Phases. (This screenshot shows the core, imgproc, and highgui libraries. Your cvBlob library would go in the same place.)

trying to set SDL up on Code Blocks

I made a tic-tac-toe game in c++ want to learn how to use SDL so I can make a graphical interface, but I having trouble getting the SDL headers to work. This is really the first library I have had to download and minitech helped me out with decompressing the .gz files, so I got that done but now I don't know how to link it to Code Blocks so that I can use the library.
Make sure to check the CodeBlocks wiki page on using SDL with it, if you haven't already. It explains how to install it and then finally how to link your project to it so you can take advantage of the libraries in your application.
It looks like CodeBlocks supports Dev-C++ "DevPaks" now which is probably an even easier way of installing it than manually copying static libraries around.