search database from multiple form fields - django

I have the following case. I have a form with 3 fields which are submitted with POST method. Then the fields are captured and a search using Q is made on the database:
query = Model.objects.filter( Q(field1=field1) & Q(field2=field2) & Q(field3=field3))
The problem is that I would like to dynamically use the fields that are filled not the empty ones. That means that the query will contain one or two or three criteria depending on the user.
I have managed to perform the search I describe with nested if but considering adding extra fields it gets bigger and bigger.

You can write generic function to generate a query based on fields passed-in.
def generate_query(**kwargs):
query = Q()
for database_field, value in kwargs.items():
query_dict = {database_field:value}
if value:
query &= Q(**query_dict)
return query
And use it:
data = {"name":"john", "age__gte":25} # your post data
query = generate_query(**data)
objects = SomeModel.objects.filter(query)
# generally: SomeModel.objects.filter(request.POST)

Consider you have query field like below:
field = {'field1': 'value1', 'field2': 'value2', 'field3': None}
You can filter to remove null field as below:
non_empty_field = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1], field.items())) # output: {'field1': 'value1', 'field2': 'value2'}
For performing and query you can write
Model.objects.filter(**non_empty_field) # equivalent to Model.objects.filter(field1='value1', field2='value2')
to perform and query you don't need Q() object
For performing or query you can write:
Model.objects.filter(eval('|'.join(['(Q({}="{}"))'.format(i,j) for i,j in non_empty_field.items()])))
according to current field example above query will be equivalent to:
Model.objects.filter(Q(field1=value1) | Q(field2=value2))


How to filter in django with empty fields when using ChoiceField

I have a programme where users should be able to filter different types of technologies by their attributes. My question is, how would I filter the technologies when there's potential conflicts and empty values in the parameters I use to filter?
class FilterDataForm(forms.ModelForm):
ASSESSMENT = (('', ''),('Yes', 'Yes'),('No', 'No'),)
q01_suitability_for_task_x = forms.ChoiceField(label='Is the technology suitable for x?',
choices=ASSESSMENT, help_text='Please select yes or no', required=False,)
q02_suitability_for_environment_y = forms.ChoiceField(label='Is the technology suitable for environment Y?',
choices=ASSESSMENT, help_text='Please select yes or no', required=False)
There are many fields in my model like the ones above.
class TechListView(ListView):
model = MiningTech
def get_queryset(self):
q1 = self.request.GET.get('q01_suitability_for_task_x', '')
q2 = self.request.GET.get('q02_suitability_for_environment_y', '')
object_list = MiningTech.objects.filter(q01_suitability_for_task_x=q1).filter(
return object_list
The difficulty is that not all technology db entries will have data. So in my current setup there's times where I will filter out objects that have one attribute but not another.
For instance if my db has:
pk1: q01_suitability_for_task_x=Yes; q02_suitability_for_environment_y=Yes;
pk2: q01_suitability_for_task_x=Yes; q02_suitability_for_environment_y='';
In the form, if I don't select any value for q01_suitability_for_task_x, and select Yes for q02_suitability_for_environment_y, I get nothing back in the queryset because there are no q01_suitability_for_task_x empty fields.
Any help would be appreciated. I'm also ok with restructuring everything if need be.
The problem is that your self.request.GET.get(...) code defaults to an empty string if there is no value found, so your model .filter() is looking for matches where the string is ''.
I would restructure the first part of get_queryset() to build a dictionary that can be unpacked into your filter. If the value doesn't exist then it doesn't get added to the filter dictionary:
filters = {}
q1 = self.request.GET.get('q01_suitability_for_task_x', None)
q2 = self.request.GET.get('q02_suitability_for_environment_y', None)
if q1 is not None:
filters['q01_suitability_for_task_x'] = q1
... etc ...
object_list = MiningTech.objects.filter(**filters)
If you have a lot of q1, q2, etc. items then consider putting them in a list, looping through and inserting into the dictionary if .get(...) returns anything.
Edit: Because there are indeed a lot possible filters, the final solution looks as follows:
def get_queryset(self):
filters = {}
for key, value in self.request.GET.items():
if value != '':
filters[key] = value
object_list = Tech.objects.filter(**filters)

How to create a customized filter search function in Django?

I am trying to create a filter search bar that I can customize. For example, if I type a value into a search bar, then it will query a model and retrieve a list of instances that match the value. For example, here is a view:
class StudentListView(FilterView):
template_name = "leads/student_list.html"
context_object_name = "leads"
filterset_class = StudentFilter
def get_queryset(self):
return Lead.objects.all()
and here is my
class Meta:
model = Lead
fields = {
'first_name': ['icontains'],
'email': ['exact'],
Until now, I can only create a filter search bar that can provide a list of instances that match first_name or email(which are fields in the Lead model). However, this does now allow me to do more complicated tasks. Lets say I added time to the filter fields, and I would like to not only filter the Lead model with the time value I submitted, but also other Lead instances that have a time value that is near the one I submitted. Basically, I want something like the def form_valid() used in the views where I can query, calculate, and even alter the values submitted.
Moreover, if possible, I would like to create a filter field that is not necessarily an actual field in a model. Then, I would like to use the submitted value to do some calculations as I filter for the list of instances. If you have any questions, please ask me in the comments. Thank you.
You can do just about anything by defining a method on the filterset to map the user's input onto a queryset. Here's one I did earlier. Code much cut down ...
The filter coat_info_contains is defined as a CharFilter, but it is further parsed by the method which splits it into a set of substrings separated by commas. These substrings are then used to generate Q elements (OR logic) to match a model if the substring is contained in any of three model fields coating_1, coating_2 and coating_3
This filter is not implicitly connected to any particular model field. The connection is through the method= specification of the filter to the filterset's method, which can return absolutely any queryset on the model that can be programmed.
Hope I haven't cut out anything vital.
import django_filters as FD
class MemFilter( FD.FilterSet):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
# fields = [fieldname, ... ] # default filters created for these. Not required if all declarative.
# fields = { fieldname: [lookup_expr_1, ...], ...} # for specifying possibly multiple lookup expressions
fields = {
'ft':['gte','lte','exact'], 'mt':['gte','lte','exact'],
# declarative filters. Lots and lots of
coat_info_contains = FD.CharFilter( field_name='coating_1',
label='Coatings contain',
def filter_coatings_contains( self, qs, name, value):
values = value.split(',')
qlist = []
for v in values:
Q(coating_1__icontains = v) |
Q(coating_2__icontains = v) |
Q(coating_3__icontains = v) )
return qs.filter( *qlist )

Extract values from Django <QuerySet> in Python 3

I have some python code:
which outputs data in format:
<QuerySet [<UnitTestCollection: VALUE1>, <UnitTestCollection: VALUE2>...
How can I extract a list of the values only i.e.
[VALUE1, VALUE2....]
Why not a simple list comprehension?
qs = UnitTestCollection.objects.filter(unit__type=unit_type)
my_values = [item.field_name for item in qs]
Or use values_list() to just fetch the specific field for each item directly in your queryset, with the advantage of lazy evaluation:
qs = UnitTestCollection.objects.filter(unit__type=unit_type)\
.values_list('field_name', flat=True)
values_list is better than a list comprehension because querysets are lazily evaluated. They won't be executed until you actually need them.
queryset = UnitTestCollection.objects.filter(unit__type=unit_type).values_list('<insert field>', flat=True)
This will return [field1, field2, field3...]
if you use .values('<insert field>') you'll get [{field: field value1}, {field: field value2}, {field: field value3}...]

Django how to check if objects contains string in multiple fields

So I have a model called Puzzle which contains a title, question, and a subject. I want to be able to search for puzzles by entering a string. My search bar also contains three checkboxes:
- title
- question
- subject
I want to somehow be able to query my database to see if the ticked fields contain the search text. For example, if title and question were ticked, I would query to see if the puzzle's title contains this string OR its questions contains the string. Is there any way to query this in Django?
I know that if I wanted to check just one of these fields, for instance the title, I could just do this:
But I want to be able to dynamically query the fields that are ticked.
Currently, my view contains three boolean values: title, question, and subject. The boolean is True is it is ticked, and false if it is not ticked.
How can I manipulate these three booleans along with Django queries to be able to dynamically query my database?
Thank you
You can do OR queries using Q objects:
from django.db.models import Q
Q(title__contains=search_text) |
Q(question__contains=search_text) |
Of course you can build this Q object dynamically:
q = Q()
if title:
q |= Q(title__contains=search_text)
if question:
q |= Q(question__contains=search_text)
if subject:
q |= Q(subject__contains=search_text)
# If you want no result if none of the fields is selected
if q:
queryset = Puzzle.objects.filter(q)
queryset = Puzzle.objects.none()
# Or if you want all results if none of the fields is selected
queryset = Puzzle.objects.filter(q)
If you have all selected fields in a list (ie. search_fields = ['title', 'subject'], you can even make it more generic:
from functools import reduce
from operators import or_
q = reduce(or_, [Q(**{f'{f}__contains': search_text}) for f in search_fields], Q())

Filter on a distinct field with TastyPie

Suppose I have a Person model that has a first name field and a last name field. There will be many people who have the same first name. I want to write a TastyPie resource that allows me to get a list of the unique first names (without duplicates).
Using the Django model directly, you can do this easily by saying something like Person.objects.values("first_name").distinct(). How do I achieve the same thing with TastyPie?
I've adapted the apply_filters method linked below to use the values before making the distinct call.
def apply_filters(self, request, applicable_filters):
qs = self.get_object_list(request).filter(**applicable_filters)
values = request.GET.get('values', '').split(',')
if values:
qs = qs.values(*values)
distinct = request.GET.get('distinct', False) == 'True'
if distinct:
qs = qs.distinct()
return qs
values returns dictionaries instead of model objects, so I don't think you need to override alter_list_data_to_serialize.
Original response
There is a nice solution to the distinct part of the problem here involving a light override of apply_filters.
I'm surprised I'm not seeing a slick way to filter which fields are returned, but you could implement that by overriding alter_list_data_to_serialize and deleting unwanted fields off the objects just before serialization.
def alter_list_data_to_serialize(self, request, data):
data = super(PersonResource, self).alter_list_data_to_serialize(request, data)
fields = request.GET.get('fields', None)
if fields is not None:
fields = fields.split(',')
# Data might be a bundle here. If so, operate on data.objects instead.
data = [
dict((k,v) for k,v in d.items() if k in fields)
for d in data
return data
Combine those two to use something like /api/v1/person/?distinct=True&values=first_name to get what you're after. That would work generally and would still work with additional filtering (&last_name=Jones).