Find what accesses an address - c++

What it's supposed to do: Let's say someone wants to edit a variable in your program. Well, you will be able to see the address that tampers with that variable (like maybe a mov instruction).
How I thought of doing it: I get the address of that variable, I use VirtualProtect to put a PAGE_GUARD protection on it and create a vectored exception handler that checks for EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE and checks if the address accessed is the one protected and if so it saves the address that last accessed that one (from the context).
Now, I started simply by just trying to make a simple handler to see if it can notify me when a change is being made, but it does not work. Firstly, whenever I try to printf the address of the variable which has the PAGE_GUARD on it I get an access exception or it just crashes if I launch it outside of Visual Studio.
I also tried setting a PAGE_NOACCESS and handling the EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in the vectored handler, but then nothing happens.
long __stdcall handler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExceptInfo) {
if (EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE == pExceptInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode)
printf("accessed by 0x%p\m", pExceptInfo->ContextRecord->Esp);
int main() {
int32_t nNumber = 555111222;
UINT_PTR uiNumberAddr = ReCa<UINT_PTR>(&nNumber);
DWORD dwOld(0);
VirtualProtect(reintepret_cast<void*>(uiNumberAddr), sizeof(uiNumberAddr), PAGE_GUARD, &dwOld);
AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, handler);
for (;;) {};
return 0;
Any thoughts on my idea and why it does not work?


Why is beginthreadex thread argument variable not updating in parent thread

I have a thread which creates a hidden window for the purpose of receiving WinAPI messages based on power state. I need to get the HWND of the created window from the thread so that I can throw a WM_QUIT message to close the window and end the thread gracefully:
HWND hiddenWindowHandle = NULL;
HANDLE PowerWindowThreadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(0, 0, &windowsPowerThread, (void*)&hiddenWindowHandle, 0, 0);
unsigned int __stdcall windowsPowerThread(void* data)
HWND hiddenWindowHandle = createHiddenWindow();
HWND hwHandle = *(HWND*)data;
hwHandle = hiddenWindowHandle;
The problem is that the hiddenWindowHandle is not being updated with the generated HWND.
I have verified in the thread that it's being created, and I've verified that I'm not trying to access the handle before the thread creates it.
What am I missing here?
Your code lacks the necessary synchronization. What you have here is a data race. Thus, what you get is strictly undefined behavior. What will most likely happen is that the compiler simply does not re-fetch the value of hiddenWindowHandle from memory in every iteration of the loop, since it can simply assume that the value does not change. One possible solution would be to make hiddenWindowHandle an std::atomic and have the main thread perform a busy wait until the value changes from NULL. Alternatively, you could put all access to the shared variable into a critical section locked by a mutex, or use a condition variable to wait for the value to be available.
Edit based on comments:
So if I understand your code correctly, the thread that creates the window receives a pointer to the result variable in the form of a void* and then tries to communicate the result like so:
unsigned int __stdcall windowsPowerThread(void* data)
HWND hwHandle = *(HWND*)data;
hwHandle = hiddenWindowHandle;
There's two problems here. First of all, data doesn't point to an HWND, it points to an std::atomic<HWND> now, so you already have undefined behavior there. The main problem, and probably the explanation why your original code didn't just happen to work anyways, despite the data race, is that you create a new local HWND called hwHandle. This local variable is initialized with the value of whatever data points to. You then assign your result to that local variable, but never to the actual result variable.
What you want to do is more something along the lines of
unsigned int __stdcall windowsPowerThread(void* data)
HWND hiddenWindowHandle = createHiddenWindow(…);
*static_cast<std::atomic<HWND>*>(data) = hiddenWindowHandle;
You may also want to consider using std::thread instead of the raw CRT functions.

PAGE_GUARD with VirtualProtect not raising an exception on execute access

I'm trying to hook a function using PAGE_GUARD but it does not raise any exception when the page/address is called.
void HookMe(){
printf("Not hooked\n");
void GoodFnc(){
long ExceptionHandler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ex){
printf("ExceptionHandler called\n");
/*Called by CreateThread in main*/
DWORD WINAPI ExceptionTesting(LPVOID) {
DWORD old = 0;
AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, ExceptionHandler);
if (VirtualProtect((LPVOID)HookMe, 1, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD, &old))
printf("PAGE_GUARD set\n");
//This was for testing:
//*(char*)0 = 0;//ExceptionHandler gets called when ACCESS_VIOLATION happens
while (1) {
return 0;
The code above will only show PAGE_GUARD set and then Not hooked each second, without raising any kind of exception.
I've also made sure that HookMe() is in a different memory page than ExceptionHandler(...) and ExceptionTesting(LPVOID)
Causing any kind of exception such as ACCESS_VIOLATION(as seen in the comment above the infinite loop) will result in ExceptionHandler being called.
It is possible, depending on your compiler, that the call to HookMe is inlined. Inspect the generated code. You should be able to defeat this with something like __declspec(noinline) on the declaration of HookMe. (MS VC++). Note that you can take the address of a function even if it is inlined at all calls!
The documentation for VirtualProtect says that addresses being protected must be part of a reserved region acquired by using VirtualAlloc (or VirtualAllocEx). Code within your program was not allocated this way.
Also, the protection is done on a page basis (usually 4K), so likely all of the code in your example above would be protected, and the guard would go off immediately when the call to VirtualProtect returned - not when Hook was called.
about VirtualProtect
Changes the protection on a region of committed pages in the
virtual address space of the calling process.
PAGES - not single byte. we can set PAGE_GUARD attribute at least on page (0x1000) byte only. as result when you try set PAGE_GUARD to some function - you set guard attribute not only to it but to many bytes around it (before and after). in case code such your (anyway your code is pseudo code, which not compile even) - faster of all guard exception will be just after VirtualProtect return - on next instruction after call. if you want only single function affect by guard page - you need place it in separate exe section, say with #pragma code_seg. also can note - that not needs any infinite loops or separate threads create for test
//#pragma code_seg(".guard")
void HookMe(){
MessageBoxW(0, 0, L"HookMe", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
#pragma code_seg()
if (pep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION)
WCHAR msg[64];
swprintf(msg, L"guard violation at %p (%p)", pep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, HookMe);
MessageBoxW(0, msg, L"ExceptionHandler", MB_ICONWARNING);
void gtest()
if (PVOID pv = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(TRUE, ExceptionHandler))
if (VirtualProtect(HookMe, 1, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ|PAGE_GUARD, &op))

Open process with debug privileges and read/write memory

Short version:
I'm trying to open a process handle with debug privileges and define a pointer which points to an object in the memory of the debuggee.
Long version
I'm a computer science university student in my final year of graduation and got tasked to build an application which should be used for educational purposes for the next generation of students.
Why am I here asking for help, you might ask? Well, the target platform is Windows and I have unfortunately no knowledge of the WinAPI whatsoever...
Okay, here is the basic requirement:
Programming language: C++
Platform: Windows (7 Professional)
Used IDE: Visual Studio 2012
No additional libraries if they aren't essential to ease the development
What will the application be used for?
Using this application the students shall learn to handle addresses, in this case static ones: the debuggee process will have some static pointers, which lead to other pointers themself to form a multi-dimensional pointer.
The students have to find these base addresses using some debugging techniques (which is not part of my work!) and try to find the values at the end of these pointers.
My application will be used by the tutors to randomly change the values and/or structures in the debuggee process.
Some search did yield the first answer: using ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory one can easily change values in the memory of another process without any need to get debug privileges.
What my tutors want, however, is to have the ability to define pointers (let's say unsigned int) which should point into the memory space of the debuggee process, effectively holding the base addresses I wrote about earlier.
They really want this and I couldn't even talk this out of them so I'm stuck to do this at the end...
And what exactly should work?
Well, I'd have accomplished my task if the following (pseudo) code works:
unsigned int * targetValue = (unsigned int*) 0xDE123F00;
// or even
myCustomClass * targetClass = (myCustomClass*) 0xDE123F00;
where the address 0xDE123F00 lies in the memory space of targetProcess.exe.
I know this is possible, else there wouldn't be debuggers which could show this information.
What I did so far (or tried...)
Okay, the thing is: I'm really confused whether I have to activate debug privileges for my application prior opening the target process, doing it after opening or rather giving the target process these privileges.
So I found an example in MSDN and tried to implement it:
BOOL SetPrivilege(
HANDLE hToken, // token handle
LPCTSTR Privilege, // Privilege to enable/disable
BOOL bEnablePrivilege // TRUE to enable. FALSE to disable
LUID luid;
DWORD cbPrevious=sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES);
if(!LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, Privilege, &luid )) return FALSE;
// first pass. get current privilege setting
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0;
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// second pass. set privilege based on previous setting
tpPrevious.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
if(bEnablePrivilege) {
tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Attributes |= (SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED);
else {
tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Attributes ^= (SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED &
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
And in my main:
HANDLE mainToken;
// I really don't know what this block of code does :<
if(!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &mainToken))
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_TOKEN)
if (!ImpersonateSelf(SecurityImpersonation))
return 1;
if(!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &mainToken)){
cout << GetLastError();
return 1;
return 1;
if (!SetPrivilege(mainToken, SE_DEBUG_NAME, true))
cout << "Couldn't set DEBUG MODE: " << GetLastError() << endl;
return 1;
unsigned int processID = getPID("targetProcess.exe");
HANDLE hproc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, processID);
if (hproc == NULL)
cout << "Couldn't open the process" << endl;
return 1;
unsigned int * theValue = (unsigned int*) 0xDE123F;
Okay, this code runs without any errors, SetPrivilege returns TRUE so I guess it really did set SE_DEBUG_NAME, which I think is the flag I need to set.
But after - for example - outputting the dereferenced value of theValue, the application crashes with an access violation message, which shows that my approach didn't work. I did especially pay attention to start the VisualStudio Debugger with admin rights (SetPrivilege failed otherwise).
I am really clueless here, the fact that I don't know whether setting SE_DEBUG_NAME is the right approach adds to my overall confusion.
I hope you can help me out :)
My hands are tied concerning the specific requests of the application , if you have ideas to achieve my goal using an entire dfferent approach, you're free to enlight me, but I won't be able to present it to my superiors so it will only add to my knowledge :D
From you description, it appears that you have gotten to the point where you can open the process with SE_DEBUG. At this point you now have a handle to the target process.
What your code appears to be missing is the use of ReadProcessMemory.
First we need to look at the definition of ReadProcessMemory:
BOOL WINAPI ReadProcessMemory(
_In_ HANDLE hProcess,
_In_ LPCVOID lpBaseAddress,
_Out_ LPVOID lpBuffer,
_In_ SIZE_T nSize,
_Out_ SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesRead);
This function essentially gives you the ability to copy a block of memory from one process space into your process space. So you need to use this method to read a block of memory the size of the data structure you wish to read into your process space, then you can reinterpret the memory block as that data type.
So semi pseudocode for reading an unsigned int from your target process looks like this:
unsigned int ReadUInt(HANDLE process, const void * address)
// Add parameter validation
unsigned char buffer[sizeof(unsigned int)] = {};
size_t bytesRead = 0;
BOOL res = ::ReadProcessMemory(process, // The handle you opened with SE_DEBUG privs
address, // The location in the other process
buffer, // Where to transfer the memory to
sizeof(unsigned int), // The number of bytes to read
&bytesRead); // The number of bytes actually read
if (!res)
// Deal with the error
if (bytesRead != sizeof(unsigned int))
// Deal with error where we didn't get enough memory
return *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *>(buffer);
Instead of using this line:
unsigned int * theValue = (unsigned int*) 0xDE123F00;
You would do this:
unsigned int theValue = ReadUInt(hproc, 0xDE123F00);
Keep in mind that this requires that you know the size and memory layout of the types you are trying to read. Simple types that are contained in contiguous memory can be retrieved in a single ReadProcessMemory call. Types that contain pointers as well as values will require you to make extra calls to ReadProcessMemory to find the values referenced by the pointers.
Each process has its own virtual address space. An address in one process only has meaning in that process. De-referencing a pointer in C++ code will access the virtual address space of the executing process.
When you de-referenced the pointer in your code you were actually attempting to access memory in your process. No amount of wishful thinking on the part of your tutors can make pointer de-reference access memory in another process.
If you wish to read and write memory from other processes then you must use ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory.
I don't think you really need to go to all those lengths with tokens and privileges. If I recall correctly you add the debug privilege, call OpenProcess and go straight to it. And I think you can typically skip adding the privilege.
Some search did yield the first answer: using ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory one can easily change values in the memory of another process without
any need to get debug privileges. What my tutors want, however, is to have the ability to define pointers (let's say unsigned int) which should point into the memory space of the debuggee process, effectively holding the base addresses I wrote about earlier. They really want this and I couldn't even talk this out of them so I'm stuck to do this at the end...
What they want is impossible. I suggest you tell them to get a better understanding of virtual memory before making impossible requirements!
#Cody Gray helpfully mentions memory mapped files. If debuggee and debugger co-operate then they can use memory mapped files to share a common region of memory. In that situation then both process can map the memory into their virtual address space and access it in the normal manner.
I rather assumed that your debuggee was an unwilling victim, but if it is prepared to co-operate then sharing memory could be an option.
Even then you'd need to be careful with any pointers in that shared memory because the memory would, in general, be mapped onto different virtual addresses in each process.
I think you are trying to access kernel land memory range and hence the exception.
The user land range is from 0x00000000 - 7FFFFFFF, so try accessing in this range, as anything above is kernel space.
I am assuming you are on a 32-bit machine.
Check User Space and System Space (Microsoft Docs).
You can create a type that behaves like a pointer by implementing the appropriate operators, just like shared_ptr does:
foreign_ptr<int> ptr{0xDE123F00};
int a = *ptr;
*ptr = 1;

C++ function exits arbitrarily

I have a weird problem:
On my Win32 C++ App, I have a function where the function returns after a call to another function.
void f()
if( interactFrame )
interactFrame = activeFrame = 0;
logFile << "PS deactive" << endl;
void Window::deactivate()
SetLayeredWindowAttributes( handle_, 0, 0, LWA_ALPHA );
SetFocus( applicationWindow_ );
After I call f(), the function goes through Section 1, branches into the if statement, completes line 1 (psFrame->...) and returns after that without evaluating the remaining two lines and the Section 2 out of the branch. I had this happen to me when for instance I was calling a method of a variable which was NULL, in this case psFrame, and it would instead of breaking, just return. However it is a legitimate variable, its contents and the pointer returned from getWindow() exists. In fact I can trace until the completion of deactivate() however my breakpoint at the next line is never hit.
In fact this is the same code that runs on one computer, and doesn't on my laptop. Both running Win 7.
What do you think could be the cause of this?
It sounds like something (quite possibly the deactivate, or something it calls) is making a mess of the stack (e.g., overwriting the end of a buffer) and messing up the return address. Much more than that would be a pretty wild guess though.
Given your description, it still sounds like you are getting null dereference errors. Guard your code a bit and see what happens like this:
if( interactFrame )
if (psFrame)
if (psFrame->getWindow())
// else log("getWindow == null")
// else log("psFrame == null")
interactFrame = activeFrame = 0;
logFile << "PS deactive" << endl;
Beyond that we'd need to see more code.
UPDATE: OK - you posted more code, and that's pretty odd, unless something very strange is happening like getWindow() is overrunning your stack and trashing the return address. Check any local variables (especially strings and arrays) you have in getWindow().
GMan also has a good point - if psFrame is returning a pointer to a deleted window in getWindow, that could also be a culprit (and you might see different behaviors depending on if the memory has been re-allocated or not yet)
I guess the line
simply generates an exception. And your function does not return at all - it terminates with exception. To confirm that set a breakpoint after the call to f() function (part of which is the code you've posted) and if this breakpoint doesn't hit either then it is likely an exception (possibly invalid memory access or simply C++ exception thrown).
Stack corruption is also possible and it will also likely lead to an exception (unless you accidentally overwrite return address with a valid address to executable memory).
Also note that if psFrame happen to be 0 (or other invalid pointer) then exception is guaranteed if getWindow() access any non-static member of its object in any way. And you would see exactly the behaviour you described. The same situation is when psFrame->getWindow() returns 0 (or another invalid pointer) and deactivate() accesses non-static member.
You may also follow stack contents changes when debugging.

Step execution of release code / post-mortem debugging (VS/C++)

Is there any sense to step-execute release code? I noticed that some lines of code are omitted, i.e. some method calls. Also variable preview doesn't show some variables and shows invalid (not real) values for some others, so it's all quite misleading.
I'm asking this question, because loading WinDbg crashdump file into Visual Studio brings the same stack and variables partial view as step-execution. Are there any way to improve crashdump analyze experience, except recompiling application without optimalizations?
Windows, Visual Studio 2005, unmanaged C++
Yes - if you have the .pdb for the build, and the .dmp file from the crash, then you can open the debugger on the exact point of failure, and examine the state of your app at that point.
As several have noted - some variables will be optimized away, but if you're mildly creative / inquisitive, you'll find ways to obtain those values.
You can build in a root crash handler for your code to generate a .dmp file automatically which works on all Windows flavors (assuming you are creating a Windows app) using something like the following:
// capture the unhandled exception hook - we will create a mini dump for ourselves
// NOTE: according to docs, if a debugger is present, this API won't succeed (ie. debug builds ignore this)
"Please send a copy of this file, along with a brief description of the problem, to [insert your email address here] so that we might fix this issue."
The above would require the MiniDumper class I wrote, below:
#pragma once
#include <dbghelp.h>
#include "DynamicLinkLibrary.h"
#include "FileName.h"
// MiniDumper
// Provides a mechanism whereby an application will generate its own mini dump file anytime
// it throws an unhandled exception (or at the client's request - see GenerateMiniDump, below).
// Warning: the C-runtime will NOT invoke our unhandled handler if you are running a debugger
// due to the way that the SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() API works (q.v.)
// To use this facility, simply call MiniDumper::Install - for example, during CWinApp initialization.
// Once this has been installed, all current and future threads in this process will be covered.
// This is unlike the StructuredException and CRTInvalidParameter classes, which must be installed for
// for each thread for which you wish to use their services.
class MiniDumper
// install the mini dumper (and optionally, hook the unhandled exception filter chain)
// #param filename is the mini dump filename to use (please include a path)
// #return success or failure
// NOTE: we can be called more than once to change our options (unhook unhandled, change the filename)
static bool Install(bool bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter, const CFilename & filenameMiniDump, const CString & strCustomizedMessage, DWORD dwMiniDumpType = MiniDumpNormal)
return GetSingleton().Initialize(bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter, filenameMiniDump, strCustomizedMessage, dwMiniDumpType);
// returns true if we've been initialized (but doesn't indicate if we have hooked the unhandled exception filter or not)
static bool IsInitialized() { return g_bInstalled; }
// returns true if we've been setup to intercept unhandled exceptions
static bool IsUnhandledExceptionHooked() { return g_bInstalled && GetSingleton().m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter; }
// returns the filename we've been configured to write to if we're requested to generate a mini dump
static CFilename GetMiniDumpFilename() { return g_bInstalled ? GetSingleton().m_filenameMiniDump : ""; }
// you may use this wherever you have a valid EXCEPTION_POINTERS in order to generate a mini dump of whatever exception just occurred
// use the GetExceptionInformation() intrinsic to obtain the EXCEPTION_POINTERS in an __except(filter) context
// returns success or failure
// DO NOT hand the result of GenerateMiniDump to your __except(filter) - instead use a proper disposition value (q.v. __except)
// NOTE: you *must* have already installed MiniDumper or this will only error
static bool GenerateMiniDump(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers);
// based on dbghelp.h
HANDLE hProcess,
DWORD dwPid,
// data we need to pass to our mini dump thread
struct ExceptionThreadData
ExceptionThreadData(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * exceptionPointers, bool bUnhandled, DWORD threadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId())
: pExceptionPointers(exceptionPointers)
, dwThreadID(threadID)
, bUnhandledException(bUnhandled)
EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers;
DWORD dwThreadID;
bool bUnhandledException;
// our unhandled exception filter (called automatically by the run time if we've been installed to do so)
static LONG CALLBACK UnhandledExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers);
// creates a new thread in which to generate our mini dump (so we don't run out of stack)
static bool ExecuteMiniDumpThread(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers, bool bUnhandledException);
// thread entry point for generating a mini dump file
static DWORD WINAPI MiniDumpThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam);
// obtains the one and only instance
static MiniDumper & GetSingleton();
// flag to indicate if we're installed or not
static bool g_bInstalled;
// create us
: m_pPreviousFilter(NULL)
, m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction(NULL)
, m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter(false)
// install our unhandled exception filter
bool Initialize(bool bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter, const CFilename & filenameMiniDump, const CString & strCustomizedMessage, DWORD dwMiniDumpType);
// generates a mini dump file
bool GenerateMiniDumpFile(ExceptionThreadData * pData);
// handle an unhandled exception
bool HandleUnhandledException(ExceptionThreadData * pData);
bool m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter;
CFilename m_filenameMiniDump;
CString m_strCustomizedMessage;
DWORD m_dwMiniDumpType;
And its implementation:
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "MiniDumper.h"
using namespace Toolbox;
// Static Members
bool MiniDumper::g_bInstalled = false;
// returns true if we were able to create a mini dump for this exception
bool MiniDumper::GenerateMiniDump(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers)
// obtain the mini dump in a new thread context (which will have its own stack)
return ExecuteMiniDumpThread(pExceptionPointers, false);
// this is called from the run time if we were installed to hook the unhandled exception filter
LONG CALLBACK MiniDumper::UnhandledExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers)
// attempt to generate the mini dump (use a separate thread to ensure this one is frozen & we have a fresh stack to work with)
ExecuteMiniDumpThread(pExceptionPointers, true);
// terminate this process, now
::TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 0xFFFFFFFF);
// carry on as normal (we should never get here due to TerminateProcess, above)
bool MiniDumper::ExecuteMiniDumpThread(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers, bool bUnhandledException)
// because this may have been created by a stack overflow
// we may be very very low on stack space
// so we'll create a new, temporary stack to work with until we fix this situation
ExceptionThreadData data(pExceptionPointers, bUnhandledException);
DWORD dwScratch;
HANDLE hMiniDumpThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, MiniDumpThreadProc, &data, 0, &dwScratch);
if (hMiniDumpThread)
VERIFY(::WaitForSingleObject(hMiniDumpThread, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
VERIFY(::GetExitCodeThread(hMiniDumpThread, &dwScratch));
return AsBool(dwScratch);
return false;
DWORD WINAPI MiniDumper::MiniDumpThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam)
// retrieve our exception context from our creator
ExceptionThreadData * pData = (ExceptionThreadData *)lpParam;
// generate the actual mini dump file in this thread context - with our own stack
if (pData->bUnhandledException)
return GetSingleton().HandleUnhandledException(pData);
return GetSingleton().GenerateMiniDumpFile(pData);
bool MiniDumper::HandleUnhandledException(ExceptionThreadData * pData)
// generate the actual mini dump file first - hopefully we get this even if the following errors
const bool bMiniDumpSucceeded = GenerateMiniDumpFile(pData);
// try to inform the user of what's happened
CString strMessage = FString("An Unhandled Exception occurred in %s\n\nUnfortunately, this requires that the application be terminated.", CFilename::GetModuleFilename());
// create the mini dump file
if (bMiniDumpSucceeded)
// let user know about the mini dump
strMessage.AppendFormat("\n\nOn a higher note, we have saved some diagnostic information in %s", m_filenameMiniDump.c_str());
// append any custom message(s)
if (!IsEmpty(m_strCustomizedMessage))
strMessage.AppendFormat("\n\n%s", m_strCustomizedMessage);
// cap it off with an apology
strMessage.Append("\n\nThis application must be terminated now. All unsaved data will be lost. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience.");
// let the user know that things have gone terribly wrong
::MessageBox(GetAppWindow(), strMessage, "Internal Error - Unhandled Exception", MB_ICONERROR);
// indicate success or not
return bMiniDumpSucceeded;
// Instance Members
MiniDumper & MiniDumper::GetSingleton()
static std::auto_ptr<MiniDumper> g_pSingleton(new MiniDumper);
return *g_pSingleton.get();
bool MiniDumper::Initialize(bool bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter, const CFilename & filenameMiniDump, const CString & strCustomizedMessage, DWORD dwMiniDumpType)
// check if we need to link to the the mini dump function
if (!m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction)
// attempt to load the debug helper DLL
DynamicLinkLibrary dll("DBGHelp.dll", true);
// get the function address we need
m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction = (MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP_FUNC_PTR)dll.GetProcAddress("MiniDumpWriteDump", false);
catch (CCustomException &)
// we failed to load the dll, or the function didn't exist
// either way, m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction will be NULL
ASSERT(m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction == NULL);
// there is nothing functional about the mini dumper if we have no mini dump function pointer
return false;
// record the filename to write our mini dumps to (NOTE: we don't do error checking on the filename provided!)
if (!IsEmpty(filenameMiniDump))
m_filenameMiniDump = filenameMiniDump;
// record the custom message to tell the user on an unhandled exception
m_strCustomizedMessage = strCustomizedMessage;
// check if they're updating the unhandled filter chain
if (bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter && !m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter)
// we need to hook the unhandled exception filter chain
m_pPreviousFilter = ::SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(&MiniDumper::UnhandledExceptionFilter);
else if (!bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter && m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter)
// we need to un-hook the unhandled exception filter chain
VERIFY(&MiniDumper::UnhandledExceptionFilter == ::SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(m_pPreviousFilter));
// set type of mini dump to generate
m_dwMiniDumpType = dwMiniDumpType;
// record that we've been installed
g_bInstalled = true;
// if we got here, we must have been successful
return true;
bool MiniDumper::GenerateMiniDumpFile(ExceptionThreadData * pData)
// NOTE: we don't check this before now because this allows us to generate an exception in a different thread context (rather than an exception while processing an exception in the main thread)
if (!g_bInstalled)
return false;
// indicate failure
return false;
// NOTE: don't use exception_info - its a #define!!!
ex_info.ThreadId = pData->dwThreadID;
ex_info.ExceptionPointers = pData->pExceptionPointers;
// generate our mini dump
bool bStatus = FALSE != ((*m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction)(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hFile, (MINIDUMP_TYPE)m_dwMiniDumpType, &ex_info, NULL, NULL));
// close the mini dump file
return bStatus;
I apologize for the fact that this is not a drop-in solution. There are dependencies on other parts of my Toolbox library. But I think it would go a long way towards giving you the right idea as to how to build-in "capture a crash mini-dump" automatically from your code, which you can then combine with your .dsp files that you can make a normal part of your development cycle - so that when a .dmp comes in - you can fire up the debugger on it with your saved .pdb from your release build (which you don't distribute!) and you can debug the crash conditions quite easily.
The above code is an amalgam of many different sources - code snippets from debugging books, from MSDN documentation, etc., etc. If I have left out attribution I mean no harm. However, I do no believe that any of the above code is significantly created by anyone but myself.
Recompile just the file of interest without optimisations :)
In general:
Switch to interleaved disassembly mode. Single-stepping through the disassembly will enable you to step into function calls that would otherwise be skipped over, and make inlined code more evident.
Look for alternative ways of getting at values in variables the debugger is not able to directly show you. If they were passed in as arguments, look up the callstack - you will often find they are visible in the caller. If they were retrieved via getters from some object, examine that object; glance over the assembly generated by the code that calculates them to work out where they were stored; etc. If all else fails and disabling optimisations / adding a printf() distorts timings sufficiently to affect debugging, add a dummy global variable and set it to the value of interest on entry to the section of interest.
At least is not a IA64 dump...
There really isn't much you can do beyond having full dump and private symbols. Modern compilers have a field day with your code and is barely recognisable, specially if you add something like LTCG.
There are two things I found usefull:
Walk up the stack until you get a good anchor on what 'this' really points to. Most times when you are in an object method frame 'this' is unreliable because of registry optmizations. Usually several calls up the stack you get an object that has the correct address and you can navigate, member reference by member reference, until your crash point and have a correct value for 'this'
uf (Windbg's unassembly function command). This little helper can list a function dissasembly in a more manageable form than the normal dissasembly view. Because it follows jumps and code re-arranges, is easier to follow the logic of uf output.
The most important thing is to have the symbol files (*.pdb). You can generate them for release builds, by default they are not active.
Then you have to know that because of optimizations, code might get re-ordered, so debugging could look a bit jerky. Also some intermediate variables might have got optimized away. Generally speaking the behaviour and visibility of data might have some restrictions.
With Visual Studio C++ 2008 you can automatically debug the *.dmp files. I believe it also works for VS 2005. For older compilers I am afraid you´ll have to use WinDbg... (Also specify of course the *.pdb files for WinDbg, otherwise the info will be quite limited)