Minimax algorithm: how to skip a turn? - minimax

I am using minimax algorithms with tic-tac-toe, reversi, etc.
How to properly add to the algorithm the possibility for one player to skip a turn (when there are no valid moves)?
01 function minimax(node, depth, maximizingPlayer)
02 if depth = 0 or node is a terminal node
03 return the heuristic value of node
04 if maximizingPlayer
05 bestValue := −∞
06 for each child of node
07 v := minimax(child, depth − 1, FALSE)
08 bestValue := max(bestValue, v)
09 return bestValue
10 else (* minimizing player *)
11 bestValue := +∞
12 for each child of node
13 v := minimax(child, depth − 1, TRUE)
14 bestValue := min(bestValue, v)
15 return bestValue

I implemented Minimax for a game that involved passing. So, pass was an action a user could do. In my case there were a few "re-actions" you could do as a player in the "passed" state, but that's irrelevant here.
You can add the player->pass = true as the new state and add it to the tree, just be sure to also check before any actions are added to the tree if that player has already passed, and skip it.
You then need to handle how many times they will be allowed to pass. Since now, if all players pass, the game can go on indefinitely. This depends on the game. In my case, when a player passed they could no longer do anything (beyond what I mentioned at first), and then when all players passed, the round ended and all pass states were reset.
An example from my game:
std::list<GameState*> GameState::generateChildren(GameState& parent) {
std::list<GameState*> children;
PlayerBoard* currentBoard = parent.getCurrentPlayer();
if (!currentBoard->pass) {
GameState* childState = new GameState(parent);
PlayerBoard *childBoard = childState->getCurrentPlayer();
childBoard->pass = true;
//And then all your regular actions...
return children;

You can write a function GenerateValidMoves(node, player) that returns the list of all valid moves for the player in a given position. Then the start of minimax routine can be rewritten as follows:
function minimax(node, depth, maximizingPlayer)
if depth == 0:
return heuristicValueOfNode
if generateValidMoves(node, currentPlayer) is empty:
if generateValidMoves(node, opponentPlayer) is empty:
return heuristicValueOfNode //here the game is finished since neither player can move
return minimax(node, depth, not maximizingPlayer) //call minimax for the opponent
if maximizingPlayer
bestValue := −∞
for each child of node
v := minimax(child, depth − 1, FALSE)
bestValue := max(bestValue, v)
return bestValue
else (* minimizing player *)
bestValue := +∞
for each child of node
v := minimax(child, depth − 1, TRUE)
bestValue := min(bestValue, v)
return bestValue


Creating the Backtracking Algorithm for n-queen Problem [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I have tried to come up with a solution to the n-queen problem, through backtracking. I have created a board, and I think I have created functions which checks whether a piece can be placed at position column2 or not, in comparison to a piece at position column1. And I guess I somehow want to loop through the columns, to check if the current piece is in a forbidden position to any of the power pieces already placed at the first row through the current minus one. I haven't done this yet, but I'm just confused at the moment, so I can't really see how I should do it.
Let me share the code I have written so far
// Method for creating chessboard
vector<vector<vector<int>>> create_chessboard(int size_of_board)
vector<int> v1;
vector<vector<int>> v2;
vector<vector<vector<int>>> v3;
for (int i = 0; i < size_of_board; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size_of_board; j++)
return v3;
// Method for visualizing chessboard
void visualize_board(vector<vector<vector<int>>> chess, int dimension_of_board)
int i = 1;
for (vector<vector<int>> rows : chess)
for (int j = 0; j < dimension_of_board; j++)
cout << "(" << rows[j][0] << "," << rows[j][1] << ")" << " ";
cout << endl;
// Method for checking if two coordinates are on the same diagonal
bool check_diagonal(vector<int> coordinate1, vector<int> coordinate2)
if(abs(coordinate1[1] - coordinate2[1]) == abs(coordinate1[0] - coordinate2[0]))
return true;
return false;
bool check_column(vector<int> coordinate1, vector<int> coordinate2)
if(coordinate1[1] == coordinate2[1])
return true;
return false;
bool check_row(vector<int> coordinate1, vector<int> coordinate2)
if (coordinate1[0] == coordinate2[0])
return true;
return false;
bool check_allowed_positions(vector<int> coordinate1, vector<int> coordinate2, int column)
if (check_diagonal(coordinate1, coordinate2))
return false;
if (check_column(coordinate1, coordinate2))
return false;
if (check_row(coordinate1, coordinate2))
return false;
return true;
vector<vector<int>> solve_nqueen(vector<vector<vector<int>>> board, int dimension_of_board, int row)
vector<int> first_element = board[0][0];
vector<vector<int>> solution_space;
if (dimension_of_board == row)
cout << "we found a solution!";
if (dimension_of_board == row)
for (int j = 0; j < dimension_of_board; j++)
if (check_allowed_positions(board, row, j))
do something here
solve_nqueen(board, dimension_of_board, row+1);
do something here;
return solution_space;
I would be really happy if someone could just lay up a few steps I have to take in order to build the solve_nqueen function, and maybe some remarks on how I could do that. If I should complement with some further information, just let me know! I'm happy to elaborate.
I hope this isn't a stupid question, but I have been trying to search the internet for a solution. But I didn't manage to use what I found.
Best wishes,
There is not always a solution, like e.g. not for 2 queens on 2x2 board, or for 3 queens on a 3x3 board.
This is a well-known problem (which can also be found in the internet). According to this, there is not a simple rule or structure, how you can find a solution. In fact, you could reduce the problem by symmetries, but that is not that simple, too.
Well according to this, you have to loop through all (n out of n x n) solutions, and do all tests for every queen. (In fact, reduce it to half again, by only checking a certain pair of queens, once only - but again that is not much, and such reduction takes some time, too).
Note: Your check routines are correct.
For 8 queens on a 8x8 board, write 8 nested loops from i(x)=0 to 63
(row is i(x)%8 and column is i(x)/8). You also need to check then, if a queen does not sit on queen, but your check routines will already find that. Within second nested loop, you can already check if the first two queens are okay, or otherwise, you do not have to go any deeper, but can already increment the value of first nested loop (move the second queen on a new position).
Also it would be nice, I propose not to write the search for a n-problem, but for a n=8 problem or n=7 problem. (That is easier for the beginning.).
While going deeper into the nested loops, you might hold a quick
record (array) of positions which already did not work for upper
loops (still 64 records to check, but could be written to be faster than doing your check routines again).
Or even better, do the inner loops only through a list from remaining candidates, much less than (n x n) positions.
There should be some more options for speed-ups, which you might find.
Final proposal: do not only wait for the full result to come, but also track, when e.g. you find a valid position of 5 queens, then of 6 queens and so on - which will be more fun then (instead of waiting ages with nothing happening).
A further idea is not to loop, e.g. from 0 to 63 for each queen, but "randomly". Which also might lead to more surprising. For this, mix an array 0 .. 63 to a random order. Then, still do the loop from 0 to 63 but this is just the index to the random vector. Al right? Anyway, it would even be more interesting to create 8 random vectors, for each queen one random vector. If you run this program then, anything could happen ... the first few trials could (theoretically) already deliver a successful result.
If you would like to become super efficient, please note that the queen state on the 8x8 board can be stored in one 64-bit-integer variable (64 times '0' or '1' where '1' means here is queen. Keyword: bitboards). But I didn't mention this in the beginning, because the approach which you started is quite different.
And from that on, you could create 64 bit masks for each queen position, to each position to which a queen can go. Then you only need to do 1 "bitwise AND" operation of two (properly defined) 64-bit variables, like a & b, which replaces your (diagonal-, column-, row-) check routines by only one operation and thus is much faster.
Avoid too many function calls, or use inline.
... an endless list of possible dramatic speed-ups: compiler options, parallelization, better algorithms, avoid cache misses (work on a possibly low amount of memory or access memory in a regular way), ... as usual ...
My best answer, e.g. for 8-queen problem:
queen is between 0 .. 7
queen is between 8 .. 15
queen is between 16 .. 23
queen is between 24 .. 31
queen is between 32 .. 39
queen is between 40 .. 47
queen is between 48 .. 55
queen is between 56 .. 63
because all 8 queens have to be on different rows!
These are the limits of the nested loops then, which gives "only"
8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 = 16777216
possibilities to be checked. This can be quick on modern machines.
Then probably you don't need anything more sophisticated (to which my first answer refers - for the 8x8 queens problem.) Anyway, you could still also keep a record of which column is still free, while diving into the nested loops, which yields a further dramatic cut down of checks.
I wrote some C code (similar to C++) to verify my answer. In fact, it is very fast, much less than a second (real 0m0,004s; user 0m0,003s; sys 0m0,001s). The code finds the correct number of 92 solutions for the 8x8 queens problem.
#include <stdio.h>
int f(int a, int b)
int r1, c1, r2, c2, d1, d2;
int flag = 1;
r1 = a / 8;
r2 = b / 8;
c1 = a % 8;
c2 = b % 8;
d1 = r1 - r2;
d2 = c1 - c2;
if( d1 == d2 || d1 == -d2 || c1 == c2 ) flag=0;
return flag;
int main()
int p0,p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7;
int solutions=0;
for(p0=0; p0<8; p0++)
for(p1=8; p1<16; p1++)
if( f(p0,p1) )
for(p2=16; p2<24; p2++)
if( f(p0,p2) && f(p1,p2) )
for(p3=24; p3<32; p3++)
if( f(p0,p3) && f(p1,p3) && f(p2,p3) )
for(p4=32; p4<40; p4++)
if( f(p0,p4) && f(p1,p4) && f(p2,p4) && f(p3,p4))
for(p5=40; p5<48; p5++)
if( f(p0,p5) && f(p1,p5) && f(p2,p5) && f(p3,p5) && f(p4,p5) )
for(p6=48; p6<56; p6++)
if( f(p0,p6) && f(p1,p6) && f(p2,p6) && f(p3,p6) && f(p4,p6) && f(p5,p6))
for(p7=56; p7<64; p7++)
if( f(p0,p7) && f(p1,p7) && f(p2,p7) && f(p3,p7) && f(p4,p7) && f(p5,p7) && f(p6,p7))
// 0 .. 63 integer print
printf("%2i %2i %2i %2i %2i %2i %2i %2i\n",
// a1 .. h8 chess notation print
//printf("%c%d %c%d %c%d %c%d %c%d %c%d %c%d %c%d\n",
//p0%8+'a', p0/8+1, p1%8+'a', p1/8+1, p2%8+'a', p2/8+1, p3%8+'a', p3/8+1,
//p4%8+'a', p4/8+1, p5%8+'a', p5/8+1, p6%8+'a', p6/8+1, p7%8+'a', p7/8+1);
printf("%i solutions have been found\n",solutions);
return 1;
Notes: Subroutine f checks if two queen positions are "ok" with each other (1 means true, 0 means false, in C). An inner loop is only entered, if all already selected positions (in outer loops) are "ok" with each other.

Linked list operation on nodes (floyd cycle detection)

SinglyLinkedListNode {
int data;
SinglyLinkedListNode* next;
bool has_cycle(SinglyLinkedListNode* head) {
SinglyLinkedListNode* s=head,*f=head->next;
while(s != NULL && f != NULL && f->next != NULL)
s = s->next;
f = f->next->next;
if(s->data == f->data)
return true;
return false;
According to the algorithm, if the slow pointer s and fast pointer f arrive on the same node the list is said to have a cycle. I'm assuming the same node will have the same data but then why am I getting failed test cases?
When I change (s->data = f->data) to (s == f) it works fine.
What is the difference between s == f and s->data == f->data?
The main issue here is your final checking condition. This will fail in a test case where there can be duplicates present (in the loop). When you are checking for the "same node" checking if the pointer value is same is better because it will always be unique, i.e., every node has an unique address but it is not necessary for it to be true for the value the node contains. For example:
1 -> 3 ->4 ->5 -> 6 -> 4 -> 7 -> NULL
//Note giving relative indexing(0th, 1st, .. and random addressing for understanding)
Iter 1: s is at 1(0th node, 1000010092) while f is at 3(1st node, 21983193)
Iter 2: s is at 3(1st node, 21983193) while f is at 5(3rd node, 129764714)
Iter 3: s is at 4(2nd node, 12984124) while f is at 4(5th node, 149284124)
See the ambiguity!!
Even though your algorithm is giving a TRUE a cycle doesn't exist.
But if you checked by the addressing, this false positive wouldn't have happened.
Tip: check if there are duplicates in any problem, they tend to be added to bring up such issues.

Determining if a number is either a multiple of ten or within a particular set of ranges

I have a few loops that I need in my program. I can write out the pseudo code, but I'm not entirely sure how to write them logically.
I need -
if (num is a multiple of 10) { do this }
if (num is within 11-20, 31-40, 51-60, 71-80, 91-100) { do this }
else { do this } //this part is for 1-10, 21-30, 41-50, 61-70, 81-90
This is for a snakes and ladders board game, if it makes any more sense for my question.
I imagine the first if statement I'll need to use modulus. Would if (num == 100%10) be correct?
The second one I have no idea. I can write it out like if (num > 10 && num is < 21 || etc.), but there has to be something smarter than that.
For the first one, to check if a number is a multiple of use:
if (num % 10 == 0) // It's divisible by 10
For the second one:
if(((num - 1) / 10) % 2 == 1 && num <= 100)
But that's rather dense, and you might be better off just listing the options explicitly.
Now that you've given a better idea of what you are doing, I'd write the second one as:
int getRow(int num) {
return (num - 1) / 10;
if (getRow(num) % 2 == 0) {
It's the same logic, but by using the function we get a clearer idea of what it means.
if (num is a multiple of 10) { do this }
if (num % 10 == 0) {
// Do something
if (num is within 11-20, 31-40, 51-60, 71-80, 91-100) { do this }
The trick here is to look for some sort of commonality among the ranges. Of course, you can always use the "brute force" method:
if ((num > 10 && num <= 20) ||
(num > 30 && num <= 40) ||
(num > 50 && num <= 60) ||
(num > 70 && num <= 80) ||
(num > 90 && num <= 100)) {
// Do something
But you might notice that, if you subtract 1 from num, you'll have the ranges:
10-19, 30-39, 50-59, 70-79, 90-99
In other words, all two-digit numbers whose first digit is odd. Next, you need to come up with a formula that expresses this. You can get the first digit by dividing by 10, and you can test that it's odd by checking for a remainder of 1 when you divide by 2. Putting that all together:
if ((num > 0) && (num <= 100) && (((num - 1) / 10) % 2 == 1)) {
// Do something
Given the trade-off between longer but maintainable code and shorter "clever" code, I'd pick longer and clearer every time. At the very least, if you try to be clever, please, please include a comment that explains exactly what you're trying to accomplish.
It helps to assume the next developer to work on the code is armed and knows where you live. :-)
If you are using GCC or any compiler that supports case ranges you can do this, but your code will not be portable.
case 11 ... 20:
case 31 ... 40:
case 51 ... 60:
case 71 ... 80:
case 91 ... 100:
// Do something
// Do something else
This is for future visitors more so than a beginner. For a more general, algorithm-like solution, you can take a list of starting and ending values and check if a passed value is within one of them:
template<typename It, typename Elem>
bool in_any_interval(It first, It last, const Elem &val) {
return std::any_of(first, last, [&val](const auto &p) {
return p.first <= val && val <= p.second;
For simplicity, I used a polymorphic lambda (C++14) instead of an explicit pair argument. This should also probably stick to using < and == to be consistent with the standard algorithms, but it works like this as long as Elem has <= defined for it. Anyway, it can be used like this:
std::pair<int, int> intervals[]{
{11, 20}, {31, 40}, {51, 60}, {71, 80}, {91, 100}
const int num = 15;
std::cout << in_any_interval(std::begin(intervals), std::end(intervals), num);
There's a live example here.
The first one is easy. You just need to apply the modulo operator to your num value:
if ( ( num % 10 ) == 0)
Since C++ is evaluating every number that is not 0 as true, you could also write:
if ( ! ( num % 10 ) ) // Does not have a residue when divided by 10
For the second one, I think this is cleaner to understand:
The pattern repeats every 20, so you can calculate modulo 20.
All elements you want will be in a row except the ones that are dividable by 20.
To get those too, just use num-1 or better num+19 to avoid dealing with negative numbers.
if ( ( ( num + 19 ) % 20 ) > 9 )
This is assuming the pattern repeats forever, so for 111-120 it would apply again, and so on. Otherwise you need to limit the numbers to 100:
if ( ( ( ( num + 19 ) % 20 ) > 9 ) && ( num <= 100 ) )
With a couple of good comments in the code, it can be written quite concisely and readably.
// Check if it's a multiple of 10
if (num % 10 == 0) { ... }
// Check for whether tens digit is zero or even (1-10, 21-30, ...)
if ((num / 10) % 2 == 0) { ... }
else { ... }
You basically explained the answer yourself, but here's the code just in case.
if((x % 10) == 0) {
// Do this
if((x > 10 && x < 21) || (x > 30 && x < 41) || (x > 50 && x < 61) || (x > 70 && x < 81) || (x > 90 && x < 101)) {
// Do this
You might be overthinking this.
if (x % 10)
.. code for 1..9 ..
} else
.. code for 0, 10, 20 etc.
The first line if (x % 10) works because (a) a value that is a multiple of 10 calculates as '0', other numbers result in their remainer, (b) a value of 0 in an if is considered false, any other value is true.
To toggle back-and-forth in twenties, use the same trick. This time, the pivotal number is 10:
if (((x-1)/10) & 1)
.. code for 10, 30, ..
} else
.. code for 20, 40, etc.
x/10 returns any number from 0 to 9 as 0, 10 to 19 as 1 and so on. Testing on even or odd -- the & 1 -- tells you if it's even or odd. Since your ranges are actually "11 to 20", subtract 1 before testing.
A plea for readability
While you already have some good answers, I would like to recommend a programming technique that will make your code more readable for some future reader - that can be you in six months, a colleague asked to perform a code review, your successor, ...
This is to wrap any "clever" statements into a function that shows exactly (with its name) what it is doing. While there is a miniscule impact on performance (from "function calling overhead") this is truly negligible in a game situation like this.
Along the way you can sanitize your inputs - for example, test for "illegal" values. Thus you might end up with code like this - see how much more readable it is? The "helper functions" can be hidden away somewhere (the don't need to be in the main module: it is clear from their name what they do):
#include <stdio.h>
enum {NO, YES, WINNER};
enum {OUT_OF_RANGE=-1, ODD, EVEN};
int notInRange(int square) {
return(square < 1 || square > 100)?YES:NO;
int isEndOfRow(int square) {
if (notInRange(square)) return OUT_OF_RANGE;
if (square == 100) return WINNER; // I am making this up...
return (square % 10 == 0)? YES:NO;
int rowType(unsigned int square) {
// return 1 if square is in odd row (going to the right)
// and 0 if square is in even row (going to the left)
if (notInRange(square)) return OUT_OF_RANGE; // trap this error
int rowNum = (square - 1) / 10;
return (rowNum % 2 == 0) ? ODD:EVEN; // return 0 (ODD) for 1-10, 21-30 etc.
// and 1 (EVEN) for 11-20, 31-40, ...
int main(void) {
int a = 12;
int rt;
rt = rowType(a); // this replaces your obscure if statement
// and here is how you handle the possible return values:
switch(rt) {
case ODD:
printf("It is an odd row\n");
case EVEN:
printf("It is an even row\n");
printf("It is out of range\n");
printf("Unexpected return value from rowType!\n");
if(isEndOfRow(10)==YES) printf("10 is at the end of a row\n");
if(isEndOfRow(100)==WINNER) printf("We have a winner!\n");
For the first one:
if (x % 10 == 0)
will apply to:
10, 20, 30, .. 100 .. 1000 ...
For the second one:
if (((x-1) / 10) % 2 == 1)
will apply for:
11-20, 31-40, 51-60, ..
We basically first do x-1 to get:
10-19, 30-39, 50-59, ..
Then we divide them by 10 to get:
1, 3, 5, ..
So we check if this result is odd.
As others have pointed out, making the conditions more concise won't speed up the compilation or the execution, and it doesn't necessarily help with readability either.
It can help in making your program more flexible, in case you decide later that you want a toddler's version of the game on a 6 x 6 board, or an advanced version (that you can play all night long) on a 40 x 50 board.
So I would code it as follows:
// What is the size of the game board?
#define ROWS 10
#define COLUMNS 10
// The numbers of the squares go from 1 (bottom-left) to (ROWS * COLUMNS)
// (top-left if ROWS is even, or top-right if ROWS is odd)
#define firstSquare 1
#define lastSquare (ROWS * COLUMNS)
// We haven't started until we roll the die and move onto the first square,
// so there is an imaginary 'square zero'
#define notStarted(num) (num == 0)
// and we only win when we land exactly on the last square
#define finished(num) (num == lastSquare)
#define overShot(num) (num > lastSquare)
// We will number our rows from 1 to ROWS, and our columns from 1 to COLUMNS
// (apologies to C fanatics who believe the world should be zero-based, which would
// have simplified these expressions)
#define getRow(num) (((num - 1) / COLUMNS) + 1)
#define getCol(num) (((num - 1) % COLUMNS) + 1)
// What direction are we moving in?
// On rows 1, 3, 5, etc. we go from left to right
#define isLeftToRightRow(num) ((getRow(num) % 2) == 1)
// On rows 2, 4, 6, etc. we go from right to left
#define isRightToLeftRow(num) ((getRow(num) % 2) == 0)
// Are we on the last square in the row?
#define isLastInRow(num) (getCol(num) == COLUMNS)
// And finally we can get onto the code
if (notStarted(mySquare))
// Some code for when we haven't got our piece on the board yet
if (isLastInRow(mySquare))
// Some code for when we're on the last square in a row
if (isRightToLeftRow(mySquare))
// Some code for when we're travelling from right to left
// Some code for when we're travelling from left to right
Yes, it's verbose, but it makes it clear exactly what's happening on the game board.
If I was developing this game to display on a phone or tablet, I'd make ROWS and COLUMNS variables instead of constants, so they can be set dynamically (at the start of a game) to match the screen size and orientation.
I'd also allow the screen orientation to be changed at any time, mid-game - all you need to do is switch the values of ROWS and COLUMNS, while leaving everything else (the current square number that each player is on, and the start/end squares of all the snakes and ladders) unchanged.
Then you 'just' have to draw the board nicely, and write code for your animations (I assume that was the purpose of your if statements) ...
You can try the following:
// Multiple of 10
if ((num % 10) == 0)
// Do something
else if (((num / 10) % 2) != 0)
// 11-20, 31-40, 51-60, 71-80, 91-100
// Other case
I know that this question has so many answers, but I will thrown mine here anyway...
Taken from Steve McConnell's Code Complete, 2nd Edition:
"Stair-Step Access Tables:
Yet another kind of table access is the stair-step method. This access method isn’t as direct as an index structure, but it doesn’t waste as much data space. The general idea of stair-step structures, illustrated in Figure 18-5, is that entries in a table are valid for ranges of data rather than for distinct data points.
Figure 18-5 The stair-step approach categorizes each entry by determining the level at which it hits a “staircase.” The “step” it hits determines its category.
For example, if you’re writing a grading program, the “B” entry range might be from 75 percent to 90 percent. Here’s a range of grades you might have to program someday:
To use the stair-step method, you put the upper end of each range into a table and then write a loop to check a score against the upper end of each range. When you find the point at which the score first exceeds the top of a range, you know what the grade is. With the stair-step technique, you have to be careful to handle the endpoints of the ranges properly. Here’s the code in Visual Basic that assigns grades to a group of students based on this example:
Although this is a simple example, you can easily generalize it to handle multiple students, multiple grading schemes (for example, different grades for different point levels on different assignments), and changes in the grading scheme."
Code Complete, 2nd Edition, pages 426 - 428 (Chapter 18).

A little confused about binary search

I implemented a binary search in Python:
def bisect(seq, goal, lo=0, hi=None):
if hi == None:
hi = len(seq)
while True:
middle = (lo+hi)//2
if seq[middle] == goal:
return middle
elif goal < seq[middle]: hi = middle
elif goal > seq[middle]: lo = middle+1
if lo >= hi:
return -1
It should return the index of the item that is first met. However, when I apply it on a list like this:
seq = [-81, -81, 1, 2, 9, 10, 63, 79]
bisect(seq, -81)
it doesn't return 0 but 1. How can I fix this?
For such a seemingly simple problem, nonetheless, getting the boundary conditions exactly right can be a challenge. So what I normally do in these cases is just use, or more usually, copy and adjust the code in the bisect module. The function you want is bisect_left, since you want the index of the leftmost value if there are more than one, or the index of the insertion point if there is no match.
Here is a copy of the bisect_left function from the Python 3.3 Std Lib:
def bisect_left(a, x, lo=0, hi=None):
"""Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted.
The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e < x, and all e in
a[i:] have e >= x. So if x already appears in the list, a.insert(x) will
insert just before the leftmost x already there.
Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the
slice of a to be searched.
if lo < 0:
raise ValueError('lo must be non-negative')
if hi is None:
hi = len(a)
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo+hi)//2
if a[mid] < x: lo = mid+1
else: hi = mid
return lo
if seq[middle] == goal: return middle bails out without considering whether the same value might occur at a lower index. In your example, lo stays 0, hi becomes 7, then 3. When hi is 3, middle is 1, and that meets your condition so 1 is returned. Since any multiple occurrences of goal have to be consecutive to meet the condition that seq is nondecreasing (required for binary search), the easiest thing to do might be:
if seq[middle] == goal:
while middle > lo and seq[middle - 1] == goal:
middle = middle - 1
return middle

binary tree traversal why need to check pre->right != current

In a binary tree traversal algorithm like below cited from this question, why do we need to check the second condition
pre->right != current? is this a loop condition? when would this happen?
pre = current->left;
while(pre->right != NULL && pre->right != current)
pre = pre->right;
Because the latter code makes a cycle (i.e. child pointing to a parent):
pre->right = current;
The cycle is deleted later, however, but the pre->right != current test tris to avoid following the cycle endlessly.
Consider the tree given below,
/ \
/ \ /\
The node A which is the root is initialized as current. Now the code given by you tries to find out the immediate predecessor of A in inoreder traversal. As we know the inorder traversal of the given tree is as follows,
So the code identifies E as the immediate predecessor of A.
[Pertaining to your Question-code]
Assume tree:
/ \
It's In-order traversal = B,A,C
Now consider, B was already printed by
if(current->left == NULL)
printf(" %d ", current->data);
current = current->right;
So, The Condition:
pre->right != current
is required to break while loop (which may be cyclic at times), exactly when our aim is to print node A.
In this case, at the end of the while loop i.e. while(pre->right != NULL && pre->right != current), we'll have :
1) pre pointing to left node B - which is already printed
2) current pointing to middle node A - Next to be print, thus breaking cycle link we've created just for this. Following part takes care of this:
pre->right = NULL; // Break cyclic link we've created for printing 'A'
printf(" %d ",current->data);// prints 'A'
current = current->right; // Now, Aim for 'C'