How to configure QT creator in Mint Linux - c++

I need to write Linux software for labs. Put on Virtual Box Mint (wrote that it is best for beginners fit). Installed QT Creator, like all the files needed downloaded. But in the end I still can not create a project.

Qt Creator is just the editor.
You still need to have at least one version of the Qt framework installed - either from an installer, built from source or from a package manager.
The installer bundles a copy (non optional) of Creator, configured to use it.
If you build from source you will have to add the Qt version (профили Qt) and make a kit (комплектьi) from it and a compatible compiler.


Do I need to install Mingw compiler components in Qt installation if i had already installed Mingw in my computer?

I installing Qt open source framework in my window 10 pc. I already downloaded Mingw compiler and installed it to write C/C++. Now I wanna learn QT framework. I using Qt online installer. I choice to download custom compoment. Do I need to selet mingw component to download if i had already installed?
Note that there's not just one MinGW distribution and version out there. You can check out the exact supported version per Qt release at .
Anyhow, if you install the pre-built Qt binaries via the online installer, the matching MinGW version will automatically be installed for you, and will be registered in Qt Creator so that things just work. There is actually no official way to prevent this.

Multiple Qt versions on Linux

I am currenyly using Debian Jessie and I have Qt Creator installed with Qt 5.3.3. It works fine, however there are some issues like QSystemTrayIcon not appearing properly, which I understand doesn't occur on versions earlier than 5.0.0, so I would like to be able to switch which version I am building with. Where can I download the necessary files that I can then point to from the Qt Versions tab in Qt Creator? Currently I can only choose 5.3.3. I would need something like 4.8.6 too.
You can install the Qt 4 development package, libqt4-dev, using your package manager. If you need a different version, you'll need to build it yourself from one of the source packages in the Qt Project's archive. Make sure to set an install prefix outside of your usual /usr, unless you know exactly what you're doing. Usually the prefix /opt is used for this kind of thing.
After it is installed, you can try restarting Qt Creator, and see if it is picked up automatically. If not, you can add it manually by creating a manual Qt version and pointing it to /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 (or something like /opt/qt-4.8.6/bin/qmake if you built Qt yourself and installed in the prefix /opt/qt-4.8.6). You then need to set up a "Kit" as well, and then you can add a "Kit" to your project build configuration (on the projects tab in the main window).

`Configure` in Qt 5.0.1 is not recognized

I've downloaded Qt 5.0.1 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW) and want to configure it again to support OpenSSL, but I can't find confiure.exe.
By the way, when I use Qt 5.0.1 command prompt to use configure, it says "configure.exe is not recognized".
configure.exe is part of the Qt's source code - so make sure you installed that.
But anyway i recommend you download the source code from here and start in a separate folder if you want to build Qt yourself (if you download the source make sure that you get the .zip from downloads, tar.gz is for linux use and doesn't have the Windows configure.exe)

qmake on a mac missing for qt-creator

I am working on Mac OS X at the moment, and wanted to start building apps using Qt Creator.
Unfortunately i can't build any applications as it gives me an error saying that qmake's path is not found or qmake is missing.
I tried using netbeans, which works perfectly with simple c/c++ programs, but for qt apps it then gives me the same error.
My version of Xcode 4 works perfectly and builds without any problems.
Any ideas?
Thanks :)
It is not enough to just download the Qt Creator, you need to download the complete sdk: (almost 1GiB)
My Macbook is no longer my primary computer. But, when it was, I found out through painful experiences that it was best to install software from MacPorts whenever what you wanted was available from
Even more important, I also discovered that when software was not offered from MacPorts, it was invariably because that particular software did not install without some sort of tweaking on a Mac. Hence, since Macports does not currently offer Qt v5, and I had problems installing the Qt v5.2.1 SDK on my Macbook, I would advise to go with the MacPort for Qt v4.8.5 [qt4-mac] which includes qmake. Qt Creator is available as a separate MacPort [qt4-creator-mac].
Here is how I successfully installed Qt v4.8.5 [with qmake] and Qt Creator on my Macbook:
1) 'sudo port install qt4-mac'
2) 'sudo port install qt4-creator-mac'
3) I used Finder to run Qt Creator which was in the /Applications/MacPorts/Qt4 folder.
4) When I first ran Qt Creator, its Preferences dialog listed the auto-installed Desktop kit, but that kit had no Qt version, no qmake, and no debugger.
5) Manually added a second kit.
6) Configured kit's Qt version for /opt/local/bin/qmake, which is where qt4-mac installed qmake. This was enough for the kit to now discover Qt v4.8.5 which had been installed by qt4-mac.
7) Used kit's auto-detect feature to now discover the debugger.
8) Configured that kit to be the default kit.

Deploy Qt+Boost application on a Mac and Windows

How to deploy Qt+Boost Application on Mac OS X or Windows platform.
I use Qt Creator + Qt 4.6 + MacOS 10.6
How to compile my application into release to run it on another computer w/o installed Qt libraries?
I ship Windows apps built with Qt and I use the Dependency Walker tool to first determine which Qt and MinGW DLLs are required. For Qt 4.6 apps you'll need to always ship the mingwm10.dll and libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll files found in your Qt bin folder (default location of this will be C:\Qt\2009.05\qt\bin).
Depending on which Qt modules you use will determine which Qt DLLs are shipped - you'll always need to ship QtCore4.dll. If you use networking then you'll need QtNetwork4.dll and so on - Dependency Walker will show you.
Note that you should only ship Qt files found in C:\Qt\2009.05\qt\bin and NOT those in C:\Qt\2009.05\bin - the latter folder contains MSVC built Qt DLLs used by Qt Creator and other tools and, assuming you're building using MinGW, these will not work with your app.)
I install these files in the application folder, which isn't ideal if you have multiple products that use Qt. If you are using the same version of Qt for all your projects then you could install the Qt files into a special folder that is then added to the user's PATH. YMMV and this is a big topic in itself.
For Qt, refer to the docs on deployment (Windows, Mac). Keep in mind that Qt is quite big - if you decide to link statically consider building a version of Qt that only contains the modules you need.
Most boost libraries are header only and thus need no deployment. For those that are not (thread, ...) refer to the respective documentation on building and deploy them like any other library.