Ways to represent pattern in various languages - c++

I have some C++ code. I'm duplicating a pattern repeatedly in it which isn't pleasant.
class layerclass {
vector<int> a;
vector<int> b;
vector<int> c;
bool isInA(int x) { return a.find(x) != a.end(); } // true if x is in a
bool isInB ...
bool isInC ...
class innerlayer : public layerclass {
layerclass *outerlayer;
bool isInA(int x) {
if (layerclass::isInA(x)) return true;
return outerlayer->isInA(x);
bool isInB(int x) ... // these two fn's will be identical to isInA()
bool isInC(int x) ... // with the exception of calling isInB/C()
In my case there really are only about 3 containers to search this way, but it's very bothersome for me to see. A solution might be to tag-dispatch somehow:
class layerclass {
vector<int> a;
vector<int> b;
vector<int> c;
enum class members { a, b, c };
bool isIn(int x, members m) {
switch (m) {
case members::a: return a.find(x) != a.end();
class innerlayer : public layerclass {
layerclass *outerlayer;
bool isIn(int x, member m) {
if (layerclass::isIn(x, m) return true;
return outerlayer->isIn(x, m);
Ok that's a little better but I still have the duplicated code in layerclass::isIn() and have to maintain the enum. Is this the best I cand do in C++? Do other languages offer a convenient solution to this outside of something like a preprocessor macro?

You can rewrite the class as follows, so there is no duplicate code in isIn
class layerclass {
vector<int> a;
vector<int> b;
vector<int> c;
bool isIn(vector<int> &vec, int x) { return vec.find(x) != a.end(); }
bool isInA(int x) { return isIn(a, x); }
bool isInB(int x) { return isIn(b, x); }
bool isInC(int x) { return isIn(c, x); }


How to code operation overload so it operates to a specific class member such as A<<{{1,2,3},{5,6,7}} in c++?

You can redefine operator << in class by overload it.
However, how do you code it so that it would operates specific to a certain class member?
for example
class C
int a;
double b;
// I would like something like
void main ()
C c;
c.a << 1; // sets class member a to value 1;
I want a operator defined in Class C that operates specifically to class member a.
a pesudo-code would be
class C
int a;
double b;
void operator << (istream & fin)
... fin.get()... some code
Stating the obvious for a moment, assuming the variable is public, you'd use:
class C
int a;
double b;
// I would like something like
void main ()
C c;
c.a = 1; // sets class member a to value 1;
The << and >> operators are bit shifts, which have their own meaning. Overloading those for your own purpose is probably a bad idea.
The C++ way of doing things is to avoid setting member variables externally where possible (e.g. using RAII approaches, to set data at initialisation)....
class C
C(int a, double b) : a(a), b(b) {}
int getA() const { return a; }
double getB() const { return b; }
int a;
double b;
.... Or by adding a setter method if you really need it, e.g.
class C
C(int a, double b) : a(a), b(b) {}
int getA() const { return a; }
double getB() const { return b; }
void setA(int v) { a = v; }
void setB(double v) { b = v; }
int a;
double b;
You could in theory generate a new type, and overload the operators for that type, but it's not something I'd recommend (because changing the meaning of an operator is almost always a bad idea)
struct MyIntType {
int i;
// overload cast operator
operator int () {
return i;
// assign
MyIntType& operator = (const int& v) {
i = v;
return *this;
// not recommended :(
MyIntType& operator << (const int& v) {
i = v;
return *this;
class C
MyIntType a;
double b;
void main ()
C c;
c.a << 1;
Having read your comment above, it sounds like you want to do this:
class C
// I'm still not recommending this :(
C& operator << (const int& v) {
a = v;
return *this;
int a;
double b;
void main ()
C c;
c << 1; //< now sets c.a

How to prevent wrong values in an initializer list?

When you write a constructor, you have the opportunity to test the values of the arguments from out of range or other unwanted situations in its body.
class a
int b;
a(int c)
// Take some measure
b = c;
But when you're dealing with const members, they should be initialized by means of an initializer list, so, in this case, how to prevent unwanted values?
class a
const int b;
a(int c) : b(c)
// How to control "c" value?!...
Make a function:
class a {
int const b;
a(int const c)
: b { initializeB(c) }
static int initializeB(int const c)
if (c < MIN_ALLOWED || c > MAX_ALLOWED) {
// Take some mesure
return -1; // example
return c;
class a
const int b;
a(int c) : b((c < MIN_ALLOWED || c > MAX_ALLOWED) ? throw std::logic_error("bad") : c)
// How to control "c" value?!...
You can delegate the verification and modification of the variable to a function.
class a {
a(int c) : b(ValidateAndTransformInputParameter(c)) {}
const int b;
int ValidateAndTransformInputParameter(int d) const {
if (d < 100) {
d = 100;
return d;
There are three major ways:
Chain the validation with the comma-operator:
a(int c) : b(validate(c), c) {}
Remember that the initializers are executed strictly depth-first, in declaration order, ignoring virtual inheritance.
Using the ternary operator:
a(int c) : b(validate(c) ? c : throw 0) {}
This needs the least amount of folderol if it's really a one-off.
Using a transforming and validating class or function:
a(int c) : b(process(c)) {}
Optionally, they might be combined with ctor-chaining, especially if more than one result comes from processing the inputs:
struct process {
a(process x) : b(x.b), c(x.c), d(x.d) {}
a(int c) : a(process(c)) {}
All of the above answers are good and work... but lest we forget, you can also do:
class a
a(int c) : b([=]() -> int {
throw std::logic_error("b");
return c;
}()) {}
int b;
It looks awful in my opinion though, having a lambda in an initializer list, but it's still possible.

Change Operation at runtime in C++

I have a small problem at hand. Suppose there is a if condition with only 2 operands but I want to make the operation dynamic.
void somFunc()
if(a && b) /*1*/
else if(a1 && b1) /*2*/
else if(a || b) /*3*/
else if(a1 || b1) /*4*/
Basically, 1 and 3 exactly has same parameters with different operation,Similarly for 2 and 4. I want to reduce these 4 operations to 2.
I want to know if there is a way I can make oper dynamic. Consider we only have 2 operations && and ||Can I use templates in any way ?
If someone wants to know why I need this is, there are n if conditions inside a big if/else. If I somehow achieve this, I reduce the conditions by half.
Not sure if this is what you are asking for, but you can write something like this:
bool operation(bool a, bool b,OPERATION op) {
if (op == AND) return a && b;
return a || b;
void somFunc(OPERATION op)
Or as suggested in a comment, make the operation to be performed a parameter of the function, like so
template <OPERATION>
void somFunc(OPERATION op)
and call it like this
somFunc( [](bool a, bool b) { return a && b; });
somFunc( [](bool a, bool b) { return a || b; });
You can use pointers to funtions.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
bool oper1(bool a, bool b) {
return a || b;
bool oper2(bool a, bool b) {
return a && b;
int main() {
bool a = true, b = false;
auto oper = oper1;
if (oper(a, b)) {
std::cout << "OR\n";
oper = oper2;
if (oper(a, b)) {
std::cout << "AND\n";
First you define all your conditions and later you can switch the condition by setting the variable.
You can also use inheritance and functors:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
class Operator {
virtual bool eval(bool a, bool b) = 0;
class OrOperator : public Operator {
bool eval(bool a, bool b) {
return a || b;
class AndOperator : public Operator {
bool eval(bool a, bool b) {
return a && b;
class VariableOperator : public Operator {
VariableOperator(bool val) : val(val) {}
bool eval(bool a, bool b) {
return val;
bool val;
int main() {
bool a = true, b = false;
std::unique_ptr<Operator> oper(new OrOperator);
if (oper->eval(a, b)) {
std::cout << "OR\n";
oper.reset(new AndOperator);
if (oper->eval(a, b)) {
std::cout << "AND\n";
oper.reset(new VariableOperator(true));
if (oper->eval(a, b)) {
std::cout << "VARIABLE\n";
You might be looking for something like this:
void somFunc()
std::vector< std::function< bool(bool, bool) > > operators = {
[](bool a, bool b){ return a && b; },
[](bool a, bool b){ return a || b; }
for ( auto& op : operators )
if ( op( a, b ) )
else if ( op( a1, b1 ) )
You can add more operators or change the parameter types easily enough.
You can do this with CRTP too:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
template<class T>
class Operation
bool eval(bool a, bool b)
return this->impl().eval(a,b);
T& impl() { return static_cast<T&>(*this); }
class AndOperation : public Operation<AndOperation>
bool eval(bool a, bool b)
return a && b;
class OrOperation : public Operation<OrOperation>
bool eval(bool a, bool b)
return a || b;
int main()
AndOperation andOp;
auto anonOp = std::make_unique<OrOperation>();
std::cout << andOp.eval(true, true) << std::endl;
std::cout << anonOp->eval(false,false);
see live example here
What are the advantages of CRTP over virtual inheritance?
CRTP is a case of static polymorphism. Here's some references:
Compile time vs run time polymorphism in C++ advantages/disadvantages
What is the motivation behind static polymorphism in C++?
C++: How is this technique of compile-time polymorphism called and what are the pros and cons?
The cost of dynamic (virtual calls) vs. static (CRTP) dispatch in C++
It is possible to make somFunc() a template, and accept any function that accepts two arguments and returns a value that can be tested with if.
#include <functional> // for binary operations in std
template<class Operation> void somfunc(Operation oper)
if (oper(a,b))
// whatever
int main()
somFunc(std::plus<int>()); // addition
// pass a lambda
somFunc([](int a, int b) -> int {return a + b;}); // lambda form of addition
In the above, I've assumed the variables a and b (which have been used in the question, but types unspecified) are of type int.

c++ unordered_set Comparator function for a user-defined class

I have something like this:
using namespace std;
class QuadraticPrimeSolution
int a;
int b;
int numberOfPrimes;
bool isPrime(int n, set<int> &primeHash);
QuadraticPrimeSolution(int a, int b):a(a),b(b),numberOfPrimes(0){};
void calculateNumberOfPrimes(set<int> &primeHash);
int getNumberOfPrimes(){return numberOfPrimes;}
class QuadraticPrimeSolver
struct classcomp {
bool operator() (QuadraticPrimeSolution& lhs, QuadraticPrimeSolution& rhs)
return lhs.getNumberOfPrimes()>rhs.getNumberOfPrimes();
set<QuadraticPrimeSolution, classcomp> solutions;
set<int> primeHash;
QuadraticPrimeSolution getMaxSolution();
int a;
int b;
QuadraticPrimeSolver(int a, int b):a(a), b(b){};
void solve();
bool QuadraticPrimeSolution::isPrime(int n, set<int> &primeHash)
return true;
for(auto it= primeHash.begin(); it!= primeHash.end(); it++)
return false;
return true;
void QuadraticPrimeSolver::solve()
for(int i=(-1)*a; i<=a; i++)
for(int j=(-1)*b; j<=b; j++)
QuadraticPrimeSolution aSolution = new aSolution(i,j);
int main()
QuadraticPrimeSolver QPS(0,40);
Basically what I am trying to do is compute and store each QuadraticPrimeSolution into a hash table in QuadraticPrimeSolver which I can then access later.
My question is, is my comparator implementation correct? Right now compiler is complaining about my comparator, and the following line for inserting into a set.
Please help!
class building
int getPosition() const {return position;};
int height;
int position;
class ManyBuildings
void populateBuildings(std::vector<std::string> buildings);
class comparePosition {
bool operator () (const building &lhs, const building &rhs) {
return lhs.getPosition() > rhs.getPosition();
std::set<building, comparePosition> buildings;
use set instead of unordered_set
template parameter for set should be a type, not a function

How to use remove_if with erase

I would like to know how to remove an object from a list base on a condition.
After researching, this is what I got, but it still doesn't work!
So I would like to know how to use remove_if with erase.
Class A
A(int x,int y);
int x;
int y;
int main()
list<A> listA;
A lista1(123,32);
A lista2(3123,1233);
A lista3(123,4123);
listA.erase(remove_if(listA.begin(),listA.end(),/*REMOVE CRITERIA*/);
std::list has a remove_if member function:
For your predicate you could either write a functor:
struct RemoveIfX
RemoveIfX(int x) : m_x(x) {}
bool operator() (const A& a)
return (a.x == m_x);
int m_x;
Or use a lambda:
listA.remove_if([](const A& a) { return (a.x == 123); });