How to use an ideal diode in the virtuoso candence - cadence

I use the ideal diode in the virtuoso candence,but the log file show me an error when i simulate the circuit.
**error** (input.ckt:44) definition of model mydiode not found.Please specify a defined model name.
Here is my diode information,i don't know what is a "defined model name".

As far as I know, Cadence doesn't have an ideal model for a diode. You will need to use a diode from a PDK or create your own model file for a diode.


Obtain the last value from every sensor on my django model

I am working with Django and I am a bit lost on how to extract information from models (tables).
I have a table containing different information from various sensors. What I would like to know is if it is possible from the Django models to obtain for each sensor (each sensor has an identifier) ​​the last row of data (using the timestamp column).
In sql it would be something like this, (probably the query is not correct but I think you can understand what I'm trying)
SELECT sensorID,timestamp,sensorField1,sensorField2
FROM sensorTable
ORDER BY max(timestamp);
I have seen that the group_by() function exists and also lastest() but I don't get anything coherent and I'm also not clear if I'm choosing the best form.
Can anyone help me get started with this topic? I imagine it is very easy but it is a new world and it is difficult to start.
When you use a PostgreSQL database, you can make use of the .distinct(..) method [Django-doc] of the queryset where you add fields that determine on what these should be distinct.
So you can obtain the latest sensors in Django with:
SensorModel.objects.order_by('sensor', '-timestamp').distinct('sensor')
We thus order by sensor (which is required for a .distinct(..)), and then in case of a tie (so two times the same sensor), we order on the timestamp in descending order, hence we pick the latest SensorModel object for that sensor.

Is there an overview of fields in datasets of custom (word) reports in Dynamics Business Central

Somehow i have the feeling its difficult to get detailed information about Dynamics BC. I am currently "designing" some custom reports - e.g. our invoices - using word templates.
Now I would like to add some data from BC to the report that I can not find as available Field/content control in the provided "XML Custom Part" (e.g. our BIC or the clients german UST-ID (VAT ID))
a) Is there an overview of the available Fields in the XML Part? In best case with there mapping to the corresponding Fields in BC Frontend?
b) Can I extend the available Fields in the XML Part?
One report can use data from multiple tables, you can also have bespoke data in there ( aka variables calculated on the fly) so the answer is yes, you can if you have access to the web client (how to inspect a page) but you wouldn't know where to look!
So ask the consultant or another developer where is the field that you are looking for

Ember.js: compute a nested relationship as a model property

I currently have three models, Model, Manufacturer, and Device: A Model belongs to a Manufacturer, and a Device belongs to a Model. However, when I list the devices, I'd also like an entry for the manufacturer. I know I can fetch it easily with, however, I'd like Device to have it's own manufacturer property. I have looked into Ember's computed properties, however, I can't seem to find a way to compute the model's manufacturer as the device's property, e.g.:
manufacturer: Ember.computed('manufacturer', function () {
return this.belongsTo('model').manufacturer
That's what I'm aiming for, but it doesn't work. Is this even possible at all?
Thank you!
You need to define like this :
manufacturer: Ember.computed.alias('model.manufacturer')
and if you don't want to set manufacturer in Device model, so use oneWay instead alias

Why would I train a prediction model on global data, then use regional data for input?

I am working through the Adventure Works data mining examples on the Microsoft website. In it, we are going to train a model using all sales data globally, then use the data for a region and bike model as inputs. Wouldn't this just predict incorrectly, ignoring specific trends for that area for that bike model?
What would be the advantage of doing this?
I think the idea that is that, when developing a learner, global data encompasses regional data. If you're building some sort of classifier and hope to run it at a regional level, you only need to use the regional-specific data, no?
Every model needs to be trained with relevant data.
The confusing part is that perhaps I'm not understanding the differential of "regional" data. Ultimately, the global data should definitely be relevant to your predictive model.

TableView Search

I write a small database project for handling payroll records. These payroll records will be put into a tableview object for viewing. How can I search a particular record in a TableView ? Any idea, please help me.
If you are using model / view paradigm, you may consider using a "match()" method, located in the QAbstractItemModel class. For example, see this code snippet:
pattern, -1,
Qt::MatchContains | Qt::MatchRecursive );
This is a code, I use to locate a pattern string in the TreeView. The flags are set to locate those records, that have a "pattern" among their display role representation, the search is performed recursively through the tree (you don't need it in your TableView, I believe :) ).
A Proxy-Model can be plugged between your (source) model and the view(s) to filter the models data. Take a look at QSortFilterProxyModel which allows to sort models rows/columns. Providing it with the right regexp for the key it will match only one item if found. You can use the proxy-model like a usual model (e.g. check rowCount) so it will update automatically and can be used in other views.