I have a below powershell wmi query and I want the vbscript equivalent query for the same.
(get-wmiobject ProcessorStatus -namespace root\wmi).PerfStates.State
ProcessorStatus WMI class contains Perfstates property which is an object of PerformanceStates WMI class. PerformanceStates WMI class contains State property which is again an object of another class called PerformanceState. This class contains Flags, Frequency and PercentFrequency properties which are our final values we are looking for.
Assuming, you have valid MOF available.
set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\wmi")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from ProcessorStatus",,32)
for each objItem in colItems
<your code>
My DAC and tables are defined as follows
Data structure
ParentTableDAC (FormView)
ChildDac1 (TAb1/Grid)
ChildDac2 (Tab2/Grid)
in ChildDAc2, ChildDAc1ID need to be shown as Selector, How this can be done?
We are facing issue if Data is not saved for Parent/ChildDAc1 then it is not available to ChildDAc2 Lookup
Update -
Business Scenario -
A work item has Multiple Task and multiple Steps to perform the work item.
now WORKITEMDAC is a Parent
TASKDAC and STEPDAC are the Child of the Parent WORKITEMDAC.
OK till yet everything is ok and Usual..
Now each step is suppose to be linked with the Task of the Parent WORKITEM.
SO in STEPS Grid a Selector is required to select the TASK.
Here I have proper Parent child relationship there is no issue with that,I have only one issue that is, I can select only the TASK which was already saved with the Parent WORKITEM, unsaved Tasks are not displayed in the selector.
SO My Question was, do we have any way to get the Task in the PXSelector query which is not yet saved?
Following Selector is used on STEPDAC on TaskID Column -
[PXSelector(typeof(Search<TASKDAC.TaskID, Where<TASKDAC.taskID, Equal<Current>>>), typeof(TASKDAC.taskCD), SubstituteKey = typeof(TASKDAC.taskCD))]
Note - TaskID column in TASKDAC is identity column and this DAC has WorkItemID defined as PArent.
Thanks for updating with more detail. Leaving the original response below for those that may need it regarding parent/child.
I've never seen the selector defined with reference to Current<> and no Current WHAT. To be honest, I'm surprised it compiled. "Where Field = Current View Field" directs the selector to limit results to only values associated to the Current value of whatever field you specified, and it is retrieved from the "ViewName.Current" record in the graph. Your where clause does not tell it what "current" to match. Since you direct the selector to Search, I suspect that this is causing the selector to be unable to find a matching record and short-circuiting the save of the result for that field.
It sounds like TASKDAC is a "master data" type record, defining all possible tasks to be performed. Therefore, TaskID is not a key field in STEPDAC but rather a key field in TASKDAC. If you want to select "any" task, you don't need the where clause at all.
SubstituteKey = typeof(TASKDAC.taskCD)
Let's assume for a moment that you designate a WORKITEMDAC.WorkOrderType that is used to filter acceptable tasks by the same field. (Only repair tasks can be assigned to a repair WorkOrderType, assembly to an assembly WorkOrderType, etc.) In this case, you would use the syntax you stated, but you would designate Where<TASKDAC.WorkOrderType, Equal<Current<WORKITEMDAC.WorkOrderType>>. If the task is limited to something in the STEPDAC instead, just swap out WORKITEMDAC with the STEPDAC field in the example below.
Where<TASKDAC.WorkOrderType, Equal<Current<WORKITEMDAC.WorkOrderType>>>>),
SubstituteKey = typeof(TASKDAC.taskCD)
Please update your PXSelector and advise if that fixes the issue or what error you get next.
Original Response
With so little to your question, the nature of your question is very unclear. It sounds like you are attempting to do something that should perhaps take a different approach. The definition of a selector should not impact the saving of a field, but the structure of a parent child relationship is critical to define properly. As such, it seems very odd that you would have a Child ID that differs from the parent and that it would be used in a selector.
Typically, the child DAC shares an ID with the parent DAC. We often define a LineNbr field in the child which is given a value by PXLineNbrAttribute, and the Key fields would be ID + LineNbr to identify a specific child record. We also set SyncPosition = true in the ASPX document on the grid so that the user interface stays completely sync'd with whichever record the user has selected in the grid. Parent Child relationships can be daisy chained, such as with SOOrder -> SOLine -> SOLineSplit, but ultimately, the ID field of a child is not a selector... the ID of the parent is.
Think of a selector as a means of looking up master data. Master data may be related to other data, but it would not have a parent in most cases. There are exceptions, but let's keep it simple. A purchase order, for instance, would not have parent, and the key field would be a common selector field. However, since a child must always relate to its parent and cannot change its parent, the ID of the child field would not be a selector. Other tables in Acumatica would refer back to some field or combination of fields to relate to the data of a child DAC.
From the T210 training guides, I stripped away a lot to show just this point.
RSSVRepairPrice - Parent
using System;
using PX.Data;
namespace PhoneRepairShop
[PXCacheName("Repair Price")]
public class RSSVRepairPrice : IBqlTable
#region PriceID
public virtual int? PriceID { get; set; }
public abstract class priceID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<priceID> { }
#region ServiceID
[PXDBInt(IsKey = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Service", Required = true)]
DescriptionField = typeof(RSSVRepairService.description),
SelectorMode = PXSelectorMode.DisplayModeText)]
public virtual int? ServiceID { get; set; }
public abstract class serviceID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<serviceID> { }
#region RepairItemLineCntr
public virtual Int32? RepairItemLineCntr { get; set; }
public abstract class repairItemLineCntr : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<repairItemLineCntr> { }
RSSVRepairItem - Child
using System;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Objects.IN;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
namespace PhoneRepairShop
[PXCacheName("Repair Item")]
public class RSSVRepairItem : IBqlTable
#region ServiceID
[PXDBInt(IsKey = true)]
public virtual int? ServiceID { get; set; }
public abstract class serviceID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<serviceID> { }
#region LineNbr
[PXDBInt(IsKey = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Line Nbr.", Visible = false)]
public virtual int? LineNbr { get; set; }
public abstract class lineNbr : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<lineNbr> { }
In the parent, notice the use of PXDBIdentityAttribute which specifies that the record identity is set by the database in PriceID. The "ID" field used by the child is taken from the ServiceID field which is defined as a selector for another master table. The use of IsKey = true on PXDBIntAttribute tells Acumatica that it can find the unique record by the combination of all the fields marked IsKey = true. (Note that the actual training guide includes another field as part of the key, but I simplified the example here.) Also notice the use of a PDXBInt field that has a default of 0 to be used as a Line Counter. (RepairItemLineCtr)
Now, in the child, notice that the key field of the parent is defined again in the DAC, but without the selector. The PXParentAttribute defines the relationship back to the parent DAC, and the field value is defaulted in from that parent. This is what causes the value to be saved in the record automatically. It also associates the relationship so that deleting the parent will delete the child as well. Notice the use of PXLineNbrAttribute to autoincrement the field of the parent DAC and set the value in the LineNbr field. It is the combination of these 2 fields that points you to the exact record.
There are cases where Acumatica uses the NoteID field (a unique GUID value) to identify a record of a child DAC, but this is a bit more complex. You can see it in the relationship of INItemPlan (Demand) to Purchase Orders.
If you are having trouble with Parent-Child (Master-Detail) relationships, I'd highly recommend reviewing the T210 training course.
To refer the unsaved data use the ISDirty =true on PXSelector.
also to save the Identity key valueof the unsaved data at referenced place, use [PXDBDefault()]
A simplified version. I have two classes:
Public Class mSystem
Public Property ID as ObjectID
Public Property Name as string
End Class
Public Class mEmulator
Public Property ID as ObjectID
Public Property Name as string
Public Property AssociatedSystems as New List(Of mSystem)
End Class
Public Class Main
Public Sub EmaultorsLinkedToSystem
dim SelectedSystem as mSystem = db.Collections.mSystems.Find(Function(x) x.Name = "Sony Playstation").FirstOrDefault
test = db.Collections.mEmulators.Include(Function(x) x.AssociatedSystems).Find(Function(y) y.AssociatedSystems.Contains(SelectedSystem)).ToList
End sub
End Class
Now I know one mEmulator data object has "Sony Playstation" in its List(of mSystem). However, test returns null. Why isn't this finding it? I've tried a few permutations, but cant get this to work. Any ideas?
The Include method is used for resolving references to other collections, and you're not using BsonRef with AssociatedSystems (at least not in this example you provided). In your example, the instances of mSystem in AssociatedSystems are not being stored in a separate collection, but as an array of embedded documents in the emulators collection.
Try removing the Include call, it should work fine.
I create instance of entity manager
$this->em = Connection::MainMySql()->GetEntityManager();
After some queries I try to get object from a Repository class.
$usersArray = $this->em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('Model\Repo\mytables\User', "us")
->where("us.idUser = :idUser")
->setParameter("idUser", $idUser)
Why do I then get list of objects of class Model\Entity\mytables\User instead of Model\Repo\mytables\User even after I specify desired class in from(...) section?
In fact, a repository cannot be used as a representation of a database entry.
In other words, Repositories should contain methods to retrieve/create/update/delete database entries represented by entities.
This is why the EntityManager is called Entity Manager, it manages Entities and not Repository classes.
For instance, you can perfectly do:
// Return an instance of the Repository Model\Repo\mytables\User
$repository = $this->em->getRepository('Model\Entity\mytables\User');
// The repository is used to create the QueryBuilder, so the from statement is already filled by doctrine as model\Entity\mytables\User
$query = $repository->createQueryBuilder('u')
// ...
This is also why you can do:
$repository = $this->em->getRepository('Model\Entity\mytables\User');
// Return all entries of the 'users' table as Model\Entity\mytables\User instances
$users = $repository->findAll();
I'm surprised that the from statement of your query doesn't produce an error such as "Model\Entity\mytables\User is not a valid entity".
Also, your structure looks confusing, you must differentiate properly Repositories (the Models) from Entities in order to use them according to their respective roles.
I am using Doctrine inheritance mapping in a project which produces a set of unique entities that each extend a base entity. Because the route is not aware of which entities go with which base rows, I have to query the database twice in order to grab the row I want from the right fieldset:
// in a controller action:
// locate the event entity record and determine the event type
$entity = 'AdminEvents\Entity\Event';
$event = $this->getEntityManager()->find($entity, $eventID);
$eventType = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata(get_class($event))->discriminatorValue;
// locate the record we're really looking for in the unique extended entity
$entity = 'AdminEvents\Entity\\' . $eventType;
$event = $this->getEntityManager()->find($entity, $eventID);
Is there a cleaner way to do this?
You should probably define an \AdminEvents\Entity\AbsractEvent class, if you haven't already. Then each of your STI entities should extend this, and you can do instanceof (or other logic) to find out what concrete type you got:
// locate the record using the AbstractEntity
$entity = 'AdminEvents\Entity\AbstractEntity';
$event = $this->getEntityManager()->find($entity, $eventID);
A word of caution: the SPL function, get_class will often return the Doctrine Proxy class, so don't rely on that directly to test the return type. You can use the Doctrine class 'ClassUtils'
...specifically, the fn_listextendedproperty system function in MSSQL 2005.
I have added an Extended Property to my database object, named 'schemaVersion'. In my MSVC application, using ADO, I need to determine if that Extended Property exists and, if it does, return the string value out of it.
Here is the T-SQL code that does what I want. How do I write this in C++/ADO, or otherwise get the job done?
select value as schemaVer
from fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default)
where name=N'schemaVersion'
Here's the code I tried at first. It failed with the error listed below the code:
_CommandPtr cmd;
cmd->ActiveConnection = cnn;
cmd->PutCommandText("select value "
"from fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default) "
"where name=N'schemaVersion'");
VARIANT varCount;
cmd->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdText);
...here are the errors I peeled out of the ADO errors collection. The output is from my little utility function which adds the extra text like the thread ID etc, so ignore that.
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : === 1 Provider Error Messages : =======================
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : [ 1] (-2147217900) 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'default'.'
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : (SQLState = '42000')
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : (Source = 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server')
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : (NativeError = 156)
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : ==========================================================
EDIT: Updated the call according to suggestions. Also changed "SELECT value AS schemaVer" to just "SELECT value".
EDIT: Changed the first parameter of Execute() to NULL per suggestion. This fixed my original problem, and I proceeded to the next. :)
Try specifying NULL rather than default for each parameter of fn_listextendedproperty. This should hopefully then execute without errors, just leaving you to retrieve the result as your next step.
I still have not figured out how to do this directly. To get on with my life, I wrote a stored procedure which called the function:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[mh_getSchemaVersion]
#schemaVer VARCHAR(256) OUTPUT
select #schemaVer = CAST( (select value from fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default) where name=N'schemaVersion') AS varchar(256) )
return ##ROWCOUNT
...and then called thst sproc from my ADO/C++ code:
_CommandPtr cmd;
cmd->ActiveConnection = cnn;
_variant_t schemaVar;
_ParameterPtr schemaVarParam = cmd->CreateParameter("#schemaVer", adVarChar, adParamOutput, 256);
cmd->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdStoredProc);
std::string v = (const char*)(_bstr_t)schemaVarParam->GetValue();
ver->hasVersion_ = true;
...which works, but I didn't want to have to deploy a new stored procedure.
So if anyone can come up with a solution to the original problem and show me how to call the system function directly from ADO/C++, I will accept that as the answer. Otherwise I'll just accept this.