Simple Clojurescript form - clojure

I'm working with Reagent and CLJS, familiar with React and Clojure, less so CLJS. I'd like to make a simple form, but it's not obvious to me in CLJS.
(defn form []
[:input {:type "text" :name "first-name" :id "first-name"}]
[:button {:on-click (fn [e] (test-func "hello"))}
"Click me!"]
I want to grab the value of that input, and pass it to a function when the button is clicked. How do I get that input's value into my on-click function?

The idiomatic and technically correct way is to avoid keeping any state in DOM and accessing it directly. You shouldn't rely on the input's value. Keep the state as Reagent's atom. Then you can do anything with it.
(def first-name (r/atom ""))
(defn form []
[:input {:type "text"
:value #first-name
:on-change #(reset! first-name (.-value (.-target %)))
[:button {:on-click #(test-func #first-name)} "Click me!"]])

You can grab the element's value like this: (.-value (.getElementById js/document "first-name"))
(defn form []
[:input {:type "text" :name "first-name" :id "first-name"}]
[:button {:on-click (fn [e] (test-func (.-value (.getElementById js/document "first-name"))))}
"Click me!"]
If there is a better answer out there, please share. :)


How do I access individual fields of a form in Clojure?

I'm building my very first web app, and I am having a hard time accessing individual fields of a form when the user submits the form. Here's what I have:
(defroutes app
(GET "/" [] homepage)
(POST "/city" request display-city)
(route/resources "/")
(route/not-found "Not Found"))
(defn display-city [request]
[:div {:class "the-city"}
[:li "Your city is " (str request) "! That's all"]]]))
;; and here's the hiccup form:
[:form {:action "/city" :method "post"}
[:p "Enter your home address"]
[:label {:for "street-field"} "Street:"]
[:input {:id "street-field"
:type "text"
:name "street"}]]
[:label {:for "city-field"} "City:"]
[:input {:id "city-field"
:type "text"
:name "city"}]
[:label {:for "state-field"} "State:"]
[:input {:id "state-field"
:type "text"
:name "state"}]
[:label {:for "zip-field"} "ZIP:"]
[:input {:id "zip-field"
:type "text"
:name "zip"
:size "10"}]]
[:button {:type "submit"} "Submit"]]]])
;; When I run the code above, I can see the entire form that's submitted via (str request), in what looks to be a Clojure map. But I can't figure out how to extract individual "key/vals" (from that address form, I'd like to extract the city), or how to store those results in a way that I can use it. Any ideas?
This is a super basic /city page that I am trying to get running to understand how things work before building bigger things. Thanks!
In your request map, there should be a key :form-params with a map of key/value pairs that were POSTed. Here's how you could get an individual value out:
(get-in request [:form-params :city])
Or you could destructure :form-params map to bind many values at once:
(let [{:keys [city state zip]} (:form-params request)]
(format "%s, %s %s" city state zip))

How to pass new props to state of acomponent in Reagent?

I have a component:
(defn inner-input [cljs_element activeEl title]
(let [form (atom title)]
(fn [cljs_element activeEl title]
[:input {:type "text"
:onChange #(reset! form (.. % -target -value))
:on-blur #(change-title cljs_element (.. % -target -value))
:style {:display (if (:active (:node cljs_element)) "block" "none")
:width (* (+ 1 (count #form)) 8)
:max-width 730
:min-width 170}
:value #form}])))
It is nested in other component:
(defn card-input [cljs_element activeEl]
(fn [cljs_element activeEl]
(let [title (:title (:node cljs_element))]
[inner-input cljs_element activeEl title]])))
When i type data to the input in the inner-input component, i need update the local state form. And when the outer component card-input updates i want to reset my form to new title prop from argument. How can i achieve that?
I tried put (reset! form title) between let and fn in the inner-input component but it will not help
You can use reagent/track! to listen to changes to title, and reagent/dispose to stop listening. You can alternatively use add-watch and remove-watch, but track is a more convenient syntax.
(defn inner-input [title]
[form (reagent/atom #title)
watch (reagent/track! (fn [] (reset! form #title)))]
"Inner input"
[:input {:on-change (fn [e]
(reset! form (.. e -target -value)))
:on-blur (fn [e]
(reset! title (.. e -target -value)))
:value #form}]]
(reagent/dispose! watch))))
(defn card-input []
[title (reagent/atom "hello")]
[:label "Title"
[:input {:on-change (fn [e]
(reset! title (.. e -target -value)))
:value #title}]]
[inner-input title]]))
Now if you type in the inner input it will only update the outer when you exit the input box, but changing the outer title will immediately change the inner one. Is that what you wanted?
But if you don't want to pass title as a ratom and have to pass it as a value, then instead you can compare it to the previous value to determine if it changed, and reset form only when it changes.
(when (not= #previous-title title)
(do (reset! previous-title title)
(reset! form title)))
This code can go in render seeing as it is safe to call when form changes... nothing will happen.

Correctly manipulating state in reagent

I just learn Reagent in Clojurescript, I am just following some tutorial but maybe I miss something I have this code for the state
(defonce app-state (atom {:text "Hello Chestnut!" :click-count 0}))
and the rendered view
(defn article []
[:div "The atom" [:code "click-count"] " has value : " (:click-count #app-state)]
[:input {:type "button" :value "Add"
:on-click #(swap! (:click-count #app-state) inc)}]
I'm trying to increment the state when they button is pressed, but I got this error on the console
Error: No protocol method ISwap.-swap! defined for type number: 0
the atom should be swapped not the :click-count
(swap! app-state update :click-count inc)

Clojure - ajax.core POST

I am having some trouble with POST from ajax.
I want to add a user to my database, so I am using POST and the data I want to send is in the form {:id id :pass pass} This is my POST
(defn add-user! [user]
(POST "/add-user!"
{:params user}))
All I want to do is enter information in the form specified above into this POST so I can send it to the database. I know that the argument,to the POST, is in the right form and the queries to the database and my routes are correct but I've made a mistake with the POST and I cannot figure out my mistake.
I am calling add-user! by
(defonce fields (atom {}))
(defn add-user! [user]
(POST "/add-user!"
{:params user}))
(defn content
[:p "Enter Name:"
{:type :text
:name :name
:on-change #(swap! fields assoc :id (-> % .-target .-value))
:value (:id #fields)}]]
[:p "Enter Pass:"
{:type :text
:name :pass
:on-change #(swap! fields assoc :pass (-> % .-target .-value))
:value (:pass #fields)}]]
{:type :submit
:on-click #(do
(add-user! #fields))
:value "Enter"}]]
[:p "Id is " (:id #fields)]
[:p "Pass is " (:pass #fields)]]])
My query to the database in a clj file is
(defn add-user! [user]
(sql/insert! db :users user))
where sql is [ :as sql]
There is not really enough information here to help you debug this fully, but I suspect that you need to modify your POST to:
(defn add-user! [user]
(POST "/add-user!"
{:format :json
:params user}))
If you don't provide :format, cljs-ajax defaults to sending Transit data, which would definitely confuse a server expecting JSON.
:format - specifies the format for the body of the request (Transit, JSON, etc.). Also sets the appropriate Content-Type header. Defaults to :transit if not provided. - JulianBirch/cljs-ajax#getpostput
Happened to me with this code:
(POST "/admin/tests/load"
{:params {:test-id "83"}
:headers {"x-csrf-token" csrf-field}
:handler (fn [r] (do (.log js/console r) (swap! test-state r)))
:format :json
:response-format :json
:error-handler (fn [r] (prn r))})))
"params" always showed up empty "{}". Then I tried:
(POST "/admin/tests/load"
{:params {:test-id "83"}
:headers {"x-csrf-token" csrf-field}} )
and all started working well, even after adding the other options. I know, weird.

Reagent-Forms radio buttons displaying as text fields

I am trying to display a group of radio buttons in a reagent/cljs app. I have followed the same process from but the radio buttons I am displaying are showing up as textfield input boxes.
(def ^:private options (atom nil))
(defn set-options []
(reset! options
[{:name "label name"}
{:name "label name"}
{:name "label name"}]))
(defn set-radio-buttons []
(for [option #options]
[:input {:field :radio}]
(option :name)]]))
(defn response-box []
I am then placing response-box in the ui layer of the app.
Field is not a correct input element attribute.
[:input {:field :radio}]
(option :name)]]))
Should probably be
[:input {:type :radio}]
(option :name)]]))