Group multiple namespace definitions under one namespace - clojure

Suppose I have the namespaces,,
In there is (defn engine [] ...), there is (defn transmission [] ...), there is (defn brakes [] ...).
I'd like to make these available in such that other namespaces only need to require to use engine, transmission, and brakes.
The following works, but I'm wondering if there are cleaner ways to do this or if it's even good practice.
[ :as engine]
[ :as transmission]
[ :as brakes]))
(def engine engine/engine)
(def transmission transmission/transmission)
(def brakes brakes/brakes)

I don't offhand know of a better way, but this way does come with downsides, so take these into consideration when deciding if you want to use this:
It doesn't transfer Meta information to the "wrapper", so any docstrings/other information attached to the main function won't show up in IDEs when you use the wrapper.
Along the same vein, because the wrapper doesn't have an argument list, if you ctrl+q the wrapper functions, it also won't show the available argument lists of the main function.
Having said that, Seesaw, a major Clojure library that wraps Swing does use this "technique". If I ever forget the docs/arguments of a function that has a "convenience wrapper", I just have to hit ctrl+b twice (in IntelliJ), and it will take me to the original source where I can look it over. It's ironically inconvenient, but I guess that's the price for convenience elsewhere.
To get around these faults, you could write a function (or a macro that wraps def) that transfers Meta information. Considering argument list information is stored as Meta information, that might be enough to overcome the faults.
This answer doesn't really answer your question, so I hope someone else is able to give some insight here. I thought that this was relevant information though.

You can use:

It doesn't seem that this feature is provided by Clojure API. You can consider look for defalias.
On the other hand, if you have brakes, transmission and engine as public interfaces and you can use them separately why would you merge them? As opposite, you can provide all definitions in components or even car which will use in turn brakes, transmission and engine. In such way, it is not necessary to expose all components.

I think the way you're doing it is the best way, because it makes explicit the sources of the defs in each namespace. If you have large namespaces with a lot of functions, you could write a basic helper function to do this for you:
(ns foo.utils)
(defn export-refs
[target-ns source-namespaces]
(doseq [ns source-namespaces
[sym f] (ns-interns ns)
:let [existing (get (ns-interns target-ns) sym)]]
(when (and existing (not= (var-get existing) f))
(throw (Exception.
(format (str "Cannot refer to symbol %s in %s from %s, because that symbol "
"already exists in the target namespace")
sym (ns-name ns) (ns-name target-ns)))))
(intern target-ns sym f)))
(defn engine [] (println "engine"))
(defn transmission [] (println "transmission"))
(defn brakes [] (println "brakes"))
(:require [foo.utils :refer [export-refs]]))
(export-refs ' '[])
(ns user
(:require [ :refer [engine transmission brakes]]))
(engine) ;; Prints "engine"
(transmission) ;; Prints "transmission"
(brakes) ;; Prints "brakes"
Whether it's "good practice" or not is up to you. Obviously it has the advantage of splitting code into smaller files with specific functionality, while allowing the import of only a single namespace. The disadvantage is that there's a bit of indirection in where the functions come from, which will make finding the function sources more difficult, and there's more risk of name collisions.


Wrapper-macro tactic over extend-type in Clojure failed

I've reduced my bigger problem to an artificial MVE (minimal viable example)
using file-io for illustration. My question concerns a certain wrapper macro
that I explain below; it does not concern better ways to use the file-io APIs;
I'm just using file-io to illustrate the macro problem in a small and easy
context. The wrapper macro tactic in my real problem is harder to show and
explain, but this MVE captures the gist of the problem.
Consider the following protocol:
(defprotocol Dumper
(dump [this]))
and an implementation over
(dump [file]
(with-open [rdr (io/reader file)]
(doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
(println line)))))
where we have done a (:use [ :as io]) to get the reader
function. I can use this as follows:
(defn -main
[& args]
(dump (io/file "resources/a_file.txt")))
Hello from a text file.
Now, I want to create another implementation of the protocol, this time over
java.lang.String. This implementation wraps the string, treating it as a
file-path string; creates a; then calls into the other
implementation of the protocol:
(extend-type java.lang.String
(dump [path-str] (-> path-str, io/file, dump)))
and call it like this:
(defn -main
[& args]
(dump (io/file "resources/a_file.txt"))
(dump "resources/a_file.txt"))
Hello from a text file.
Hello from a text file.
In my real problem, I have many functions in the protocol, and one
implementation just wraps the other in the manner shown. Notice that, in the
wrapper implementation, the method name, dump, is replicated. Let's eliminate
that replication with a macro (it's worth doing when the real protocol has many
(defmacro wrap-path-string [method]
`(~method [path-str] (-> path-str, io/file, ~method)))
(extend-type java.lang.String
(wrap-path-string dump))
Oops, the compiler doesn't like it:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:
nth not supported on this type: Symbol, compiling:(wrapper_mve/core.clj:18:1)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
at clojure.lang.Compiler$MapExpr.parse(
I tried macroexpand-all'ing and macroexpand-1'ing the macro calls (in CIDER,
difficult to replicate here), and it looks ok. I'm at a loss how to debug
deeper, but perhaps someone here can spot the problem.
Again, I know this MVE has better solutions with the file-io APIs, but I really
want to debug the macro, not find ways to avoid using it, because I need the
wrapper-macro tactic in my real problem.
I believe the problem is that extend-type is itself a macro, and macroexpansion begins with the outermost form (as opposed to function evaluation, which evaluates each argument before invoking the function). In this case the macroexpansion of extend-type is trying to treat the form (wrap-path-string dump) as a function body, and is expecting the second item to be an arg vector but finds the symbol dump.
If you want to go this route, I think you'll need to write a macro that will produce the desired expand-type form with all the function bodies already expanded in place.

Access requirements from outside of the namespace

Imagine there is the following require-statement inside a namespace:
(ns my.core
(:require '[mylib.sth :as thing]))
(def somevar 123)
Is there a way to access mylib.sth via thing also from outside this namespace? I mean to somehow get the same behavior as for the definition somevar:
(ns somethingelse)
;; =123
(my.core/thing/myf "param") ;; something like this
;; ...
resolve and ns-resolve were made for this situation.
They will return nil if the symbol is not found, otherwise they return the var, which you can deref in order to get the current bound value.
user=> (ns my.test)
my.test=> (def hidden 5)
my.core=> (ns my.core (:require [my.test :as t]))
my.core=> (in-ns 'user)
#object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x25930632 "user"]
user=> #(resolve 'my.test/hidden)
user=> #(ns-resolve 'my.core 't/hidden)
This works, but it's also a last resort. It should be reserved for situations where you are writing code that uses namespaces and bindings that you expect to find at run time that cannot be accessible at compile time. For example I use resolve to avoid transitive AOT of my project while compiling a stub that is callable from Java; the stub -main invokes require and then resolve at runtime, using the resolved values to access the real code.
If all you are looking for is a convenience or syntactic shortcut, the better option is to explicitly require a namespace if you want to use its values.

clojure/script expanding a macro into multiple 'def's inside a 'do' block

Not sure if valid question, but i'm learning macros and i'm trying to write a macro (for clojurescript but should be same thing) so i can do nicer js/require in node.
The syntax will look like this:
(import ["some-module" :as module1]
["some-other-module" :as module2])
and it would expand to this:
(def module1 (js/require "some-module")
(def module2 (js/require "some-module"))
My question is:
Is it ok to do 'def' inside a do block?
cljs does not seem to complain, but is it ok from a macro design stand point?
Yes, using the (do (def ...) (def ...)) pattern is generally the only way to def multiple things in a macroexpansion.

Clojure : loading dependencies at the REPL

I recently learned (thanks to technomancy) that, at the REPL ---
This fails:
user=> (:require [clojure.set :as set])
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clojure.set (NO_SOURCE_FILE:24)
Whereas this succeeds :
user=> (require '[clojure.set :as cs])
at loading the clojure.set class.
Context: The former line was copied from a namespaced source file.
My primary question is : What is the change we have made, by swapping the : and ' characters, which now allows for success of the latter command ?
My 2nd question is , in general - what are the guidelines for doing things at the REPL --- as compared with doing things in normal clojure source files ? Assume here that we can load our repl from the root of a LEININGEN project, so at least the jars will be available on disk in the dependencies sub directory.
I'll go from high-level down to your particular problem:
How Clojure (or LISPs) Generally Work
REPLs, or Read-Eval-Print Loops are the core of how LISPs are designed:
The reader converts a stream of characters into data structures (called Reader Forms).
The evaluator takes collection of reader forms and evaluates them.
The printer emits the results of the evaluator.
So when you enter text into a REPL, it goes through each of these steps to process your input and return the output to your terminal.
Reader Forms
First some, clojure reader forms. This will be extremely brief, I encourage you to read or watch (part 1, part 2) about it.
A symbol in clojure is form that can represent a particular value (like a variable). Symbols themselves can be pass around as data. They are similar to pointers in c, just without the memory management stuff.
A symbol with a colon in front of it is a keyword. Keywords are like symbols with the exception that a keyword's value are always themselves - similar to strings or numbers. They're identical to Ruby's symbols (which are also prefixed with colons).
A quote in front of a form tells the evaluator to leave the data structure as-is:
user=> (list 1 2)
(1 2)
user=> '(1 2)
(1 2)
user=> (= (list 1 2) '(1 2))
Although quoting can apply to more than just lists, it's primarily used for lists because clojure's evaluator will normally execute lists as a function-like invocation. Using the ' is shorthand to the quote macro:
user=> (quote (1 2)) ; same as '(1 2)
(1 2)
Quoting basically specifies data structure to return and not actual code to execute. So you can quote symbols which refers to the symbol.
user=> 'foo ; not defined earlier
And quoting is recursive. So all the data inside are quoted too:
user=> '(foo bar)
(foo bar)
To get the behavior of (foo bar) without quoting, you can eval it:
user=> (eval '(foo bar)) ; Remember, foo and bar weren't defined yet.
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: foo in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1)
user=> (def foo identity)
user=> (def bar 1)
user=> (eval '(foo bar))
There's a lot more to quoting, but that's out of this scope.
As for require statements, I'm assuming you found the former in the form of:
(ns my.namespace
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))
ns is a macro that will transform the :require expression into the latter form you described:
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
Along with some namespacing work. The basics are described when asking for the docs of ns in the REPL.
user=> (doc ns)
([name docstring? attr-map? references*])
Sets *ns* to the namespace named by name (unevaluated), creating it
if needed. references can be zero or more of: (:refer-clojure ...)
(:require ...) (:use ...) (:import ...) (:load ...) (:gen-class)
with the syntax of refer-clojure/require/use/import/load/gen-class
respectively, except the arguments are unevaluated and need not be
quoted. (:gen-class ...), when supplied, defaults to :name
corresponding to the ns name, :main true, :impl-ns same as ns, and
:init-impl-ns true. All options of gen-class are
supported. The :gen-class directive is ignored when not
compiling. If :gen-class is not supplied, when compiled only an
nsname__init.class will be generated. If :refer-clojure is not used, a
default (refer 'clojure) is used. Use of ns is preferred to
individual calls to in-ns/require/use/import:
REPL usage
In general, don't use ns in the REPL, and just use the require and use functions. But in files, use the ns macro to do those stuff.
The difference is that require is a function used for importing code, whereas :require is a keyword.
Remember what happens when you use a keyword as a function:
=> (type :require)
=> (:require {:abc 1 :require 14})
it looks itself up in the map. So when you pass [clojure.set :as set] to a keyword, it's trying to evaluate that to a vector, and fails because it doesn't know what clojure.set is. The Clojure docs say:
Keywords implement IFn for invoke() of one argument (a map) with an
optional second argument (a default value). For example (:mykey
my-hash-map :none) means the same as (get my-hash-map :mykey :none).
You may have been confused by the ns macro:
(:refer-clojure :exclude [ancestors printf])
(:require (clojure.contrib sql sql.tests)) ;; here's :require!
(:use (my.lib this that))
(:import (java.util Date Timer Random)
(java.sql Connection Statement)))
ns macro:
When you type:
(ns some-great-ns
:require my-form)
you use the :require reference in which you state what would you like to use from the given namespace. It is equivalent to writing:
(in-ns 'some-great-ns)
(require 'my-form)
Notice that in the ns form (unlike the in-ns function call), you don’t have to quote your symbol with '. You never have to quote symbols within ns.
require function
As stated, can run: (require 'some-great-ns) in some given namespace so you could use it. To use it, you'll have to use full qualified name, unless you also use: refer function: (refer 'some-great-ns) right after you required the namespace.
You can do those both functions in one: (use 'some-great-ns). Now you don't need to write: (some-great-ns/my-form). Simply: my-form.
And of course you can also use the :as, :exclude, :only and :rename keywords in both the macro reference and in the function.
Differences between the macro and the function:
As stated above, usage of symbols in function, no need in the macro
You can require multiple libraries in a (:require) reference as follows:
(ns my-great-namespace.core
(:require [some-other-ns.a.b :as ab]
[some-other-other-ns.c.d :as cd]))
Where in function writing you should write 2 lines:
(in-ns my-great-namespace.core)
(require 'some-other-ns.a.b :as 'ab)
(require 'some-other-other=ns.c.d :as 'cd)
The require reference also allows you to refer names, for example:
(ns my-great-namespace.core
(:require [some-other-ns.a.b :refer [some-func]]))
Where in function you should do:
(in-ns my-great-namespace.core)
(require 'some-other-ns.a.b)
(refer 'some-other-ns.a.b :only ['some-func])

How is 'provided' implemented in a fact in Midje?

I was reading Clojure in Action chapter 8 about TDD and experimented with the stubbing macro. It uses the dynamic binding mechanism to stub functions. Alas, in Clojure 1.3 it is not possible to use the binding mechanism for non-dynamic vars, so the stubbing macro doesn't work in most cases, unless you explicitly declare the var which points to a function dynamic. Then I wondered how stubbing is done in Midje and tried to find the source for 'provided', but I couldn't find it. So here it goes:
How is 'provided' implemented in a fact in Midje? Can someone explain this in detail?
Clojure 1.3 provides a with-redefs macro that works even with vars that haven't been declared dynamic:
user=> (def this-is-not-dynamic)
user=> (with-redefs [this-is-not-dynamic 900] this-is-not-dynamic)
For backward compatibility, Midje uses its own version, whose guts look like this:
(defn alter-one-root [[variable new-value]]
(if (bound? variable)
(let [old-value (deref variable)]
(alter-var-root variable (fn [current-value] new-value))
[variable old-value])
(.bindRoot variable new-value)
[variable unbound-marker])))