Digital Ocean droplet's console how to start services? - digital-ocean

Digital Ocean rebooted all droplets 3 days ago but when they came back, my website was down.
Problem seems to arise because all related services (httpd, mysqld, iptables etc) are inactive and have to activate them again.
First of all did anybody else had the same issue and
secondly how can i run systemctl start/stop/restart <service> through droplet's console (sshd not running so droplet's console it's the only way to get into my system)?
Seems that whenever i perform this action console kicks me off, as it is in emergency mode.
I don't know if it's useful info but system is fedora 21.

sudo systemctl enable service.service
to have a service start automatically when your droplet boots.


Google Cloud virtual instance: Chrome remote desktop indicates remote computer is offline, however Google Cloud Platform shows instance is running

I am running a virtual machine in Google Cloud. I have installed the default Debian OS, and configured the desktop environment for remote connection, as explained here:
I have been able to connect to the instance via Chrome Remote Desktop, however periodically I have the problem that the Remote Desktop says the vm instance is online, however if I try to connect to it I get:
Looking at the Google Cloud console, the instance is clearly running. Normally if I restart the instance the problem is solved, however I have processes running on the instance that I do not want to stop.
Following the advice from Serhii Rohoza I ran
sudo systemctl status chrome-remote-desktop
The status looked normal, listing:
Active: active (exited) since...
I then ran
sudo systemctl restart chrome-remote-desktop
and this solved the problem, I could log into remote desktop again, but it seemed the VM instance had restarted, which is a big problem since I am running processes on it that should not shut down. I guess this is a problem to send to Google Cloud Services support.
I'm still running into this problem. I normally have a Jupyter Notebook running on the VM - this Notebook must keep running. When I saw the message saying that the remote computer is offline, I logged in via ssh and checked if the Jupyter Notebook is running:
jupyter notebook list
This returned:
http://localhost:8888/?token=9110bf40789971b5e252a272e9497039b4f3b45e506348df :: /home/qgenixtech
So the Notebook was running. I then ran:
sudo systemctl restart chrome-remote-desktop
and after that again:
jupyter notebook list
and then it shows no Notebooks running. So the restart command closed down the Notebook (and also all other open windows on the desktop).
I spoke to a support technician at Google. The problem is on the Remote Desktop side, not the virtual machine. According to the technician this is a known problem, by he didn't have a solution for it. He referred me to these two links from Google Support:
The next option for me is to look at something like X2go
To solve your issue you should follow documentation Troubleshooting and check status of the Chrome Remote Desktop service with command:
sudo systemctl status chrome-remote-desktop
and check log messages at /tmp/chrome_remote_desktop_DATE_TIME_*.
To investigate why your VM instance was restarted you should look for some clues at the logs:
Go to Compute Engine -> VM instances -> click on NAME_OF_YOUR_VM -> find section Logs -> click on Stackdriver Logging. More information you can find in the documentation Viewing logs (Classic)
Go to Compute Engine -> VM instances -> click on NAME_OF_YOUR_VM -> find section Logs -> click on Serial port 1 (console). More information in the documentation Viewing Serial Port Output
You can contact with Google Cloud Support as well.
In addition, have a look at the documentation Setting instance availability policies.
same issue. when checking logs i see:
2021-01-05 14:29:38,319:INFO:Starting Xvfb on display :20
xdpyinfo: unable to open display ":20".
2021-01-05 14:29:40,837:INFO:X server is active.
restarting service or even VM doesn't work.
i need to delete connection on "client" and re-auth with /headless link

Restart Jupyter Lab server running in the background

I'm trying to restart a Jupyter Lab server (not just the kernels) running in the background of an AWS SageMaker notebook instance. I have already tried the following:
Killing the server by it's process ID
pgrep doesn't show me the process
pkill can't find the process
ps aux shows the process ID as constantly changing
Stopping the server through jupyter notebook stop
I get an SSL error and nothing happens
The only thing I've been able to do is reboot the entire instance, which isn't a great option as it can take awhile to become available again.
Edit 1:
The main reason I am trying to do this is that after installing the tqdm package and trying to use tqdm.notebook in Jupyter Lab, in order for it to display correctly I need to enable/install notebook and lab extensions. In order for these to take effect the server then needs to be restarted.
Try this:
Left hand navbar, Commands
Navigate to the Help section on the popout menu
Reset Application State
Both classic Jupyter and Jupyter lab live within the same process.
sudo initctl restart jupyter-server --no-wait is what AWS suggest in
Assuming it runs on port 8888:
jupyter lab stop 8888 && jupyter lab

How to keep a server processing running on a Google Cloud VM?

This question seems very basic, but I wasn't able to quickly find an answer at I'm running a MicroMDM server on a Google Cloud VM by connecting to is using SSH (from the VM instances page in the Google Cloud Console) and then running the command
> sudo micromdm serve
However, I notice that when I shut down my laptop, the server also stops, which is actually why I wanted to run the server in a VM in the first place.
What would be the recommended way to keep the server running? Should I use systemd or perhaps run the process as a Docker container?
When you run the service from the command line, you "attach" it to your shell process, when you terminate your ssh session, your job gets terminated also.
To make a process run in background, simply append the & at the end of the command, in your case:
sudo micromdm serve &
This way your server is alive even after you quit your session.
I also suggest you to add that line in the instance startup script, if you want that server to always be up, so that you don't have to run the command by hand each time :)
More on Compute Engine startup scripts here.
As the Using MicroMDM with systemd documentation, it suggested to use systemd command to run MicroMDM service on linux.First, on our linux host, we create the micromdm.service file, then we move it to the location ‘/etc/systemd/system/micromdm.service’ . We can start the service. In this way, it will keep the service running, or restart service after the service fails or server restart.

VMWare Workstation won't suspend from command line

I'm trying to automate VMWare Desktop on Windows 7 to suspend all vm's before I do a backup job each night. I used to have a script that did this but I've noticed now that it won't suspend anymore with the same command that used to work.
If I do vmrun list I get a list of the running vms with no issue.
If I do vmrun suspend "V:\Virtual Machines\RICHARD-DEV\RICHARD-DEV.vmx" it just hangs and I have to kill the command with CTRL+C.
I've even tried a newer command using -T to specify it's workstation, ie vmrun -T ws suspend "V:\Virtual Machines\RICHARD-DEV\RICHARD-DEV.vmx" and still no love.
If I have the vm already stopped, I can issue vmrun start "V:\Virtual Machines\RICHARD-DEV\RICHARD-DEV.vmx" and it starts fine.
As well as the suspend command, the stop command also does not work. I'm running VMWare Workstation 11.1.3 build-3206955 on Windows 7.
Any ideas?
I installed latest VMWare Tools on the guest, as well as the latest Vix on the Host so everything should be up to date.
I can start a vm using vmrun with no problem using vmrun -T ws start <path to vmx> but the command doesn't come back to the command prompt, so I'm assuming it's not getting confirmation from the vm that it is now running.
If I cancel the 'start' command and now try and suspend I'm getting the same lack of communication from the guest. If I manually suspend the vm, once it's suspended I get an 'Error: vm is not running' and the 'suspend' command finally times out and comes back.
So, it looks to me like there is no communication from vmrun to the guest about what state it's in etc. Is there a way to debug the communication from the host to the guest using vmrun or other means? Are there ports I need open in the guest OS?
So, I never did get vmrun to work properly on my main system, although I did get it behave ok on my laptop so there is something weird happening on this machine. I also installed a trial of the latest VMWare 12 and the same thing happens.
As a workaround, I ended up changing the power management settings in my guest OS so that it would 'sleep' after 1 hr of inactivity. When this happens VMWare detects it and automatically suspends the guest which is really what I'm looking for. Not the most slick solution but it does manage to unlock the files I need to be backed up in a nightly backup.

Koken doesn't load on DigitalOcean

Yesterday I decided to take a snapshot from my DigitalOcean droplet running Koken (using Docker), so I turned the droplet off (using the bash command "poweroff") and took the snapshot (through the admin panel). The droplet has apparently turned on automatically after the completion of the snapshot, but it's not running Koken I guess, because I can access the droplet using SSH, but I can't load my website in any browser. Also the memory usage of the droplet is low (11%), while when it was working properly it was 38%. Firefox displays the error page "unable to connect". How can I start Koken again?
By the way, I think my database/files are still in place. How can I take a copy of my data (especially my essays and my pages), and restore them after re-installing Koken?
I just got an answer from DigitalOcean support team. You can start Koken using this command (Docker script):
docker run -p 80:8080 -v /data/koken/www:/usr/share/nginx/www -v /data/koken/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -d koken/koken-lemp /sbin/my_init