How to get a url for the WSO2 API Manger created SOAP wsdl - wso2

Hi I have imported an existing soap wsdl using wso2 api 2.1.0 manager.
I have the option to download the wsdl, to my local machine.
But what i want is to be able to access the newly created wsdl using an url.
How is this possible ?

Got the url from the
{you host name}/registry/resource/_system/governance/apimgt/applicationdata/wsdls/{your api name}.wsdl
you can also change the file type to text/xml in the metadata of the wsdl , so that it's directly viewable from the browser.


I need to add/update only claim under serviceprovider in wso2 (version 5.7) using soap request

I need to add/update claims under service provider that is already created in wso2. Currently, I am using version 5.7 of wso2. So, I need a soap request to add this using soap web service.
You can use IdentityApplicationManagementService SOAP Admin service to update Service Provider. Sample SOAP request information can be found here.
You can find the soap requests here

WSO2 revoke api

I was curious how can see the revoke api end point exists.The url configured is
But I could see the api listed under the started application or under api.
I even tried retrieving the wadl from the url but it did not return anything.
Do we need to explicitly publish it or it gets done automatically when we start the wso2server ? Or Do we need to install something other than the wso2 api manager to get this api?
When I browse the endpoint https://localhost:9443/revoke/?_wadl , I get error
405 - method not allowed
The port should be 8243.
And it's not a SOAP service.

Consume wsdl using wso2

I have one wsdl which is working fine on mule esb.
Now i am new to wso2 i need to consume that wsdl via wso2.
I have tried to consume it from Wso2 developer studio but it showed 202 http status
Anyone can help me in this
The request of service is in xml with header APIKEY and username password basic authentication.
Anybody can help me in this problem.
I Chris, I am going to describe all the necessary steps to achieve what you want.
Create an WSDL Endpoint
Create a proxy, can be Custom Proxy.
2.1 So, depending on what you want to do (get/post/...).
For GET instance: You can Send the endpoint in (inSequence) and consume the response in outSequence with Payload factory ( ) passing the necessary arguments.
Just wsdl endpoint whit proper configuration.

wso2 apim SOAP endpoint with username and password

I have wso2 apim 2.1 and I have request to connect to SOAP endpoint which is secured with username and password.
During add procedure of SOAP endpoint I dont have possibility to enter such credentials nor possiblity to use mediation(eg like for rest api) as I get not authorized before enetring next phase. is there a way how to do this without using ESB ?
how to connect to secured SOAP backend using just apim ?
or Do I have to use ESB and follow similar way as LINK
thank you for any advice
We were not able to parse the backend wsdl from some reason and we have done workaround by donwloading wsdl and manualy pushing it to registry, after that we were able to follow next steps.

Unable to access WSO2 EMM store and publisher via reverse proxy

I have setup WSO2 EMM 1.1.0 on a server but I want the requests to the server to flow through another server which has the reverse proxy entries being managed on nginx.
I am able to access the carbon management console, but not able to access the store or publisher.
The store or publisher sites redirect to /samlsso and /sso/login which are local redirects. I am not able to find the location of these redirects and how they can be modified.
Please help!
WSO2 EMM 1.1.0 was released with WSO2 Carbon 4.2.0 kernel. Hence you won't be able to use this method. Please use the configuration files given below and modify the "identityProviderURL" property to configure the location of SSO application.
you can configure reverse proxy on any wso2 product by following documentation Adding a Custom Proxy Path