Visual Studio 2017 Debugging - Disable Browser Cache - visual-studio-2017

I use Visual Studio 2017 for web development pretty heavily, and when you let it open a browser (Chrome is my preference, though this would apply to Edge) it often loads cached versions of scripts and CSS. I know I can go to the Network tab and choose Disable Cache, but is there a way to get VS to just always load the browser with that option selected?

You can point cache dir to null using startup arguments for chrome.
This will disable any caching.
First manage browsers
Then add new Chrome browser with attribute: --disk-cache-dir=null

• Go to Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General : CHECK "Enable Just My Code".
• Go to Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Symbols
• Click on the "..." button and create/select a new folder somewhere on your local computer to store cached symbols. Then Click on "Load all symbols" and wait for the symbols to be downloaded from Microsoft's servers, which may take a while. Note that Load all symbols button is only available while debugging.
• UNCHECK the checkmark next to "Microsoft Symbol Servers" to prevent Visual Studio from remotely querying the Microsoft servers. -> Click "OK".


Keybinding conflict between VS 2017 Preview and Stable

I have VS 2017 stable and preview installed side by side. Resharper is configured only for the preview and not for the stable. However this causes issues with keybindings applied in preview for resharper shortcuts not mapping correctly on stable.
e.g. I have mapped ctrl+T for Resharper goto in VS preview. I expected that stable will have ctrl+T pointing to VS default Goto All since resharper is not configured but apparently not the case.
Is there a way to keep the key bindings independent between preview and stable ?
Resolved by unchecking the synchronize settings across devices in VS settings. Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Accounts -> Synchronize settings across devices when signed into Visual Studio

How do I reenable the "Navigate" option in Visual Studio 2017 after installing ReSharper?

I have installed JetBrains' dotCover application (not the full ReSharper, but it still manages to get its big, meaty claws on my keybindings and such), and the Navigate > option in the context menu is now unavailable.
I have configured ReSharper's settings as follows, and have tried other combinations as well:
I have also tried resetting my keyboard shortcuts by going to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard and clicking Reset, and Navigate is still unavailable.
All I want is the test runner functionality of dotCover, with no other changes to my stock IDE settings. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this, or at the very list, how I can get Navigate back?
This Navigate menu item comes from ReSharper, not from Visual Studio. All Visual Studio navigation-related menu items appear above Navigate item on your screenshot. You might disable dotCover in Tools | Options | ReSharper Ultimate | Suspend now and check that Navigate menu item will disappear from the context menu. I've filed a new request to fix this.

How to enable IntelliSense for C++ in Visual Studio 2015

I've just installed VS2015 for C++ development, however traditional hot keys like ctrl+space or . or -> don't show the IntelliSense window.
Somewhere on the web I found that I needed to open the IntelliSense Manager from the Tools menu. But that's not in my Tools window.
In addition, I reviewed related items in my IDE settings and found a Text Editor -> C++ -> Advanced - IntelliSense section with a number of settings, including Disable IntelliSense, which is True in my setup. The problem is that all settings in this section are readonly (not editable).
How do I fix the problem?
VS2015.2, fresh install. No previous installation on this host.

How to hide these two controls in Visual Studio 2008?

To save screen space, I wanna close some useless controls in my Visual Studio 2008. How to close these two?
The picture
This is the Navigation Bar.
You can change settings by entering the Options dialog via the menu (Tools -> Options). Under Text Editor settings, choose the language (C/C++) and uncheck the Navigation Bar option.
You can do this under the All Languages setting instead, but I wouldn't recommend it. I disagree with your opinion that it's a "useless control".
Note that after changing it, you may need to close and open your source files again. I had erratic behaviour on open source files when applying this option.

How could I know which bit-version of C++ program I'm building in VS2008?

As the subject says, I'm building my C++ program in Visual Studio 2008. But how could I know if the program built is targeted to 32-bit or 64-bit? I looked around the project properties but couldn't find an option to specify this.
I looked at this article: In Visual Studio, how to correctly build an application for 64-bit machines? But it looks like discussing about C# - I couldn't find any "Any CPU"-like configurations.
Open Visual Studio 2008
Load your project
Once your project is loaded, the VS2008 toolbar should look something like this:
Drop down the list that says "Win32" and choose "Configuration Manager...". This will open the Configuration Manager dialog:
Under "Active Solution Platform", click the drop down list
Select ""
The "New Solution Platform" opens:
Click on the top drop-down (labeled "Type or select the new platform:")
One of the options, at the bottom of the list, should read "x64". Select it.
In the "Copy settings from:" drop-down, choose ""
Check the "Create new project platforms" checkbox
Press the "OK" button
The New Solution Platform dialog closes, and now the x64 platform will be available for you to use in the Configuration Manager dialog.
In the Configuration Manager dialog, for each project in your solution, choose the appropriate platform:
Keep in mind that once you have the x64 platform added to Configuration Manager, you'll probably have to setup appropriate configurations (Release, etc.)