Could not import 'cookbook.schema.schema' - django

I am going through the official tutorial provided by graphene-python for their library.
I, like a few others I have seen online, am having some serious issues trying to simply import the schema file within the project folder (project_name/ For reference, the project_name is cookbook as it is denoted within the tutorial.
This is within my
'SCHEMA': 'cookbook.schema.schema'
and this is in the schema file tiself (project_name/
import graphene
import cookbook.schema
class Query(cookbook.schema.Query, graphene.ObjectType):
# This class will inherit from multiple Queries
# as we begin to add more apps to our project
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
The error that I am getting is:
Could not import 'cookbook.schema.schema' for Graphene setting 'SCHEMA'. AttributeError: module 'cookbook' has no attribute 'schema'.
I have also tried a few other tutorials as well, but haven't had any luck. My project is on django 2.0.2 and graphene 2.0.1. Any help would be much appreciated.

Did you add this to your installed apps?
the error says that cookbook has no attribute schema.
Therefore the import cookbook.schema is not working in your
the example says
import cookbook.ingredients.schema

I actually had incompatible versions of Django, Graphene and Django-environ.
To solve, I made a virtualenv using mkvirtualenv. After that, I was able to follow this tutorial without any issues. It is capable of being stood up without a virtual environment, but it was far easier to just define one and get moving with a clean slate.


Why django-rest-auth SocialLoginView is not working? here is the official docs about social login in django-rest-auth. they say the way to make the LoginView(GithubLogin, FacebookLogin, etc..) inheriting SocialLoginView like this.
from allauth.socialaccount.providers.github.views import GitHubOAuth2Adapter
from allauth.socialaccount.providers.oauth2.client import OAuth2Client
from rest_auth.registration.views import SocialLoginView
class GithubLogin(SocialLoginView):
adapter_class = GitHubOAuth2Adapter
client_class = OAuth2Client
but when i try to access the url with this as as.view(), they always say
"non_field_errors": [
"View is not defined, pass it as a context variable"
I tried the best. I have been suffering it for a few days. plz anybody save my life..
What's wrong with it? I've searched a lots but there wasn't any good answer for me.
So I've done a little digging and I discovered the problem.
The django-rest-auth package is no longer maintained and thus does not support modern versions of django rest framework. At the time of this post, up to version 3.10.3 of DRF is verified to work and I can verify that version 3.12.1 (and presumably onward) does not.
It looks like the project has been forked to dj-rest-auth and is receiving further support there. I would recommend migrating to that package.
You can read more about the decision to stop maintenance and fork to a new repository here.

Import Django models from outside the project

I'm working on an app which uses two tables from different databases.I manage to make the connection and make the tables structures in, but now one I change the file, I copy one of the tables in another python script, and I put the file elsewhere for other people to use it.My question it is possible in Django to import a model from outside the project? or the package?
The App is called banner_manager and in I want to import a model called user from another project called django_models
when I try to import like this:
from ....models_django import it's the class "user" defined) it says: ValueError: Attempted relative import beyond top-level package
You can add this directory to PYTHONPATH for example:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/var/python/your-libs
And then just import package as normal:
import models_django

"No module named" error when importing models from other apps

I'm trying to import a model from another app.
I have a folder named "apps" where all my applications live.
so in the of app2, i have the line:
from apps.app1.models import Book
but for some reason, i get the "No module named app1.models" error.
I'm using django1.9 if that matters.
Any advice?
I think from ..app1.models import Book will help you. It's a var of relative path to import.

Trouble importing function from one to another app in django

I have two apps login and someother
I am trying to import a function like
From login.views import save
But getting ImportError: No module named views
I found the answer to my question.
Here it is.
My app name was "login" and have in the same.
when i tried to import feature using
from login import feature
IDE was not showing any issues. intellisense was working fine.
but when i tried to runserver it thrown ImportError: No module named feature.
and as soon as i changed login to extended_login it worked.
So i think some Keywords are not acceptable as app names or there is already a (system) app named with that keywords which actually do not have a module you trying to import.

Using django-discover-runner without database

I'm trying to use django-discover-runner to test my app. It's basically a WebService frontend, so it doesn't include a database, and, apparently, django-discover-runner doesn't like that.
Looking in other questions, I've seen that with plain Django, I should inherit from DjangoTestSuiteRunner and set settings.TEST_RUNNER. It works fine. But django-discover-runner uses its own discover_runner.DiscoverRunner class, so I tried this:
from discover_runner import DiscoverRunner
class DBLessTestRunner(DiscoverRunner):
def setup_databases(self):
def teardown_databases(self, *args):
But it doesn't work. I get this error message:
ImproperlyConfigured: settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. Please supply the ENGINE value. Check settings documentation for more details.
Any idea how to get django-discover-runner working without a DataBase?
In Django 1.6 the standard Django TestCase inherits from TransactionTestCase which attempts to access the database.
To fix the problem in your test class inherit from SimpleTestCase rather then TestCase:
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
class TestViews(SimpleTestCase):
You should now be able to run your tests with out setting up the database.