Enlarge find all references font size in Visual Studio 2017? - visual-studio-2017

So MS added the new style for "find all references", but now I cannot find how to change the font size of the "Code" column! I want it bigger, but when I change the Environment font it only affects the other columns (File, Project, etc.). Is there any way to increase the font size of the "Code" column?
If not - is there any (preferably free) extension available for VS2017 that will replace the new default find all references window?

I've found the solution!
Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors -> Show settings for
then choose Editor Tooltip and select the desired font and size.
This affects the tooltips as well as the find all references window!


How do I change the font color for keywords "for, if, return" in Visual Studio 2019 for C++?

I migrated from VS2017 to VS2019. One thing that I noticed in dark theme is that the keywords "for, if, return" are white in color. Before, they used to be blue.
I went to Environment -> Fonts and Colors. No matter what I change for the C++ fonts, these ones are always white. What display item should I be clicking to change them back to blue?
You can change the color for these keywords by going to
Tools -> Options.. -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors -> C++ Keyword - Control
and selecting the color of your choice.

Don't know how to change text colors in VS

Ok so basically I'm trying to change the color theme of the text editor for the code. I write in c++ and I saw a "palette" online that I really like : The colors I would like to apply somehow
But my text isn't like that and when I write comments it's green which I really don't like. Like this: The colors on my text editor
You can change the display colours (as well as fonts, sizes and many other characteristics) via the Options command from the Tools menu.
Select/Expand the Environment node in the left-hand panel of the displayed dialog box, then select Fonts and Colors. It should look something like this:
You can select colours for individual C/C++ syntax elements. by scrolling through the list in the Display Items list (there are quite a number of them).
Note: This is the system for Visual Studio 2019; other versions may be slightly different, but the general principle should hold true.
Alternatively, you may like to try the Visual Studio Color Theme Designer - but I don't use this and haven't tested it.

Is there a way for WebStorm to set different font sizes for different file types?

I am using WebStorm for both programming and blogging (I am using a static site generator).
I have set my font size to be small so that I can have a larger overview of the code file while programming.
However, when I write post for my blog, I prefer the font to be bigger to be easier on the eyes.
Is there a way to do this in WebStorm?
Not currently possible, please vote for IDEA-146471 to be notified on any progress with his feature.
But you can zoom the font in current editor tab. To zoom text using keyboard, you need to assign preferred shortcuts to Increase font size, Decrease font size and Reset font size actions in Preferences | Keymap | Editor Actions; to do the same using mouse, enable Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel option in Preferences | Editor | General and use Ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom

How to Set Icon in a Windows Application using Visual Studio

I want to add an icon to my application. I have added an icon resource. and its working file for the first icon. That means after I have compiled, the 16x16 icon of the exe file is same as the icon file used. but when the explorer window is zoomed to large icon size, then the icon of the exe file vanishes and another blank default icon is displayed.
How to set icon for large as well as small size display?
From your comments, it sounds like you have multiple icon files set for your project. That's not going to work the way you want, or at least it's the really hard way of doing it.
The simple way is to let the operating system handle it for you. Create a single icon file that contains multiple icon sizes. 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, and 256x256 are the minimum sizes needed for current versions of Windows, but you can certainly add more (like 24x24 or 128x128) to improve pixel fidelity at those sizes if desired.
You can use Visual Studio to create the icons. Opening an .ico file should automatically open its icon resource editor. But I personally find it difficult or cumbersome to use. I highly recommend using a third-party program like IcoFX to create your icons and push pixels around.

Visual Studio dialog editor not using square dimensions

So, I'm busy making a model viewer, I'm trying to get my dialog properly setup, and get my openGL view ports squared ( I'm using picture box controls for it ), one big problem. Visual studio doesn't allow me to set the the size manually, I can't see the actual pixel size. I can only see it in the bottom right corner of the screen but that's in dialog units not in pixel units and somehow that screw up terribly..
Look here for example, that selected thing should be a square according to visual studio, you can see in the bottom right corner it says "170 x 170" but you can clearly see it's nowhere near square, I can even test it by running my application, the openGL render gets squashed up and doesn't look right cause of the thing not being squared:
Because I can't set it by hand I can't get it right.. I've also tried opening/editing the .rc in other resource editors but visual studio saves it with it's own type of compression which makes any other tool unable to open the file, I've tried ResourceHacker, ResourceTuner, Restorator, XYExplorer and even the WinASM resource editor which I used for my previous model viewer, all are unable to open the file.
Does anybody have an idea or know about an option in visual studio so I can see it's width and height..? I can if I make a dialog in WinASM studio for example.. VisualStudio should support this.
The resource editor works in DLU ( Dialog Logical Unit), not in pixels.
see this other question (and links included) : MFC Dialog Size Question