Facebook Graph Not Getting All Photo Posts - facebook-graph-api

I'm trying to get all posts from a facebook page for the last two years. Access token is my own which has manage_pages, publish_pages, show_page_list.
The posts are there, they're moderately old early 2016, but, graph doesn't bring them back these older ones. They were scheduled posts, visibility=everyone and of 'photo' type. Any query on {page}\feed, {page}\photos, or {page}\posts yields only a couple of posts.
Facebook Insights Screenshot
Graph Explorer Output Screenshot
Does anyone know how to enumerate these posts with graph, or know of the reason why graph isn't reporting them using the get/feed and get/photos command?

These aren’t photos, they are posts.
shows the first post from your dashboard screenshot, “Andrew Smith - Malta”, just fine.
This is a share of a post onto your page only - the “original” is https://www.facebook.com/andrewmsmithart/photos/a.1533059820295875.1073741827.1533035286964995/1648921165376406/ But since that is not a photo uploaded by your page nor has your page tagged in it, naturally it doesn’t show when you request your page’s photos.
The object_id field of your page post refers the actual photo object.


How can I know if a post of a facebook page is an ad or not?

Are the ads in Facebook considered as posts , is there a way to distinguish organic
posts from Ads ?
Some type of ads like unpublished page posts are ads considered "posts".
Usually, non-serving posts on the Page are used to create ads in the News Feed that will not appear on your Page.
Visually, in the news feed, you see as "sponsored post".
Using the API (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.9/post), you can distinguish the posts using the field "is_published", that returns 'false' for page posts created as part of the Ad Creation process.
I hope it helped you.

How can I get 'highlighted post' information from my fb profile page in my ios5 app using facebook api?

I'm developing an app for iPhone(ios5), where I need the information of the posts I made highlighted in my facebook profile. Using facebook-graph api its possible to get all the data of user profile but is there any way I can get highlighted posts data ? For example I want to count and keep track of how many posts I highlighted in fb timeline.
You can use [pageid]?fields=posts.fields(timeline_visibility)
Each highlighted post will have timeline_visibility set to "starred"

How do I get all photos a fan page is tagged in with the Facebook Graph API?

I was able to write a PHP application which requests an access node for the admin of the FB Fan Page, and then requests an access node to gain access to the fan page itself.
I'm now able to get all photos that were posted to the timeline of the fan page by going to https://graph.facebook.com/GROUP_ID/tagged?access_token=...
However, I actually want the photos the fan page is tagged in. The above url only gives me the photos posted to the time line of the fan page, not the ones in which the page is tagged by other users. According to the developers documentation I could get these by going to https://graph.facebook.com/GROUP_ID/photos?access_token=...
Everything seemed to work this way. I got a photo in which the fan page was tagged (profile picture of the fan page). However, I don't get any other photos in which the fan page is tagged. I tried to tag the fan page in its own photos (posted and tagged by an admin of the fan page) and tagging the fan page in other people's photos, but I only get the one profile photo in which the fan page is tagged.
Is this a permission problem or something else?
When requesting the access tokens I asked for the following permissions:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Uploading photos to a Fan Page Album

I'm creating an Application to upload photos to an album on a Fan Page.
This all seams to work as long as I'm the administrator for that Fan Page using the "manage_pages" permissions... but whenever I try to upload it as a "regular" user it fails because the user doesn't have the administrator rights (which of course makes perfectly sense).
I just can't seem to find a solution to solve my problem and to allow people to upload photos to the Fan Page's Album without becoming an fan-page administrator.
I really hope someone can help me since I've been struggling a few days trying to get this to work.
Cheers, Dwight
Non-Admins are not allowed to post to a fan page's album. They can post a picture to the page's feed. The page's feed album is different than the admin album. I tested this out last week for a similar question asked on S/O.

Facebook graph API does not return all posts for user

I am trying to get all user posts through Facebook graph API. But never get all of it.
When I tried it through the path: "me/posts" (with param limit=5000), I get all of the posts that wrote by the user (like I wanted), but not before specific date. Mean, in this way I am not getting any of the posts before specific date (in my case it was not before 29/01/2011).
When I tried it through the path: "me/feed" (with param limit=5000), I get all kind of posts from my profile wall even posts that not the user wrote and posts from start of my Facebook (2007).
But, this result is missing some of my posts through time. When I roll in my old post on my profile page I can see many posts that I wrote but its not in the result.
When I tried it through the fql:
"SELECT post_id, actor_id, created_time, updated_time, action_links, permalink, message, action_links FROM stream WHERE source_id = me() LIMIT 5000"
I get the same result as when I tried with the path: "me/feed". And the same missing posts is missing.
Is anybody else had this problem too?
I am sorry that I wasn't clear enough. My interest is only on the posts that current user wrote, not on his friends posts. I know that sometimes I can get from Facebook only mixed posts - like when I ask for the path: "me/feed". But, my intention was to filter them on my server.
The posts that missing from the data (and I can see on my wall) is my post, not my friend's posts.
This could happen when your friends have set their privacy settings so that their posts aren't made available via the Facebook platform. That's probably why you are seeing the difference.