Where to clear unused fields: in model or in form? - django

Where should I clear unused data fields (for example set organization_name to empty string if the Contract model is not related to an organization but is a personal contract)?
Should I do it in model or in form/modelform?
I want to clear unused data fields, among other to ease comparison of equality of two model instances (so that erased field would be always compare equal).
Which method(s) should I override to do clearing unused data in it? Should I override Model.save() method?

That depends on your expected behavior and it is for you to choose.
For example, if you want to leave ability to create instance that will have organization_name set to non-empty string despite of being personal contract manually from console or some other interface, putting that logic into Model.save() method will prevent that.
But if you want to avoid that, Model.save() is best place for it. But don't depend on that 100%, there is always possibility that it will make it's way to database, unless you will check it on database level.


What is the most Django-appropriate way to combine multiple database columns into one model field?

I have several times come across a want to have a Django model field that comprises multiple database columns, and am wondering what the most Django way to do it would be.
Three use cases come specifically to mind.
I want to provide a field that wraps another field, keeping record of whether the wrapped field has been set or not. A use case for this particular field would be for dynamic configuration. A new configuration value is introduced, and a view marks itself as dependent upon a configuration value, redirecting if the value isn't set. Storing whether it's been set yet or not allows for easy indefinite caching of the state. This also lets the configuration value itself be not-nullable, and the application can ignore any value it might have when unset.
I want to provide a money field that combines a decimal (or integer) value, and a currency.
I want to provide a file field with a link to some manner of access rule to determine whether the request should include it/a request for it should succeed.
For each of the use cases, there exists a workaround, that in each case seems less elegant.
Define the configuration fields as nullable. This is undesirable for a few reasons: it removes the validity of NULL as a value for the configuration itself, so tristates and other use valid cases for NULL have to become a pair of fields or a different data type, or an edge case; null=True on the fields allows them to be set back to None in modelforms and the admin without writing a custom FormField for them every time; and every nullable column in a database is arguably bad design.
Define the field as a subclass of DecimalField with an argument accepting a string, and use that to contribute another field to the model. (This is what django-money does). Again, this is undesirable: fields are appearing "as if by magic" on the model; and configuring the currency field becomes not obvious.
Define the combined file+rule field instead as an entire model, and one-to-one to it from the model where you want to have the field. This is a solution to all use cases, but again comes with downsides: there's an extra JOIN required for every instance of the field - one can imagine a User with profile_picture, cv, passport, private_key etc.; there's an implicit requirement to .select_related(*fields) on every query that would ever want to access the fields; and the layout of the related model is going to have cold data interleaved with hot data all over the place given that it's reused everywhere.
In addition to solution 3., there's also the option to define a mixin factory that produces the multiple fields with matching names and whatever desired properties and methods. Again this isn't perfect because the user ends up with fields being defined in the model body, but also above that in the inheritance list.
I think the main reason this keeps sending me in circles is because custom Django model fields are always defined in terms of a single base field, because it's done by inheritance.
What is the accepted way to achieve this end?

unique=True gives already exist! Even if interchanging the values of two objects

To display objects (members) in particular order, I have made a field, order:
order = models.IntegerField(unique=True,null=True,blank=True)
so that I can do an .order_by('order') to get the required order.
In Django Admin, the table has only two objects with order 0,1. If I want to interchange it by 1,0 I get an error:
About us with this Order already exists
For ease of using Django admin, is there a better method to achieve the above?
You can remove unique=True and add a custom action to reorder objects. In this form, Django admin applies each object in a separate transaction and it causes this error. You may override the update function of your admin class and do all changes in a bulk-update transaction like this. But I don't recommend it. Because you may make a mistake in the future and want to edit other fields and this line makes a bug.

Synchronized Model instances in Django

I'm building a model for a Django project (my first Django project) and noticed
that instances of a Django model are not synchronized.
a_note = Notes.objects.create(message="Hello") # pk=1
same_note = Notes.objects.get(pk=1)
same_note.message = "Good day"
a_note.message # Still is "Hello"
a_note is same_note # False
Is there a built-in way to make model instances with the same primary key to be
the same object? If yes, (how) does this maintain a globally consistent state of all
model objects, even in the case of bulk updates or changing foreign keys
and thus making items enter/exit related sets?
I can imagine some sort of registry in the model class, which could at least handle simple cases (i.e. it would fail in cases of bulk updates or a change in foreign keys). However, the static registry makes testing more difficult.
I intend to build the (domain) model with high-level functions to do complex
operations which go beyond the simple CRUD
actions of Django's Model class. (Some classes of my model have an instance
of a Django Model subclass, as opposed to being an instance of subclass. This
is by design to prevent direct access to the database which might break consistencies and to separate the business logic from the purely data access related Django Model.) A complex operation might touch and modify several components. As a developer
using the model API, it's impossible to know which components are out of date after
calling a complex operation. Automatically synchronized instances would mitigate this issue. Are there other ways to overcome this?
TL;DR "Is there a built-in way to make model instances with the same primary key to be the same object?" No.
A python object in memory isn't the same thing as a row in your database. So when you create a_note and then fetch same_note from the db, those are two different objects in memory, even though they are the same representation of the underlying row in your database. When you fetch same_note, in fact, you instantiate a new Notes object and initialise it with the values fetched from the database.
Then you change and save same_note, but the a_note object in memory isn't changed. If you did a_note.refresh_from_db() you would see that a_note.message was changed.
Now a_note is same_note will always be False because the location in memory of these two objects will always be different. Two variables are the same (is is True) if they point to the same object in memory.
But a_note == same_note will return True at any time, since Django defines two model instances to be equal if their pk is the same.
Note that if the complexity you're talking about is that in the case of multiple requests one request might change underlying values that are being used by another request, then use F to avoid race conditions.
Within one request, since everything is sequential and single threaded, there's not risk of variables going out of sync: You know the order in which things are done and therefore can always call refresh_from_db() when you know a previous method call might have changed the database value.
Note also: Having two variables holding the same row means you'll have performed two queries to your db, which is the one thing you want to avoid at all cost. So you should think why you have this situation in the first place.

django save instance between parent and child model class

I came across this problem on form save the data needs to be persisted somewhere then go through a payment process then on success retrieve the data and save to the proper model.
I have seen this done using session, but with some hacky way to persist file uploads when commit=False and it doesn't seem very pythonic
I am thinking if I have a model class A, and have a child class extending A, such as A_Temp
class A(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_lenght=25)
image = models.ImageField()
class A_Temp(A):
class AForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = A_Temp
On model form (A_Temp) save, it stores to A_Temp, and when payment successful, it move the instance to the parent model class A.
Here are the questions:
Has anyone done this before?
How to properly move an instance of a child model class to the parent model class?
There are other different ways to do it, such as adding extra fields to the table, yes I would've done that if I am using PHP without a ORM framework, but since the ORM is pretty decent in django, I thought that I might trial something different.
Since I am asking here, means I am not convinced myself about this approach as well. What are your thoughts?
As suggested in the question comments, adding an extra field to your model containing payment state may be the easiest approach. Conceptually it's the same object, it's just that the state changes once payment has been made. As you've indicated, you will need logic to purge out items from your database which never proceed through the required states such as payment. This may involve adding both a payment_state and state_change_time field to your model which indicates when the state last changed. If the state is PAYMENT_PENDING for for too long, that record could be purged.
If you take the approach that unpaid items are stored in a different table as you've suggested, you still have to manage that table to determine when it's safe to delete items. For example, if a payment is never processed, when will you delete record from the A_temp table? Also, having a separate table means that you really only have two states possible, paid and unpaid as determine by the table in which the record occurs. Having a single table with a payment_state may be more flexible in that it allows you to extend the state as required. eg. Let's say you decide you need the payment states ITEM_SUBMITTED, AWAITING_PAYMENT, PAYMENT_ACCEPTED, PAYMENT_REJECTED. This could all be implemented with a single state field. If this was implemented as you've described, you'd need a separate table for each state.
Having said all that, if you're still set on having a separate table structure, you can create a function which will copy the values from an instance of A_temp to A. Something like the following may work, but any relationship type fields such as ForeignKey are likely to require special attention.
def copy_A_temp_to_A(a, a_temp):
for field_name in a._meta.fields:
value = getattr(a, field_name)
setattr(a_temp, field_name, value)
When you need to do the move from A_temp to A, you'd have to instantiate an A instance, then call the copy function, save the instance and delete the A_temp instance from the database.

How to modify a queryset and save it as new objects?

I need to query for a set of objects for a particular Model, change a single attribute/column ("account"), and then save the entire queryset's objects as new objects/rows. In other words, I want to duplicate the objects, with a single attribute ("account") changed on the duplicates. I'm basically creating a new account and then going through each model and copying a previous account's objects to the new account, so I'll be doing this repeatedly, with different models, probably using django shell. How should I approach this? Can it be done at the queryset level or do I need to loop through all the objects?
# Now I need to set account = "acct_2" for the entire queryset,
# and save as new rows in the database
From the docs:
If the object’s primary key attribute is not set, or if it’s set but a
record doesn’t exist, Django executes an INSERT.
So if you set the id or pk to None it should work, but I've seen conflicting responses to this solution on SO: Duplicating model instances and their related objects in Django / Algorithm for recusrively duplicating an object
This solution should work (thanks #JoshSmeaton for the fix):
models = MyModel.objects.filter(account="acct_1")
for model in models:
model.id = None
model.account = "acct_2"
I think in my case, I have a OneToOneField on the model that I'm testing on, so it makes sense that my test wouldn't work with this basic solution. But, I believe it should work, so long as you take care of OneToOneField's.