std::async analogue for specified thread - c++

I need to work with several objects, where each operation may take a lot of time.
The processing could not be placed in a GUI (main) thread, where I start it.
I need to make all the communications with some objects on asynchronous operations, something similar to std::async with std::future or QtConcurrent::run() in my main framework (Qt 5), with QFuture, etc., but it doesn't provide thread selection. I need to work with a selected object (objects == devices) in only one additional thread always,
I need to make a universal solution and don't want to make each class thread-safe
For example, even if make a thread-safe container for QSerialPort, Serial port in Qt cannot be accessed in more than one thread:
Note: The serial port is always opened with exclusive access (that is, no other process or thread can access an already opened serial port).
Usually a communication with a device consists of transmit a command and receive an answer. I want to process each Answer exactly in the place where Request was sent and don't want to use event-driven-only logic.
So, my question.
How can the function be implemented?
MyFuture<T> fut = myAsyncStart(func, &specificLiveThread);
It is necessary that one live thread can be passed many times.

Let me answer without referencing to Qt library since I don't know its threading API.
In C++11 standard library there is no straightforward way to reuse created thread. Thread executes single function and can be only joined or detachted. However, you can implement it with producer-consumer pattern. The consumer thread needs to execute tasks (represented as std::function objects for instance) which are placed in queue by producer thread. So if I am correct you need a single threaded thread pool.
I can recommend my C++14 implementation of thread pools as tasks queues. It isn't commonly used (yet!) but it is covered with unit tests and checked with thread sanitizer multiple times. The documentation is sparse but feel free to ask anything in github issues!
Library repository:
And your use case:
#include <task_queues.hpp>
int main() {
// The single threaded task queue object - creates one additional thread.
concurrent::n_threaded_fifo_task_queue queue(1);
// Add tasks to queue, task is executed in created thread.
std::future<int> future_result = queue.push_with_result([] { return 4; });
// Blocks until task is completed.
int result = future_result.get();
// Executes task on the same thread as before.
std::future<int> second_future_result = queue.push_with_result([] { return 4; });

If you want to follow the Active Object approach here is an example using templates:
The WorkPackage and it's interface are just for storing functions of different return type in a vector (see later in the ActiveObject::async member function):
class IWorkPackage {
virtual void execute() = 0;
virtual ~IWorkPackage() {
template <typename R>
class WorkPackage : public IWorkPackage{
std::packaged_task<R()> task;
WorkPackage(std::packaged_task<R()> t) : task(std::move(t)) {
void execute() final {
std::future<R> get_future() {
return task.get_future();
Here's the ActiveObject class which expects your devices as a template. Furthermore it has a vector to store the method requests of the device and a thread to execute those methods one after another. Finally the async function is used to request a method call from the device:
template <typename Device>
class ActiveObject {
Device servant;
std::thread worker;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IWorkPackage>> work_queue;
std::atomic<bool> done;
std::mutex queue_mutex;
std::condition_variable cv;
void worker_thread() {
while(done.load() == false) {
std::unique_ptr<IWorkPackage> wp;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck {queue_mutex};
cv.wait(lck, [this] {return !work_queue.empty() || done.load() == true;});
if(done.load() == true) continue;
wp = std::move(work_queue.back());
if(wp) wp->execute();
ActiveObject(): done(false) {
worker = std::thread {&ActiveObject::worker_thread, this};
~ActiveObject() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck{queue_mutex};;
template<typename R, typename ...Args, typename ...Params>
std::future<R> async(R (Device::*function)(Params...), Args... args) {
std::unique_ptr<WorkPackage<R>> wp {new WorkPackage<R> {std::packaged_task<R()> { std::bind(function, &servant, args...) }}};
std::future<R> fut = wp->get_future();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck{queue_mutex};
return fut;
// In case you want to call some functions directly on the device
Device* operator->() {
return &servant;
You can use it as follows:
ActiveObject<QSerialPort> ao_serial_port;
// direct call:
//async call:
std::future<void> buf_future = ao_serial_port.async(&QSerialPort::setReadBufferSize, size);
std::future<Parity> parity_future = ao_serial_port.async(&QSerialPort::parity);
// Maybe do some other work here
buf_future.get(); // wait until calculations are ready
Parity p = parity_future.get(); // blocks if result not ready yet, i.e. if method has not finished execution yet
EDIT to answer the question in the comments: The AO is mainly a concurrency pattern for multiple reader/writer. As always, its use depends on the situation. And so this pattern is commonly used in distributed systems/network applications, for example when multiple clients request a service from a server. The clients benefit from the AO pattern as they are not blocked, when waiting for the server to answer.
One reason why this pattern is not used so often in fields other then network apps might be the thread overhead. When creating a thread for every active object results in a lot of threads and thus thread contention if the number of CPUs is low and many active objects are used at once.
I can only guess why people think it is a strange issue: As you already found out it does require some additional programming. Maybe that's the reason but I'm not sure.
But I think the pattern is also very useful for other reasons and uses. As for your example, where the main thread (and also other background threads) require a service from singletons, for example some devices or hardware interfaces, which are only availabale in a low number, slow in their computations and require concurrent access, without being blocked waiting for a result.

It's Qt. It's signal-slot mechanism is thread-aware. On your secondary (non-GUI) thread, create a QObject-derived class with an execute slot. Signals connected to this slot will marshal the event to that thread.
Note that this QObject can't be a child of a GUI object, since children need to live in their parents thread, and this object explicitly does not live in the GUI thread.
You can handle the result using existing std::promise logic, just like std::future does.


Ensuring that only one instance of a function is running?

I'm just getting into concurrent programming. Most probably my issue is very common, but since I can't find a good name for it, I can't google it.
I have a C++ UWP application where I try to apply MVVM pattern, but I guess that the pattern or even being UWP is not relevant.
First, I have a service interface that exposes an operation:
struct IService
virtual task<int> Operation() = 0;
Of course, I provide a concrete implementation, but it is not relevant for this discussion. The operation is potentially long-running: it makes an HTTP request.
Then I have a class that uses the service (again, irrelevant details omitted):
class ViewModel
unique_ptr<IService> service;
task<void> Refresh();
I use coroutines:
task<void> ViewModel::Refresh()
auto result = co_await service->Operation();
// use result to update UI
The Refresh function is invoked on timer every minute, or in response to a user request. What I want is: if a Refresh operation is already in progress when a new one is started or requested, then abandon the second one and just wait for the first one to finish (or time out). In other words, I don't want to queue all the calls to Refresh - if a call is already in progress, I prefer to skip a call until the next timer tick.
My attempt (probably very naive) was:
mutex refresh;
task<void> ViewModel::Refresh()
unique_lock<mutex> lock(refresh, try_to_lock);
if (!lock)
// lock.release(); commented out as harmless but useless => irrelevant
auto result = co_await service->Operation();
// use result to update UI
Edit after the original post: I commented out the line in the code snippet above, as it makes no difference. The issue is still the same.
But of course an assertion fails: unlock of unowned mutex. I guess that the problem is the unlock of mutex by unique_lock destructor, which happens in the continuation of the coroutine and on a different thread (other than the one it was originally locked on).
Using Visual C++ 2017.
use std::atomic_bool:
std::atomic_bool isRunning = false;
if (, std::memory_order_acq_rel) == false){
auto result = co_await Refresh();, std::memory_order_release);
//use result
catch(...){, std::memory_order_release);
Two possible improvements : wrap in a RAII class and use std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_bool> if the lifetime if the atomic_bool is scoped.

c++11 shared_ptr using in multi-threads

Recently I'm thinking a high performance event-driven multi-threads framework using c++11. And it mainly takes c++11 facilities such as std::thread, std::condition_variable, std::mutex, std::shared_ptr etc into consideration. In general, this framework has three basic components: job, worker and streamline, well, it seems to be a real factory. When user construct his business model in server end, he just needs to consider the data and its processor. Once the model is established, user only needs to construct data class inherited job and processor class inherited worker.
For example:
class Data : public job {};
class Processsor : public worker {};
When server get data, it just new a Data object through auto data = std::make_shared<Data>() in the data source callback thread and call the streamline. job_dispatch to transfer the processor and data to other thread. Of course user doesn't have to think to free memory. The streamline. job_dispatch mainly do below stuff:
void evd_thread_pool::job_dispatch(std::shared_ptr<evd_thread_job> job) {
auto task = std::make_shared<evd_task_wrap>(job);
task->worker = streamline.worker;
// worker has been registered in streamline first of all
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(streamline.mutex);
The evd_task_wrap used in the job_dispatch defined as:
struct evd_task_wrap {
std::shared_ptr<evd_thread_job> order;
std::shared_ptr<evd_thread_processor> worker;
evd_task_wrap(std::shared_ptr<evd_thread_job>& o)
:order(o) {}
Finally the task_wrap will be dispatched into the processing thread through task_list that is a std::list object. And the processing thread mainly do the stuff as:
void evd_factory_impl::thread_proc() {
std::shared_ptr<evd_task_wrap> wrap = nullptr;
while (true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(streamline.mutex);
if (streamline.task_list.empty()),
[&]()->bool{return !streamline.task_list.empty();});
wrap = std::move(streamline.task_list.front());
if (-1 == wrap->order->get_type())
But I don't know why the process will often crash in the thread_proc function. And the coredump prompt that sometimes the wrap is a empty shared_ptr or segment fault happened in _Sp_counted_ptr_inplace::_M_dispose that is called in wrap.reset(). And I supposed the shared_ptr has the thread synchronous problem in this scenario while I know the control block in shared_ptr is thread-safety. And of course the shared_ptr in job_dispatch and thread_proc is different shared_ptr object even though they point to the same storage. Does anyone has more specific suggestion on how to solve this problem? Or if there exists similar lightweight framework with automatic memory management using c++11
The example of process_task such as:
void log_handle::process_task(std::shared_ptr<crx::evd_thread_job> job) {
auto j = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<log_job>(job);
j->log->Printf(0, j->print_str.c_str());
write(STDOUT_FILENO, j->print_str.c_str(), j->print_str.size());
class log_factory {
log_factory(const std::string& name);
virtual ~log_factory();
void print_ts(const char *format, ...) { //here dispatch the job
char log_buf[4096] = {0};
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vsprintf(log_buf, format, args);
auto job = std::make_shared<log_job>(log_buf, &m_log);
E15_Log m_log;
std::shared_ptr<log_handle> m_log_handle;
crx::evd_thread_pool m_log_th;
I detected a problem in your code, which may or may not be related:
You use notify_all from your condition variable. That will awaken ALL threads from sleep. It is OK if you wrap your wait in a while loop, like:
while (streamline.task_list.empty()), [&]()->bool{return !streamline.task_list.empty();});
But since you are using an if, all threads leave the wait. If you dispatch a single product and having several consumer threads, all but one thread will call wrap = std::move(streamline.task_list.front()); while the tasklist is empty and cause UB.

How to use C++11 <thread> designing a system which pulls data from sources

This question comes from:
C++11 thread doesn't work with virtual member function
As suggested in a comment, my question in previous post may not the right one to ask, so here is the original question:
I want to make a capturing system, which will query a few sources in a constant/dynamic frequency (varies by sources, say 10 times / sec), and pull data to each's queues. while the sources are not fixed, they may add/remove during run time.
and there is a monitor which pulls from queues at a constant freq and display the data.
So what is the best design pattern or structure for this problem.
I'm trying to make a list for all the sources pullers, and each puller holds a thread, and a specified pulling function (somehow the pulling function may interact with the puller, say if the source is drain, it will ask to stop the pulling process on that thread.)
Unless the operation where you query a source is blocking (or you have lots of them), you don't need to use threads for this. We could start with a Producer which will work with either synchronous or asynchronous (threaded) dispatch:
template <typename OutputType>
class Producer
std::list<OutputType> output;
int poll_interval; // seconds? milliseconds?
virtual OutputType query() = 0;
virtual ~Producer();
int next_poll_interval() const { return poll_interval; }
void poll() { output.push_back(this->query()); }
std::size_t size() { return output.size(); }
// whatever accessors you need for the queue here:
// pop_front, swap entire list, etc.
Now we can derive from this Producer and just implement the query method in each subtype. You can set poll_interval in the constructor and leave it alone, or change it on every call to query. There's your general producer component, with no dependency on the dispatch mechanism.
template <typename OutputType>
class ThreadDispatcher
Producer<OutputType> *producer;
bool shutdown;
std::thread thread;
static void loop(ThreadDispatcher *self)
Producer<OutputType> *producer = self->producer;
while (!self->shutdown)
// some mechanism to pass the produced values back to the owner
auto delay = // assume millis for sake of argument
explicit ThreadDispatcher(Producer<OutputType> *p)
: producer(p), shutdown(false), thread(loop, this)
shutdown = true;
// again, the accessors you need for reading produced values go here
// Producer::output isn't synchronised, so you can't expose it directly
// to the calling thread
This is a quick sketch of a simple dispatcher that would run your producer in a thread, polling it however often you ask it to. Note that passing produced values back to the owner isn't shown, because I don't know how you want to access them.
Also note I haven't synchronized access to the shutdown flag - it should probably be atomic, but it might be implicitly synchronized by whatever you choose to do with the produced values.
With this organization, it'd also be easy to write a synchronous dispatcher to query multiple producers in a single thread, for example from a select/poll loop, or using something like Boost.Asio and a deadline timer per producer.

A multi-threaded writer: concurrency issues using cpp

I am trying to build a library that would write to a single file, and would be able to work in a multi-threaded environment. The requirements are:
No concurrency problems will occur while writing to the file.
The order in which threads are handled is not important.
The library should be non blocking, i.e. the write and flush functions will return before the given buffer had been written.
Here's what I have so far:
int write2device(char *buffer, int length) {
Task * task = new Task(id++,buffer,length);
pthread_t * thread = new pthread_t;
Argument * arg = new Argument; //A sturct with pthread_t and task fields
arg->task = task;
arg->thread = thread;
return 0;
void wait(Argument * arg) {
//manager is a singleton class that handles the threads database and related
manager->lock(arg->task->getId()); //mutex - only one thread can write
void * deamonWrite(void * arg) {
Argument * temp = (Argument *) arg;
//critical section
//will add signal() later
return NULL;
The idea is that for every thread calling write2device I open a thread that runs deamonWrite(). This function has the structure of wait() -> critical section -> signal().
In wait, if someone else is writing I will (haven't done yet) suspend the thread so that the user won't wait till it's done writing.
I have two questions:
How do I implement the mutex (lock function)? I understand that This must be an atomic function, sense several threads trying to acquire a lock might result in chaos.
Is my general structure in the right way?
I am new to concurrency and would appreciate any thoughts on this matter - thanks!
Push the Task structures to a queue/vector and process them sequentially from a single thread instead of multiple threads for each task individually. The only place where you'll need a mutex is when pushing to and pulling from the queue. As Ben correctly noted in the comments, you should leave the implementation of thread synchronization primitives (mutex, critical section) to the OS and/or whatever system API you're allowed to use.

boost asio asynchronously waiting on a condition variable

Is it possible to perform an asynchronous wait (read : non-blocking) on a conditional variable in boost::asio ? if it isn't directly supported any hints on implementing it would be appreciated.
I could implement a timer and fire a wakeup even every few ms, but this is approach is vastly inferior, I find it hard to believe that condition variable synchronization is not implemented / documented.
If I understand the intent correctly, you want to launch an event handler, when some condition variable is signaled, in context of asio thread pool? I think it would be sufficient to wait on the condition variable in the beginning of the handler, and io_service::post() itself back in the pool in the end, something of this sort:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
boost::asio::io_service io;
boost::mutex mx;
boost::condition_variable cv;
void handler()
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lk(mx);
std::cout << "handler awakened\n";;
void buzzer()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk(mx);
int main()
boost::thread bt(buzzer);;
I can suggest solution based on boost::asio::deadline_timer which works fine for me. This is kind of async event in boost::asio environment.
One very important thing is that the 'handler' must be serialised through the same 'strand_' as 'cancel', because using 'boost::asio::deadline_timer' from multiple threads is not thread safe.
class async_event
boost::asio::io_service& io_service,
boost::asio::strand<boost::asio::io_context::executor_type>& strand)
: strand_(strand)
, deadline_timer_(io_service, boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::posix_time::pos_infin))
// 'handler' must be serialised through the same 'strand_' as 'cancel' or 'cancel_one'
// because using 'boost::asio::deadline_timer' from multiple threads is not thread safe
template<class WaitHandler>
void async_wait(WaitHandler&& handler) {
void async_notify_one() {
boost::asio::post(strand_, boost::bind(&async_event::async_notify_one_serialized, this));
void async_notify_all() {
boost::asio::post(strand_, boost::bind(&async_event::async_notify_all_serialized, this));
void async_notify_one_serialized() {
void async_notify_all_serialized() {
boost::asio::strand<boost::asio::io_context::executor_type>& strand_;
boost::asio::deadline_timer deadline_timer_;
Unfortunately, Boost ASIO doesn't have an async_wait_for_condvar() method.
In most cases, you also won't need it. Programming the ASIO way usually means, that you use strands, not mutexes or condition variables, to protect shared resources. Except for rare cases, which usually focus around correct construction or destruction order at startup and exit, you won't need mutexes or condition variables at all.
When modifying a shared resource, the classic, partially synchronous threaded way is as follows:
Lock the mutex protecting the resource
Update whatever needs to be updated
Signal a condition variable, if further processing by a waiting thread is required
Unlock the mutex
The fully asynchronous ASIO way is though:
Generate a message, that contains everything, that is needed to update the resource
Post a call to an update handler with that message to the resource's strand
If further processing is needed, let that update handler create further message(s) and post them to the apropriate resources' strands.
If jobs can be executed on fully private data, then post them directly to the io-context instead.
Here is an example of a class some_shared_resource, that receives a string state and triggers some further processing depending on the state received. Please note, that all processing in the private method some_shared_resource::receive_state() is fully thread-safe, as the strand serializes all calls.
Of course, the example is not complete; some_other_resource needs a similiar send_code_red() method as some_shared_ressource::send_state().
#include <boost/asio>
#include <memory>
using asio_context = boost::asio::io_context;
using asio_executor_type = asio_context::executor_type;
using asio_strand = boost::asio::strand<asio_executor_type>;
class some_other_resource;
class some_shared_resource : public std::enable_shared_from_this<some_shared_resource> {
asio_strand strand;
std::shared_ptr<some_other_resource> other;
std::string state;
void receive_state(std::string&& new_state) {
std::string oldstate = std::exchange(state, new_state);
if(state == "red" && oldstate != "red") {
// state transition to "red":
} else if(state != "red" && oldstate == "red") {
// state transition from "red":
some_shared_resource(asio_context& ctx, const std::shared_ptr<some_other_resource>& other)
: strand(ctx.get_executor()), other(other) {}
void send_state(std::string&& new_state) {
boost::asio::post(strand, [me = weak_from_this(), new_state = std::move(new_state)]() mutable {
if(auto self = me.lock(); self) {
As you see, posting always into ASIO's strands can be a bit tedious at first. But you can move most of that "equip a class with a strand" code into a template.
The good thing about message passing: As you are not using mutexes, you cannot deadlock yourself anymore, even in extreme situations. Also, using message passing, it is often easier to create a high level of parallelity than with classical multithreading. On the downside, moving and copying around all these message objects is time consuming, which can slow down your application.
A last note: Using the weak pointer in the message formed by send_state() facilitates the reliable destruction of some_shared_resource objects: Otherwise, if A calls B and B calls C and C calls A (possibly only after a timeout or similiar), using shared pointers instead of weak pointers in the messages would create cyclic references, which then prevents object destruction. If you are sure, that you never will have cycles, and that processing messages from to-be-deleted objects doesn't pose a problem, you can use shared_from_this() instead of weak_from_this(), of course. If you are sure, that objects won't get deleted before ASIO has been stopped (and all working threads been joined back to the main thread), then you can also directly capture the this pointer instead.
FWIW, I implemented an asynchronous mutex using the rather good continuable library:
class async_mutex
cti::continuable<> tail_{cti::make_ready_continuable()};
std::mutex mutex_;
async_mutex() = default;
async_mutex(const async_mutex&) = delete;
const async_mutex& operator=(const async_mutex&) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] cti::continuable<std::shared_ptr<int>> lock()
std::shared_ptr<int> result;
cti::continuable<> tail = cti::make_continuable<void>(
[&result](auto&& promise) {
result = std::shared_ptr<int>((int*)1,
[promise = std::move(promise)](auto) mutable {
std::lock_guard _{mutex_};
std::swap(tail, tail_);
co_await std::move(tail);
co_return result;
usage eg:
async_mutex mutex;
const auto _ = co_await mutex.lock();
// only one lock per mutex-instance